1,235 research outputs found

    A participatory approach for in-service teacher instruction in Natural Sciences, Environmental and Health Education

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    Se presentan características y fundamentos de un enfoque de formación docente continua en Educación en Ciencias Naturales, Ambiental y en Salud elaborado a partir de una experiencia de 3 años con docentes de distintos niveles educativos. Se analiza cómo y en base a qué fundamentos se desarrolló un proceso de formación e investigación participativa que aportó a la transformación de prácticas de enseñanza. El enfoque permitió articular la investigación educativa con la realidad escolar a través de la producción conjunta de conocimientos. Promovió cambios en las prácticas docentes respecto de la lectura de lo real y las relaciones sociales al estimular la construcción y análisis colectivos de propuestas y la participación estudiantil. Finalmente, fue valorado el papel de la praxis a través de la producción de acciones exploratorias. Los cambios logrados se orientaron a transformar la realidad educativa desde una intencionalidad emancipatoria.Features and grounds of an approach of in-service teacher instruction in natural sciences, environmental and health education, elaborated from an experience of 3 years with teachers from different educational levels, are presented. It was an interest to analyze how and on what basis was developed a process of training and participatory research that contributed to the transformation of teaching practices. The approach allowed joint educational research with school reality through the joint production of knowledge. It promoted also changes in teaching practices referred to the reading of the real and social relations by stimulating the collective construction of proposals and analysis and student participation. Finally, the role of praxis was appreciated through the production of exploratory actions. The changes made were oriented to transform the educational reality from an emancipatory intention

    Calidad de vida de las personas mayores : el internamiento

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    El hecho de alcanzar una determinada edad, en concreto la denominada ¿tercera edad¿, afecta al modo y condiciones de vida de la persona, y en definitiva, a su calidad de vida. En dichos cambios influyen factores de índole diversa: físico, familiares, sociales, económicos, de salud..., elementos todos ellos que, unidos, desembocan, en muchas ocasiones, en el internamiento en un Centro de ancianos. Esta práctica, tan habitual en nuestros días, no está exenta del control judicial y médico forense adecuados, a efectos de velar por su legalidad y garantizar el respeto de los derechos y las mejores condiciones para las personas mayores. La referida actuación de los órganos públicos, no es, sin embargo, una realidad conocida socialmente, donde impera la idea que concibe el internamiento de los mayores en Centros para la tercera edad, como una cuestión sujeta única y exclusivamente a la discrecionalidad de la familia, dependiente sólo de factores de tipo económico.The fact to get certain age “the third age” it does affect the way and conditions of live, in fact the quality of live. At this age there are a lot of changes: physical, familiar, sociological, economical and health changes and all of them together lead, in most occasions, in the intern in the elder centre. This attitude, so command these days, is not out of the judicial control and pathologist medical appropriate, in order the guaranty the legally and to guarantee respect rights and best conditions the elderly people. The work of the public service is not socially, well known, where the main idea is to intern the elderly people in the centres to the elderly people, like a question just only and exclusively to the family opinions and the economic factor is the most important on

    Predictive potential of genotypes within the prolactin, growth hormone and insulin -like growth factor-I pathways in genetic evaluation of 305 days milk yield in Holstein cows in Sonora, Mexico

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    Includes bibliographical references.2015 Summer.The objective of this study was to calculate a molecular breeding value (MBV) using single nucleotide polymorphims (SNP) within genes of the prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (GH-IGF1) pathways associated with milk production traits and evaluate their effectiveness in genetic prediction in Holstein cows in Sonora, Mexico. We hypothesized that MBV constructed using DNA markers within the PRL and GH-IGF1 pathways have the potential to predict milk production traits in heat-stressed lactating Holstein cows. The data contained observations of 659 Holstein dairy cows collected during 2012 from the city of Obregón, Sonora, Mexico. Milk yield observations were recorded monthly and 305 d milk yield was calculated. Cows were genotyped for 179 tag SNP within 43 genes in the PRL and GH-IGF1 pathways. Eight SNP within 5 genes were associated with 305d milk yield (P ≤ 0.05). No previous research reported these associations. Their effects were used to estimate a MBV. The linear correlation of the MBV and 305 d milk yield was 0.21 and the adjusted R² was 4.5%. Genetic parameters were estimated in ASREML for 305 d milk yield (h² = 0.39 ± 0.11). A training and predicting exercise, was performed using SAS 9.4 with the same data set. The SNP effects and association were estimated and used to calculate an MBV. The MBV was estimated and evaluated by comparing estimates from a 5-fold strategy of random clustering. This procedure was repeated five times, resulting in five MBV. To evaluate the effectiveness of these MBV, correlations and adjusted R² were estimated between MBV and 305 d milk yield. One MBV (MBV5) was correlated (-0.27) and had an adjusted R² of 6.37%. The MBV estimated from SNP within the PRL and GH-IGF1 pathways genes was positive but weakly associated with 305 d milk yield. In the training-predicting exercise, only 1 of the 5 MBV explained a portion of the variation in 305 d milk yield. The small amount of phenotypic variation may be due to the small numbers of SNP used to calculate the MBV and the polygenic nature of the trait under heat stress conditions. The quality of the data, could also affect the results. We accept our hypothesis, the MBV was capable of predicting a portion of the phenotypic variation in 305 d milk yield in lactating Holstein cows in Sonora, MX. Nevertheless, the accuracy and amount of variability explained was not enough to be feasible for use in genetic selection procedures

    An Empirical Study to Specify Requirements Using UML and Z

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    This article presents the results of an empirical study which used some UML diagrams –semi-formal modeling– and Z language –formal modeling– to do a specification of system requirements. The results showed the benefits of formal modeling to improve the quality of specification requirements of an information system. In the experiment also was perceived the need for a clear correspondence between the approaches modeling used. This correspondence was established during the experiment, allowing the correct joint specification

    STRATEGIC FORMULATION. CASE: Business Sector State Food and Beverages Carabobo

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategic process of a group of companies in the food and beverage sector of Carabobo State, Venezuela. To achieve it a non experimental study was conducted with special emphasis on transectional descriptive design and an instrument was applied to a non probabilistic sample taken from eleven organizations of the food and beverage manufacturing industry in the Carabobo State, Venezuela. We concluded that in the group there is no clear trend or identification with respect to some of the schools of strategic thought, in particular, as regards to the strategic process; that is to say, there is not enough uniformity in the responses to identify which school of strategic thought (from the application of its premises) has a greater presence in some of the companies. Considering the prismatic nature of the strategic process, it can be said that the schools with more influence at the time of making the strategic formulation are Planning, Positioning, Cultural, Environmental and Configuration.Strategic planning; strategy formulation; strategic thought.

    Experiencias educativas de los movimientos sociales : Contribuciones para la educación científica, ambiental y en salud desde una perspectiva emancipadora

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    Fil: Dumrauf, Ana. Grupo de Didáctica de las Ciencias. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Cordero, Silvina. Grupo de Didáctica de las Ciencias. Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Mengascini, Adriana. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin