67 research outputs found

    Role Based Access Control as SecureUML Model in Web Applications Development with Spring Security

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    Tänapäeval on efektiivse äri üheks võtmeks kiire ja edukas veebirakenduste arendus. Samas, uudsed maailmas levinud nõuded eeldavad keerukat lähenemist juurdepääsukontrolli ja kasutajate rühmade koostöövõime määratlemisel. Tavapäraselt hõlmab tarkvara arenduse protsess erinevaid vastutavaid osalisi rakenduse hindamisel, plaanide koostamisel, arendusel, rakendamisel ja kasutajatoe tagamisel, mille tulemusena suureneb informatsiooni kadu ja keerukus sihtgruppide vahelises suhtluses. Arendusmeeskonnad peaksid sellise olukorra vältimiseks ja väärtõlgendustest ning turvalisuse nõuete rikkumisest tulenevate võimalike riskide leevendamiseks tarkvara arenduses kasutama vahendeid, mis võimaldavad kiiret ja täpset veebirakenduse interpreteerimist läbi mudeli. Modelleerimine aitab tunduvalt vähendada võimalikke probleeme ja tagab funktsionaalsuse vajadused arvestades soovitud rollipõhise juurdepääsukontrolli mudeliga. Antud töös pakutakse välja kontseptuaalne Eclipse IDE lisandmooduli realisatsioon, et toetada ja lihtsustada mudelil baseeruvat lähenemist veebirakenduste arendamisel kasutades Spring platvormi. Loodud lisandmoodul toetab Spring Security esitusviiside tuvastamist koos võimega visualiseerida nende üle rollipõhise juurdepääsukontrolli mudelit. Visuaalse mudeli genereerimine toimub kahe peamise astmena: Spring Security konfiguratsiooni tuvastamine ja esituse genereerimine kasutades SecureUML modelleerimise keelt. Loodud lisandmooduli kontseptsioon valideeriti juhtumiuuringutega, mis näitasid lisandmooduli sobivust tarkvara arendajate jaoks tänu integreeritud lahendusele, et tagada kiiremat arendust ja abi valitud veebirakenduse rollipõhise juurdepääsukontrolli mudelist arusaamisel.Nowadays fast and successful development of a web application is one of the keys to effective business. However, modern world requirements define the complex approach in definition of ac-cess control and user groups’ interoperability. The software development process typically in-volves different responsible members for the application assessment, planning, development, de-ployment and support, as a consequence, increasing the complexity and information losses be-tween target groups. In order to mitigate possible risks in software development misinterpretation and security violation, teams should use tools that allow fast and accurate interpretation of the web application through a model. Modelling will help with minimization of possible problems and ensure the functionality needs with respect to desired RBAC model. In order to support and simpli-fy the model-driven approach for a web application development with Spring platform, realization of a concept plugin for Eclipse IDE is proposed. This plugin supports the recognition of Spring Security notations with capability to visualize the RBAC model on top of them. The generation of visual model is achieved in two main steps: recognition of Spring Security configuration and gen-eration of representation with SecureUML modeling language. The concept of contributed plugin was validated within case studies that demonstrated the acceptance of this plugin by software de-velopers due to its integrated solution for faster development and help in understanding of RBAC model for the selected web application

    Case of soil surface chromium anomaly of a northern urban territory - preliminary results

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to present some results of a soil survey conducted at a northern city in Russia and analysis of origin of spots polluted by chromium. During the survey, 101 soil specimens were taken from different parts of the city using squared grid system with a spatial resolution of 250m. Two soil specimens were also taken from distant background locations to exclude the influence the pollutant sources. Chemical analysis was performed on soluble and total forms of heavy metals, mineral oil products, as well as other concentrations of parameters were measured. According to spatial distribution of total chromium concentrations, two spots with high level of pollution have been recognized. Mean concentration of total chromium in the spots subgroup is ten times higher than in the subgroup of comparison. It was suggested that the origin of anomalous pollution is not associated with the industrial activity and could not be explained by atmospheric deposition only

    Cadena perpetua: 25 años de investigación criminológica y psicológica (1993-2018)

