832 research outputs found

    Influência da qualidade do carvão e das condições operacionais no processo de combustão de uma usina termelétrica

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    Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia QuímicaO processo de combustão é uma tecnologia antiga, o qual ainda fornece mundialmente o maior suporte de energia para as operações industriais, transformando energia química em energia térmica e sendo acompanhada, em geral, pela formação de gases poluentes. No presente trabalho foi estudada a influência do tipo de carvão e condições de operação no processo de combustão, através do desenvolvimento de um modelo de gerenciamento da combustão, para o qual foi desenvolvido um software específico, e também mediante a realização de testes experimentais na planta industrial de uma usina termelétrica de queima de carvão pulverizado. Foram estudadas as emissões dos poluentes SO2 e NO como uma função da composição do carvão e também realizou-se experimentos onde variou-se individualmente o coeficiente de excesso de ar, analisando-se assim a influência desta variável nas emissões de CO e NO e na presença de carbono nas cinzas. Verificou-se, através da análise dos gases de combustão, que a emissão de SO2 é diretamente proporcional ao teor de enxofre do carvão. Nos testes experimentais, observou-se que o excesso de ar exerce uma pequena influência na formação do NO total proveniente da combustão de carvão, sendo que um aumento desta variável diminui a emissão do NO. Em relação à emissão de CO, houve uma formação significativa deste poluente quando se utilizou um excesso de ar abaixo de 25% e a presença de carbono não queimado na cinza leve também foi diretamente influenciada pelo controle do excesso de ar. Comparando-se os resultados das análises dos gases de combustão medidos na planta industrial com os valores calculados pelo software GERCOM 1.0, verificou-se uma excelente concordância, confirmando a validade do modelo de gerenciamento

    Morphological characteristics and yield of red rose apple pulp from public roads in the municipality of Inhumas/GO, Brazil / Características morfológicas e rendimento da polpa de jambo vermelho de via públicas do município de Inhumas/GO, Brasil

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    The aim of this research was to determine the physical and physicochemical characteristics of the red rose apple fruits,  that have great economic potential, and will be able to subsidize the cultivation and the appropriate selection, aiming at their use in the production of new products. For the harvest, selected 3 regions of the city of Inhumas Goiás. An average of 5 kg of fruits from each region was collected. Volume, density, height, diameter, pulp yield, physicochemical characterization by determination of pH, total acidity (TA) and total soluble solids (SS) and color by digital image were determined. Considering the results found, the physicochemical characteristics of the red rose apple fruits present considerable pulp yield, reasonable values of total soluble solids and acidity. The properties of the fruits are presented in the desirable standards for the production industrialized products, satisfactory characteristics for industrialization. The informed ones show that the fruit of the red rose apple fruits corresponds to a potential alternative to be used in the industries in the manufacture of jams.

    Tarefas em geometria: da sala de aula para a formação de professores, descrição de um projeto

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    Neste poster, apresentamos um projeto que pretende abordar de forma conglomerada conhecimentos, raciocínios, argumentação e representações de alunos e professores dos primeiros anos. Perspetiva-se como uma das formas de contribuir para uma melhoria dos conhecimentos geométricos de alunos e professores bem como para uma possível mudança de foco na prática e na formação geométrica de professores

