118 research outputs found

    An examination of feedback interactions between athletic training students and clinical instructors

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    Feedback has been established as an important educational tool in athletic training clinical education. However, there is currently minimal understanding of the feedback provided during athletic training clinical education experiences. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of feedback in athletic training clinical education, in addition to perceptions of and influences on the feedback that is occurring. Exploratory, qualitative methods primarily drawing from a case-study design were used to investigate this topic. Four clinical instructors (CI) and four second-year athletic training students from one CAATE-accredited entry-level master's athletic training program participated in this study. Two CIs were located in a Division I collegiate athletics setting and the other two CIs were located in an outpatient rehabilitation clinic. The researcher observed and audio recorded each CI-student pair during their normal daily interactions for three or four days of the student's clinical rotation. After observations were completed, each participant was interviewed individually to gain understanding of their perceptions of feedback and influential factors on feedback. A total of 88 feedback exchanges were recorded during 45 hours and 10 minutes of observation. CIs generally provided feedback that coincides with recommendations for effective feedback in the literature, including immediate, specific, and positive feedback. CIs and students had similar perceptions of the feedback that occurred during their interactions and had similar opinions of what is considered ideal feedback, including immediate, specific, verbal, and positive. Both CIs and students also described that several factors influence their feedback exchanges, including availability of time, personalities, and the patient. The findings of this study provide insight on the feedback that is currently occurring in athletic training clinical education. Athletic training educators can use this information when training CIs how to provide feedback to students, in addition to evaluating their effectiveness. The exploratory nature of this study also exposes several areas where further research is needed. Investigators need to continue examining the feedback that is occurring across several athletic training programs, in addition to learning more about the effectiveness of feedback training programs, the unique challenges faced by novice CIs, and the extent that personality, time, and the patient influence student learning

    Soil carbon and microbes in the warming tropics

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    Climate warming could destabilise the Earth's largest terrestrial store of reactive carbon (C), by accelerating the decomposition of soil organic matter. A third of that C store resides in the tropics. The potential for tropical soils to sequester C, or to act as an additional source of CO2, will depend on the balance of C inputs and outputs, mediated by the response of soil microbial communities and their activity to perturbation. We review the impact of warming on microbial communities and C storage in humid tropical forest soils over multiple time-scales. Recent in situ experiments indicate high sensitivity of tropical forest soil C mineralisation to warming in the short term. However, whether this will translate into long-term soil C decline remains unclear. At decadal time-scales, high sensitivity of soil C mineralisation to warming is consistent with the correlation between the inter-annual variation in the tropical land surface temperature and atmospheric CO2 growth rate, and with simulations using the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach biosphere model. This observed sensitivity may further contribute to climatic change over millennial time-scales, suggested by radiocarbon dating of organic matter in river basins showing a twofold acceleration in tropical soil C release during the late-glacial warming period. However, counter to this evidence, long-term stability of tropical soil C is suggested by observed steady-state soil C turnover across temperature gradients with elevation, and by the presence of C in tropical soils that pre-dates the Holocene Thermal Maximum and late-glacial warming periods. To help reconcile these recent experimental findings and long-term observations, we propose mechanisms to explain tropical soil C and microbial responses to warming across multiple time-scales. Combined in situ experimental and monitoring approaches—large-scale and cross-site—are urgently needed to resolve the interplay of these mechanisms across spatial and temporal scales, to shape a better understanding of the relationship between soil microbes and C storage in tropical soils

    Soil carbon loss by experimental warming in a tropical forest

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    Tropical soils contain one-third of the carbon stored in soils globally1, so destabilization of soil organic matter caused by the warming predicted for tropical regions this century2 could accelerate climate change by releasing additional carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere3,4,5,6. Theory predicts that warming should cause only modest carbon loss from tropical soils relative to those at higher latitudes5,7, but there have been no warming experiments in tropical forests to test this8. Here we show that in situ experimental warming of a lowland tropical forest soil on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, caused an unexpectedly large increase in soil CO2 emissions. Two years of warming of the whole soil profile by four degrees Celsius increased CO2 emissions by 55 per cent compared to soils at ambient temperature. The additional CO2 originated from heterotrophic rather than autotrophic sources, and equated to a loss of 8.2 ± 4.2 (one standard error) tonnes of carbon per hectare per year from the breakdown of soil organic matter. During this time, we detected no acclimation of respiration rates, no thermal compensation or change in the temperature sensitivity of enzyme activities, and no change in microbial carbon-use efficiency. These results demonstrate that soil carbon in tropical forests is highly sensitive to warming, creating a potentially substantial positive feedback to climate chang

    Editorial: Tropical Montane Forests in a Changing Environment

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    Tropical montane forests (TMFs) are found on most of Earth's continents along variable elevation ranges, whose potential upper limits are influenced by cloud condensation heights and minimum temperatures. They are most widespread in South America and in (semi-)humid mountain areas

    Development of global temperature and pH calibrations based on bacterial 3-hydroxy fatty acids in soils

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    Gram-negative bacteria produce specific membrane lipids, i.e. 3-hydroxy fatty acids with 10 to 18 C atoms. They have been recently proposed as temperature and pH proxies in terrestrial settings. Nevertheless, the existing correlations between pH or temperature and indices derived from 3-OH FA distribution are based on a small soil dataset (ca. 70 samples) and only applicable regionally. The aim of this study was to investigate the applicability of 3-OH FAs as mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and pH proxies at the global level. This was achieved using an extended soil dataset of 168 topsoils distributed worldwide, covering a wide range of temperatures (5 to 30 ∘C) and pH (3 to 8). The response of 3-OH FAs to temperature and pH was compared to that of established branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT)-based proxies (MBT'5Me/CBT). Strong linear relationships between 3-OH-FA-derived indices (RAN15, RAN17 and RIAN) and MAAT or pH could only be obtained locally for some of the individual transects. This suggests that these indices cannot be used as palaeoproxies at the global scale using simple linear regression models, in contrast with the MBT'5Me and CBT. However, strong global correlations between 3-OH FA relative abundances and MAAT or pH were shown by using other algorithms (multiple linear regression, k-NN and random forest models). The applicability of the three aforementioned models for palaeotemperature reconstruction was tested and compared with the MAAT record from a Chinese speleothem. The calibration based on the random forest model appeared to be the most robust. It generally showed similar trends with previously available records and highlighted known climatic events poorly visible when using local 3-OH FA calibrations. Altogether, these results demonstrate the potential of 3-OH FAs as palaeoproxies in terrestrial settings

    Soil fungal networks maintain local dominance of ectomycorrhizal trees

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    The mechanisms regulating community composition and local dominance of trees in species-rich forests are poorly resolved, but the importance of interactions with soil microbes is increasingly acknowledged. Here, we show that tree seedlings that interact via root-associated fungal hyphae with soils beneath neighbouring adult trees grow faster and have greater survival than seedlings that are isolated from external fungal mycelia, but these effects are observed for species possessing ectomycorrhizas (ECM) and not arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Moreover, survival of naturally-regenerating AM seedlings over ten years is negatively related to the density of surrounding conspecific plants, while survival of ECM tree seedlings displays positive density dependence over this interval, and AM seedling roots contain greater abundance of pathogenic fungi than roots of ECM seedlings. Our findings show that neighbourhood interactions mediated by beneficial and pathogenic soil fungi regulate plant demography and community structure in hyperdiverse forests

    A 300-year record of sedimentation in a small tilled catena in Hungary based on ÎŽ13C, ÎŽ15N, and C/N distribution

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    Purpose Soil erosion is one of the most serious hazards that endanger sustainable food production. Moreover, it has marked effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) with direct links to global warming. At the same time, soil organic matter (SOM) changes in composition and space could influence these processes. The aim of this study was to predict soil erosion and sedimentation volume and dynamics on a typical hilly cropland area of Hungary due to forest clearance in the early eighteenth century. Materials and methods Horizontal soil samples were taken along two parallel intensively cultivated complex convex-concave slopes from the eroded upper parts at mid-slope positions and from sedimentation in toe-slopes. Samples were measured for SOC, total nitrogen (TN) content, and SOMcompounds (ÎŽ13C, ÎŽ15N, and photometric indexes). They were compared to the horizons of an in situ non-eroded profile under continuous forest. On the depositional profile cores, soil depth prior to sedimentation was calculated by the determination of sediment thickness. Results and discussion Peaks of SOC in the sedimentation profiles indicated thicker initial profiles, while peaks in C/N ratio and ÎŽ13C distribution showed the original surface to be ~ 20 cm lower. Peaks of SOC were presumed to be the results of deposition of SOC-enriched soil from the upper slope transported by selective erosion of finer particles (silts and clays). Therefore, changes in ÎŽ13C values due to tillage and delivery would fingerprint the original surface much better under the sedimentation scenario than SOC content. Distribution of ÎŽ13C also suggests that the main sedimentation phase occurred immediately after forest clearance and before the start of intense cultivation with maize. Conclusions This highlights the role of relief in sheet erosion intensity compared to intensive cultivation. Patterns of ÎŽ13C indicate the original soil surface, even in profiles deposited as sediment centuries ago. The ÎŽ13C and C/N decrease in buried in situ profiles had the same tendency as recent forest soil, indicating constant SOM quality distribution after burial. Accordingly, microbiological activity, root uptake, and metabolism have not been effective enough to modify initial soil properties

    Temperature sensitivity of soil enzymes along an elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes

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    Soil enzymes are catalysts of organic matter depolymerisation, which is of critical importance for ecosystem carbon (C) cycling. Better understanding of the sensitivity of enzymes to temperature will enable improved predictions of climate change impacts on soil C stocks. These impacts may be especially large in tropical montane forests, which contain large amounts of soil C. We determined the temperature sensitivity (Q 10) of a range of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes involved in organic matter cycling from soils along a 1900 m elevation gradient (a 10 °C mean annual temperature gradient) of tropical montane forest in the Peruvian Andes. We investigated whether the activity (V max) of selected enzymes: (i) exhibited a Q 10 that varied with elevation and/or soil properties; and (ii) varied among enzymes and according to the complexity of the target substrate for C-degrading enzymes. The Q 10 of V max for ÎČ-glucosidase and ÎČ-xylanase increased with increasing elevation and declining mean annual temperature. For all other enzymes, including cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl ÎČ-glucosaminidase and phosphomonoesterase, the Q 10 of V max did not vary linearly with elevation. Hydrolytic enzymes that degrade more complex C compounds had a greater Q 10 of V max, but this pattern did not apply to oxidative enzymes because phenol oxidase had the lowest Q 10 value of all enzymes studied here. Our findings suggest that regional differences in the temperature sensitivities of different enzyme classes may influence the terrestrial C cycle under future climate warming

    Nutrient limitations to bacterial and fungal growth during cellulose decomposition in tropical forest soils

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    Nutrients constrain the soil carbon cycle in tropical forests, but we lack knowledge on how these constraints vary within the soil microbial community. Here, we used in situ fertilization in a montane tropical forest and in two lowland tropical forests on contrasting soil types to test the principal hypothesis that there are different nutrient constraints to different groups of microorganisms during the decomposition of cellulose. We also tested the hypotheses that decomposers shift from nitrogen to phosphorus constraints from montane to lowland forests, respectively, and are further constrained by potassium and sodium deficiency in the western Amazon. Cellulose and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and combined) were added to soils in situ, and microbial growth on cellulose (phospholipid fatty acids and ergosterol) and respiration were measured. Microbial growth on cellulose after single nutrient additions was highest following nitrogen addition for fungi, suggesting nitrogen as the primary limiting nutrient for cellulose decomposition. This was observed at all sites, with no clear shift in nutrient constraints to decomposition between lowland and montane sites. We also observed positive respiration and fungal growth responses to sodium and potassium addition at one of the lowland sites. However, when phosphorus was added, and especially when added in combination with other nutrients, bacterial growth was highest, suggesting that bacteria out-compete fungi for nitrogen where phosphorus is abundant. In summary, nitrogen constrains fungal growth and cellulose decomposition in both lowland and montane tropical forest soils, but additional nutrients may also be of critical importance in determining the balance between fungal and bacterial decomposition of cellulose

    Has Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) co-evolved with Dothistroma septosporum in Scotland? Evidence for spatial heterogeneity in the susceptibility of native provenances

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    Spatial heterogeneity in pathogen pressure leads to genetic variation in, and evolution of, disease-related traits among host populations. In contrast, hosts are expected to be highly susceptible to exotic pathogens as there has been no evolution of defence responses. Host response to pathogens can therefore be an indicator of a novel or endemic pathosystem. Currently, the most significant threat to native British Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests is Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) caused by the foliar pathogen Dothistroma septosporum which is presumed to be exotic. A progeny–provenance trial of 6-year-old Scots pine, comprising eight native provenances each with four families in six blocks, was translocated in April 2013 to a clear-fell site in Galloway adjacent to a DNB-infected forest. Susceptibility to D. septosporum, measured as DNB severity (estimated percentage nongreen current-year needles), was assessed visually over 2 years (2013–2014 and 2014–2015; two assessments per year). There were highly significant differences in susceptibility among provenances but not among families for each annual assessment. Provenance mean susceptibility to D. septosporum was negatively and significantly associated with water-related variables at site of origin, potentially due to the evolution of low susceptibility in the host in response to high historical pathogen pressure
