2,620 research outputs found

    Phenolic Compounds And Anticancer Activity Of Commercial Sugarcane Cultivated In Brazil

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)The cultivation of sugarcane hybrids (X Saccharum officinarum L.) is an important revenue source for the Brazilian economy. Herein it is reported the evaluation of the cytotoxic activity of mid-polarity sugarcane extracts against human cancer cell lines, as well as the isolation of steroids sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol, phenolic acids p-hydroxybenzoic, p-hydroxycinnamic, vanillic and ferulic acid, terpenoids alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene and a novel substance in sugarcane, the flavonoid aglycone tricin (5,7,4-trihydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyflavone). The presence of large amounts of phenolic acids and the flavonoid tricin may explain the cytostatic activity observed for the mid-polarity crude extract and filtrates.88312011209Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Fundacao AraucariaConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Responsive and In situ-forming chitosan scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications : an overview of the last decade

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    The use of bioabsorbable polymeric scaffolds is being investigated for use in bone tissue engineering applications, as their properties can be tailored to allow them to degrade and integrate at optimal rates as bone remodelling is completed. The main goal of this review is to highlight the “intelligent” properties exhibited by chitosan scaffolds and their use in the bone tissue engineering field. To complement the fast evolution of the bone tissue engineering field, it is important to propose the use of responsive scaffolds and take advantage of bioinspired materials and their properties as emerging technologies. There is a growing interest and need for new biomaterials, such as “smart”/responsive materials with the capability to respond to changes in the in vivo environment. This review will provide an overview of strategies that can modulate bone tissue regeneration by using in situ-forming scaffolds

    Writing 3D In vitro models of human tendon within a biomimetic fibrillar support platform

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    Tendinopathies are poorly understood diseases for which treatment remains challenging. Relevant in vitro models to study human tendon physiology and pathophysiology are therefore highly needed. Here we propose the automated 3D writing of tendon microphysiological systems (MPSs) embedded in a biomimetic fibrillar support platform based on cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) self-assembly. Tendon decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) was used to formulate bioinks that closely recapitulate the biochemical signature of tendon niche. A monoculture system recreating the cellular patterns and phenotype of the tendon core was first developed and characterized. This system was then incorporated with a vascular compartment to study the crosstalk between the two cell populations. The combined biophysical and biochemical cues of the printed pattern and dECM hydrogel were revealed to be effective in inducing human-adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) differentiation toward the tenogenic lineage. In the multicellular system, chemotactic effects promoted endothelial cells migration toward the direction of the tendon core compartment, while the established cellular crosstalk boosted hASCs tenogenesis, emulating the tendon development stages. Overall, the proposed concept is a promising strategy for the automated fabrication of humanized organotypic tendon-on-chip models that will be a valuable new tool for the study of tendon physiology and pathogenesis mechanisms and for testing new tendinopathy treatments.The authors thank Hospital da Prelada (Porto, Portugal) for providing adipose tissue samples. The authors acknowledge the financial support from Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER 000021 supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020, under the Twinning Grant Agreement 810850-Achilles, and European Research Council Grant Agreement 772817 and 101069302, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for the Ph.D. grant PD/BD/129403/2017 (to S.M.B.) financed through the doctoral program in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (TERM&SC), for Contract 2020.03410.CEECIND and 2022.05526.PTDC (to R.M.A.D.). The authors acknowledge Doctor Alberto Pardo for performing the rheology measurements of the PL bioink. The schematics in Figures 1, 2A, 4A, and 6A and Table of Contents graphic were created with BioRender.com

    Heterotopic autotransplantation of ovarian tissue in a large animal model: Effects of cooling and VEGF.

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    Heterotopic and orthotopic ovarian tissue autotransplantation techniques, currently used in humans, will become promising alternative methods for fertility preservation in domestic and wild animals. Thus, this study describes for the first time the efficiency of a heterotopic ovarian tissue autotransplantation technique in a large livestock species (i.e., horses) after ovarian fragments were exposed or not to a cooling process (4°C/24 h) and/or VEGF before grafting. Ovarian fragments were collected in vivo via an ultrasound-guided biopsy pick-up method and surgically autografted in a subcutaneous site in both sides of the neck in each mare. The blood flow perfusion at the transplantation site was monitored at days 2, 4, 6, and 7 post-grafting using color-Doppler ultrasonography. Ovarian grafts were recovered 7 days post-transplantation and subjected to histological analyses. The exposure of the ovarian fragments to VEGF before grafting was not beneficial to the quality of the tissue; however, the cooling process of the fragments reduced the acute hyperemia post-grafting. Cooled grafts compared with non-cooled grafts contained similar values for normal and developing preantral follicles, vessel density, and stromal cell apoptosis; lower collagen type III fibers and follicular density; and higher stromal cell density, AgNOR, and collagen type I fibers. In conclusion, VEGF exposure before autotransplantation did not improve the quality of grafted tissues. However, cooling ovarian tissue for at least 24 h before grafting can be beneficial because satisfactory rates of follicle survival and development, stromal cell survival and proliferation, as well as vessel density, were obtained


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    Introduction: Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by trematode flatworms of the genus Schistosoma and its control is dependent on a single drug, praziquantel (PZQ), but concerns over PZQ resistance have renewed interest in evaluating the in vitro susceptibility of recent isolates of Schistosoma mansoni to PZQ in comparison with well-established strains in the laboratory. Material and methods: The in vitro activity of PZQ (6.5-0.003 µg/mL) was evaluated in terms of mortality, reduced motor activity and ultrastructural alterations against S. mansoni. Results: After 3 h of incubation, PZQ, at 6.5 µg/mL, caused 100% mortality of all adult worms in the three types of recent isolates, while PZQ was inactive at concentrations of 0.08-0.003 µg/mL after 3 h of incubation. The results show that the SLM and Sotave isolates basically presented the same pattern of susceptibility, differing only in the concentration of 6.5 µg/mL, where deaths occurred from the range of 1.5 h in Sotave and just in the 3 h range of SLM. Additionally, this article presents ultrastructural evidence of rapid severe PZQ-induced surface membrane damage in S. mansoni after treatment with the drug, such as disintegration, sloughing, and erosion of the surface. Conclusion: According to these results, PZQ is very effective to induce tegument destruction of recent isolates of S. mansoni

    Constituents and antiproliferative activity of extracts from leaves of Croton macrobothrys

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    Croton macrobothrys Baill, Euphorbiaceae, is a tree from the Atlantic Forest in Southern Brazil, used in traditional medicine and popularly known as "dragon's blood" and "pau-sangue". Leaf n-hexane, dichloromethane and methanol extracts were analyzed by GC/MS and evaluated for their in vitro antiproliferative activity on cell lines 786-0 (kidney), HT-29 (colon), K562 (leukemia), NCI-ADR/RES (drug resistant ovary), NCI-H460 (lung), MCF-7 (mammary), PC-3 (prostate), OVCAR-3 (ovary), U251 (glioma) and UACC-62 (melanoma). The dicloromethane extract exhibited activity against all cell lines at the concentration 25 µg/mL, in particular on cell lines NCI-H460 (GI50 0.33 μg/mL) and K5662 (GI50 0.91 μg/mL). Relevant constituents in dichloromethane extract are the alkaloids corydine and salutaridine, as well as the diterpenes geranylgeraniol and crotonin-derived clerodanes

    Caracterização do vírus da raiva isolado de uma colônia de morcegos Eptesicus furinalis, do Brasil

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    Some bat species have adapted to the expanding human population by acquiring the ability to roost in urban buildings, increasing the exposure risk for people and domestic animals, and consequently, the likelihood of transmitting rabies. Three dead bats were found in the yard of a house in an urban area of Jundiaí city in the state of São Paulo in southeast Brazil. Two of the three bats tested positive for rabies, using Fluorescent Antibody and Mouse Inoculation techniques. A large colony of Eptesicus furinalis was found in the house's attic, and of the 119 bats captured, four more tested positive for rabies. The objectives of this study were to report the rabies diagnosis, characterize the isolated virus antigenically and genetically, and study the epidemiology of the colony.Algumas espécies de morcegos têm se adaptado ao uso de abrigos em construções urbanas, aumentando a possibilidade de contato desses morcegos com pessoas e animais domésticos e conseqüentemente, o potencial risco de transmissão de raiva. Três morcegos foram encontrados no jardim de uma casa na área urbana da cidade de Jundiaí, Estado de São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil, dois deles foram positivos para raiva pelas técnicas de imunofluorescência e inoculação em camundongos. Uma grande colônia de E. furinalis foi identificada, vivendo no sótão da casa e 119 morcegos foram encaminhados para diagnóstico de raiva, com mais quatro morcegos positivos. O objetivo desse estudo é apresentar a caracterização genética e antigênica do vírus da raiva isolado desses morcegos e o estudo epidemiológico da colônia

    Vocal foragers and silent crowds : context-dependent vocal variation in Northeast Atlantic long-finned pilot whales

