406 research outputs found

    inkjet sensors produced by consumer printers with smartphone impedance readout

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    Abstract Inkjet printing technology is showing a disruptive potential for low-cost optical and electrochemical biosensors fabrication. This technology is becoming affordable for every laboratory, potentially allowing every research group to implement a biosensors fabrication platform with consumer inkjet printers, commercially available inks and smartphones for readout. In the present work we developed an example of such platform testing several inks, printers, and substrates. We defined and optimized the protocols assessing the printing limits and the fabricated biosensors electrochemical properties in standard solutions. Our platform has a total cost of less than 450 Euro and a single sensor fabrication cost of 0.026 Euro. Finally, we tested the sensitivity of smartphone-performed impedance measurements with printed biosensors surface coverage by Self Assembling Monolayers (SAM), validating them with standard instruments

    Nutritional support in cancer patients: A position paper from the Italian Society of Medical Oncology (AIOM) and the Italian Society of Artificial Nutrition and Metabolism (SINPE)

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    Malnutrition is a frequent problem in cancer patients, which leads to prolonged hospitalization, a higher degree of treatment-related toxicity, reduced response to cancer treatment, impaired quality of life and a worse overall prognosis. The attitude towards this issue varies considerably and many malnourished patients receive inadequate nutritional support. We reviewed available data present in the literature, together with the guidelines issued by scientific societies and health authorities, on the nutritional management of patients with cancer, in order to make suitable and concise practical recommendations for appropriate nutritional support in this patient population. Evidence from the literature suggests that nutritional screening should be performed using validated tools (the Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 [NRS 2002], the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool [MUST], the Malnutrition Screening Tool [MST] and the Mini Nutritional Assessment [MNA]), both at diagnosis and at regular time points during the course of disease according to tumor type, stage and treatment. Patients at nutritional risk should be promptly referred for comprehensive nutritional assessment and support to clinical nutrition services or medical personnel with documented skills in clinical nutrition, specifically for cancer patients. Nutritional intervention should be actively managed and targeted for each patient; it should comprise personalized dietary counseling and/or artificial nutrition according to spontaneous food intake, tolerance and effectiveness. Nutritional support may be integrated into palliative care programs. "Alternative hypocaloric anti-cancer diets" (e.g. macrobiotic or vegan diets) should not be recommended as they may worsen nutritional status. Well-designed clinical trials are needed to further our knowledge of the nutritional support required in different care settings for cancer patients

    cost of illness study of diabetes mellitus focus on patients with type 2 diabetes

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    ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to assess the cost of management of diabetic patients; moreover, for type 2 not insulin-dependent patients, also the durability of treatments was evaluated, in ord..

    Possible effects on avionics induced by terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

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    Abstract. Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are impulsive (intrinsically sub-millisecond) events associated with lightning in powerful thunderstorms. TGFs turn out to be very powerful natural accelerators known to accelerate particles and generate radiation up to hundreds of MeV energies. The number ratio of TGFs over normal lightning has been measured in tropical regions to be near 10−4. We address in this Article the issue of the possible susceptibility of typical aircraft electronics exposed to TGF particle, gamma ray and neutron irradiation. We consider possible scenarios regarding the intensity, the duration, and geometry of TGFs influencing nearby aircraft, and study their effects on electronic equipment. We calculate, for different assumptions, the total dose and the dose-rate, and estimate single-event-effects. We find that in addition to the electromagnetic component (electrons/positrons, gamma rays) also secondary neutrons produced by gamma-ray photo production in the aircraft structure substantially contribute to single-event effects in critical semiconductors components. Depending on the physical characteristics and geometry, TGFs may deliver a large flux of neutrons within a few milliseconds in an aircraft. This flux is calculated to be orders of magnitude larger than the natural cosmic-ray background, and may constitute a serious hazard to aircraft electronic equipment. We present a series of numerical simulations supporting our conclusions. Our results suggest the necessity of dedicated measurement campaigns addressing the radiative and particle environment of aircraft near or within thunderstorms

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: OmegaWINGS local clusters of galaxies redshifts (Moretti+, 2017)

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    Redshifts, magnitude/radial completeness, and memberships are given for the 17985 galaxies observed as part of the OmegaWINGS survey of local clusters of galaxies over 1 square degree. Redshifts have been measured using both absorption and emission lines features. The sample magnitude completeness is 80% at V=20. Thanks to the observing strategy, the radial completeness turned out to be relatively constant (90%) within the AAOmega field of view. The success rate in measuring redshifts is 95%, at all radii. Cluster members are flagged 1 or 2, depending on the cluster structure/secondary structure, and 0 if they are not cluster members. (1 data file)

    Stranieri. Itinerari di vita studentesca tra XIII e XVIII secolo.

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    Questo volume osserva l’università come punto di incontro tra uomini di età diverse e di origini geografiche molteplici. Ciò vale in particolare modo per l’Ateneo patavino, che deve le sue origini proprio a una migrazione di scolari. Un evento circoscritto, che tuttavia rientra nel fenomeno più ampio e diffuso della mobilità accademica che caratterizza il medioevo e la prima età moderna. Nel corso del medioevo – con un’accelerazione notevole a partire dal XII secolo – maestri e scolari furono indotti a muoversi verso i centri del sapere – monasteri, scuole, cattedrali, conventi, università – alla ricerca degli ambienti più stimolanti dal punto di vista intellettuale e delle condizioni che meglio garantissero l’apprendimento, quali ad esempio la presenza di ricche biblioteche o le lezioni dei docenti più illustri. I cosiddetti clerici vagantes costituivano un gruppo estremamente eterogeneo dal punto di vista geografico e sociale, provenendo da tutto il continente europeo. Una mobilità che ha continuato a marcare la vita accademica, in particolare di Padova, la cui comunità studentesca si è da sempre arricchita di un’ampia componente proveniente dall’esterno della città: dall’impero tedesco alla Francia, dalla Polonia alla Grecia, ma anche dall’Italia meridionale. I dati utilizzati nel volume provengono da un database che raccoglie più di 70 000 laureati a Padova, costruito per l’ottocentenario dell’Università e realizzato anche grazie al lavoro di molti studenti, che vi hanno dedicato il loro impegno e le loro energie

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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