11 research outputs found


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    In the course of the past 30 years, data has become pivotal to all aspects of human life. Data generated, captured, and replicated are increasing in size and expanding applications. The proliferation of fast wireless networks has encouraged data storage within the cloud. So, protecting data from attackers has become urgent to maintain its security and confidentiality, need for security and privacy technologies, systems, and processes to address it. This research paper proposes a simple and highly secure encryption decryption (SHSED) algorithm that can be used for cloud computing-based applications. It achieves the Shannon’s concept of diffusion and confusion by the involvement of logical operations, such as XORing, addition, and subtraction in addition to byte shifting. It is also characterized by the flexibility in the secret key length and the number of rounds. Experimental results have demonstrated powerful security level and a clear improvement in the encryption execution time measurements and security strength as compared with cryptosystems widely used in cloud computing

    The effect of changing the formation of multiple input multiple output antennas on the gain

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    In this paper, different 2×1 and 2×2 multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antennas were investigated with changing substrate shapes and changing the placing of the patches on the substrate, all the investigated antennas based on FR-4 substrate are characterized by , and loss , with a partial ground. The original antenna covered 3.4 to 13.5 GHz. The best simulation results of the proposed 2×1 MIMO antenna received for 2×1 inverted with high ultra-wideband (UWB) with bandwidth up to 40 GHz, the received maximum gain was up to 6.51 dB, with an average gain of more than the original single antenna at about +1.27 dB. The best of eight 2×2 MIMO antennas configurations that give good results were shown. The best-received gain compared with a single antenna gain were at 4.2 GHz about +2.73, +1.17, and +0.92 dB for plus-shaped, loop, and chair-shaped respectively. A comparison between the proposed MIMO antennas and other reported works were done. The proposed MIMO antennas give a good maximum gain and are suitable for different narrow bands within the UWB such as wireless local area network (WLAN), worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX), aeronautical radio navigation (ARN), International Telecommunication Union 8-GHz (ITU-8), and X-Band applications with the ability to give high gain without the need to increase the radiated power of the transmitter antenna

    ʿAïn Jawal (cuvette d’El-Kowm, Syrie Centrale)

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    Résumé – Le site archéologique de ʿAïn Jawal, localisé dans la région d’El-Kowm en Syrie centrale, s’organise autour d’un puits artésien situé au fond d’une doline. Depuis l’abandon de son exploitation, la doline a été comblée par des apports éoliens. En 2010 et 2011, des fouilles archéologiques ont été menées sur ce site. Des occupations du Paléolithique inférieur au Néolithique, ainsi que des vestiges appartenant aux périodes romaine et islamique ont été mis au jour. Des occupations néolithiques PPNB ont été identifiées dans les trois secteurs A, B et D du site. Une structure de combustion témoigne d’activités domestiques à cette période, soit entre 8500-5500 av. J.-C. Les industries lithiques du PPNB sont composées en majorité de produits laminaires. Les fouilles ont également livré un bouchon en travertin et des restes fauniques dominés par les équidés dont un amas d’ossements identifié dans le secteur D. L’étude du site de ʿAïn Jawal s’intègre pleinement aux problématiques actuelles sur la nature des zones arides et les modes de leur occupation.Abstract – The archaeological site of ʿAyn Jawal, in the region of El-Kowm in Central Syria, is situated around an artesian well at the bottom of a sinkhole. Since the end of the well’s exploitation, this sinkhole has been filled with wind-born deposits. In 2010 and 2011, archaeologists led excavations aiming to uncover evidence of previous occupations dating from the Lower Paleolithic to the Neolithic, as well as some remains belonging to both the Roman and Islamic periods. Neolithic occupations of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) have been identified in three sectors A, B, and D, and include combustion structures exhibiting domestic activities dating from between 8500–5500 bce. The uncovered lithic industries are largely composed of blades characteristic of the PPNB. In addition, the excavations also uncovered a travertine plug and faunal remains, mostly equine, found in sector D. The study of the ʿAyn Jawal site seamlessly integrates the current issues surrounding the nature of these arid zones and the modes of occupation in these areas.يقع عين جوال ضمن منطقة الكوم الممتدة داخل البادية السورية في وسط البلاد، ويقوم هذا الموقع على نبع لفات الهوائية بعد هجران النبع. تم التنقيب في موقع عين جوال في عامي ماء متمركز داخل مسطح منخفض رُدم بالأتربة وا ٢٠١٠ و ٢٠١١ وقد أبرزت هذه التنقيبات وجود استيطان ممتد من الباليوليت إلى العصر الاسلامي، وتم تحديد حيزات استيطانية تم الكشف أيضاً عن موقد دائري يدل على .D وB وA في القطاعات B راسخة عائدة إلى فترة النيوليت ما قبل الفخار نشاطات منزلية في الموقع في هذه الفترة الممتدة بين ٨٥٠٠ و ٥٥٠٠ قبل الميلاد وعن أدوات حجرية عائدة إلى فترة النيوليت مكونة بشكل أساسي من صناعات نصائلية. عثر إلى جانب ذلك على سدادة حجرية مصنوعة من مادة B ما قبل الفخار الترافيرتان تستخدم كسدادة لقربة ماء وعلى بقايا عظام حيوانية ينتسب أغلبها للخيليات، من ضمنها تجمع مستقل لعدد تهدف التنقيبات في موقع عين جوال إلى فهم اشكاليات وطبيعة المناطق الجافة .D من العظام تم الكشف عنه في القطاع وفهم طرق الاستيطان وأساليب المعاش فيها

    Exploitation du milieu naturel au Paléolithique dans la région d’El Kowm en Syrie Centrale

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    Al-Qadi Amjad. Exploitation du milieu naturel au Paléolithique dans la région d’El Kowm en Syrie Centrale. In: Regards croisés sur l’étude archéologique des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le Bassin méditerranéen, en Asie centrale et au Proche et au Moyen-Orient. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 2010. pp. 107-115. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 56

    Exploitation du milieu naturel au Paléolithique dans la région d’El Kowm en Syrie Centrale

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    Al-Qadi Amjad. Exploitation du milieu naturel au Paléolithique dans la région d’El Kowm en Syrie Centrale. In: Regards croisés sur l’étude archéologique des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le Bassin méditerranéen, en Asie centrale et au Proche et au Moyen-Orient. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 2010. pp. 107-115. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 56

    Eugène Pittard: Archaeological Explorations in Southeast Albania

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    During recent decades, prehistoric research in Albania has witnessed a revival of archival studies as well as fieldwork, regarding foreign archaeological activity prior to the Second World War. Some of this research has proved very successful, providing a wealth of new information, while in other cases, it has been unfruitful. In the same context, research was initiated on the not fully published archaeological work of Eugène Pittard, a noted Swiss scholar and physical anthropologist. His fieldwork in 1921 represents an important contribution to the early research history of Albania with regards to prehistory

    Exploring the phytoconstituents, antimicrobial potency, and cytotoxic effects of essential oil from Origanum punonense from Palestine

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    Abstract Background Origanum punonense Danin is one of the old traditional medicinal plants Bedouins utilize in the Dead Sea region to treat a variety of illnesses, those caused by infections. The current study aimed to identify the phytochemical components of O. punonense essential oil (EO) and determine its antiproliferative and antimicrobial effects. Methods Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were employed to detect the phytochemical constituents of O. punonense EO. Broth microdilution assay was utilized to determine the antimicrobial effects against various microbial species, including those causing diabetic foot infections. Results This study revealed that O. punonense EO contains 44 phytochemical compounds, of which 41 compounds were detectable and amounted to 99.78% of the total oil. The main chemical components of the oil were carvacrol (57.4%), p-cymene (6.66%), carvone (5.35%), pinene (4.9%), and terpinene (2.96%). The antiproliferative activity of different concentrations of O. punonense EO was noted in all of the investigated cell lines, with the best activity at the concentration of 500 µg/mL. The greatest antibacterial activity was against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus vulgaris, with MIC values of 1.56 µL/mL. In addition, and the O. punonense EO showed strong antifungal activity against Candida albicans with a MIC value of 0.8 µL/mL. In addition, the O. punonense EO showed potent antibacterial activity against all MRSA samples obtained from the diabetic foot with a MIC value of 3.13 µL/mL. The O. punonense EO demonstrated potent activity against Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales, Citrobacter freundii, and K. pneumoniae, with MICs value of 6.25 µL/mL. Conclusion The potent antiproliferative and broad antimicrobial activity of O. punonense EO makes it an effective strategy for treating infections, especially in immunocompromised patients with chronic comorbidities such as cancer and diabetes mellitus

    Towards a more desirable dry powder inhaler formulation: large spray-dried mannitol microspheres outperform small microspheres

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    Purpose: To investigate, for the first time, the performance of a dry powder inhaler (DPI, Aerolizer®) in the case of a model drug (i.e. albuterol sulphate) formulated with spray dried mannitol carrier particles with homogeneous shape and solid-state form but different sizes. Methods: Spray dried mannitol (SDM) particles were characterized in terms of size, surface area, morphology, water content, solid-state, density and electrostatic charge by a novel approach. DPI formulations composed of SDM and albuterol sulphate (AS) were prepared and evaluated in terms of drug content homogeneity and in vitro aerosolization performance. Results: All SDM particles generated similar fine particle fractions of AS. Formulations consisting of larger SDM particles demonstrated better drug content homogeneity, reduced amounts of drug loss and reduced oropharyngeal deposition. Comparing different SDM products demonstrated that SDM powders with relatively poorer flowability, wider size distributions and higher charge density generated DPI formulations with poorer drug content homogeneity and deposited higher amount of drug on the inhaler, mouthpiece adaptor and throat. DPI formulation total desirability increased linearly with the mean diameter of SDM. Conclusion: Particle shape and solid-state form of mannitol could dominate over carrier size, bulk density, flowability and charge in terms of determining the aerosolization behaviour of AS formulated with mannitol carrier, at least within the experimental protocols applied in the present study. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Specific targeting cancer cells with nanoparticles and drug delivery in cancer therapy

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    Aseta tiedostolle embargo sitten kun julkaisu ilmestyy. Embargo 12 kk.Nanotechnology has been the latest approach for diagnosis and treatment for cancer, which opens up a new alternative therapeutic drug delivery option to treat disease. Nanoparticles (NPs) display a broad role in cancer diagnosis and has various advantages over the other conventional chemotherapeutic drug delivery. NPs possess more specific and efficient drug delivery to the targeted tissue, cell, or organs and minimize the risk of side effects. NPs undergo passive and active mode of drug targets to tumor area with less elimination of the drug from the system. Size and surface characteristics of nanoparticles play a crucial role in modulating nanocarrier efficiency and the biodistribution of chemo drugs in the body. Several types of nanocarriers, such as polymers, dendrimers, liposome-based, and carbon-based, are studied widely in cancer therapy. Although FDA approved very few nanotechnology drugs for cancer therapy, a large number of studies are undergoing for the development of novel nanocarriers for potent cancer therapy. In this review, we discuss the details of the nano-based therapeutics and diagnostics strategies, and the potential use of nanomedicines in cancer therapy and cancer drug delivery.Peer reviewe