43 research outputs found

    The Judicialization of Peace

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    As international courts gain in influence, many worry that they will impoverish domestic politics— that they will limit democratic deliberation, undermine domestic institutions, or even thwart crucial political initiatives such as efforts to make peace. Indeed, many states are in the midst of withdrawing, or actively considering withdrawal, from international commitments presided over by international courts. The Article focuses on the currently unfolding Colombian peace process, the first to be negotiated under the watch of not one but two international courts, to show that these concerns misconstrue the way international courts actually work. Throughout four years of peace talks, many predicted that the International Criminal Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights would impede peace by demanding prosecution of war criminals. Instead, the 2016 Colombian peace accord opens the way to a far less punitive peace than many of those familiar with the courts and underlying treaties would have deemed possible. The effect of the engagement of the international courts in Colombia has not been to impose rigid conditions from afar, but rather to allow domestic players to reinterpret the content of Colombia’s international legal obligations: the terms of Colombia’s peace were produced through—not despite—the international courts’ ongoing deliberative engagement with the peace process. The Article draws on original empirical data to reveal precisely how the international courts enabled the construction of Colombia’s sui generis peace. The Article thus speaks directly to those voicing concern over the increased involvement of international courts in national politics in general, and in peace and reconciliation in particular. It also contributes to our knowledge about how, precisely, international law comes to influence domestic politics, and how, in turn, domestic politics shape international law

    Análisis socioeconómico de la deserción en la educación técnica y tecnológica en Bogotá

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    El artículo consiste en la descripción y el análisis de los perfiles de los estudiantes reconocidos como desertores de programas de formación técnica y tecnológica entre 2008 y 2018 en las instituciones educativas de Bogotá. Esta delimitación se hace con la intención de analizar en este tipo de modalidades de educación superior la implementación de las políticas del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (men) (2013). La investigación se centró en analizar estos aspectos desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes desertores con la intención de dilucidar estrategias a implementar para aminorar los casos de deserción en las modalidades técnica y tecnológica. Los datos analizados se obtuvieron a través del Spadies y se encontró que incluso los estudiantes de estratos altos y apoyos financieros pueden llegar a desertar de sus programas

    Rota de turismo industrial e criativo no Arco Ribeirinho Sul - Almada, Seixal e Barreiro

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    Nas últimas décadas, o setor turístico sofreu várias alterações no que diz respeito à oferta, não só influenciadas por alterações no comportamento dos turistas, mas também por alterações associadas ao desenvolvimento dos destinos. Neste sentido, tem-se verificado o surgimento de novos produtos turísticos associados ao património, cultura e história local, e a crescente aposta nestes produtos devido ao aumento da procura por estes elementos específicos. O turismo industrial e criativo é um dos produtos que tem conseguido satisfazer as várias necessidades tanto de turistas como de destinos devido ao potencial que tem para o desenvolvimento económico, social e turístico dos territórios. Devido à sua capacidade de dinamizar e renovar destinos, este tem sido uma aposta recorrente por parte de muitos territórios que, antes da desindustrialização, sobreviviam maioritariamente das indústrias e que acabaram por perder a sua principal fonte de sobrevivência. Muitos destes destinos viram no turismo uma possibilidade de renascer, ao mesmo tempo que contavam a sua história (com ênfase no período industrial), tirando proveito do património edificado que foi ficando ao abandono e em estado de degradação, assim como do saber-fazer e vivências dos trabalhadores, passando esses conhecimentos, muitas vezes de forma mais ativa, aos turistas que têm curiosidade em conhecer esse lado da história e da cultura locais. Este tem sido um produto em ascensão um pouco por toda a Europa, não sendo Portugal exceção neste processo. No caso do Arco Ribeirinho Sul, os destinos que o compõem, nomeadamente Seixal, Barreiro e Almada, têm tido em atenção o seu património industrial e espaços desocupados e obsoletos, e têm vindo a apostar no turismo industrial e criativo considerando as suas várias vertentes. Neste sentido, torna-se pertinente aprofundar o potencial que uma rota de turismo industrial e criativo poderia ter para o desenvolvimento do Arco Ribeirinho Sul, tendo em conta a proximidade e as similaridades de histórias, património edificado, indústrias que anteriormente eram desenvolvidas e projetos que atualmente são considerados para o desenvolvimento do produto nos três concelhos que o compõem.In the last decades, the tourism sector has suffered several changes regarding the tourist offer, not only motivated by alterations in tourists’ behaviour but also due to modifications associated with the development of destinations. In this sense, new tourist products associated with heritage, culture and local history have appeared, and there has been a rising focus on these products due to the growing demand for these specific elements. Industrial and creative tourism is one of the products that has been able to please the needs of both tourists and destinations due to its potential for economic, social and tourism development of the locations. Due to this ability to promote and renew destinations, this has been a frequent option on the part of many regions that, before deindustrialization, survived mostly from their industries and ended up losing their main source of subsistence. Many of these locations saw tourism as an opportunity to reborn, while sharing their history (with emphasis on the industrial period), taking advantage from the heritage that ended being abandoned and degraded, as well as the know-how and experiences of the workers, sharing this knowledge, often more actively, to tourists who are curious to know this side of the local history and culture. This has been a rising product all over Europe, with Portugal being no exception in this process. In the case of the Arco Ribeirinho Sul, the destinations that comprise it, namely Seixal, Barreiro and Almada, have been paying attention to its industrial heritage and vacant and obsolete spaces, and have been focusing on industrial and creative tourism considering its several variants. In this sense, it is relevant to deepen the potential that an industrial and creative tourism route could have for the development of the Arco Ribeirinho Sul, taking into account the proximity and the resemblances of histories, built heritage, previously developed industries and projects currently considered for the development of the product in the three municipalities that compose this territory

