25 research outputs found

    Saccade Velocity Driven Oscillatory Network Model of Grid Cells

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    Grid cells and place cells are believed to be cellular substrates for the spatial navigation functions of hippocampus as experimental animals physically navigated in 2D and 3D spaces. However, a recent saccade study on head fixated monkey has also reported grid-like representations on saccadic trajectory while the animal scanned the images on a computer screen. We present two computational models that explain the formation of grid patterns on saccadic trajectory formed on the novel Images. The first model named Saccade Velocity Driven Oscillatory Network -Direct PCA (SVDON—DPCA) explains how grid patterns can be generated on saccadic space using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) like learning rule. The model adopts a hierarchical architecture. We extend this to a network model viz. Saccade Velocity Driven Oscillatory Network—Network PCA (SVDON-NPCA) where the direct PCA stage is replaced by a neural network that can implement PCA using a neurally plausible algorithm. This gives the leverage to study the formation of grid cells at a network level. Saccade trajectory for both models is generated based on an attention model which attends to the salient location by computing the saliency maps of the images. Both models capture the spatial characteristics of grid cells such as grid scale variation on the dorso-ventral axis of Medial Entorhinal cortex. Adding one more layer of LAHN over the SVDON-NPCA model predicts the Place cells in saccadic space, which are yet to be discovered experimentally. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to model grid cells and place cells from saccade trajectory

    Sociodemographic Correlates of Unipolar Major Depression among the Chinese Elderly in Klang Valley, Malaysia: An Epidemiological Study

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    Background. Depression, as one of the most disabling diseases around the world, had caught the global concern with its rising prevalence rate. There is a growing need of detecting depression, particularly in the old age population which is often left being overlooked. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional community-based study which included 150 Chinese elderly aged 60 and above within Klang Valley area. We obtained the sociodemographic profiles and assessed the status of well-being, depression, and cognitive function of the participants with the help of instruments: WHO Five-Item Well-Being Index, Major (ICD-10) Depression Inventory, and 6-Item Cognitive Impairment Test. Results. We found that the prevalence of depression among the Chinese elderly within Klang Valley region was 10.7%. With multiple logistic regression, decision to consult doctor on depressed mood or memory problem and presence of cognitive impairment were shown to be significantly associated with unipolar major depression, whereas wellbeing status was also found to be statistically correlated with depression in univariate analysis. Conclusion. The prevalence of unipolar depression among Chinese elderly within Klang Valley, Malaysia presented that there was an increased trend compared to the previous studies

    Human Papillomavirus Drives Tumor Development Throughout the Head and Neck: Improved Prognosis Is Associated With an Immune Response Largely Restricted to the Oropharynx

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    Purpose In squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (HNSCC), the increasing incidence of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas (OPSCCs) is attributable to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Despite commonly presenting at late stage, HPV-driven OPSCCs are associated with improved prognosis compared with HPV-negative disease. HPV DNA is also detectable in nonoropharyngeal (non-OPSCC), but its pathogenic role and clinical significance are unclear. The objectives of this study were to determine whether HPV plays a causal role in non-OPSCC and to investigate whether HPV confers a survival benefit in these tumors. Methods Meta-analysis was used to build a cross-tissue gene-expression signature for HPV-driven cancer. Classifiers trained by machine-learning approaches were used to predict the HPV status of 520 HNSCCs profiled by The Cancer Genome Atlas project. DNA methylation data were similarly used to classify 464 HNSCCs and these analyses were integrated with genomic, histopathology, and survival data to permit a comprehensive comparison of HPV transcript-positive OPSCC and non-OPSCC. Results HPV-driven tumors accounted for 4.1% of non-OPSCCs. Regardless of anatomic site, HPV+ HNSCCs shared highly similar gene expression and DNA methylation profiles; nonkeratinizing, basaloid histopathological features; and lack of TP53 or CDKN2A alterations. Improved overall survival, however, was largely restricted to HPV-driven OPSCCs, which were associated with increased levels of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes compared with HPV-driven non-OPSCCs. Conclusion Our analysis identified a causal role for HPV in transcript-positive non-OPSCCs throughout the head and neck. Notably, however, HPV-driven non-OPSCCs display a distinct immune microenvironment and clinical behavior compared with HPV-driven OPSCCs

    Ratio of stemness to interferon signalling as a biomarker and therapeutic target of myeloproliferative neoplasm progression to acute myeloid leukaemia

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    Progression to aggressive secondary acute myeloid leukaemia (sAML) poses a significant challenge in the management of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). Since the physiopathology of MPN is closely linked to the activation of interferon (IFN) signalling and that AML initiation and aggressiveness is driven by leukaemia stem cells (LSCs), we investigated these pathways in MPN to sAML progression. We found that high IFN signalling correlated with low LSC signalling in MPN and AML samples, while MPN progression and AML transformation were characterized by decreased IFN signalling and increased LSC signature. A high LSC to IFN expression ratio in MPN patients was associated with adverse clinical prognosis and higher colony forming potential. Moreover, treatment with hypomethylating agents (HMAs) activates the IFN signalling pathway in MPN cells by inducing a viral mimicry response. This response is characterized by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) formation and MDA5/RIG-I activation. The HMA-induced IFN response leads to a reduction in LSC signature, resulting in decreased stemness. These findings reveal the frequent evasion of viral mimicry during MPN-to-sAML progression, establish the LSC-to-IFN expression ratio as a progression biomarker, and suggests that HMAs treatment can lead to haematological response in murine models by re-activating dsRNA-associated IFN signalling

    NOX4 inhibition potentiates immunotherapy by overcoming cancer-associated fibroblast-mediated CD8 T-cell exclusion from tumours

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    Determining mechanisms of resistance to PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint immunotherapy is key to developing new treatment strategies. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) have many tumor-promoting functions and promote immune evasion through multiple mechanisms, but as yet, there are no CAF-specific inhibitors clinically available. Here we generated CAF-rich murine tumor models (TC1, MC38, 4T1) to investigate how CAF influence the immune microenvironment and affect response to different immunotherapy modalities (anti-cancer vaccination; TC1, [HPV E7 DNA vaccine];PD-1, MC38) and found that CAFs broadly suppressed response by specifically excluding CD8+ T-cells from tumors (not CD4+ T-cells or macrophages); CD8+ T-cell exclusion was similarly present in CAF-rich human tumors. RNA sequencing of CD8+ T-cells from CAF-rich murine tumors and immunochemistry analysis of human tumors identified significant upregulation of CTLA-4 in the absence of other exhaustion markers; inhibiting CTLA-4 with a non-depleting antibody overcame the CD8+ T-cell exclusion effect without affecting T-regs. We then examined the potential for CAF targeting, focusing on the ROS-producing enzyme NOX4, which is upregulated by CAF in many human cancers, and compared this to TGF-062;1 inhibition, a key regulator of the CAF phenotype. siRNA knockdown or pharmacological inhibition (GKT137831 [Setanaxib]) of NOX4 'normalized' CAF to a quiescent phenotype and promoted intratumoral CD8+T-cell infiltration, overcoming the exclusion effect; TGF-062;1 inhibition could prevent, but not reverse, CAF differentiation. Finally, NOX4 inhibition restored immunotherapy response in CAF-rich tumors. These findings demonstrate that CAF-mediated immunotherapy resistance can be effectively overcome through NOX4 inhibition, and could improve outcome in a broad range of cancers

    Frequent HPV-independent p16/INK4A overexpression in head and neck cancer

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    Objectives p16INK4A (p16) is the most widely used clinical biomarker for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). HPV is a favourable prognostic marker in HNSCC and is used for patient stratification. While p16 is a relatively accurate marker for HPV within the oropharynx, recent reports suggest it may be unsuitable for use in other HNSCC subsites, where a smaller proportion of tumors are HPV-driven. Materials and methods We integrated reverse phase protein array (RPPA) data for p16 with HPV status based on detection of viral transcripts by RNA-seq in a set of 210 HNSCCs profiled by The Cancer Genome Atlas project. Samples were queried for alterations in CDKN2A, and other pathway genes to investigate possible drivers of p16 expression. Results While p16 levels as measured by RPPA were significantly different by HPV status, there were multiple HPV (?) samples with similar expression levels of p16 to HPV (+) samples, particularly at non-oropharyngeal subsites. In many cases, p16 overexpression in HPV (?) tumors could not be explained by mutation or amplification of CDKN2A or by RB1 mutation. Instead, we observed enrichment for inactivating mutations in the histone H3 lysine 36 methyltransferase, NSD1 in HPV (?)/p16-high tumors. Conclusions RPPA data suggest high p16 protein expression in many HPV (?) non-oropharyngeal HNSCCs, limiting its potential utility as an HPV biomarker outside of the oropharynx. HPV-independent overexpression of wild-type p16 in non-oropharyngeal HNSCC may be linked to global deregulation of chromatin state by inactivating mutations in NSD1

    The chromatin and single-cell transcriptional landscapes of CD4 T cells in inflammatory bowel disease link risk loci with a proinflammatory Th17 cell population

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    IntroductionThe imbalance between Th17 and regulatory T cells in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) promotes intestinal epithelial cell damage. In this scenario, T helper cell lineage commitment is accompanied by dynamic changes to the chromatin that facilitate or repress gene expression. MethodsHere, we characterized the chromatin landscape and heterogeneity of intestinal and peripheral CD4 T cellsfrom IBD patients using in house ATAC-Seq and single cell RNA-Seq libraries. ResultsWe show that chromatin accessibility profiles of CD4 T cells from inflamed intestinal biopsies relate to genes associated with a network of inflammatory processes. After integrating the chromatin profiles of tissue-derived CD4 T cells and in-vitro polarized CD4 T cell subpopulations, we found that the chromatin accessibility changes of CD4 T cells were associated with a higher predominance of pathogenic Th17 cells (pTh17 cells) in inflamed biopsies. In addition, IBD risk loci in CD4 T cells were colocalized with accessible chromatin changes near pTh17-related genes, as shown in intronic STAT3 and IL23R regions enriched in areas of active intestinal inflammation. Moreover, single cell RNA-Seq analysis revealed a population of pTh17 cells that co-expresses Th1 and cytotoxic transcriptional programs associated with IBD severity. DiscussionAltogether, we show that cytotoxic pTh17 cells were specifically associated with IBD genetic variants and linked to intestinal inflammation of IBD patients

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    MethylCIBERSORT 0.2.1

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    <p>Archives containing the MethylCIBERSORT R package (0.2.1) and an archive of knit markdowns containing the code used to generate the figures in the associated paper. </p