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    This study was financially supported by the US Office of Naval Research, The Netherlands Ministry of Defence, the Norwegian Research Council and the Norwegian Ministry of Defence.Vocalisations form a key component of the social interactions and foraging behaviour of toothed whales. We investigated changes in calling and echolocation behaviour of long-finned pilot whales between foraging and non-foraging periods, by combining acoustic recordings and diving depth data from tagged individuals with concurrent surface observations on social behaviour of their group. The pilot whales showed marked vocal variation, specific to foraging and social context. During periods of foraging, pilot whales showed more vocal activity than during non-foraging periods (rest, travel). In addition to the expected increase in echolocation activity, call rates also increased, suggesting that pilot whales communicate more during foraging. Furthermore, calls with multiple inflections occurred more often immediately before and after foraging dives and during the early descent and late ascent phases of foraging dives. However, these calls were almost never detected at diving depths of the tagged whale beyond 350 m. Calls with no or few inflections were produced at all times, irrespective of diving depth of the tagged whale. We discuss possible explanations for the distinct vocal variation associated with foraging periods. In addition, during non-foraging periods, the pilot whales were found to be more silent (no calling or echolocation) in larger, more closely spaced groups. This indicates that increased levels of social cohesion may release the need to stay in touch acoustically. Significance statement: Social toothed whales rely on vocalisations to find prey and interact with conspecifics. Species are often highly vocal and can have elaborate call repertoires. However, it often remains unclear how their repertoire use correlates to specific social and behavioural contexts, which is vital to understand toothed whale foraging strategies and sociality. Combining on-animal tag recordings of diving and acoustic behaviour with observations of social behaviour, we found that pilot whales produce more calls during foraging than during non-foraging periods. Moreover, highly inflected calls were closely associated to the periods around and during foraging dives. This indicates enhanced communication during foraging, which may, for example, enable relocation of conspecifics or sharing of information. Whales reduced their vocal activity (calling and echolocation) at increased levels of social cohesion, indicating that in certain behavioural contexts, closer association (i.e. more closely spaced) may release the need to stay in touch acoustically.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Diverse specificity of cellulosome attachment to the bacterial cell surface

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    This work was supported by the EU FP7 programme under the WallTraC project (grant No. 263916) and by projects PTDC/BIA-MIC/5947/2014, RECI/BBB-BEP/0124/2012 and EXPL/BIA-MIC/1176/2012 supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES). The Research Unit UCIBIO (Unidade de Ciencias Biomoleculares Aplicadas) is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES EC (UID/Multi/04378/2013) and co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007728). We thank the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France), Soleil (Saint-Aubin, France) and Diamond Light Source (Harwell, UK) for data collection and the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under BioStruct-X (grant agreement No. 283570, proposal number: Biostruct-X_ 4399) for funding.During the course of evolution, the cellulosome, one of Nature's most intricate multi-enzyme complexes, has been continuously fine-tuned to efficiently deconstruct recalcitrant carbohydrates. To facilitate the uptake of released sugars, anaerobic bacteria use highly ordered protein-protein interactions to recruit these nanomachines to the cell surface. Dockerin modules located within a non-catalytic macromolecular scaffold, whose primary role is to assemble cellulosomal enzymatic subunits, bind cohesin modules of cell envelope proteins, thereby anchoring the cellulosome onto the bacterial cell. Here we have elucidated the unique molecular mechanisms used by anaerobic bacteria for cellulosome cellular attachment. The structure and biochemical analysis of five cohesin-dockerin complexes revealed that cell surface dockerins contain two cohesin-binding interfaces, which can present different or identical specificities. In contrast to the current static model, we propose that dockerins utilize multivalent modes of cohesin recognition to recruit cellulosomes to the cell surface, a mechanism that maximises substrate access while facilitating complex assembly.publishersversionpublishe

    The Combination of Gefitinib With ATRA and ATO Induces Myeloid Differentiation in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Resistant Cells

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    In approximately 15% of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), total and phosphorylated EGFR proteins have been reported to be increased compared to healthy CD34(+) samples. However, it is unclear if this subset of patients would benefit from EGFR signaling pharmacological inhibition. Pre-clinical studies on AML cells provided evidence on the pro-differentiation benefits of EGFR inhibitors when combined with ATRA or ATO in vitro. Despite the success of ATRA and ATO in the treatment of patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), therapy-associated resistance is observed in 5-10% of the cases, pointing to a clear need for new therapeutic strategies for those patients. In this context, the functional role of EGFR tyrosine-kinase inhibitors has never been evaluated in APL. Here, we investigated the EGFR pathway in primary samples along with functional in vitro and in vivo studies using several APL models. We observed that total and phosphorylated EGFR (Tyr992) was expressed in 28% and 19% of blast cells from APL patients, respectively, but not in healthy CD34(+) samples. Interestingly, the expression of the EGF was lower in APL plasma samples than in healthy controls. The EGFR ligand AREG was detected in 29% of APL patients at diagnosis, but not in control samples. In vitro, treatment with the EGFR inhibitor gefitinib (ZD1839) reduced cell proliferation and survival of NB4 (ATRA-sensitive) and NB4-R2 (ATRA-resistant) cells. Moreover, the combination of gefitinib with ATRA and ATO promoted myeloid cell differentiation in ATRA- and ATO-resistant APL cells. In vivo, the combination of gefitinib and ATRA prolonged survival compared to gefitinib- or vehicle-treated leukemic mice in a syngeneic transplantation model, while the gain in survival did not reach statistical difference compared to treatment with ATRA alone. Our results suggest that gefitinib is a potential adjuvant agent that can mitigate ATRA and ATO resistance in APL cells. Therefore, our data indicate that repurposing FDA-approved tyrosine-kinase inhibitors could provide new perspectives into combination therapy to overcome drug resistance in APL patients