    Relatório de estágio : prevenção de maus-tratos em crianças com deficiência

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    Os maus-tratos infantis são um flagelo que vitimiza todos os dias crianças. Diagnosticar situações em que existe compromisso do desenvolvimento infantil e desrespeito pelos direitos da criança não é tarefa fácil. Contudo apesar da inconsistência no conceito, cada vez mais existem profissionais de saúde que tentam dar resposta a esta problemática, trabalhando os factores protectores, mantendo a coesão familiar, contribuindo assim para a defesa dos direitos da criança. Quando cuidamos de crianças portadoras de deficiência a sua vulnerabilidade acentua-se face ao cuidador e às próprias limitações da sociedade que não permitem a sua inclusão. O Enfermeiro Especialista ao fomentar a vinculação e adequação das competências parentais às necessidades da criança/jovem contribui para a minimização dos factores de risco, potenciando um desenvolvimento saudável da criança/jovem e família. O Relatório de Estágio explicita o percurso de desenvolvimento académico decorrido ao longo de três módulos realizados em duas instituições diferenciadas – Centro de Reabilitação de Paralisia Cerebral e Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, EPE/ Hospital Dona Estefânia. De acordo com o diagnóstico de situação elaborado, em cada módulo, foram preconizados objectivos, actividades e competências a adquirir como Enfermeira Especialista em Saúde Infantil e Pediatria. Recorrendo a uma metodologia reflexiva, cientifica e considerando o modelo teórico de Anne Casey uma mais-valia face à “Prevenção de maus-tratos em crianças com deficiência”, foram desenvolvidas várias actividades dirigidas à criança/jovem, família e equipa multidisciplinar. Ao longo dos três módulos foi fomentada a vinculação, através de cartões de vinculação oferecidos aos progenitores; introduzida a Comunicação Alternativa Aumentativa nos Serviços de Saúde hospitalares e preconizada a parceria de cuidados entre instituições que cuidam de crianças portadoras de deficiência. Com o desenvolvimento das actividades consideradas pertinentes pela equipa multidisciplinar, os cuidados de saúde centralizaram-se nas necessidades das crianças/jovens portadores de deficiência, deixando de lado constrangimentos institucionais. Existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer face à defesa dos direitos da criança portadora de deficiência, contudo acredito que com a realização das actividades dirigidas à criança/jovem, família e equipa multidisciplinar abriram-se novos horizontes face ao cuidar. A criança é e será sempre o futuro, por isso cabe a todos nós defendermos o futuro em que queremos viverChild abuse is a scourge that victimizes children every day. Diagnose situations where there is commitment of child development and disregard for the child rights is no easy task. Yet despite the inconsistency in the concept, more and more health professionals are trying to address this issue, working the protective factors, maintaining family cohesion, thereby contributing to the protection of child rights. When caring for children with disabilities their vulnerability is accentuated toward the caregiver and the very limitations of society that do not allow their inclusion. The Nurse Specialist, by promoting the binding and adjustment of parenting skills to the child / young person needs, contributes to the minimization of risk factors, fostering a healthy development of the child / young person and family. The Training Report explains the academic development path made over three modules completed in two different institutions - Centro de Reabilitação de Paralisia Cerebral and the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, EPE/ Hospital Dona Estefânia. According to the diagnostic report prepared in each module, objectives, activities and skills were recommended to be acquired as a Nurse Specialist in Pediatrics and Child Health. Using a reflective approach, scientific and considering the theoretical model of Anne Casey added value compared to "prevention of abuse of children with disabilities", several activities aimed at children / youth, family and multidisciplinary team were developed. Over the three modules binding was promoted through Binding cards offered to parents; Augmentative Alternative Communication introduced in Hospital Health Services and recommended the partnership between health care institutions that care for children with disabilities. With the development of activities deemed appropriate by the multidisciplinary team, health care centered on the needs of children / youth with disabilities, leaving aside institutional constraints. There is still a long way to go toward the defense for the rights of children with disabilities, yet I believe that with the implementation of activities directed at the child / youth, family and multidisciplinary team new horizons were opened up in the approach of caring. The child is and always will be the future, so it's up to all of us to defend the future we want to live in

    Texto e autoridade : diversificação sociocultural e religiosa com a Sociedade Bíblica em Portugal : 1804-1940

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    No trânsito da modernidade, entre os séculos XVIII e XIX, a referência à Bíblia constituiu um facto de expansão do cristianismo, persistindo nesse processo aspectos de destrinça entre as diversas correntes existentes e as novas que foram surgindo entretanto. Parte desta história foi protagonizada pelas Sociedades Bíblicas, cuja dinâmica foi inaugurada naquele período. O objecto desta tese é a apreciação do percurso e complexidade da implantação da Sociedade Bíblica Britânica e Estrangeira (SBBE) em Portugal e a análise da problemática da divulgação da Bíblia e do impacto cultural impostos pela implementação daquele projecto no nosso país, procurando-se compreender aquela instituição não apenas a partir dos seus limites, mas também da sua plasticidade no respeitante aos seus objectivos e à sua concretização conjuntural, num percurso que acompanhamos desde a fundação daquela instituição (1804) até à data a da realização do primeiro Congresso Bíblico Português (1940). Através da implementação do seu plano de difusão bíblica, alicerçado na estruturação de uma rede lata de colaboradores, no estabelecimento de uma Agência na cidade de Lisboa, na construção de um sistema de colportagem e na criação dos chamados «Depósitos bíblicos», a SBBE protagonizou uma acção pioneira na sociedade portuguesa, desenvolvendo a sua acção num terreno específico de afrontamento de legitimidades, entre as quais se destacaram a liberdade de publicar, o livre acesso aos textos bíblicos em língua vernacular e o direito a publicar várias versões bíblicas numa mesma língua. Nesse sentido, a história da Sociedade Bíblica permite-nos acompanhar uma dinâmica de circulação interna na sociedade portuguesa que, centrada em torno da edição dos textos bíblicos, extravasa largamente o campo do religioso, precisamente porque aquele texto sagrado, apesar de integrado num programa de sentido universalizante como era o daquela instituição, tendia, pela sua natureza, a potenciar dinâmicas de natureza conflitual, introduzindo no debate cultural temáticas como a da Verdade e a da Autoridade e vendo-as necessariamente confrontadas com conceitos como os de Liberdade ou da Consciência, entendidos, combinados e contrapostos entre si de maneira distinta pelos diversos receptores daquela mensagem bíblica e defensores e opositores daquele projecto. O percurso da Sociedade Bíblica no país e o plano de divulgação bíblica que a mesma protagonizou foram parte integrante e activa do processo de recomposição religiosa em curso em Portugal na transição do século XIX para o século XX. Durante esse período a Sociedade Bíblica, promovendo as primeiras experiências no âmbito do interconfessionalismo cristão e interdenominacionalismo evangélico que tiveram lugar no país, constituiu-se também enquanto referencial de fronteira entre aqueles que se apropriaram do seu agir como factor contributivo para um processo de protestantização no país e o terreno católico que se defendeu dessa projecção confessional recorrendo, por sua vez, à relação específica do catolicismo romano com a Bíblia e ao lugar hegemónico que o mesmo ocupava no seio do contexto religioso e cultural português. Intervindo activamente naquele processo de diferenciação, o papel da Sociedade Bíblica estruturou-se também no âmbito da ampla complexificação do sistema religioso que acompanhou a construção da sociedade liberal em Portugal.In the transition of modernity, between the 18th and 19th centuries, the reference to the Bible played a role on the expansion of Christianity, being a differentiation factor between the currents that existed and those which emerged meanwhile. A part of that history was promoted by the Bible Societies which appeared in that period. The object of this thesis is the appreciation of the complex process of implantation of the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) in Portugal and the analysis of the Bible dissemination problematic as well as of the cultural impact imposed by the prosecution of this project. Thereafter, a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of that institution was pursued, not only within its limits, but also regarding the shaping of its goals and their pursuit within the context of the Portuguese society. This process is analysed from the foundation of the BFBS (1804) to the first Portuguese Bible Congress (1940). With its programme of dissemination of the Bible, which was supported by the development of an extensive network of collaborators, by the establishment of an Agency in Lisbon, by the implementation of the colportage system and by the establishment of the “Bible Depôts”, the BFBS led a pioneer action in the Portuguese society, developing its work in a specific field of confrontation of legitimacies, namely the liberty to publish, the free access to the biblical text in vernacular languages, and the right to publish several Bible versions in the same language. In that sense, the history of the Bible Society allows us to monitor a dynamic of circulation within the Portuguese society which, in spite of being centred around the edition of the biblical texts, goes beyond the religious field, precisely because that sacred text tended, by its nature, to enhance dynamics of conflict. Indeed, the Bible introduced important concepts such as those of Truth and Authority in the cultural debate and led them to be confronted them with those of Liberty and Consciousness, which were differently perceived, combined and opposed by the various receivers of that biblical message and advocates and opposers of that project. The trajectory of the Bible Society in Portugal and its Bible dissemination programme were an active part of the process of religious recomposition which took place in the 19th and 20th centuries in the country. During that period the Bible Society promoted the first Christian interfaith and evangelical interdenominational experiences in Portugal and constituted itself as a benchmark of frontier between those who appropriated themselves of its action in order to promote the protestantization of the country and those in the catholic field who opposed that project basing themselves in the specific relationship of the roman Catholicism with the Bible and in the hegemonic position that same church had in the Portuguese religious and cultural context. Actively intervening in that differentiation process, the role of the Bible Society also developed itself in the extensive complexification of the religious system which was part of the construction of the liberal society in Portugal

    Influencia de factores de usabilidad en la intención de compra de ropa casual en línea

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    El presente trabajo se ha realizado con el propósito de conocer las variables influyentes en la intención de compra de ropa en línea teniendo como población de la muestra a 400 consumidores entre 20 y 40 años de Lima Metropolitana en el Perú. Así pues, se explica la relación entre las variables calidad de sitio web, calidad de contenido y privacidad, confianza e intención de compra, las cuales son factores con mayor relevancia en las compras en línea. Además, se formularon las hipótesis y se planteó el modelo de investigación. Para recopilar información de los consumidores, se utilizó la encuesta como método cuantitativo. De este modo, a través del análisis de resultados PLS-SEM, se verifica la validez del modelo y finalmente, se discute la relación entre las variables dependientes e independientes y se concluye que calidad de sitio web y calidad contenido son las variables más influyentes en la intención de compra. Este estudio permite a los nuevos negocios en línea, identificar estas variables en su sitio web y mejorar la experiencia de compra a sus clientes.The present work has been carried out with the purpose of knowing the influential variables in the intention to buy clothes online having a population of the sample 400 consumers between 20 and 40 years of Metropolitan Lima in Peru. Thus, the relationship between the variables website quality, content quality and privacy, trust and purchase intention, which are factors with greater relevance in online purchases, is explained. In addition, with the research model the hypotheses were formulated. To collect information from consumers, the survey was used as a quantitative method. In this way, through the analysis of PLS-SEM results, the validity of the model is verified and finally, the relationship between the dependent and independent variables is discussed and it is concluded that website quality and content quality are the most influential variables in the purchase intention. This study allows new online businesses to identify these variables on their website and improve the shopping experience for their customers.TesisP

    Biofilms Formed by Pathogens in Food and Food Processing Environments

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    This chapter presents the ability of some pathogenic (Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter jejuni, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and toxigenic bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus) to form biofilms and contribute to the persistence of these microorganisms in the food industry. Particularities regarding attachment and composition of biofilms formed in food and food processing environments are presented and genes involved in biofilm production are mentioned. To give a perspective on how to fight against biofilms with new means, nonconventional methods based on bacteriocins, bacteriophages, disruptive enzymes, essential oils, nanoemulsions and nanoparticles, and use of alternative technologies (cold plasma, ultrasounds, light-assisted technologies, pulsed electric field, and high pressure processing) are shortly described

    Percepción de espiritualidad y cuidado espiritual en adultos mayores institucionalizados

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    Uno de los objetivos que componen las bases fundamentales de la profesión de la enfermería es el cuidado, que desde la historia y con el paso de los años y el surgimiento múltiples teorías; marcos conceptuales, teorías de mediano rango en enfermería, han definido el cuidado desde varios puntos de vista, pero sin embargo teoristas como; Watson, Louise, Newman, Orem, Roy, coinciden en que el cuidado de enfermería debe abordar todas las dimensiones del ser humano, desde todos su componentes; intelectual, físico, social, emocional y espiritual; y que este cuidado debe brindarse en todas las etapas de la vida, desde el niño en el vientre de su madre que espera nacer, y sobre todo el adulto mayor en su proceso de envejecimiento, enfermedad y/o muerte.Introducción Contenido 1.Marco de referencia 1.1. Descripción del problema 1.2. Pregunta problema 1.3. Justificación 1.4. Objetivos 1.4.1. Objetivo general 1.4.2. Objetivos específicos 1.5. Definición operativa de conceptos 2.Marco conceptual 3.Marco metodológico 3.1. Tipo de estudio 3.2. Población 3.3. Muestra 3.6 Instrumento de medición 3.7 Recolección de los datos 1.5. Análisis de los datos 1.5. Criterios éticos Referencias bibliográficasPregradoProfesional en Enfermerí

    The cost-effectiveness of interferon beta treatment in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome in Colombia

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    Introducción. En 85 % de los pacientes con esclerosis múltiple se presenta como manifestación inicial un primer evento desmielinizante o síndrome clínico aislado. En estos casos, el tratamiento con interferón beta retrasa hasta dos años la progresión a esclerosis múltiple. Sin embargo, en Colombia este medicamento es costoso. Objetivo. Determinar si el tratamiento del síndrome clínico aislado con interferón beta es costo-efectivo al retrasar la esclerosis múltiple en dos años. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un análisis de costo-efectividad empleando un árbol de decisiones basado en la perspectiva del paciente y la sociedad. A partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura y de conceptos de expertos se definieron las diversas probabilidades. Los costos de la enfermedad se calcularon por medio de la revisión de historias y la aplicación de encuestas a los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio. Para controlar la incertidumbre se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad mediante una simulación de Monte Carlo con mil pacientes. Resultados. El costo del tratamiento con interferón sobrepasa los Col95000.000(US 95’000.000 (US 50.000) por paciente durante los dos años. Aproximadamente, 80 % corresponde a los costos del medicamento. El costo de la recaída se acerca a Col39139.200(US 39’139.200 (US 21.744), y los costos indirectos corresponden a Col10958.400(US 10’958.400 (US 6.088). La tasa representativa del mercado fue de Col1.800.Coneltratamientoseganansoˊlo0,06an~osdevidaajustadospordiscapacidad(AVAD)adicionales.Larazoˊndecostoefectividadincremental(sic.)superaelumbral,inclusoenelanaˊlisisdesensibilidad.Conclusioˊn.Laadministracioˊndeinterferoˊnbetaenpacientesconsıˊndromeclıˊnicoaisladodealtoriesgoenlosprimerosdosan~osnoescostoefectivaenColombia.Q4Q3Artıˊculooriginal110117Introduction:Approximately85Objective:WesoughttodeterminethecosteffectivenessofatwoyearinterferonbetatreatmentwithinColombiainpatientswithaclinicallyisolatedsyndrome.Materialsandmethods:Basedonpatientandsocietyperspectives,acosteffectivenessanalysiswasconductedusingadecisiontree.Avarietyofprobabilitiesweredefinedafterasystematicreviewoftheavailableliterature.ThediseasecostswerecalculatedbyreviewingmedicalchartsattheHospitalSanIgnacioUniversityandsurveyscompletedbymultiplesclerosispatients.Tocontrolforuncertaintyinthesedata,analysisofapproximatelyonethousandpatientswasperformedusingMonteCarlomethods.Results:ThetwoyeartreatmentcostperpatientexceedsCol 1.800. Con el tratamiento se ganan sólo 0,06 años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD) adicionales. La razón de costo-efectividad ‘incremental’ (sic.) supera el umbral, incluso en el análisis de sensibilidad. Conclusión. La administración de interferón beta en pacientes con síndrome clínico aislado de alto riesgo en los primeros dos años no es costo-efectiva en Colombia.Q4Q3Artículo original110-117Introduction: Approximately 85% of patients with multiple sclerosis have an initial demyelinating event. Treatment with interferon beta delays the progression of multiple sclerosis for nearly two years in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome. In Colombia, interferon is very expensive when compared to other countries. Objective: We sought to determine the cost-effectiveness of a two-year interferon beta treatment within Colombia in patients with a clinically isolated syndrome. Materials and methods: Based on patient and society perspectives, a cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted using a decision tree. A variety of probabilities were defined after a systematic review of the available literature. The disease costs were calculated by reviewing medical charts at the Hospital San Ignacio University and surveys completed by multiple sclerosis patients. To control for uncertainty in these data, analysis of approximately one-thousand patients was performed using Monte Carlo methods. Results: The two-year treatment cost per patient exceeds Col 95,000,000 (US50,000).Approximately80 50,000). Approximately 80 % of this cost corresponds to medications (US 40,500). The price of relapse and indirect costs totals Col41,632,149(US 41,632,149 (US 21,744) and Col11,656,389(US 11,656,389 (US 6,088), respectively. Treatment represents an increase of 0.06 quality-adjusted life years (QALY). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio exceeds the threshold, regardless of the use of Monte Carlo methods for analysis. Conclusion: Administering interferon beta over the course of two years to high-risk patients with a clinically isolated syndrome is not cost-effective within Colombia

    Pharmacological pain management in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most frequently seen comorbidities in patients suffering from musculoskeletal conditions; it is defined by a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) under 60 ml/min/1.73 m2. The following paper focuses on providing a dosage adjustment guideline depending on how advanced renal impairment is. A literature search was carried out using the following items: pharmacokinetics, side effects, drug interactions and dosage, pain medication and antirheumatic drugs in renal failure. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is inadvisable for a GFR < 30 ml/min as they all pose the risk of inducing acute renal damage, as well as worsening of the underlying chronic renal disease. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided due to the possibility of kidney disease progression. Paracetamol is an analgesic often chosen in this category of patients. As far as opioid analgesics are concerned, methadone is the only one that can be used without dosage adjustment. Physiotherapy remains a good and safe option for treatment in patients with musculoskeletal complaints. The use of analgesics in patients with CKD continues to be a challenge, as more research is needed