32 research outputs found

    High Blood Flow Into the Femur Indicates Elevated Aerobic Capacity in Synapsids Since the Synapsida-Sauropsida Split

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    Varanids are the only non-avian sauropsids that are known to approach the warm-blooded mammals in stamina. Furthermore, a much higher maximum metabolic rate (MMR) gives endotherms (including birds) higher stamina than crocodiles, turtles, and non-varanid lepidosaurs. This has led researchers to hypothesize that mammalian endothermy evolved as a second step after the acquisition of elevated MMR in non-mammalian therapsids from a plesiomorphic state of low metabolic rates. In recent amniotes, MMR correlates with the index of blood flow into the femur (Qi), which is calculated from femoral length and the cross-sectional area of the nutrient foramen. Thus, Qi may serve as an indicator of MMR range in extinct animals. Using the Qi proxy and phylogenetic eigenvector maps, here we show that elevated MMRs evolved near the base of Synapsida. Non-mammalian synapsids, including caseids, edaphosaurids, sphenacodontids, dicynodonts, gorgonopsids, and non-mammalian cynodonts, show Qi values in the range of recent endotherms and varanids, suggesting that raised MMRs either evolved in synapsids shortly after the Synapsida-Sauropsida split in the Mississippian or that the low MMR of lepidosaurs and turtles is apomorphic, as has been postulated for crocodiles.Peer Reviewe

    Scythes, sickles and other blades: Defining the diversity of pectoral fin morphotypes in Pachycormiformes

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    The traditional terminology of 'scythe' or 'sickle' shaped is observed to be flawed as an effective descriptor for pectoral fin shape in pachycormids. The diversity of pachycormid pectoral fin shapes is assessed across the 14 recognised genera that preserve complete pectoral fins, and improved terms are defined to more effectively describe their form, supported by anatomical observation and aspect ratio analysis of individual fins, and corroborated by landmark analysis. Three clear and distinct pectoral fin structural morphotypes emerge (falceform, gladiform, falcataform), reflecting a diversity of pachycormid lifestyles throughout the Mesozoic, from agile pursuit predator to slow-cruising suspension feeder

    Ancient DNA of the pygmy marmoset type specimen Cebuella pygmaea (Spix, 1823) resolves a taxonomic conundrum

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    The pygmy marmoset, the smallest of the anthropoid primates, has a broad distribution in Western Amazonia. Recent studies using molecular and morphological data have identified two distinct species separated by the Napo and Solimões-Amazonas rivers. However, reconciling this new biological evidence with current taxonomy, i.e., two subspecies, Cebuella pygmaea pygmaea (Spix, 1823) and Cebuella pygmaea niveiventris (Lönnberg, 1940), was problematic given the uncertainty as to whether Spix's pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea pygmaea) was collected north or south of the Napo and Solimões-Amazonas rivers, making it unclear to which of the two newly revealed species the name pygmaea would apply. Here, we present the first molecular data from Spix's type specimen of Cebuella pygmaea, as well as novel mitochondrial genomes from modern pygmy marmosets sampled near the type locality (Tabatinga) on both sides of the river. With these data, we can confirm the correct names of the two species identified, i.e., C. pygmaea for animals north of the Napo and Solimões-Amazonas rivers and C. niveiventris for animals south of these two rivers. Phylogenetic analyses of the novel genetic data placed into the context of cytochrome b gene sequences from across the range of pygmy marmosets further led us to reevaluate the geographical distribution for the two Cebuella species. We dated the split of these two species to 2.54 million years ago. We discuss additional, more recent, subdivisions within each lineage, as well as potential contact zones between the two species in the headwaters of these rivers

    A review of the dodo and its ecosystem: insights from a vertebrate concentration Lagerstätte in Mauritius

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    The dodo Raphus cucullatus Linnaeus, an extinct and flightless, giant pigeon endemic to Mauritius, has fascinated people since its discovery, yet has remained surprisingly poorly known. Until the mid-19th century, almost all that was known about the dodo was based on illustrations and written accounts by 17th century mariners, often of questionable accuracy. Furthermore, only a few fragmentary remains of dodos collected prior to the bird's extinction exist. Our understanding of the dodo's anatomy was substantially enhanced by the discovery in 1865 of subfossil bones in a marsh called the Mare aux Songes, situated in southeastern Mauritius. However, no contextual information was recorded during early excavation efforts, and the majority of excavated material comprised larger dodo bones, almost all of which were unassociated. Here we present a modern interdisciplinary analysis of the Mare aux Songes, a 4200-year-old multitaxic vertebrate concentration Lagerstätte. Our analysis of the deposits at this site provides the first detailed overview of the ecosystem inhabited by the dodo. The interplay of climatic and geological conditions led to the exceptional preservation of the animal and associated plant remains at the Mare aux Songes and provides a window into the past ecosystem of Mauritius. This interdisciplinary research approach provides an ecological framework for the dodo, complementing insights on its anatomy derived from the only associated dodo skeletons known, both of which were collected by Etienne Thirioux and are the primary subject of this memoir.publishedVersio

    Homeotic transformations reflect departure from the mammalian 'rule of seven' cervical vertebrae in sloths: inferences on the Hox code and morphological modularity of the mammalian neck

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    Background: Sloths are one of only two exceptions to the mammalian 'rule of seven' vertebrae in the neck. As a striking case of breaking the evolutionary constraint, the explanation for the exceptional number of cervical vertebrae in sloths is still under debate. Two diverging hypotheses, both ultimately linked to the low metabolic rate of sloths, have been proposed: hypothesis 1 involves morphological transformation of vertebrae due to changes in the Hox gene expression pattern and hypothesis 2 assumes that the Hox gene expression pattern is not altered and the identity of the vertebrae is not changed. Direct evidence supporting either hypothesis would involve knowledge of the vertebral Hox code in sloths, but the realization of such studies is extremely limited. Here, on the basis of the previously established correlation between anterior Hox gene expression and the quantifiable vertebral shape, we present the morphological regionalization of the neck in three different species of sloths with aberrant cervical count providing indirect insight into the vertebral Hox code. Results: Shape differences within the cervical vertebral column suggest a mouse-like Hox code in the neck of sloths. We infer an anterior shift of HoxC-6 expression in association with the first thoracic vertebra in short-necked sloths with decreased cervical count, and a posterior shift of HoxC-5 and HoxC-6 expression in long-necked sloths with increased cervical count. Conclusion: Although only future developmental analyses in non-model organisms, such as sloths, will yield direct evidence for the evolutionary mechanism responsible for the aberrant number of cervical vertebrae, our observations lend support to hypothesis 1 indicating that the number of modules is retained but their boundaries are displaced. Our approach based on quantified morphological differences also provides a reliable basis for further research including fossil taxa such as extinct 'ground sloths' in order to trace the pattern and the underlying genetic mechanisms in the evolution of the vertebral column in mammals

    Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation

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    Revue bibliographique sur l’organisation spatiale de l’os lamellaire

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    L’identification et l’interprétation des types de tissu osseux constituent le but principal de l’analyse histologique. L’os lamellaire, un tissu fondamental, est généralement facilement identifiable au microscope polarisant. Il est cependant important de comprendre la formation et la structure des tissus qui sont étudiés. Il est largement admis que les « lamellae » forment une structure de type contreplaqué, mais cette hypothèse a été et continue à être contestée. Dans cet article sont discutées les interprétations courantes fournies à la communauté scientifique quant à l’organisation spatiale de l’os lamellaire. Les deux hypothèses majeures en présence sont, d’une part, que les lamellae ont des compositions de tissu alternant, d’autre part, qu’elles alternent dans l’orientation des fibres. En outre, une recherche récente a conduit à un ensemble déconcertant d’interprétations des lamellae, avec des auteurs envisageant différemment l’épaisseur, les orientations et la composition des lamellae. Nous en concluons qu’une approche combinée est nécessaire, sachant que les diverses méthodes d’étude ne sont pas facilement comparables les unes aux autres. Avec une approche intégrée, les lamellae peuvent être mieux comprises, en perfectionnant les interprétations incluant celles de type histologique.Identification and interpretation of bone tissue types is the primary goal of histological analysis. Lamellar bone, a fundamental tissue, is generally easily identifiable in polarized microscopy. It is important, however, to understand the formation and structure of the tissues that are being studied. Lamellae are widely accepted to form a plywood-like structure, but this hypothesis has been and continues to be contested. Here, we discuss the common interpretations provided by the scientific community as to the spatial organization of lamellar bone. The two major competing hypotheses, lamellae that have alternating tissue compositions versus lamellae that alternate in fiber orientation, are described. In addition, recent research has led to a confounding array of interpretations of lamellae, with several authors viewing the thickness, orientations and composition of lamellae differently. We conclude that a blended approach is needed, as the varying methods are not easily comparable to one another. With an integrated approach, lamellae can be better understood, improving interpretations, including histological ones.</p

    Les homininés de Flores : adaptations du corps aux conditions insulaires

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    Les restes fossiles d’Homo floresiensis ont été abondamment discutés au cours de ces dernières années. Cet article présente un bref exposé du débat actuel qui peut se résumer par trois principales explications sur la morphologie du spécimen-type: la pathologie, la descendance d’un homininé proche des premiers australopithèques, la descendance d’Homo erectus sous des conditions insulaires. Cet article traitera particulièrement du nanisme insulaire considéré comme le scénario le plus plausible avec Homo erectus pour ancêtre continental. La morphologie du pelvis et des membres inférieurs sont également comparée à celle des autres vertébrés insulaires et interprétée en termes de fonction et d’adaptation à l’environnement insulaire de Flores.The fossil remains of Homo floresiensis have been debated extensively over the past few years. This paper will give a brief summary of the current debate, which can be summed up in three main competing explanations for the morphology of the type specimen: pathology, descendent of an early australopith-like hominin, or insular descendent of H. erectus . This paper will make a case for island dwarfing being the most plausible scenario, with H. erectus as the mainland ancestor. Additionally, the morphology of the pelvis and lower limbs are compared to other insular vertebrates and interpreted in terms of function and adaptation to the island environment of Flores.</p

    Geometric morphometric analysis of intratrackway variability: a case study on theropod and ornithopod dinosaur trackways from Münchehagen (Lower Cretaceous, Germany)

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    A profound understanding of the influence of trackmaker anatomy, foot movements and substrate properties is crucial for any interpretation of fossil tracks. In this case study we analyze variability of footprint shape within one large theropod (T3), one medium-sized theropod (T2) and one ornithopod (I1) trackway from the Lower Cretaceous of Münchehagen (Lower Saxony, Germany) in order to determine the informativeness of individual features and measurements for ichnotaxonomy, trackmaker identification, and the discrimination between left and right footprints. Landmark analysis is employed based on interpretative outline drawings derived from photogrammetric data, allowing for the location of variability within the footprint and the assessment of covariation of separate footprint parts. Objective methods to define the margins of a footprint are tested and shown to be sufficiently accurate to reproduce the most important results. The lateral hypex and the heel are the most variable regions in the two theropod trackways. As indicated by principal component analysis, a posterior shift of the lateral hypex is correlated with an anterior shift of the margin of the heel. This pattern is less pronounced in the ornithopod trackway, indicating that variation patterns can differ in separate trackways. In all trackways, hypices vary independently from each other, suggesting that their relative position a questionable feature for ichnotaxonomic purposes. Most criteria commonly employed to differentiate between left and right footprints assigned to theropods are found to be reasonably reliable. The described ornithopod footprints are asymmetrical, again allowing for a left–right differentiation. Strikingly, 12 out of 19 measured footprints of the T2 trackway are stepped over the trackway midline, rendering the trackway pattern a misleading left–right criterion for this trackway. Traditional measurements were unable to differentiate between the theropod and the ornithopod trackways. Geometric morphometric analysis reveals potential for improvement of existing discriminant methods