60 research outputs found

    Transport network, joint regional planning and development

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    La dinámica de las redes de transporte se muestra hoy como uno de los rasgos más significativos en relación con los cambios derivados de la globalización y las nuevas aplicaciones conceptuales y tecnológicas introducidas en la industria del transporte. La gestión de dichas redes y la implementación de modelos logísticos más eficientes, permiten la utilización de sus potencialidades derivadas en lo concerniente al diseño de políticas de articulación territorial en diferentes escenarios del mundo, así como su empleo como valiosos instrumentos al servicio del desarrollo regional en sus diferentes escalas espaciales.The dynamics of transport networks shows today as one of the most significant features in relation to the changes brought about by globalization and new conceptual and technological applications introduced in the transportation industry. The management of such networks and the implementation of more efficient logistic models, allowing the use of their potentials derived with regard to joint design of territorial policies in different stages of the world, as well as their use as valuable tools in the service of regional development different spatial scales

    El complejo karstico-yesifero subterráneo "Pedro Fernández" (Estremera, provincia de Madrid)

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    [Resumen] Se han analizado los factores originales de este morfosistema kárstico subterraneo, detallan do los procesos responsables de su génesis, así como la morfolmgía interior. Diferenciando los tipos de galerias y su evolución. Al mismo tiempo, se aportan determinadas consideraciones acerca de la sedimentación interior de la cavidad, su tipología e interpretación de su significado[Resumé] On a analysé les facteurs qui ont originé ce morphosysthéme karstique souterrain, en detallant le procesus responsable de leur genére, ainsi que leur morphilogie intérieure. En distinguant les types de galeries et leur évolution. Eu méme temps, on apporte certaines considerations données á propos de la sédimentation, sa typologie et interprétation de sa signification

    La experiencia de international airlines group y sus repercusiones para Iberia

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    El inacabado proceso de fusión de British Airways e Iberia en el consorcio International Airlines Group (AIG), se inicia en enero de 2011 e incluye hoy a la compañía Vueling e Iberia Express. IAG Se configura como el tercer grupo aeronáutico más importante de Europa y sexto a nivel mundial si se tiene en cuenta el ranking de ingresos, habiendo transportado en el último año 69 millones de pasajeros, disponiendo de 230 destinos con una flota de 377 aeronaves. La fusión entre British Airways e Iberia, que tiene como plazo de finalización a 2016, presenta una acusada disimetría en sus planteamientos tanto como en la forma de regir y planificar la vida operativa de ambas unidades, hecho que está siendo fuertemente contestado desde diversas instancias como lobbies políticos, analistas e investigadores, medios sindicales, inversionistas o plataformas de afectados. En suma, todo un cúmulo de despropósitos y efectos negativos para Iberia una vez producida está primera fase de fusión en el holding IAG. En el trabajo se hace una valoración crítica de todo el proceso y lo que resta de la consecución del mismo, así como de las cláusulas de salvaguarda incumplidas y de otras tantas prácticas que en este momento están siendo denunciadas en los tribunales.The unfinished fusion process between British Airways and Iberia into the society International Airlines Group (IAG), begin since february of 2011 including at present day Vueling and Iberia Express Airlines. IAG are set up like third air ensemble the most important of Europe and sixth in global level according to income ranking, transporting last year 69 millions of passengers, disposing 230 places of destination and a fleet with 377 planes. British Airways-Iberia fusion, has a main term for finalisation 2016, presenting a deep dissymmetry on strategic approaches as much the general regulatory framework for their activities and planning applied on operating live in both airlines, with wrong answer by political lobbies, analysts and researchers, workers unions, investors and affected platforms. In summary, there is a host of absolute nonsense and negative effects by Iberia since first fusion phase in IAG holding. The aim of this paper is to make a critical appraisal for all process and the rest of the setup process, such us broken safeguard clauses and many practices denounced just now on the spanish courts.Grupo de Transporte Aéreo - Grupo de Ingeniería Aplicada a la Industri

    Reliability of IBM’s Public Quantum Computers

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    One of the challenges of the current ecosystem of quantum computers (QC) is the stabilization of the coherence associated with the entanglement of the states of their inner qubits. In this empirical study, we monitor the reliability of IBM’s public-access QCs network on a daily basis. Each of these state-of-the-art machines has a totally different qubit association, and this entails that for a given (same) input program, they may output a different set of probabilities for the assembly of results (including both the right and the wrong ones). Although we focus on the computing structure provided by the “Big Blue” company, our survey can be easily transferred to other currently available quantum mainframes. In more detail, we probe these quantum processors with an ad hoc designed computationally demanding quaternary search algorithm. As stated, this quantum program is executed every 24 hours (for nearly 100 days) and its goal is to put to the limit the operational capacity of this novel and genuine type of equipment. Next, we perform a comparative analysis of the obtained results according to the singularities of each computer and over the total number of executions. In addition, we subsequently apply (for 50 days) an improvement filtering to perform noise mitigation on the results obtained proposed by IBM. The Yorktown 5-qubit computer reaches noise filtering of up to 33% in one day, that is, a 90% confidence level is reached in the expected results. From our continuous and long-term tests, we derive that room still exists regarding the improvement of quantum calculators in order to guarantee enough confidence in the returned outcomes

    Different approaches to assess the environmental performance of a cow manure biogas plant

