286 research outputs found

    Neuregulin and dopamine modulation of hippocampal gamma oscillations is dependent on dopamine D4 receptors

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    The neuregulin/ErbB signaling network is genetically associated with schizophrenia and modulates hippocampal γ oscillations—a type of neuronal network activity important for higher brain processes and altered in psychiatric disorders. Because neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) dramatically increases extracellular dopamine levels in the hippocampus, we investigated the relationship between NRG/ErbB and dopamine signaling in hippocampal γ oscillations. Using agonists for different D1- and D2-type dopamine receptors, we found that the D4 receptor (D4R) agonist PD168077, but not D1/D5 and D2/D3 agonists, increases γ oscillation power, and its effect is blocked by the highly specific D4R antagonist L-745,870. Using double in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence histochemistry, we show that hippocampal D4R mRNA and protein are more highly expressed in GAD67-positive GABAergic interneurons, many of which express the NRG-1 receptor ErbB4. Importantly, D4 and ErbB4 receptors are coexpressed in parvalbumin-positive basket cells that are critical for γ oscillations. Last, we report that D4R activation is essential for the effects of NRG-1 on network activity because L-745,870 and the atypical antipsychotic clozapine dramatically reduce the NRG-1–induced increase in γ oscillation power. This unique link between D4R and ErbB4 signaling on γ oscillation power, and their coexpression in parvalbumin-expressing interneurons, suggests a cellular mechanism that may be compromised in different psychiatric disorders affecting cognitive control. These findings are important given the association of a DRD4 polymorphism with alterations in attention, working memory, and γ oscillations, and suggest potential benefits of D4R modulators for targeting cognitive deficits

    Global Air Quality and COVID-19 Pandemic : Do We Breathe Cleaner Air?

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    The global spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has challenged most countries worldwide. It was quickly recognized that reduced activities (lockdowns) during the Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic produced major changes in air quality. Our objective was to assess the impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns on groundlevel PM2.5, NO2, and O-3 concentrations on a global scale. We obtained data from 34 countries, 141 cities, and 458 air monitoring stations on 5 continents (few data from Africa). On a global average basis, a 34.0% reduction in NO2 concentration and a 15.0% reduction in PM2.5 were estimated during the strict lockdown period (until April 30, 2020). Global average O-3 concentration increased by 86.0% during this same period. Individual country and continent-wise comparisons have been made between lockdown and business-as-usual periods. Universally, NO2 was the pollutant most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. These effects were likely because its emissions were from sources that were typically restricted (i.e., surface traffic and non-essential industries) by the lockdowns and its short lifetime in the atmosphere. Our results indicate that lockdown measures and resulting reduced emissions reduced exposure to most harmful pollutants and could provide global-scale health benefits. However, the increased O-3 may have substantially reduced those benefits and more detailed health assessments are required to accurately quantify the health gains. At the same, these restrictions were obtained at substantial economic costs and with other health issues (depression, suicide, spousal abuse, drug overdoses, etc.). Thus, any similar reductions in air pollution would need to be obtained without these extensive economic and other consequences produced by the imposed activity reductions.Peer reviewe

    COVID-19 and Airborne Transmission: Science Rejected, Lives Lost. Can Society Do Better?

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    This is an account that should be heard of an important struggle: the struggle of a large group of experts who came together at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to warn the world about the risk of airborne transmission and the consequences of ignoring it. We alerted the World Health Organization about the potential significance of the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the urgent need to control it, but our concerns were dismissed. Here we describe how this happened and the consequences. We hope that by reporting this story we can raise awareness of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the need to be open to new evidence, and to prevent it from happening again. Acknowledgement of an issue, and the emergence of new evidence related to it, is the first necessary step towards finding effective mitigation solutions

    How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised?

