60 research outputs found

    Teoria wartości w filozofii Andrzeja Chmieleckiego

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    Die Philosophie von Andrzej Chmielecki bleibt immer noch wenig bekannt. Das von ihm entwickelte System der integralen Ontologie ist äußerst umfangreich und enthält viele bemerkenswerte Lösungen. Teil dieser Ontologie ist auch eine originelle Werttheorie. Der Autor des Artikels versucht zu zeigen, wie dieses System grundlegende Fragen nicht nur in der Axiologie, aber auch in der Ontologie beantwortet. Die wichtigsten Fragen, die in dem Artikel angesprochen werden, sind u. a. die Art und Weise, wie Werte existieren, die Möglichkeit ihrer Hierarchie und ihrer Erkenntnis durch den Menschen. Der Artikel schildert auch den Platz, den Werte und Bewertungen in der allgemeinen Struktur von Wesen einnehmen, und wie sie sich voneinander unterscheiden. Der Autor stellt auch die Möglichkeiten der Begründung in der Ethik vor, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Begründung von Werten und Urteilen sowie Wertbewertungen. Die verwendeten Materialien sind die Quellentexte, d.h. Monographien und Artikel von Andrzej Chmielecki, die sich mit den im Artikel aufgeworfenen Fragen befassen.Andrzej Chmielecki’s philosophy is still poorly understood. The system of integral ontology he has created is extremely extensive and includes many solutions worthy of our attention. The original theory of value is a part of this ontology. The author of this article tries to show how Chmielecki’s system answers fundamental questions not only in axiology, but also in ontology. The most important issues raised in the article include the way of existence of values and the possibility of their hierarchization and recognition by man. The article also discusses the place which values and valuations occupy in the general structure of beings and how they differ from each other. The author also presents the possibilities of justification in ethics, with parti-cular emphasis on the justification of values and judgments as well as value judgments. The materials used are the source text, i.e., monographs and articles by Andrzej Chmielecki dealing with the issues discussed in the article.Filozofia Andrzeja Chmieleckiego jest wciąż bardzo słabo poznana. System ontologii integralnej, który stworzył, jest niezwykle rozbudowany i zawiera w sobie bardzo wiele rozwiązań wartych uwagi. Częścią tej ontologii jest także oryginalna teoria wartości. Autor artykułu stara się pokazać, jak ów system odpowiada na pytania zasadnicze nie tylko w aksjologii, ale także w ontologii. Najważniejsze kwestie poruszane w artykule to m.in. sposób istnienia wartości, możliwość ich hierarchizacji i rozpoznania przez człowieka. Omawiane jest również miejsce, jakie w ogólnej strukturze bytów zajmują wartości i wartościowania, oraz czym różnią się jedne od drugich. Autor prezentuje także możliwości uzasadniania w etyce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem uzasadnienia wartości i sądów oraz ocen wartościujących. Wykorzystane materiały to teksty źródłowe, tj. monografie i artykuły Andrzeja Chmieleckiego traktujące o poruszanych w artykule kwestiach

    Barbara Niemiec

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    Diagnostyka przerzutów nowotworowych do tarczycy za pomocą biopsji aspiracyjnej cienkoigłowej

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    Introduction: Malignant metastases are rarely found in the thyroid gland, the incidence reaching approximately 2% of all thyroid malignant neoplasms. They are most often caused by tumours of the kidneys, lungs, mammary glands, ovary, and colon or by melanomas. The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) for diagnosing tumour metastases to thyroid glands. Material and methods: A total of 15122 patients were operated between 1990 and 2009 for goitres. Malignant neoplasm was diagnosed in 733 (4.8%) patients. Malignant metastases to the thyroid gland were detected in 10 patients, namely 2 men and 8 women aged 48–89 years. The group made up 1.4% of all patients operated for malignant thyroid tumour. Preoperative diagnostic procedure consisted of thyroid scintigraphy, thyroid ultrasonography, and cytology of the material obtained through FNA. In addition, the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland was examined. The range of operation was established through clinical assessment of the tumour, preoperative cytology, and intra-operative histopathology. Results: Among 7 patients with thyroid metastases from renal clear cell carcinoma, as diagnosed postoperatively, cytology of the thyroid material obtained through FNA revealed follicular tumour in 3 (43%) patients, tumour cells in 2 (28.5%) and atypical cells in the other 2 (28.5%). Intraoperative histopathology confirmed the presence of metastasis from renal clear cell carcinoma (1) and indicated thyroid medullary cancer (1), follicular tumour (4), or trabecular adenoma with necrosis (1). Among two patients with thyroid metastases from breast cancer, cytology confirmed a metastasis from breast cancer in one (the woman was disqualified for surgical treatment) and indicated follicular tumour in one. Intraoperative histopathology suggested thyroid anaplastic cancer. Examination of biopsy specimen revealed epithelial cells accompanied by cell atypia in one patient with thyroid metastasis from lung cancer. Intra-operative examination also indicated cellular atypia in the same patient. Conclusions: Follicular tumour diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy in patients after treatment for other cancers, especially renal clear cell carcinoma, should alert the surgeon to the possibility that it could be a metastasis of this cancer to the thyroid gland. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (5): 427-429)Wstęp: Tarczyca może być miejscem odległych przerzutów nowotworowych. Są to zmiany rzadkie stanowiące około 2% wszystkich nowotworów tarczycy. Najczęściej ich przyczyną są nowotwory nerki, płuca, sutka, jajnika, jelita grubego oraz czerniak. Celem pracy była ocena przydatności biopsji aspiracyjnej cienkoigłowej (BAC) w rozpoznawaniu przerzutów nowotworowych do tarczycy. Materiał i metody: W latach 1990–2009 operowano 15122 chorych z powodu różnych postaci wola. Nowotwór złośliwy rozpoznano u 733 (4,8%) chorych. Przerzuty nowotworowe do tarczycy stwierdzono u 10 chorych (2 mężczyzn i 8 kobiet w wieku od 48-89 lat) - 1,4% nowotworów złośliwych tarczycy. Diagnostyka przedoperacyjna obejmowała badania scyntygraficzne, ultrasonograficzne tarczycy, ocenę cytologiczną materiału pobranego drogą BAC. Badano czynność hormonalną gruczołu tarczowego. Zakres operacji ustalano na podstawie oceny klinicznej guza, wyników badań przedoperacyjnego cytologicznego oraz śródoperacyjnego histopatologicznego. Wyniki: W wyniku BAC tarczycy u 7 chorych z rozpoznanym pooperacyjnie przerzutem raka jasnokomórkowego nerki do gruczołu stwierdzono guz pęcherzykowy (3), komórki nowotworowe (2), komórki atypowe u pozostałych (2). Doraźne badanie histopatologiczne potwierdziło przerzut raka jasnokomórkowego nerki (1), wskazywało na raka rdzeniastego tarczycy (1), nowotwór pęcherzykowy (4) i gruczolak beleczkowaty z martwicą (1). U 2 chorych z przerzutem raka piersi do tarczycy badanie cytologiczne (1) potwierdziło przerzut raka piersi (chora zdyskwalifikowana onkologicznie do leczenia operacyjnego) i wskazywało na guz pęcherzykowy (1). Doraźne badanie histopatologiczne sugerowało występowanie raka anaplastycznego tarczycy. U 1 chorej z przerzutem raka płuca do tarczycy w badaniu bioptatu stwierdzono obecność komórek nabłonkowych i atypię, zaś w badaniu śródoperacyjnym rozległe zmiany martwicze z atypią komórkową. Wnioski: Rozpoznanie w BAC guza pęcherzykowego u chorych po leczeniu innych nowotworów, szczególnie raka jasnokomórkowego nerki powinno wzmóc czujność lekarza w kierunku poszukiwania ewentualnego przerzutu tego nowotworu do tarczycy. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (5): 427-429

    Shoulder Dislocation Incidence and Risk Factors-Rural vs. Urban Populations of Poland.

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    (1) Background: The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of shoulder dislocation and to estimate non-modifiable risk factors in rural and urban subgroups in Poland. (2) Methods: The study covered the entire Polish population, divided into urban and rural subgroups and observed between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2014. The study population consisted of Polish patients with a diagnosis of shoulder dislocation (S43.0) in accordance with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). Records were obtained from the public health care provider National Health Found (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia, NFZ). Based on these data, we assessed shoulder dislocation incidence and risk rates, stratifying the study sample by sex, age and place of residence (rural or urban) using the Central Statistical Office (GUS) personal territorial code (TERYT). (3) The incidence was 25.97/100,000 person-years in rural areas and 25.62/100,000 person-years in urban areas. We did not find significant differences in the incidence between the two subgroups. The highest incidence (75.12/100,000 person-years) and the highest risk for shoulder dislocation were found among subjects 80+ years old living in urban areas. Furthermore, men in the third decade of their life living in urban areas showed the highest risk (OR = 7.8, 95% CI; 6.44-9.45, p < 0.001). In both subgroups, the likelihood of shoulder dislocation was significantly lower for the female sex and among children ≤9 years old. However, girls living in rural areas presented with a significantly higher likelihood for dislocation compared with their peers living in urban environments. (4) Conclusions: No significant difference in the incidence rate of shoulder dislocation between Polish residents living in rural and urban areas emerged. The highest incidence was observed among female subjects 80+ years old living in urban environments. The highest risk was found among men in the third decade of their life living in urban areas. In addition, girls in the first decade of their life living in rural areas had more shoulder dislocations than girls living in urban environments. Shoulder dislocation is dominant in female subjects aged 70-79 living in rural areas and in females 80+ years old living in urban areas

    Compliance with pharmacological treatment among patients after minimally invasive coronary bypass grafting

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    Background: We sought to evaluate patients’ adherence to optimal pharmacotherapy as recommended by the European Society of Cardiology, together with the assessment of potential clinical determinants of medical non-compliance in a large cohort of patients after endoscopic atraumatic coronary artery bypassing (EACAB).Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in a group of 706 individuals who underwent EACAB between April 1998 and December 2010. Data covering current pharmacological treatment with antiplatelet agents, beta-blockers (BB) (or heart rate lowering calcium channel blockers [CCB] in case of intolerance and/or poor efficacy of beta-blockade), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (or angiotensin receptor blockers [ARB]) and statins was acquired. Mean duration of observation after the surgery was 2132 ± 1313 days.Results: Complete follow-up data has been obtained from 415 living patients (341 males). Amongst them, 353 (85%) received antiplatelet agents, while BB or CCB were routinely ingested by 349 (84%) patients. Statins were used by 310 (74.7%) individuals and 274 (66%) subjects took ACE inhibitors or ARB. Baseline demographic and clinical features, including major co-morbidities had no impact on patients’ compliance with all investigated medications. There was no clear association between adherence to treatment and risk of rehospitalization or occurrence of major cerebral and cardiovascular events.Conclusions: EACAB patients’ compliance with pharmacotherapy guidelines is insufficient and is unrelated to demographic and clinical features of the subjects. Multidisciplinary approach involving health education, enhancement in prescription drug affordability and a better rapport between doctors and patients should be incorporated into clinical practice to overcome therapeutic disobedience

    Total Occlusion of the Infarct-Related Artery in Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI)-How Can We Identify These Patients?

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    Background and Objectives: Regardless of the improvement in key recommendations in non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), the prevalence of total occlusion (TO) of infarct-related artery (IRA), and the impact of TO of IRA on outcomes in patients with NSTEMI, remain unclear. Aim: The study aimed to assess the incidence and predictors of TO of IRA in patients with NSTEMI, and its clinical significance. Material and Methods: The study was a single-center retrospective cohort analysis of 399 consecutive patients with NSTEMI (293 male, mean age: 71 10.1 years) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. The study population was categorized into patients with TO and non-TO of IRA on coronary angiography. In-hospital and one-year mortality were analyzed. Results: TO of IRA in the NSTEMI population occurred in 138 (34.6%) patients. Multivariate analysis identified the following independent predictors of TO of IRA: left ventricular ejection fraction (odds ratio (OR) 0.949, p < 0.001); family history of coronary artery disease (CAD) (OR 2.652, p < 0.001); and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level (OR 0.972, p = 0.002). In-hospital and one-year mortality were significantly higher in the TO group than the non-TO group (2.8% vs. 1.1%, p = 0.007 and 18.1% vs. 6.5%, p < 0.001, respectively). The independent predictors of in-hospital mortality were: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at admission (OR 0.768, p = 0.004); and TO of IRA (OR 1.863, p = 0.005). Conclusions: In the population of patients with NSTEMI, TO of IRA represents a considerably frequent phenomenon, and corresponds with impaired outcomes. Therefore, the utmost caution should be paid to prevent delay of coronary angiography in NSTEMI patients with impaired left ventricular systolic function, metabolic isturbances, and a family history of CAD, who are at increased risk of TO of IRA

    Proteomic and transcriptomic experiments reveal an essential role of RNA degradosome complexes in shaping the transcriptome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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    The phenotypic adjustments of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are commonly inferred from the analysis of transcript abundance. While mechanisms of transcriptional regulation have been extensively analysed in mycobacteria, little is known about mechanisms that shape the transcriptome by regulating RNA decay rates. The aim of the present study is to identify the core components of the RNA degradosome of M. tuberculosis and to analyse their function in RNA metabolism. Using an approach involving cross-linking to 4-thiouridine-labelled RNA, we mapped the mycobacterial RNA-bound proteome and identified degradosome-related enzymes polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), ATP-dependent RNA helicase (RhlE), ribonuclease E (RNase E) and ribonuclease J (RNase J) as major components. We then carried out affinity purification of eGFP-tagged recombinant constructs to identify protein-protein interactions. This identified further interactions with cold-shock proteins and novel KH-domain proteins. Engineering and transcriptional profiling of strains with a reduced level of expression of core degradosome ribonucleases provided evidence of important pleiotropic roles of the enzymes in mycobacterial RNA metabolism highlighting their potential vulnerability as drug targets

    TSSOI as an efficient tool for diagnostics of SOI technology in Institute of Electron Technology, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 1

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    This paper reports a test structure for characterization of a new technology combining a standard CMOS process with pixel detector manufacturing technique. These processes are combined on a single thick-_lm SOI wafer. Preliminary results of the measurements performed on both MOS SOI transistors and dedicated SOI test structures are described in detail

    The gamma-ray emitting region of the jet in Cyg X-3

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    We study models of the gamma-ray emission of Cyg X-3 observed by Fermi. We calculate the average X-ray spectrum during the gamma-ray active periods. Then, we calculate spectra from Compton scattering of a photon beam into a given direction by isotropic relativistic electrons with a power-law distribution, both based on the Klein-Nishina cross section and in the Thomson limit. Applying the results to scattering of stellar blackbody radiation in the inner jet of Cyg X-3, we find that a low-energy break in the electron distribution at a Lorentz factor of ~ 300--1000 is required by the shape of the observed X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum in order to avoid overproducing the observed X-ray flux. The electrons giving rise to the observed \g-rays are efficiently cooled by Compton scattering, and the power-law index of the acceleration process is ~ 2.5--3. The bulk Lorentz factor of the jet and the kinetic power before the dissipation region depend on the fraction of the dissipation power supplied to the electrons; if it is ~ 1/2, the Lorentz factor is ~ 2.5, and the kinetic power is ~ 10^38 erg/s, which represents a firm lower limit on the jet power, and is comparable to the bolometric luminosity of Cyg X-3. Most of the power supplied to the electrons is radiated. The broad band spectrum constrains the synchrotron and self-Compton emission from the gamma-ray emitting electrons, which requires the magnetic field to be relatively weak, with the magnetic energy density < a few times 10^-3 of that in the electrons. The actual value of the magnetic field strength can be inferred from a future simultaneous measurement of the IR and gamma-ray fluxes.Comment: MNRAS, in press, 13 page