73 research outputs found

    Charcoal Kilns in the Northern Apennines (Italy): Forest Exploitation by Past Societies in Mountain Areas

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    Anthracological analyses were carried out on charcoal platforms located in the Monte Cimone and Corno alle Scale mountain areas in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines (Northern Italy), at high altitude. Analyses of charcoal fragments contained in these man-made structures have allowed the reconstruction of human-forest relationships over the last centuries, in particular the exploitation of forests for charcoal production. Comparison of our anthracological results with ethnobotanical and historical-social information has made possible an improvement in our knowledge of this activity that was fundamental for the past mountain economy


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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de identificar a prevalncia de hipertenso arterial (HA) e sua relao com os fatores de risco cardiovascular em cuidadores. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionrio fechado, aplicado o ndice de Barthel verificado ainda a massa corporal, altura e presso arterial. A pesquisa contou com a participao de 234 indivduos, 146 no cuidadores (grupo B) e 88 cuidadores (grupo A). Os resultados foram analisados por meio do teste do Qui-quadrado e da Correlao de Pearson com significncia de 5%. Os resultados revelaram que no existe diferena estatstica quanto ao predomnio de HA em relao aos grupos, o que permite inferir que HA independe do fato do indivduo ser cuidador. Notou-se ainda que, embora as frequncias de indivduos sedentrios, fumantes, com a medida da cintura aumentada e com hereditariedade para os fatores de risco cardiovascular tenham sido maiores no grupo A, a significncia estatstica foi encontrada apenas quando confrontada a frequncia de tabagistas com hipercolesterolemia. Correlacionou-se tambm cada uma das variveis com a hipertenso arterial e verificou-se resultados significantes para a associao da HA e a presena de pelo menos dois fatores de risco cardiovascular. Com este estudo, pode-se concluir que em cuidadores alta a prevalncia de hipertenso arterial, e que quando associados, existe correlao entre o fatores de risco cardiovascular e a hipertenso arterial

    The SUCCESSO-TERRA Project: a Lesson of Sustainability from the Terramare Culture, Middle Bronze Age of the Po Plain (Northern Italy)

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    This backstory article deals with the SUCCESSO-TERRA Project (2017–2020), an interdisciplinary research program aiming at reconstructing the land-use transformations that occurred during the development of the Terramare culture in the southern-central Po Plain of Northern Italy. Topics include climate-environment changes, human impact and exploitation of natural resources that are interconnected topics in human ecology and environmental sciences. These topics can only be understood in a long-term perspective integrating archaeology, geology, botany and other sciences. The text includes the theoretical basis, the research strategy and the main methodological approaches given by geoarchaeology and palynology, the two research sides constituting the partnership of the project

    Specific inhibition of NF-Y subunits triggers different cell proliferation defects

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    Regulated gene expression is essential for a proper progression through the cell cycle. The transcription factor NF-Y has a fundamental function in transcriptional regulation of cell cycle genes, particularly of G2/M genes. In order to investigate common and distinct functions of NF-Y subunits in cell cycle regulation, NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC have been silenced by shRNAs in HCT116 cells. NF-YA loss led to a delay in S-phase progression, DNA damage and apoptosis: we showed the activation of the replication checkpoint, through the recruitment of Δp53 and of the replication proteins PCNA and Mcm7 to chromatin. Differently, NF-YB depletion impaired cells from exiting G2/M, but did not interfere with S-phase progression. Gene expression analysis of NF-YA and NF-YB inactivated cells highlighted a common set of hit genes, as well as a plethora of uncommon genes, unveiling a different effect of NF-Y subunits loss on NF-Y binding to its target genes. Chromatin extracts and ChIP analysis showed that NF-YA depletion was more effective than NF-YB in hitting NF-Y recruitment to CCAAT-promoters. Our data suggest a critical role of NF-Y expression, highlighting that the lack of the single subunits are differently perceived by the cells, which activate diverse cell cycle blocks and signaling pathways

    A tradução jurídica: um caso específico

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    A evolução e a partilha de conhecimentos tiveram sempre por base a linguagem e esta foi, paralelamente, sendo (re)inventada, adaptada e complexificada para poder comportar os novos saberes e as suas relações com os conhecimentos pré-existentes. Da mesma maneira, a relação entre os seres humanos, na sua senda evolutiva e na aplicação do conhecimento, foi regulada e normalizada pela linguagem, primeiro oralmente e depois através da escrita. É sobre o uso específico da linguagem na sua função reguladora, e da ciência que lhe dá corpo – o Direito, que recairá a nossa atenção neste artigo. Naturalmente que nos dedicaremos apenas a uma ínfima faceta dessa grande e complexa ciência, centrando-se a nossa análise na transmissão dos seus saberes entre duas culturas diferentes, através do uso de uma outra ciência: a Tradução. O nosso objecto de trabalho será uma tradução de um texto jurídico de cariz doutrinário, da língua alemã para a portuguesa, elaborada pelo Dr. Raul Guichard, jurista e professor de Direito no ISCAP e na Universidade Católica, a partir de um texto original de Claus-Wilhelm Canaris. Porque a tradução é, quase sempre, um acto individual, decidimos entrevistar o autor da tradução, para conhecer com maior exactidão a metodologia que seguiu, a sua perspectiva sobre o acto tradutológico, as premissas de que partiu, os problemas com que se deparou na translação do texto e, finalmente, para retermos uma visão mais completa do texto e dos seus conteúdos. A nossa atenção não se centrará, por isso, numa análise de natur eza puramente linguística do texto nem numa análise do seu conteúdo jurídico. Iremos, primeiro, tentar determinar quais as características da linguagem jurídica enquanto língua de especialidade e, depois, procurar focar as propriedades do texto jurídico que, atendendo à sua tecnicidade e especificidade, devem ser consideradas aquando do processo de tradução. Para tal recorreremos à proposta metodológica de Cristiane Nord e à sua perspectiva da tradução como acto funcional e comunicativo, no sentido de analisar o texto, tendo sempre presente os resultados da entrevista ao tradutor. Não cabe neste artigo a elaboração de uma crítica à tradução em si, mas sim tentar apreender os caminhos que o tradutor percorreu desde o texto de partida ao texto de chegada

    The Botanical Record of Archaeobotany Italian Network - BRAIN: a cooperative network, database and website

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    Con autorización de la revista para autores CSIC[EN] The BRAIN (Botanical Records of Archaeobotany Italian Network) database and network was developed by the cooperation of archaeobotanists working on Italian archaeological sites. Examples of recent research including pollen or other plant remains in analytical and synthetic papers are reported as an exemplar reference list. This paper retraces the main steps of the creation of BRAIN, from the scientific need for the first research cooperation to the website which has a free online access since 2015.Peer reviewe

    Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution

    Ricostruzione del paesaggio vegetale dell'Appennino settentrionale al Monte Cimone e al Corno Alle Scale (italia) durante il tardo olocene : approccio multriproxy

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    La recherche de doctorat ici présentée porte sur l’histoire et sur l’évolution du paysage végétal montagnard nord-apenninique et de son lien avec les activités anthropiques qui l’ont façonné au fil du temps. Notre idée de thèse est née grâce au projet international AGRESPE (réseAu Gestion de Ressources Environnementales passéeS et Patrimonialisation paysagèrE), dirigé par Marie Bal du laboratoire de Géographie GEOLAB UMR/CNRS 6042 de l’Université de Limoges. Le travail de thèse a été mené en cotutelle avec l’Université de Modena et Reggio Emilia (Italie).Le paysage végétal des Apennins du Nord a fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches scientifiques sur le paléo-environnement, représentées surtout par des études polliniques (ex. Cruise 1990a, 1990b ; Lowe, 1992 ; Watson, 1996 ; Vescovi et al, 2010a, 2010a, 2010b ; Branch, 2013), mais il présente encore des lacunes sur les recherches paléoenvironnementales et paléoécologiques de haute résolution spatiale. À cause de facteurs liés aux conditions physiques de la montagne et aux intérêts des chercheurs, la recherche archéologique (notamment celle pastorale) n’est pas très développée par rapport aux études de la plaine (Fontana, 1997 ; Cardarelli et Malnati, 2006 ; Ferrari et al., 2006). Ce manque d'études sur les relations entre les sociétés et leur environnement dans les Apennins nous a donc encouragés à en découvrir davantage. Au sein de ce secteur montagnard nous avons choisi deux montagnes clés : le Monte Cimone et le Corno alle Scale. Faisant partie de deux parc régionaux, ces zones d’étude sont caractérisées par des hêtraies qui, jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle, ont été gérées en taillis pour la production de bois de chauffage et de charbon. La limite altitudinale de la forêt est plus basse que celle écologique potentielle. Au Monte Cimone elle est localisée à 1700 m, tandis que dans la zone du Corno alle Scale elle est située à environ 1600 m. Au-dessus de la limite forestière il y a des bruyères à myrtille et des prairies qui, à l’instar du passé, sont aujourd’hui destinées au pâturage.This PhD thesis concerns the reconstruction and the development of the Late Holocene plant landscape of two mountain areas of the Northern Apennines: the area of Monte Cimone and the area of Monte Corno alle Scale, located in the two regional parks. Previous research in the two study areas consists of quite numerous pollen analyses at regional scale while studies at local-scale, such as archaeoanthracology and pedoanthracology, are scarce.We have therefore decided to study these two mountain areas through pedoanthracology that is the taxonomic identification of wood charcoals contained in soils. Moreover, archaeoanthracology was applied to charcoal platforms and consists in the analysis of charcoals contained in the platforms which were used until the mid-20th century to produce charcoal. In the methodology used in this thesis are also included field surveys with the aim of locate and geolocalize ancient pastoral structures, witnesses of pastoral activities at high elevations.The main objectives of this research were: - to reconstruct the plant landscape; - to understand how human activities (e.g. pastoralism and forest exploitation) have transformed the landscape; to study the fire history; - to identify the variations of tree and timberline in the past.In the Monte Cimone area, nine pedoanthracological trenches were cut between 1650 m and 2078 m of elevation, and about 4000 charcoals were analyzed; moreover, 10 pastoral structures were found and georeferenced. In the Corno alle Scale area, eight pedoanthracological trenches were cut between 1600 m and 1860 m of elevation, and more than 2000 charcoals were analyzed; no pastoral structure were identified here. In each study area, four charcoal platforms were sampled with a total of 1200 charcoals analysed. Overall, 33 C14datings were performed on charcoals. Almost all C14 dates of soil charcoal are concentrated in the Late Holocene and only two are from the Early Holocene. The anthracomass of the low elevation sampling points (e.g. 962.8 mg/kg) is higher than the anthracomass of the high elevation sampling points (e.g. 1.6 mg/kg). The charcoals are evidence of the past presence of Ericaceae, Fabaceae, Juniperus sp., Abies alba, Quercus sp./Castanea sp., Prunus sp., Betula sp., Taxus baccata, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus sp. And Acer sp.The main results of this research show a plant landscape during the last 3000 years that is very similar to the current one with little variations in the tree and timberline. Charcoal platforms analysis has shown a beech charcoal production during the centuries between the 15th and mid-20th centuries. Estimation of the wood size used suggest a well-run exploitation of the timber resource. The two main activity in high mountain, pastoralism and charcoal production, seem to have played an important role in the shaping the current plant landscape