    Insulin Substrate Receptor (IRS) proteins in normal and malignant hematopoiesis

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    The insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins are a family of cytoplasmic proteins that integrate and coordinate the transmission of signals from the extracellular to the intracellular environment via transmembrane receptors, thus regulating cell growth, metabolism, survival and proliferation. The PI3K/AKT/mTOR and MAPK signaling pathways are the best-characterized downstream signaling pathways activated by IRS signaling (canonical pathways). However, novel signaling axes involving IRS proteins (noncanonical pathways) have recently been identified in solid tumor and hematologic neoplasm models. Insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS1) and insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS2) are the best-characterized IRS proteins in hematologic-related processes. IRS2 binds to important cellular receptors involved in normal hematopoiesis (EPOR, MPL and IGF1R). Moreover, the identification of IRS1/ABL1 and IRS2/JAK2V617F interactions and their functional consequences has opened a new frontier for investigating the roles of the IRS protein family in malignant hematopoiesis. Insulin receptor substrate-4 (IRS4) is absent in normal hematopoietic tissues but may be expressed under abnormal conditions. Moreover, insulin receptor substrate-5 (DOK4) and insulin receptor substrate-6 (DOK5) are linked to lymphocyte regulation. An improved understanding of the signaling pathways mediated by IRS proteins in hematopoiesis-related processes, along with the increased development of agonists and antagonists of these signaling axes, may generate new therapeutic approaches for hematological diseases. The scope of this review is to recapitulate and review the evidence for the functions of IRS proteins in normal and malignant hematopoiesis

    Photobiomodulation for Oral Mucositis – A Microcosting and Budget Impact Analysis from a Brazilian Perspective

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    Objective: To measure the costs of preventive and therapeutic protocols of Photobiomodulation (PBM) for oral mucositis (OM) and their budgetary impact on Brazil’s Ministry of Health (BMH). Material and Methods: A partial economic analysis was performed to estimate the costs using a bottom-up approach from a social perspective. Monetary values were assigned in Brazilian reais (BRL). The costs of the preventive protocol were calculated for five, 30, and 33 consecutive PBM sessions, depending on the antineoplastic treatment instituted. The costs of the therapeutic protocol were calculated for 5 or 10 sessions. The annual financial and budgetary impact was calculated considering the groups of oncologic patients with a higher risk of development of OM, such as those with head and neck and hematological cancer and pediatric patients. Results: The cost of a PBM session was estimated at BRL 23.75. The financial impact of providing one preventive protocol per year for all oncologic patients would be BRL 14,282,680.00, 0.030% of the estimated budget for hospital and outpatient care of the BMH in 2022. The financial and budgetary impacts of providing one treatment for OM for all patients in one year would be BRL 2,225,630.31 (0.005%, most optimistic scenario) and BRL 4,451,355.63 (0.009%, most pessimistic scenario). Conclusion: The budgetary impact of implementing PBM protocols in the Brazilian Healthcare System is small, even in a pessimistic scenario

    Úlcera de Lipschütz: desafio diagnóstico em úlceras vulvares

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    A úlcera de Lipschütz (UL) foi descrita em 1913 por Benjamin Lipschütz. Possui etiologia desconhecida e é acompanhada de dor, edema e linfadenopatia local, febre, mal-estar geral, mialgia e odinofagia. Os diagnósticos diferenciais incluem doenças infecciosas, neoplasia, trauma e abuso sexual. Relatamos um caso de uma jovem de 14 anos de idade que desenvolveu um quadro de úlcera genital precedido por sintomas gerais inespecíficos. Exames complementares excluíram doenças infecciosas e inflamatórias. Outras causas habituais também foram excluídas. Estabeleceu-se, então, o diagnóstico de UL. A paciente apresentou melhora clínica importante e progressiva, e recebeu alta hospitalar em bom estado geral, com lesão em regressão. Palavras-chave: Úlcera genital, Lipschütz, Doenças da vulva. ABSTRACT Lipschütz ulcer (UL) was described in 1913 by Benjamin Lipschütz. It has unknown etiology. Among the clinical manifestations, pain, edema and local lymphadenopathy, fever, malaise, myalgia and odynophagia are of particular emphasis. Differential diagnoses include infectious diseases, neoplasia, trauma, and sexual abuse. We reported a case of a 14-year-old girl who developed genital ulcer preceded by general nonspecific symptoms. Investigations excluded infectious and inflammatory diseases. Other common causes were also excluded. By eliminating other ethologies and presenting all the diagnostic criteria, the diagnosis of UL was established. The patient presented significant and progressive clinical improvement and was discharged in good general condition, with regression lesion. Key-words: Genital ulcer, Lipschütz, Vulvar Diseases

    Development of caprine preantral follicles after orthotopic autotransplantation of ovarian tissue

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the follicle morphology, density, development and hormone production after orthotopic autransplantation of fresh or vitrified goat ovarian tissue. Methods: Fresh and vitrified ovarian cortex was orthotopically autotransplanted for six months in two and three adults bilaterally ovariectomized goats, respectively. The animals were monitored during 196 days and blood samples collected. Results: It was observed that the percentage of morphologically normal preantral follicles (MNPF) after grafting of fresh ovarian tissue was similar to control. The follicular density in the fresh graft reduced significantly when compared to fresh control. unfortunately, after transplantation of vitrified tissue it was not possible to identified any follicles after recovery. Furthermore, the proportion of developing follicles was higher (P < 0.05) in the fresh auto-grafts than in control fragments. Moreover, progesterone plasma levels increased significantly from day 179 to day 195 of transplantation. Conclusion: In conclusion, orthotopic transplantation of fresh ovarian tissue was able to keep healthy the preantral follicles, as well as the restoration of goat endocrine function

    Equine ovarian tissue xenografting: impacts of cooling, vitrification, and VEGF.

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    Ovarian tissue transplantation methods using cooled and cryopreserved samples have been attractive options for fertility preservation in animal models and humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of previous exposure to cooling, cryopreservation, and VEGF on the overall efficiency of equine ovarian tissue after heterotopic xenotransplantation in mice. The end points evaluated were follicular morphology and development, follicular and stromal cell densities, angiogenesis (i.e. the density of new and mature blood vessels), collagen types I and III fiber densities, and total fibrosis. Ovaries of adult mares were harvested after ovariectomy, and ovarian fragments were xenografted in the i.p. wall of BALB nude mice. Ten types of treatments involving different combinations of cooling, cryopreservation, xenografting procedures, and VEGF exposure were compared. The novel aspect of this study was the use of equine ovarian tissue xenotransplantation in mice, challenging the fragments with different combinations of treatments. The main findings were (i) cooling but not cryopreservation was effective in preserving the follicular morphology, (ii) a greater percentage of developing follicles but lower follicular and stromal cell densities were observed after ovarian tissue engraftment, (iii) exposure to VEGF increased new and mature vessels in cryopreserved-transplanted tissue, and (iv) an appropriate balance in the collagen types I and III fiber ratio in cooling-transplanted tissue was observed after exposure to VEGF. This study contributes to advancing knowledge in the preservation of ovarian tissue after cooling-cryopreservation and transplantation aiming to be applied to genetically superior/valuable horses, livestock, endangered animals, and, possibly, humans. LAY SUMMARY: Due to ethical limitations involving humans, the female horse (mare) has recently emerged as an alternative model for reproductive comparisons with women to optimize fertility restoration using ovarian tissue transplantation techniques. This study determined if ovarian tissue from donor mares (n = 3), exposed or not to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) before transplantation, better survives for 7 days after transplantation into mouse hosts (n = 12). Tissues submitted to different combinations of cooling, freezing, and transplanting treatments, along with control groups, were evaluated using the parameters morphology, development, the density of immature eggs (follicles), the density of supportive (stromal) cells, collagen protein proportions, and density of blood vessels. Frozen-thawed treatments had lower percentages of normal follicles. Exposure to VEGF increased blood vessel densities in frozen tissue and favored adequate collagen levels in cooled-transplanted treatments. In conclusion, VEGF exposure seems to be beneficial for mare ovarian tissue transplantation and warrants further investigation

    Caracterização estrutural e papel do fator de crescimento derivado de plaquetas (PDGF) na foliculogênese ovariana

