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    In producing a good paragraph, there are two main characteristics in common coherence and cohesion(Boardman, C.A & Frydenberg, J., 2002). McDonough, S.(2002) defines cohesion as a general name for linguistic devices which signal the textual structure which represents the coherence of the message encoded. To adopt the taxonomies of Halliday and Hasan (1976) and Halliday & Mattiessen (2004) to account for the semantic and syntactic functions of discourse connectors, this study aimed to investigate the use of discourse connectors employed by university students in their argumentative writings. The subjects of the study were the argumentative writings composed by English-major undergraduate students. Out of 56 compositions, 30 were chosen as the sample. The data were analyzed quantitatively. The findings revealed that the students were able to use a variety of discourse connectors in their writing. Moreover, among a wide range of discourse connectors; and, or, because (of),but, and so were mostly found in the compositions. The paper was concluded with some recommendations and suggestions that should inform EFL writing instruction in this part of the world and in other similar context


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    Interest has a valuable role in students’ successful learning. Students undoubtedly learn more efficiently things that interest them. The students think that what they are learned about is valuable to them personally. They will participate actively because they know how important the learning is. But every student has different reasons or factors in joining an activity. The purpose of this study was to know students’ interest in joining English conversation extracurricular, factors that make the students interested in joining English conversation extracurricular and the most dominant factor that make the students interested in joining English conversation extracurricular. In this study, the researcher applied descriptive qualitative design to get the data. The population of this research was all members of ECE at SMA N 2 BATU. To get the sample, the researcher chose the students used purposive sampling because the members of ECE consisted of first and second year students of Senior High School. As a result of taking purposive sampling, there were 34 first year students to be taken as the sample of this research. Meanwhile, the instrument used was questionnaire. From the result of the study, it was found that the first year students of ECE had very high interest in joining ECE. There were six factors which made the students interested in joining ECE. The first factor was related to aptitude, only few students join ECE because they had aptitude. The second was that most of the students had capability in English, therefore they join ECE. The third factor was concerned with students’ ideal. The students joined ECE because they wanted to reach their ideal in the future related to English. Therefore, most of the students had very high interest in joining ECE because they had internal factor that was ideals. The fourth factor was concerned with students’ family, few of them were asked by their parents to join ECE. The fifth factor was related to their teacher. The teacher motivated the students by using many kinds of technique in teaching such as games, role play, poem, etc. The last factor was connected to society. Only two students joint ECE because their friends also joined the activity. Besides, the most dominant factor that made the students interested in joining ECE was students’ ideal. The students joined ECE because they wanted to reach their ideal in the future related to English

    Wedhus Gembel Halahala Mandaragiri

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    A side from Mount Merapi, Mount Bromo and Anak krakatau erupted just the latter. Last Saturday (27/11), the Mandara Mountain also erupted tremendous. Horribly, spit out “wedhus gembel” contain with halahala which is a deadly poison. The toxins that spewed from the top of the mountain threaten all living things. But the people of Central Java, who witnessed the eruption of Mount Mandara seemed calm and even enjoy it. Mandaragiri eruption was a ballet performance that was held in Pendhapa Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta, Central Java. Ballet entitled “Siwa Wisaya“performed by the students of ISI Denpasar, which served as the ultimate performance on Gong Kebyar Mebarung in Java and Bali area, held by ISI Surakarta. Gong Kebyar duel that lasted two nights, on the 26th -27th last November, presents four different groups namely: Gong Kebyar ISI Surakarta, ISI Yogyakarta, Puspa Giri Semarang, and ISI Denpasar. The story of Mandara Mountains are served by 60 students of ISI Denpasar, it was contextual with the eruption of natural disasters that are now happening in Indonesia. Mandaragiri is very familiar in Java community whose leather puppet lovers. Therefore, the turn of Mandaragiri in the early part of the Mahabharata epic was applied to be communicative in a ballet performance which lasts for 25 minutes. The audiences who attend the Pendhapa listened with enthusiasm and keen of the artistic display with a message which is underlined verbally by the mastermind or narrator in Old Javanese and Indonesian. Once in Satyayuga age, the gods and giants are agree to work together to find Tirta Amrita or the water of eternal life. To get the holy water they should stirring the sea of ​​milk “Ksiarnawa”, with a mountain. On the appointed day, the Mandara mountain at the Island of Sangka which carried by Hyang Antaboga is thrown into the middle of the ocean. To keep the mountain floating, Kurma the tortoise rested on the seabed and occupied on the top of the mountain is God Indra. Naga Basuki is twisted on the mountain, his head held by the giants and his tail pulled by the gods. Mandaragiri is turned on. The Ocean was boiling and typhoons blustering. The habitats of the mountain are bounced out and the ocean habitats are scattered. Suddenly from the top of the Mandara mountain sprit a solid black blob. The gods and the giants cheered excitedly, scrambling and about to drink the melting lump. Lord Shiva is watching carefully of gods and giants action he was swiftly captured and immediately drank it. Lord Shiva's neck turned into dark blue because the one it was drunk by Lord Shiva is the killer toxin halahala. The gods and the giants get more curios and re-play the turn of Mandara Mountains which then disburse a clear liquid fragrance, Tirta Amrita. The giants fiercely controlled and run. Luckily, God Vishnu wins while pretended to be an angel and seduce them. Tirta Amrita was then spread by God Vishnu to all the human being in the earth and also to bring happiness and world peace. The cultivation of "Shiva Wizard” ISI Denpasar ballet was pretty neat. I Wayan Sutirtha, S. Sn, M. Sn, one of the choreographers say that he quite satisfied with the artwork of the performance and the dancer’s magnificence accordance with the concept of artistic and aesthetic which had planned. The same opinion is also conveyed by a composer Ida Bagus Nyoman Mas, SSKar he impressed and salutes with the drummer’s team confidence and concentration that appear so neat. The coach at puppetry, I Ketut Kodi, SSP, M. Si and I Nyoman Sukerta, S. Sn, M. Si, also revealed his goal against the appearance of liking the narrator and puppeteer by one of the students at puppetry department ISI Denpasar, Bagus Bharatanatya. Apart to aesthetic visual communication through dance and gamelan musical audio system, Balinese dance-dramas that are performed in front of the community of Central Java interweave a verbal communication within the Indonesian National language. Narration in the Indonesian language was deeply touched when thrown the moral expressions. The scene of Lord Shiva drank the poison of Mandara Mountains which caused his neck on fire, given the word of Lord Shiva narrative: “Hai para dewa dan para asura, cairan yang kalian perebutkan itu adalah halahala, racun. Aku tak ingin kalian mati binasa karena minum racun gunung itu. Sebagai penguasa semesta, aku rela mengorbankan diriku. Sebagai pemimpin, aku rela jadi tumbal kehidupan demi keselamatan hidup dan keberlangsungan kehidupan“ means : Dear gods and the giants, the liquid that you guys fighting for is halahala poison. Lord Shiva does not want them to drink poison and perish because of the mountains poison. As the possessors of the universe, I'm willing to sacrifice myself. As a leader, I'm willing to be a sacrificial life for the sake of safety of life and sustainability of life. The audiences were satisfied with it. Art is the vehicle for a flexible and powerful communication. When natural disasters came in a row and whack this nation, then the art breakthrough to give an amusement, reflection, and a vessel for introspection. Just try to be reviewed on the last part of the "Shiva Wizard" ballet of ISI Denpasar. As he splashed Tirta Amrita, God Vishnu said: "O gods, giants, and all mankind. Birth, life, and death are the destiny. Sangkan paraning dumadi is the power of Hyang Widhi. Pray for the Lord. Maintain harmony together and ......, save the earth with loving & harmony


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    Pendidikan di Indonesia diselenggarakan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia, sebagai investasi baik bagi individu maupun masyarakat. Pembiayaan pendidikan pada lembaga pendidikan swasta, sebagian  dari  dana BOS (Bantuan  Operasional  Sekolah), dan sebagian bersumber dari dana masyarakat, sehingga permasalahan penelitian adalah bagaimana lembaga pendidikan swasta dapat di manage secara tepat arah dalam hal mengembangkan mutu, relevansi, efisiensi dan efektivitasnya sehingga dapat menjadikan dirinya sebagai lembaga pendidikan alternatif bagi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang upaya-upaya strategis lembaga pendidikan swasta dalam menghimpun sumber-sumber dana untuk membiayai pendidikan, dan informasi mengenai pengelolaan sumber dana pada lembaga pendidikan swasta, terfokus pada MI Ma’arif Sutawinangun, Kecamatan Kedawung, Kabupaten Cirebon. Temuan penelitian antara lain: Pertama, strategi yang dilakukan MI Ma’arif Sutawinangun untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan adalah dengan membentuk tim peningkatan mutu yang bertugas merencanakan, melaksanakan, mengevaluasi mutu pendidikan di MI Ma'arif Sutawinangun. Kedua, pelaksanaan manajemen pembiayaan pendidikan di MI Ma’arif Sutawinangun dalam proses perencanaan pembiayaan telah melibatkan partisipasi aktif dari semua pihak hal ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi beban biaya dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Penggunaan anggaran pembiayaan pendidikan yang telah sesuai dengan  program  pembiayaan  yang telah ditetapkan merupakan faktor kunci terlaksana proses pendidikan  di madrasah.  MI Ma’arif Sutawinangun cenderung lebih memprioritas kebutuhan yang menunjang peningkatan mutu  pendidikan agar pembiayaan dapat berjalan efektif dan efisien. Ketiga, dengan manajemen pembiayaan yang efektif  dan  efisien, madrasah mampu merencanakan hal hal yang menunjang peningkatan mutu, pengadaan sarana prasarana yang menunjang pembelajaran, pengembangan diri guru serta prestasi akademik dan non akademik siswa


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    Di Yogyakarta, data statistik mengindikasikan masih minimnya tingkat partisipasi difabel di jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Sampai dengan tahun 2004, anak difabel yang bersekolah adalah 63,24% di jenjang pendidikan SD dan SMP. Partisipasi difabel di ranah pendidikan tinggi jauh lebih rendah lagi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyaknya hambatan yang dialami difabel atau pun hambatan yang mungkin mereka alami. Tulisan ini ingin mengkaji bagaimana implementasi dari Permendikbud tersebut di PTN di DIY, yaitu di UIN Sunan Kalijaga dan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Alasan memilih kedua tempat ini karena kedua PTN ini banyak menerima mahasiswa difabel setiap tahun. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa kampus UIN Sunan Kalijaga lebih baik dalam hal implementasi pendidikan inklusif yang menyangkut sarana/prasarana, layanan khusus untuk mahasiswa difabel, seleksi mahasiswa baru, dosen dan tenaga kependidikan, evaluasi pembelajaran dan fungsi layanan disabilitas Kata Kunci: Difabel, Pendidikan Inklusif, Studi Kebijaka


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    To be able to learn something well, we need to listen, see, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. It's not just that, students need to "do it", that is, describe things in their own way, show examples, try to practice skills and do assignments that demand the knowledge they have gained.This research uses action research as much as three rounds. Each round consists of four stages, namely: design, activities and observations, reflection, and refissions. The target of this research is the students of class VB MIN 1 Palu City. The data obtained in the form of formative test results, observation sheets of teaching and learning activities.From the results of analysts it was found that student achievement increased from cycle I to cycle III namely, cycle I (64.00%), cycle II (76.00%), cycle III (88.00%).The conclusion of this study is that problem-based contextual learning can positively influence the learning motivation of VB MIN 1 Palu students, and this learning model can be used as an alternative to learning science


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    Perencanaan perpustakaan berupa kerangka berpikir yang kritis dan inovatif harus dituangkan ke dalam dokumen tertulis yang dikenal dengan rencana strategis perpustakaan. Paper ini mendeskripsikan tentang metode penyusunan rencana strategis perpustakaan di perguruan tinggi. Dalam penyusunan Renstra, upaya awal yang dapat ditempuh adalah melakukan pendekatan terhadap komponen-komponen perpustakaan dengan analisis SWOT. Analisis SWOT dilakukan untuk melihat kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang dimiliki perpustakaan. Keempat hal itu dapat dianggap tantangan positif dan negatif sebagai suatu kesatuan secara utuh untuk merumuskan strategi dan arah kebijakan pengembangan perpustakaan. Tujuan Renstra disusun adalah sebagai panduan kerja yang dapat mengontrol segala aktifitas yang diselenggarakan di perpustakaan

    Pembelajaran Apresiasi Puisi Rekreatif Di Smk

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    The research aims at describing the realization of recreative poetry teaching in SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta. The focus of the research is about the things related to the expressive and recreative poetry teaching which include the planning, the implementing, the barriers, and the efforts done by the teacher in handling recreative poetry teaching. The research is a case study research (qualitative research). The result of this research concludes that it is necessary to gain the perception of Indonesian Language teacher about the curriculum, the competence in recreative poetry teaching, and the theory and appreciation of poetry. With the increase of those things, it is hoped that the teacher can guide students to have a high ability about recreative poetry appreciation

    Aplikasi Pendekatan Tematis Untuk Pembinaan Kompetensi Komunikatif Bahasa Indonesia Pada Siswa Sltp

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    This research aims to describe the increasing of the students\u27 Indonesian communicative competence and the collaboration between the lecturer and teacher in establishing the students\u27 Indonesian communicative competence. This research was conducted using qualitativemethod. The sources of data were collected from informants and were determined through criterionbasedselection. The data were taken through deep interview and direct observation. Then they were analyzed by interactivemethod and served in descriptionbased on domain analysis. This research concludes that the teachers who have positive perception can increase the students\u27 Indonesian communicative competence. The effective interactions in the Indonesian teaching in this research is multi directions and students\u27 Indonesian communicative competence was shown by grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, and discourse competence


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    During previous time, the determination of final subject scores was only based on scores of tests. However, if reviewed from the teaching meaning as a process, final scores should not only be determined from a brief examination influenced a lot by external and internal factors of students during the exam. Lecturers should apply alternative assessments in determining final scores of subjects which could be a utilization of non-traditional approach to give working assessments and students’ learning outcomes so that every lecturer should have academic records of all students on the subjects that they took. Several lecturers record students' academic activities including students’ activeness during lectures, activeness in doing assessments, and some other activities manually. Therefore, there should be facilities allowing lecturers to record all components. A research to be conducted aims at producing a program of e-academic record, i.e. an application program developed using MS Access to keep records of all the components of student activities in lectures that will be used as the basis for setting the final marks of courses. From the results of this study, it was expected to assist lecturers in processing and storing data of students’ academic activities during lectures that could be used as the basis for calculating the final marks of courses
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