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    In intensive livestock production areas, farmers must apply manure management systems to comply with governmental regulations. Biogas plants, as a source of renewable energy, have the potential to reduce environmental impacts comparing with other manure management practices. Nevertheless, manure processing at biogas plants also incurs in non-desired gas emissions that should be considered. At present, available emission calculation methods cover partially emissions produced at a biogas plant, with the subsequent difficulty in the preparation of life cycle inventories. The objective of this study is to characterise gaseous emissions: ammonia (NH3-N), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2Oindirect, and N2Odirect) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) from the anaerobic co-digestion of cow manure by using different approaches for preparing gaseous emission inventories, and to compare the different methodologies used. The chosen scenario for the study is a biogas plant located next to a dairy farm in the North of Catalonia, Spain. Emissions were calculated by two methods: field measurements and estimation, following international guidelines. International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines were adapted to estimate emissions for the specific situation according to Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 approaches. Total air emissions at the biogas plant were calculated from the emissions produced at the three main manure storage facilities on the plant: influent storage, liquid fraction storage, and the solid fraction storage of the digestate. Results showed that most of the emissions were produced in the liquid fraction storage. Comparing measured emissions with estimated emissions, NH3, CH4, N2Oindirect and H2S total emission results were in the same order of magnitude for both methodologies, while, N2Odirect total measured emissions were one order of magnitude higher than the estimates. A Monte Carlo analysis was carried out to examine the uncertainties of emissions determined from experimental data, providing probability distribution functions. Four emission inventories were developed with the different methodologies used. Estimation methods proved to be a useful tool to determine emissions when field sampling is not possible. Nevertheless, it was not possible to establish which methodology is more reliable. Therefore, more measurements at different biogas plants should be evaluated to validate the methodologies more precisely.Postprint (author's final draft

    Community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalised patients: changes in aetiology, clinical presentation, and severity outcomes in a 10-year period

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    Staphylococcus aureus; Mortality; VirologyStaphylococcus aureus; Mortalidad; VirologíaStaphylococcus aureus; Mortalitat; VirologiaBackground and objective Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a frequent cause of hospitalisation. Several factors, such as pandemics, vaccines and globalisation may lead to changes in epidemiology, clinical presentation, and outcomes of CAP, which oblige to a constant actualisation. We performed this study to analyse how these factors have evolved over a 10-year period. Materials and methods Patients diagnosed with CAP for two 1-year periods that were 10 years apart (2007–2008 and 2017–2018) were included. We compared microbiological information, clinical data and evolutive outcomes in the two periods. A mortality analysis was performed. Results 1043 patients were included: 452 during the first period (2007- 2008), and 591 during the second period (2017–2018). Bacterial aetiology did not change during the 10-year period, besides a slight increase in Staphylococcus aureus (0.9% vs 2.9%, p = 0.026). There was a decline in the proportion of bacteraemia in the second period (14.8% vs 9.6%, p = 0.012). The incidence of complicated pleural effusion and septic shock declined too (6.4% vs 3.6%, p = 0.04 and 15.5% vs 6.3%, p < 0.001). Respiratory failure and Intensive care unit (ICU) admission were similar in both periods. Variables independently associated with mortality were age and septic shock. Influenza vaccine was a protective factor against mortality in the second period. Conclusions We have not found relevant differences in the bacterial aetiology of CAP over this 10-year period. There has been a decline in septic complications of CAP such as septic shock, bacteraemia, and complicated pleural effusion. Influenza vaccination is an important tool to reduce mortality

    Differential presentation of hypersensitivity reactions to carboplatin and oxaliplatin: Phenotypes, endotypes, and management with desensitization

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    Background: Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) to platinum-based drugs are heterogenous and restrict their access, and drug desensitization (DD) has provided a ground-breaking procedure for their re-introduction, although the response is heterogeneous. We aimed to identify the phenotypes, endotypes, and biomarkers of reactions to carboplatin and oxaliplatin and their response to DD. Methods: Seventy-nine patients presenting with DHRs to oxaliplatin (N = 46) and carboplatin (N = 33) were evaluated at the Allergy Departments of two tertiary care hospitals in Spain. Patient symptoms, skin testing, biomarkers, and outcomes of 267 DDs were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Oxaliplatin-reactive patients presented with type I (74%), cytokine release reaction (CRR) (11%), and mixed (Mx) (15%) phenotypes. In contrast, carboplatin reactive patients presented with predominantly type I (85%) and Mx (15%) but no CRRs. Out of 267 DDs, breakthrough reactions (BTRs) to oxaliplatin occurred twice as frequently as carboplatin (32% vs. 15%; p < .05). Phenotype switching from type I to another phenotype was observed in 46% of oxaliplatin DDs compared to 21% of carboplatin DDs. Tryptase was elevated in type I and Mx reactions, and IL-6 in CRR and Mx, indicating different mechanisms and endotypes. Conclusion: Carboplatin and oxaliplatin induced three different types of reactions with defined phenotypes and endotypes amendable to DD. Although most of the initial reactions for both were type I, oxaliplatin presented with unique CRR reactions. During DD, carboplatin reactive patients presented mostly type I BTR, while oxaliplatin-reactive patients frequently switched from type I to CRR, providing a critical difference and the need for personalized DD protocols

    Immunity and vaccine development efforts against Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Artículo de revisión especializadoTrypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) is the causative agent for Chagas disease (CD). There is a critical lack of methods for prevention of infection or treatment of acute infection and chronic disease. Studies in experimental models have suggested that the protective immunity against T. cruzi infection requires the elicitation of Th1 cytokines, lytic antibodies and the concerted activities of macrophages, T helper cells, and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). In this review, we summarize the research efforts in vaccine development to date and the challenges faced in achieving an efficient prophylactic or therapeutic vaccine against human CD.UTM