49 research outputs found

    Mentoring als zukunftsweisendes Instrument der Personal-, Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung in der Berufseinstiegsphase von Lehrpersonen im österreichischen Bildungssystem

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    Mit der EinfĂŒhrung der neuen PĂ€dagoginnen- und PĂ€dagogenbildung in Österreich gehen Änderungen des Lehrer/ innendienstrechts einher. Eine Neuerung stellt die Umsetzung einer verpflichtenden Berufseinstiegsphase fĂŒr alle Lehrerinnen und Lehrer dar. Dieser Artikel prĂ€sentiert am Beispiel eines Modellprojekts im Bundesland Steiermark, das in drei Schulbezirken von 2012 bis 2014 durchgefĂŒhrt worden ist, Vorbereitungs- und Implementierungsstrategien von Mentoring im begleiteten Berufseinstieg. Am Beispiel der Primarstufe werden Gelingensbedingungenund relevante Faktoren von Mentoring und begleitenden Fortbildungsangeboten fĂŒr Schulleiter/ innen, Mentorinnen und Mentoren sowie Berufseinsteiger/ innen diskutiert. (Autorenreferat)Due to the development of a new teacher training program in Austria, changes in service law come now into effect. These include obligatory support for all teachers during their first steps into the new profession. This article exemplarily outlines a model project in Styria (2012–2014) that considers strategies for preparing and implementing mentoring. Furthermore, circumstances and factors for a successful application of mentoring are discussed for teachers at the beginning of their careers in primary schools. (author's abstract

    Das Forschungszentrum fĂŒr Inklusive Bildung (FZIB): Inhalte und Perspektiven

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    Das Forschungszentrum fĂŒr Inklusive Bildung (FZIB) wurde gegrĂŒndet, um die Möglichkeiten digitaler Technologien fĂŒr die Weiterentwicklung eines inklusiven Bildungssystems nutzbar zu machen. Das FZIB ist ein Verbundzentrum dreier Hochschulen (der UniversitĂ€t Graz, der PĂ€dagogischen Hochschule Steiermark und der Privaten PĂ€dagogischen Hochschule Augustinum) und hat in den letzten Jahren seine Expertise in einer Vielzahl an Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten eingebracht. Zentrales Ziel dieser Projekte ist die Entwicklung von Unterrichtsmaterialien fĂŒr die Individualisierung des Unterrichts sowie die Förderung von Barrierefreiheit und Partizipation. Alle Materialien werden als offene Bildungsressourcen zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt

    An upgraded CFA - FLC - MS/MS system for the semi-continuous detection of levoglucosan in ice cores

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    A new Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system coupled with Fast Liquid Chromatography – tandem Mass Spectrometry (FLC-MS/MS) has been recently developed for determining organic markers in ice cores. In this work we present an upgrade of this innovative technique, optimized for the detection of levoglucosan in ice cores, a crucial tracer for reconstructing past fires. The upgrade involved a specific optimization of the chromatographic and mass spectrometric parameters, allowing for a higher sampling resolution (down to 1 cm) and the simultaneous collection of discrete samples, for off-line analysis of water stable isotopes and additional chemical markers. The robustness and repeatability of the method has been tested by the analysis of multiple sticks of ice cut from the same shallow alpine ice core, and running the system for several hours on different days. The results show similar and comparable trends between the ice sticks. With this upgraded system, a higher sensitivity and a lower limit of detection (LOD) was achieved compared to discrete analysis of alpine samples for levoglucosan measurements. The new LOD was as low as 66 ng L−1, a net improvement over the previous LOD of 600 ng L−1

    SERIES: eHealth in primary care. Part 1: Concepts, conditions and challenges.

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    Primary care is challenged to provide high quality, accessible and affordable care for an increasingly ageing, complex, and multimorbid population. To counter these challenges, primary care professionals need to take up new and innovative practices, including eHealth. eHealth applications hold the promise to overcome some difficulties encountered in the care of people with complex medical and social needs in primary care. However, many unanswered questions regarding (cost) effectiveness, integration with healthcare, and acceptability to patients, caregivers, and professionals remain to be elucidated. What conditions need to be met? What challenges need to be overcome? What downsides must be dealt with? This first paper in a series on eHealth in primary care introduces basic concepts and examines opportunities for the uptake of eHealth in primary care. We illustrate that although the potential of eHealth in primary care is high, several conditions need to be met to ensure that safe and high-quality eHealth is developed for and implemented in primary care. eHealth research needs to be optimized; ensuring evidence-based eHealth is available. Blended care, i.e. combining face-to-face care with remote options, personalized to the individual patient should be considered. Stakeholders need to be involved in the development and implementation of eHealth via co-creation processes, and design should be mindful of vulnerable groups and eHealth illiteracy. Furthermore, a global perspective on eHealth should be adopted, and eHealth ethics, patients' safety and privacy considered.Published versio

    An upgraded CFA-FLC-MS/MS system for the semi-continuous detection of levoglucosan in ice cores

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    A new Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system coupled with Fast Liquid Chromatography - tandem Mass Spectrometry (FLC-MS/MS) has been recently developed for determining organic markers in ice cores. In this work we present an upgrade of this innovative technique, optimized for the detection of levoglucosan in ice cores, a crucial tracer for reconstructing past fires. The upgrade involved a specific optimization of the chro-matographic and mass spectrometric parameters, allowing for a higher sampling resolution (down to 1 cm) and the simultaneous collection of discrete samples, for off-line analysis of water stable isotopes and additional chemical markers. The robustness and repeatability of the method has been tested by the analysis of multiple sticks of ice cut from the same shallow alpine ice core, and running the system for several hours on different days. The results show similar and comparable trends between the ice sticks. With this upgraded system, a higher sensitivity and a lower limit of detection (LOD) was achieved compared to discrete analysis of alpine samples for levoglucosan measurements. The new LOD was as low as 66 ng L-1, a net improvement over the previous LOD of 600 ng L-1

    The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia : An initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote implementation and dissemination of treatment

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    Insomnia, the most prevalent sleep disorder worldwide, confers marked risks for both physical and mental health. Furthermore, insomnia is associated with considerable direct and indirect healthcare costs. Recent guidelines in the US and Europe unequivocally conclude that cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT‐I) should be the first‐line treatment for the disorder. Current treatment approaches are in stark contrast to these clear recommendations, not least across Europe, where, if any treatment at all is delivered, hypnotic medication still is the dominant therapeutic modality. To address this situation, a Task Force of the European Sleep Research Society and the European Insomnia Network met in May 2018. The Task Force proposed establishing a European CBT‐I Academy that would enable a Europe‐wide system of standardized CBT‐I training and training centre accreditation. This article summarizes the deliberations of the Task Force concerning definition and ingredients of CBT‐I, preconditions for health professionals to teach CBT‐I, the way in which CBT‐I should be taught, who should be taught CBT‐I and to whom CBT‐I should be administered. Furthermore, diverse aspects of CBT‐I care and delivery were discussed and incorporated into a stepped‐care model for insomnia.Peer reviewe

    Local and regional components of aerosol in a heavily trafficked street canyon in central London derived from PMF and cluster analysis of single-particle ATOFMS spectra.

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    Positive matrix factorization (PMF) has been applied to single particle ATOFMS spectra collected on a six lane heavily trafficked road in central London (Marylebone Road), which well represents an urban street canyon. PMF analysis successfully extracted 11 factors from mass spectra of about 700,000 particles as a complement to information on particle types (from K-means cluster analysis). The factors were associated with specific sources and represent the contribution of different traffic related components (i.e., lubricating oils, fresh elemental carbon, organonitrogen and aromatic compounds), secondary aerosol locally produced (i.e., nitrate, oxidized organic aerosol and oxidized organonitrogen compounds), urban background together with regional transport (aged elemental carbon and ammonium) and fresh sea spray. An important result from this study is the evidence that rapid chemical processes occur in the street canyon with production of secondary particles from road traffic emissions. These locally generated particles, together with aging processes, dramatically affected aerosol composition producing internally mixed particles. These processes may become important with stagnant air conditions and in countries where gasoline vehicles are predominant and need to be considered when quantifying the impact of traffic emissions.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available via ACS at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es506249z