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    Our study of 28 life convicts serving their sentences in special-regime correctional institutions in Altai Krai Federal Department of Corrections show that 70% of them are on the operational record as prone to escape, hostage-taking and suicide; 72% are recognized as persistent violators of the detention regime; only 28% have signs of guilt and remorse (72% admitted partially and did not repent); 88% have a high level of aggressiveness and conflict, and 64% of professional and social skills are unstable, and 4% - not formed at all. While the majority of this people is of 60-65 years, 90% of them have lost social contacts, professional and labor skills. As a rule, these are disadapted individuals in the conditions of new life realities, who have retained their experience of criminal activity and a high degree of social danger, and 70% of them will need social patronage after their release.Nuestro estudio de 28 condenados a cadena perpetua que cumplen sus condenas en instituciones correccionales de régimen especial en el Departamento Correccional Federal de Altai Krai muestra que el 70% de ellos están en el registro operativo como propensos a escapar, tomar rehenes y suicidarse; 72% son reconocidos como violadores persistentes del régimen de detención; solo el 28% tiene signos de culpa y remordimiento (72% admitió parcialmente y no se arrepintió); El 88% tiene un alto nivel de agresividad y conflicto, y el 64% de las habilidades profesionales y sociales son inestables y el 4% no está formado en absoluto. Si bien la mayoría de esta gente tiene entre 60 y 65 años, el 90% de ellos han perdido contactos sociales, habilidades profesionales y laborales. Como regla general, estos son individuos desadaptados en las condiciones de las nuevas realidades de la vida, que han conservado su experiencia de actividad criminal y un alto grado de peligro social, y el 70% de ellos necesitará patrocinio social después de su liberación

    Aspecto comunicativo del discurso político

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the specifics of political communication, following it at the level of all communicative components, and determine the features of its analysis. The leading method for the study of this problem is discursive analysis, which involves the study of speech tools in the wide non-linguistic context. In addition, the results of the analysis of speech units are obtained by means of contextual, stylistic analysis, in some cases - elements of lexical, international, derivational, grammatical, syntactic analysis. The article revealed the specifics of political communication, which is confirmed by the results of the analysis of speech means. The addresser of political communication is predominantly institutional. The addressee is characterized by a two-component (direct addressee and addressee-listener). The goal of political communication - being a means of struggle for power, is to induce active assessments and actions. Ways to achieve this goal, that is, the impact on the addressee, are primarily emotional-psychological and hidden psychological ones. The materials of the article are of practical value for the subsequent study of political discourse as a special type of communication, determining its place in the general typology of discourse, studying its features.El propósito de este artículo es identificar los aspectos específicos de la comunicación política, seguirla a nivel de todos los componentes comunicativos, y determinar las características de su análisis. El método principal para el estudio de este problema es el análisis discursivo, que implica el estudio de las herramientas del habla en un contexto amplio no lingüístico. Además, los resultados del análisis de las unidades del habla se obtienen mediante el análisis contextual y estilístico, en algunos casos, elementos del análisis léxico, internacional, derivativo, gramatical, sintáctico. El artículo reveló los aspectos específicos de la comunicación política, lo que se confirma con los resultados del análisis de los medios del habla. El que dirige la comunicación política es predominantemente institucional. El destinatario se caracteriza por un componente doble (destinatario directo y destinatario-oyente). El objetivo de la comunicación política, al ser un medio de lucha por el poder, es inducir evaluaciones y acciones activas. Las formas de lograr este objetivo, es decir, el impacto en el destinatario, son principalmente emocionales, psicológicos y psicológicos ocultos. Los materiales del artículo son de valor práctico para el estudio posterior del discurso político como un tipo especial de comunicación, determinando su lugar en la tipología general del discurso, estudiando sus características

    Production and use of biologically active substances: Economic, social and legal aspects

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    The article analyzes the opinions of researchers on the need to produce and use biologically active substances. The authors of this publication consider not only legal issues, but also socio-economic ones. Due to the integral approach and the use of several basic methods of scientific cognition, a number of progressive conclusions are formulated. It is noted that the quality of biologically active substances and their generics depends not only on the consumer’s demand, but also on the substance nature and its legal regulation. Not only advantages of modern approaches to drug production are noted, but also defects, namely high cost and insufficiently effective use of digital technologies


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    Purchasing power parities (PPP) is a unique tool for macroeconomic analysis. The Global international comparison Program is arranged according to a regional principle. CIS countries form one of the regions. While linking the regional comparison (CIS ICP) results to the global ones, one should bear in mind that Russia participates in EU/OECD regional comparison as well. In the previous comparison cycles the issue of linking regional CIS and EU/OECD comparisons was resolved using the direct linear recalculation method, which ensures fixity of the results, but does not correspond to the common methodology of international comparisons. Within the most recent cycle of CIS ICP which was conducted using 2014 data (2014 CIS ICP), a qualitatively better method was elaborated and used to link regional results - a «partially-multilateral comparison» PMC method. This experience is described in the article.Паритет покупательной способности валют (ППС) представляет собой уникальный инструмент макроэкономического анализа. Глобальная Программа международных сопоставлений (ПМС) организована по региональному принципу, один из регионов - страны СНГ. При включении результатов региональных сопоставлений ПМС СНГ в состав глобальных необходимо также учитывать тот факт, что Россия параллельно принимает участие в сопоставлениях региона ОЭСР-ЕС. В ходе предыдущих циклов сопоставлений вопрос объединения региональных сопоставлений СНГ и ОЭСР-ЕС решался на основе прямого линейного пересчета, позволяющего обеспечить фиксированность результатов, но не соответствующего общей методологии международных сопоставлений. В ходе наиболее недавнего цикла ПМС СНГ, проводившегося по данным за 2014 г. (ПМС СНГ 2014), для объединения региональных результатов был разработан и использован принципиально более качественный метод «частично-многостороннего сопоставления» (метод ЧМС). Этот опыт описывается в настоящей статье

    Multi-Instantons and Exact Results III: Unified Description of the Resonances of Even and Odd Anharmonic Oscillators

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    This is the third article in a series of three papers on the resonance energy levels of anharmonic oscillators. Whereas the first two papers mainly dealt with double-well potentials and modifications thereof [see J. Zinn-Justin and U. D. Jentschura, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 313 (2004), pp. 197 and 269], we here focus on simple even and odd anharmonic oscillators for arbitrary magnitude and complex phase of the coupling parameter. A unification is achieved by the use of PT-symmetry inspired dispersion relations and generalized quantization conditions that include instanton configurations. Higher-order formulas are provided for the oscillators of degrees 3 to 8, which lead to subleading corrections to the leading factorial growth of the perturbative coefficients describing the resonance energies. Numerical results are provided, and higher-order terms are found to be numerically significant. The resonances are described by generalized expansions involving intertwined non-analytic exponentials, logarithmic terms and power series. Finally, we summarize spectral properties and dispersion relations of anharmonic oscillators, and their interconnections. The purpose is to look at one of the classic problems of quantum theory from a new perspective, through which we gain systematic access to the phenomenologically significant higher-order terms.Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX, Latin2 font

    Permafrost is warming at a global scale

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    Permafrost warming has the potential to amplify global climate change, because when frozen sediments thaw it unlocks soil organic carbon. Yet to date, no globally consistent assessment of permafrost temperature change has been compiled. Here we use a global data set of permafrost temperature time series from the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost to evaluate temperature change across permafrost regions for the period since the International Polar Year (2007-2009). During the reference decade between 2007 and 2016, ground temperature near the depth of zero annual amplitude in the continuous permafrost zone increased by 0.39 ± 0.15 °C. Over the same period, discontinuous permafrost warmed by 0.20 ± 0.10 °C. Permafrost in mountains warmed by 0.19 ± 0.05 °C and in Antarctica by 0.37 ± 0.10 °C. Globally, permafrost temperature increased by 0.29 ± 0.12 °C. The observed trend follows the Arctic amplification of air temperature increase in the Northern Hemisphere. In the discontinuous zone, however, ground warming occurred due to increased snow thickness while air temperature remained statistically unchanged

    Redox-sensitive PMMA-core-shell nanoparticles as drug carriers for anti-cancer therapeutics

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    Modern chemotherapy aims to provide highly effective treatment with minimized side effects. In light of this aim, nanoparticle drug carriers for chemotherapeutic agents are gaining considerable interest. They can significantly improve the pharmacological profile of traditional chemotherapeutic agents, while introducing tunability of their release and distribution within the body. In the present study we imparted biodegradability and redox-sensitive properties on a proven core-shell PMMA nanoparticle system through the implementation of a Bis(2-methacryloyl)oxyethyl disulfide crosslinker as a drop-in replacement for the methyl methacrylate from the original system. The original emulsion polymerization pathway was utilized without significant alterations, employing 2-(dimethyl-octyl) ammonium ethyl methacrylate bromide both as a charged copolymer and a surfactant. The synthesis yielded nanoparticles (NPs) of high colloidal stability and high positive surface charge with diameters ranging from 113(9,39) nm to 149(2,79) nm and ζ-potentials - from 71(1,34) to 55(1,93). TGA was demonstrated to be a useful technique for assessing the synthesis efficiency and for analysing the NP composition. The charged surface of the NPs allowed for the electrostatic loading of Tetrasulfonated Aluminum Phthalocyanine photosensitizer, which retained its ROS-generating activity upon loading. Notably, the unloaded NPs themselves generated significant amounts of ROS upon irradiation. Degradation studies revealed that the NPs successfully decompose when exposed to a reducing environment. The incorporation of MMA as a copolymer was proven to decrease the polydispersity and slow down the degradation of the NPs. It also reduced their ROS production considerably. Finally, we demonstrated that introducing hydrophobic cargo (Nile Red dye) during the synthesis did not disrupt the polymerization process and yielded dye-containing nanoparticles, closely resembling their unloaded analogues