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    During the rapid rise in COVID-19 illnesses and deaths globally, and notwithstanding recommended precautions, questions are voiced about routes of transmission for this pandemic disease. Inhaling small airborne droplets is probable as a third route of infection, in addition to more widely recognized transmission via larger respiratory droplets and direct contact with infected people or contaminated surfaces. While uncertainties remain regarding the relative contributions of the different transmission pathways, we argue that existing evidence is sufficiently strong to warrant engineering controls targeting airborne transmission as part of an overall strategy to limit infection risk indoors. Appropriate building engineering controls include sufficient and effective ventilation, possibly enhanced by particle filtration and air disinfection, avoiding air recirculation and avoiding overcrowding. Often, such measures can be easily implemented and without much cost, but if only they are recognised as significant in contributing to infection control goals. We believe that the use of engineering controls in public buildings, including hospitals, shops, offices, schools, kindergartens, libraries, restaurants, cruise ships, elevators, conference rooms or public transport, in parallel with effective application of other controls (including isolation and quarantine, social distancing and hand hygiene), would be an additional important measure globally to reduce the likelihood of transmission and thereby protect healthcare workers, patients and the general public

    COVID-19 and Airborne Transmission: Science Rejected, Lives Lost. Can Society Do Better?

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    This is an account that should be heard of an important struggle: the struggle of a large group of experts who came together at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to warn the world about the risk of airborne transmission and the consequences of ignoring it. We alerted the World Health Organization about the potential significance of the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the urgent need to control it, but our concerns were dismissed. Here we describe how this happened and the consequences. We hope that by reporting this story we can raise awareness of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the need to be open to new evidence, and to prevent it from happening again. Acknowledgement of an issue, and the emergence of new evidence related to it, is the first necessary step towards finding effective mitigation solutions

    Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the Milky Way center in O3 LIGO--Virgo data

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    We present a directed search for continuous gravitational wave (CW) signals emitted by spinning neutron stars located in the inner parsecs of the Galactic Center (GC). Compelling evidence for the presence of a numerous population of neutron stars has been reported in the literature, turning this region into a very interesting place to look for CWs. In this search, data from the full O3 LIGO--Virgo run in the detector frequency band [10,2000] Hz[10,2000]\rm~Hz have been used. No significant detection was found and 95%\% confidence level upper limits on the signal strain amplitude were computed, over the full search band, with the deepest limit of about 7.6×10267.6\times 10^{-26} at 142 Hz\simeq 142\rm~Hz. These results are significantly more constraining than those reported in previous searches. We use these limits to put constraints on the fiducial neutron star ellipticity and r-mode amplitude. These limits can be also translated into constraints in the black hole mass -- boson mass plane for a hypothetical population of boson clouds around spinning black holes located in the GC.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond x-ray pulsars in O3 LIGO data

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    Constraints on the cosmic expansion history from GWTC-3

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    We use 47 gravitational-wave sources from the Third LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog (GWTC-3) to estimate the Hubble parameter H(z)H(z), including its current value, the Hubble constant H0H_0. Each gravitational-wave (GW) signal provides the luminosity distance to the source and we estimate the corresponding redshift using two methods: the redshifted masses and a galaxy catalog. Using the binary black hole (BBH) redshifted masses, we simultaneously infer the source mass distribution and H(z)H(z). The source mass distribution displays a peak around 34M34\, {\rm M_\odot}, followed by a drop-off. Assuming this mass scale does not evolve with redshift results in a H(z)H(z) measurement, yielding H0=687+12kms1Mpc1H_0=68^{+12}_{-7} {\rm km\,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1}} (68%68\% credible interval) when combined with the H0H_0 measurement from GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterpart. This represents an improvement of 17% with respect to the H0H_0 estimate from GWTC-1. The second method associates each GW event with its probable host galaxy in the catalog GLADE+, statistically marginalizing over the redshifts of each event's potential hosts. Assuming a fixed BBH population, we estimate a value of H0=686+8kms1Mpc1H_0=68^{+8}_{-6} {\rm km\,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1}} with the galaxy catalog method, an improvement of 42% with respect to our GWTC-1 result and 20% with respect to recent H0H_0 studies using GWTC-2 events. However, we show that this result is strongly impacted by assumptions about the BBH source mass distribution; the only event which is not strongly impacted by such assumptions (and is thus informative about H0H_0) is the well-localized event GW190814