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    Background:  :  :      : The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is expressed in a wide variety of cell types, exerts a potent mitogenic role and acts on the growth, differentiation and cell chemotaxis. Studies have shown that during folliculogenesis, PDGF and their receptors are expressed in oocytes, granulosa cells and thecal cells of ovarian follicles at different developmental stages in several species. Although exist many information about its expression sites, as well as about its action in different cells types, the role of PDGF on ovarian folliculogenesis remains understudied. Thus, this article aims to review issues related to PDGF, suggesting the involvement of this mitogenic factor during follicular development. Review: Along this work, it was shown aspects related to structural characterization of PDGF and its receptors, as well as PDGF expression in different cells types, emphasizing its importance to follicular development. PDGF family is composed by four polypeptide chains (each encoded by a different gene), which are synthesized in the form of inactive pro-proteins. After a proteolytic processing, these chains undergo homo or heterodimerization, resulting in five isoforms (PDGF-AA, -BB, -AB, -CC e -DD). The cellular effects of these different PDGF isoforms are mediated by binding, with different specificities, to three transmembrane receptors isoforms of type tyrosine kinase generated by the association of subunits ? e ? (PDGFR- ??, - ??, - ??). PDGF was initially purified from platelets, being later verified its production by many varieties of cell types. It acts as an important mitogenic factor, especially to cells of mesenchymal origin as fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, and also exerts a role on cellular migration and survival. Studies with PDGF and its receptors have demonstrated its importance as a paracrine growth factor for normal embryo development and angiogenesis. Although the action of this growth factor has been shown in several cellular responses, its role in ovarian folliculogenesis of mammals is understudied. Folliculogenesis, event initiated at pre-natal life in most species, can be defined as the process of follicular formation, growth and maturation, beggining with the primordial follicle formation and resulting in preovulatory stage. Until the present moment, the different PDGF types and their receptors were detected in ovarian follicles of murines, rodents, swines and humans according to developmental stage. Evidences suggest that this growth factor may acts as a potent regulator of ovarian function, increasing DNA synthesis in granulosa cells and stimulating theca cells growth in swines. In addition, PDGF has shown benefic effects in in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes when associated with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Conclusion: Nevertheless, the specific actions of PDGF on ovarian follicles development have not been described due to lack of data available in the literature about this subject. Therefore, this review was performed to clarify the involvement of this growth factor in the regulation of ovarian function in mammals. However, it is necessary to perform additional studies that may provide a greater understanding about the importance of PDGF during folicullogenesis

    Leukocyte Imbalances in Mucopolysaccharidoses Patients

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    (This article belongs to the Special Issue Inherited Metabolic Disorders: From Bench to Bedside)Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are rare inherited lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) caused by deficient activity in one of the enzymes responsible for glycosaminoglycans lysosomal degradation. MPS II is caused by pathogenic mutations in the IDS gene, leading to deficient activity of the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase, which causes dermatan and heparan sulfate storage in the lysosomes. In MPS VI, there is dermatan sulfate lysosomal accumulation due to pathogenic mutations in the ARSB gene, leading to arylsulfatase B deficiency. Alterations in the immune system of MPS mouse models have already been described, but data concerning MPSs patients is still scarce. Herein, we study different leukocyte populations in MPS II and VI disease patients. MPS VI, but not MPS II patients, have a decrease percentage of natural killer (NK) cells and monocytes when compared with controls. No alterations were identified in the percentage of T, invariant NKT, and B cells in both groups of MPS disease patients. However, we discovered alterations in the naïve versus memory status of both helper and cytotoxic T cells in MPS VI disease patients compared to control group. Indeed, MPS VI disease patients have a higher frequency of naïve T cells and, consequently, lower memory T cell frequency than control subjects. Altogether, these results reveal MPS VI disease-specific alterations in some leukocyte populations, suggesting that the type of substrate accumulated and/or enzyme deficiency in the lysosome may have a particular effect on the normal cellular composition of the immune system.This work was funded by National Funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UIDB/04293/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio