11 research outputs found

    A Functional Link Between Bir1 and the <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> Ctf19 Kinetochore Complex Revealed Through Quantitative Fitness Analysis

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    The chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) is a key regulator of eukaryotic cell division, consisting of the protein kinase Aurora B/Ipl1 in association with its activator (INCENP/Sli15) and two additional proteins (Survivin/Bir1 and Borealin/Nbl1). Here, we report a genome-wide genetic interaction screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using the bir1-17 mutant, identifying through quantitative fitness analysis deletion mutations that act as enhancers and suppressors. Gene knockouts affecting the Ctf19 kinetochore complex were identified as the strongest enhancers of bir1-17, while mutations affecting the large ribosomal subunit or the mRNA nonsense-mediated decay pathway caused strong phenotypic suppression. Thus, cells lacking a functional Ctf19 complex become highly dependent on Bir1 function and vice versa. The negative genetic interaction profiles of bir1-17 and the cohesin mutant mcd1-1 showed considerable overlap, underlining the strong functional connection between sister chromatid cohesion and chromosome biorientation. Loss of some Ctf19 components, such as Iml3 or Chl4, impacted differentially on bir1-17 compared with mutations affecting other CPC components: despite the synthetic lethality shown by either iml3∆ or chl4∆ in combination with bir1-17, neither gene knockout showed any genetic interaction with either ipl1-321 or sli15-3. Our data therefore imply a specific functional connection between the Ctf19 complex and Bir1 that is not shared with Ipl1

    Involvement of the nuclear cap-binding protein complex in alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The nuclear cap-binding protein complex (CBC) participates in 5′ splice site selection of introns that are proximal to the mRNA cap. However, it is not known whether CBC has a role in alternative splicing. Using an RT–PCR alternative splicing panel, we analysed 435 alternative splicing events in Arabidopsis thaliana genes, encoding mainly transcription factors, splicing factors and stress-related proteins. Splicing profiles were determined in wild type plants, the cbp20 and cbp80(abh1) single mutants and the cbp20/80 double mutant. The alternative splicing events included alternative 5′ and 3′ splice site selection, exon skipping and intron retention. Significant changes in the ratios of alternative splicing isoforms were found in 101 genes. Of these, 41% were common to all three CBC mutants and 15% were observed only in the double mutant. The cbp80(abh1) and cbp20/80 mutants had many more changes in alternative splicing in common than did cbp20 and cbp20/80 suggesting that CBP80 plays a more significant role in alternative splicing than CBP20, probably being a platform for interactions with other splicing factors. Cap-binding proteins and the CBC are therefore directly involved in alternative splicing of some Arabidopsis genes and in most cases influenced alternative splicing of the first intron, particularly at the 5′ splice site

    Quantitative Fitness Analysis Shows That NMD Proteins and Many Other Protein Complexes Suppress or Enhance Distinct Telomere Cap Defects

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    To better understand telomere biology in budding yeast, we have performed systematic suppressor/enhancer analyses on yeast strains containing a point mutation in the essential telomere capping gene CDC13 (cdc13-1) or containing a null mutation in the DNA damage response and telomere capping gene YKU70 (yku70Δ). We performed Quantitative Fitness Analysis (QFA) on thousands of yeast strains containing mutations affecting telomere-capping proteins in combination with a library of systematic gene deletion mutations. To perform QFA, we typically inoculate 384 separate cultures onto solid agar plates and monitor growth of each culture by photography over time. The data are fitted to a logistic population growth model; and growth parameters, such as maximum growth rate and maximum doubling potential, are deduced. QFA reveals that as many as 5% of systematic gene deletions, affecting numerous functional classes, strongly interact with telomere capping defects. We show that, while Cdc13 and Yku70 perform complementary roles in telomere capping, their genetic interaction profiles differ significantly. At least 19 different classes of functionally or physically related proteins can be identified as interacting with cdc13-1, yku70Δ, or both. Each specific genetic interaction informs the roles of individual gene products in telomere biology. One striking example is with genes of the nonsense-mediated RNA decay (NMD) pathway which, when disabled, suppress the conditional cdc13-1 mutation but enhance the null yku70Δ mutation. We show that the suppressing/enhancing role of the NMD pathway at uncapped telomeres is mediated through the levels of Stn1, an essential telomere capping protein, which interacts with Cdc13 and recruitment of telomerase to telomeres. We show that increased Stn1 levels affect growth of cells with telomere capping defects due to cdc13-1 and yku70Δ. QFA is a sensitive, high-throughput method that will also be useful to understand other aspects of microbial cell biology

    Translational and structural analysis of the shortest legume ENOD40 gene in Lupinus luteus

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    Two early nodulin 40 (enod40) genes, ENOD40-1, the shortest legume ENOD40 gene, and ENOD40-2, were isolated from Lupinus luteus, a legume with indeterminate nodules. Both genes were expressed at similar levels during symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. ENOD40 phylogeny clustered the L. luteus genes with legumes forming determinate nodules and revealed peptide similarities. The ENOD40-1 small ORF A fused to a reporter gene was efficiently expressed in plant cells, indicating that the start codon is recognized for translation. The ENOD40-1 RNA structure predicted based on Pb(II)-induced cleavage and modeling revealed four structurally conserved domains, an absence of domain 4 characteristic for legumes of indeterminate nodules, and interactions between the conserved region I and a region located upstream of domain 6. Domain 2 contains Mg(II) ion binding sites essential for organizing RNA secondary structure. The differences between L. luteus and Glycine max ENOD40 RNA models suggest the possibility of a switch between two structural states of ENOD40 transcript