9 research outputs found

    The ThinSat Program: Flight Opportunities for Education, Research and Industry

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    The ThinSat is the next iteration of the flight proven PocketQube design. The ThinSat standard is based on a common bus architecture with set electrical and mechanical interfaces that simplifies the development of diverse payloads. The bus design includes power, C&DH, communication systems and has options for attitude control and determination. Participants in the program need only provide systems that conform to the available documented bus design. Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority (Virginia Space) has secured payload capacity on the second stage of future Orbital ATK Antares rockets launched from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Virginia Space and Twiggs Space Lab (TSL) will launch 60 ThinSats on their first mission in the Fall 2018 (on the OA-10 mission), and 80 ThinSats on each of the subsequent Antares ISS resupply missions through December 2024. Additional capacity may be added to meet increases in demand. The large number of deployments per launch means that ThinSats have the potential to surpass the opportunities for scientific discoveries, technical innovations and commercial applications that were enabled by the adoption of the CubeSat. ThinSats represent the next logical step in the small satellite industry, by further reducing development times, lowering technical barriers to entry, and reducing overall mission cost and complexity

    Cislunar Explorers: Lessons Learned from the Development of an Interplanetary CubeSat

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    The Cislunar Explorers mission is a pair of ~3U nanosatellites (named Hydrogen and Oxygen) launching as a single 6U CubeSat as part of NASA’s Artemis-1 mission on the Space Launch System (SLS). The two spacecraft will demonstrate technologies increasing the reach, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of interplanetary smallsats. These innovations include water electrolysis propulsion, multi-body optical navigation, passive spin-stabilization, and the operation of femtosatellites beyond low earth orbit. Cislunar Explorers also serves as a pathfinder for demonstrating the utility and versatility of water for future In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) on space missions. Critical subsystems complement each other to reduce the cost and complexity. Water not only serves as the propellant for the propulsion system, but also as a radiation shield, electronics heat sink, and nutation damper. Each spacecraft’s spin provides attitude stabilization, separates electrolyzed gas from the water in the propulsion tank, simplifies the active attitude control system, and enables the optical navigation system to cover a panoramic view around the spacecraft. The unique elements of the mission spacecraft’s design provided advantages to traditional CubeSat architectures but also produced unexpected development challenges. By leveraging the lessons learned from the development of the Cislunar Explorers mission, future interplanetary missions can utilize its technology to reduce cost, risk, and complexity

    New Moon Explorer Mission Concept

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    New Moon Explorer (NME) is a smallsat reconnaissance mission concept to explore Earths New Moon, the recently discovered Earth orbital companion asteroid 469219 Kamooalewa (formerly 2016HO3), using solar sail propulsion. NME would determine Kamooalewas spin rate, pole position, shape, structure, mass, density, chemical composition, temperature, thermal inertia, regolith characteristics, and spectral type using onboard instrumentation. If flown, NME would demonstrate multiple enabling technologies, including solar sail propulsion, large-area thin film power generation, and small spacecraft technology tailored for interplanetary space missions. Leveraging the solar sail technology and mission expertise developed by NASA for the Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout mission, affordably learning more about our newest near neighbor is now a possibility. The mission is not yet planned for flight

    Innervation of pathologies in the lumbar vertebral end plate and intervertebral disc

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    Background contextMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has limited diagnostic value for chronic low back pain because of the unclear relationship between any anatomic abnormalities on MRI and pain reported by the patient. Assessing the innervation of end plate and disc pathologies-and determining the relationship between these pathologies and any abnormalities seen on MRI-could clarify the sources of back pain and help identify abnormalities with enhanced diagnostic value.PurposeTo quantify innervation in the vertebral end plate and intervertebral disc and to relate variation in innervation to the presence of pathologic features observed by histology and conventional MRI.Study design/settingA cross-sectional histology and imaging study of vertebral end plates and intervertebral discs harvested from human cadaver spines.MethodsWe collected 92 end plates and 46 intervertebral discs from seven cadaver spines (ages 51-67 years). Before dissection, the spines were scanned with MRI to grade for Modic changes and high-intensity zones (HIZ). Standard immunohistochemical techniques were used to localize the general nerve marker protein gene product 9.5. We quantified innervation in the following pathologies: fibrovascular end-plate marrow, fatty end-plate marrow, end-plate defects, and annular tears.ResultsNerves were present in the majority of end plates with fibrovascular marrow, fatty marrow, and defects. Nerve density was significantly higher in fibrovascular end-plate marrow than in normal end-plate marrow (p<.001). Of the end plates with fibrovascular and fatty marrow, less than 40% were Modic on MRI. Innervated marrow pathologies collocated with more than 75% of the end plate defects; hence, innervation was significantly higher in end plate defects than in normal end plates (p<.0001). In the disc, nerves were observed in only 35% of the annular tears; in particular, innervation in radial tears tended to be higher than in normal discs (p=.07). Of the discs with radial tears, less than 13% had HIZ on T2 MRI. Innervation was significantly less in radial tears than in fibrovascular end-plate marrow (p=.05) and end-plate defects (p=.02).ConclusionsThese findings indicate that vertebral end-plate pathologies are more innervated than intervertebral disc pathologies and that many innervated end-plate pathologies are not detectable on MRI. Taken together, these findings suggest that improved visualization of end-plate pathologies could enhance the diagnostic value of MRI for chronic low back pain