9,327 research outputs found

    Lorentz-Violating Supergravity

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    The standard forms of supersymmetry and supergravity are inextricably wedded to Lorentz invariance. Here a Lorentz-violating form of supergravity is proposed. The superpartners have exotic properties that are not possible in a theory with exact Lorentz symmetry and microcausality. For example, the bosonic sfermions have spin 1/2 and the fermionic gauginos have spin 1. The theory is based on a phenomenological action that is shown to follow from a simple microscopic and statistical picture.Comment: 15 pages; to be published in Proceedings of Beyond the Desert 2003 (Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany, 9-14 June 2003), edited by H. V. Klapdor-Kleingrothau

    Stoichiometric N:P Ratios, Temperature, and Iron Impact Carbon and Nitrogen Uptake by Ross Sea Microbial Communities

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    The Southern Ocean is one of the most biologically important ecosystems on our planet. Microscopic plants, called phytoplankton, form the base of the food web in the Southern Ocean and play a direct role in regulating how much and how fast elements like nitrogen and carbon are cycled throughout the world ocean. The goal of this research was to determine how predicted changes in the environment will impact how fast phytoplankton use these elements. The conditions that we tested included elevated temperature, addition of iron, and the proportion of nitrogen to phosphorus in the seawater. These parameters were selected because temperatures are increasing in the Southern Ocean, and the relative availability of nutrients can alter what species of phytoplankton are present and how fast they grow. Phytoplankton were collected from two locations in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and grown for a few weeks under experimental conditions. Our results demonstrate that all three parameters, warmer temperatures, the addition of iron, and changing nitrogen to phosphorus ratios will increase how fast phytoplankton use nitrogen and carbon, but the impact of elevated temperature and the addition of iron had a much larger impact than the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio

    Linking Maternal Socialization of Emotion Regulation to Adolescents’ Co-rumination With Peers

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    Mounting research supports that co-rumination, the tendency to seek peer support by engaging in extensive negatively focused discussion, is a risk factor for adolescent psychopathology. It is unclear, though, how this interpersonal tendency develops. Parental responses to adolescents’ negative affect likely shape how youth utilize peer relationships to regulate distress, as they shift to reliance on peer support during this developmental stage. For example, nonsupportive parental responses may fail to instill healthy regulation strategies, resulting in ineffective forms of peer support, such as co-rumination. Conversely, high levels of supportive parental responses to adolescents’ negative affect may motivate youth to also express more negative affect with peers, leading to co-rumination. Eighty-nine healthy adolescents (9-17) and their mothers completed surveys and a support-seeking interaction. Only supportive maternal responses, including maternal affection, were associated with adolescents’ co-rumination. These analyses indicate that some forms of parental support are associated with adolescents’ tendency to co-ruminate

    A hepatitis C avidity test for determining recent and past infections in both plasma and dried blood spots

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    DBS testing has been used successfully to detect HCV antibody positive individuals. Determining how long someone has been infected is important for surveillance initiatives. Antibody avidity is a method that can be used to calculate recency of infection. A HCV avidity assay was evaluated for both plasma and DBS. Study design: To measure antibody avidity a commercial HCV ELISA was modified using 7 M urea. The plasma samples were split into: group 1 (recently infected N = 19), group 2 (chronic carrier N = 300) and group 3 (resolved infection N = 82). Mock DBS made from group 1 (N = 12), group 2 (N = 50), group 3 (N = 25) and two seroconverter panels were evaluated. 133 DBS taken from patients known to have a resolved infection or be a chronic carrier were also tested. The avidity assay cut-off was set at AI ≤ 30 for a recent infection. Using sequential samples the assay could detect a recent infection in the first 4–5 months from the point of infection. Most of the false positive results (AI < 30 among cases known not to have had recent infection) were detected among known resolved infections, in both the plasma and DBS; as a result, a testing algorithm has been designed incorporating both PCR and two dilution factors. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay on plasma was 100% and 99.3%, respectively, while DBS had 100% sensitivity and 98.3% specificity. The HCV avidity assay can be used to distinguish between chronic and recent infection using either plasma or DBS as the sample type

    The heterogeneous effects of neonatal care: a model of endogenous demand for multiple treatment options based on geographical access to care

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Neonatal units in the UK are organised into three levels, from highest Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), to Local Neonatal Unit (LNU) to lowest Special Care Unit (SCU). We model the endogenous treatment selection of neonatal care unit of birth to estimate the average and marginal treatment effects of different neonatal designations on infant mortality, length of stay and hospital costs. We use prognostic factors, survival and hospital care use data on all preterm births in England for 2014–2015, supplemented by national reimbursement tariffs and instrumental variables of travel time from a geographic information system. The data were consistent with a model of demand for preterm birth care driven by physical access. In‐hospital mortality of infants born before 32 weeks was 8.5% overall, and 1.2 (95% CI: −0.7, 3.2) percentage points lower for live births in hospitals with NICU or SCU compared to those with an LNU according to instrumental variable estimates. We find imprecise differences in average total hospital costs by unit designation, with positive unobserved selection of those with higher unexplained absolute and incremental costs into NICU. Our results suggest a limited scope for improvement in infant mortality by increasing in‐utero transfers based on unit designation alone.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR

    The effects of childbirth on the pelvic-floor

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    Basically, vaginal delivery is associated with the risk of pelvic floor damage. The pelvic floor sequelae of childbirth includes anal incontinence, urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Pathophysiology, incidence and risk factors for the development of the respective problems are reviewed. Where possible, recommendations for reducing the risk of pelvic floor damage are given

    Dimer-induced signal propagation in Spo0A

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    Spo0A, the response regulator protein controlling the initiation of sporulation in Bacillus, has two distinct domains, an N-terminal phosphoacceptor (or receiver) domain and a C-terminal DNA-binding (or effector) domain. The phosphoacceptor domain mediates dimerization of Spo0A on phosphorylation. A comparison of the crystal structures of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated response regulators suggests a mechanism of activation in which structural changes originating at the phosphorylatable aspartate extend to the alpha(4)beta(5)alpha(5) surface of the protein. In particular, the data show an important role in downstream signalling for a conserved aromatic residue (Phe-105 in Spo0A), the conformation of which alters upon phosphorylation. In this study, we have prepared a Phe-105 to Ala mutant to probe the contribution of this residue to Spo0A function. We have also made an alanine substitution of the neighbouring residue Tyr-104 that is absolutely conserved in the Spo0As of spore-forming Bacilli. The spo0A(Y104A) and spo0A(F105A) alleles severely impair sporulation in vivo. In vitro phosphorylation of the purified proteins by phosphoramidate is unaffected, but dimerization and DNA binding are abolished by the mutations. We have identified intragenic suppressor mutations of spo0A(F105A) and shown that these second-site mutations in the purified proteins restore phosphorylation-dependent dimer formation. Our data support a model in which dimerization and signal transduction between the two domains of Spo0A are mediated principally by the alpha(4)beta(5)alpha(5) signalling surface in the receiver domain

    The thick disk rotation-metallicity correlation as a fossil of an "inverse chemical gradient" in the early Galaxy

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    The thick disk rotation--metallicity correlation, \partial V_\phi/\partial[Fe/H] =40\div 50 km s^{-1}dex^{-1} represents an important signature of the formation processes of the galactic disk. We use nondissipative numerical simulations to follow the evolution of a Milky Way (MW)-like disk to verify if secular dynamical processes can account for this correlation in the old thick disk stellar population. We followed the evolution of an ancient disk population represented by 10 million particles whose chemical abundances were assigned by assuming a cosmologically plausible radial metallicity gradient with lower metallicity in the inner regions, as expected for the 10-Gyr-old MW. Essentially, inner disk stars move towards the outer regions and populate layers located at higher |z|. A rotation--metallicity correlation appears, which well resembles the behaviour observed in our Galaxy at a galactocentric distance between 8 kpc and 10 kpc. In particular,we measure a correlation of \partial V_\phi/\partial[Fe/H]\simeq 60 km s^{-1}dex^{-1} for particles at 1.5 kpc < |z| < 2.0 kpc that persists up to 6 Gyr. Our pure N-body models can account for the V_\phi vs. [Fe/H] correlation observed in the thick disk of our Galaxy, suggesting that processes internal to the disk such as heating and radial migration play a role in the formation of this old stellar component. In this scenario, the positive rotation-metallicity correlation of the old thick disk population would represent the relic signature of an ancient "inverse" chemical (radial) gradient in the inner Galaxy, which resulted from accretion of primordial gas.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic