2,793 research outputs found

    Density profile of a strictly two-dimensional Bose gas at finite temperature

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    We study a Bose-condensed gas at finite temperature, in which the particles of the condensate and of the thermal cloud are constrained to move in a plane under radial harmonic confinement and interact via strictly two-dimensional collisions. The coupling parameters are obtained from a calculation of the many-body T-matrix and decreases as temperature increases through a dependence on the chemical potential and on the occupancy of excited states. We discuss the consequences on the condensate fraction and on the density profiles of the condensed and thermal components as functions of temperature, within a simplified form of the two-fluid model.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature dependence of the energy of a vortex in a two-dimensional Bose gas

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    We evaluate the thermodynamic critical angular velocity Omega_c(T) for creation of a vortex of lowest quantized angular momentum in a strictly two-dimensional Bose gas at temperature T, using a mean-field two-fluid model for the condensate and the thermal cloud. Our results show that (i) a Thomas-Fermi description of the condensate badly fails in predicting the particle density profiles and the energy of the vortex as functions of T; and (ii) an extrapolation of a simple Thomas-Fermi formula for Omega_c(0) is nevertheless approximately useful up to T = 0.5 T_c.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Investigation of Natural Effective Gamma Dose Rates case study: Ardabil Province in Iran

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    Gamma rays pose enough energy to form charged particles and adversely affect human health. Since, the external exposure of human beings to natural environmental gamma radiation normally exceeds that from all man-made sources combined, natural background gamma dose rates and corresponding annual effective doses were determined for selected cities of Ardabil province from 2009 to 2010. Outdoor gamma dose rates were measured using an Ion Chamber Survey Meter in 105 locations in selected districts. Average absorbed dose for Ardabil, Sar-Ein, Germy, Neer, Shourabil Recreational Lake, and Kosar were determined as 265, 219, 344, 233, 352, and 358 nSvh-1, respectively. Although dose rates recorded for Germi and Kosar are comparable with some areas with high natural radiation background, however, the dose rates in other districts are well below the levels reported for such locations. Average annual effective dose due to indoor and outdoor gamma radiation for Ardabil province was estimated to be 1.73 (1.35-2.39) mSv, which is on average 2 times higher than the world population weighted average

    Impact of Polymorphisms in PTK2 on Intrinsic Muscle Strength

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    Abstract Title: Impact of Polymorphisms in PTK2 on Intrinsic Muscle Strength Primary Presenter Full Name: Zachary Zeller Co-presenter Full Name(s): Click here to enter text. Co-author Full Name(s): Mohamed Al-Amoodi, Whitney Jones, Danny Lee, Steven Mckenzie, Helen Miller, Seth Stubblefied, Susan Knoblach, Heather Gordish-Dressman, Dustin Hittel, Laura L. Tosi Abstract Text (should not exceed 400 words): Recent studies have begun to search for correlations between genetic variations and muscle strength. One such study by Stebbings et al.1 examined two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—rs7843014 and rs7460—on the PTK2 gene. The study found that genetic variation in the PTK2 gene impacts muscle-specific force, which is the force generated per unit of cross-sectional area of muscle. Muscle-specific force ultimately represents the intrinsic strength of a muscle and is a key determinant of functional capacity and mobility. This study sought to expand on prior research by looking for associations between genetic variants of PTK2 and measures of grip strength, as well as general anthropomorphic measures, in a cohort of healthy young adults. Our study assessed phenotypes for height, weight, VO2 max, max grip strength, and body mass index (BMI) using the Assessing Inherited Markers of Metabolic Syndrome in the Young (AIMMY) University of Calgary subset of 190 healthy, primarily Caucasian, individuals between the ages of 18 and 35. DNA samples were genotyped using ThermoFisher Taqman SNP genotype assays, and underwent the Applied Biosystems 7900HT real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were used to perform statistical analysis to look for genotype-phenotype associations. Unlike the findings by Stebbings et al.1 an association between the PTK2 genotypes and grip strength was not found. This could be due to the lower statistical power in the grip strength test, thus potentially indicating that grip strength and muscle-specific force do not measure similar parameters of muscle strength. Genetic variation in PTK2 has also been previously associated with VO2 max, but no association was found in the current study. Positive associations were found between genetic variants rs7843014 and rs7460 in PTK2 and BMI, and between genetic variant rs7843014 and height. High levels of functioning PTK2 have been found to have increased strength due to increased costamere density, resulting in more muscle myofibrils, and therein larger, presumably heavier muscles. However, this finding was only observed in males, and could be attributed to differential acquisition and maintenance of muscle mass based on sex. We identified a potentially novel association between genetic variants in PTK2 and anthropomorphic phenotypes. However, we were unable to confirm the effects of genetic variants on measures of intrinsic muscle strength, namely max grip strength or VO2 max in terms of functional capacity. Further research is needed to confirm this newly identified role for PTK2

    The association of polymorphism rs3736228 within the LRP5 gene with Bone Mineral Density in a Cohort of Caucasian Young Adults

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    INTRODUCTION: Osteoporosis is a significant burden for our aging population. Developing a better understanding of the genetic underpinnings of poor bone quality may assist in the future development of prevention strategies. Correa-Rodriguez et al. have identified a group of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were associated with bone mineral density (BMD) in a population of Spanish Caucasians. In particular, they found that SNP rs3736228 in the low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5 (LRP5) gene had an influence on BMD. While the role of LRP5 in the Wnt canonical pathway has been fairly well characterized, its association with phenotypic BMD and osteoporosis has only been explored in a limited fashion. The aim of this study is to expand on this, and to replicate the findings of previous studies in a cohort of healthy young adults. METHODS: Cohort: The University of Calgary cohort from the Assessing Inherited Metabolic Syndrome Markers in the Young (UC AIMMY) study. Participants included consist of 168 healthy, predominantly Caucasian young adults. Phenotypes: height, weight, BMI, and total BMD. Genotyping: Allelic discrimination was determined. Statistical Analysis: After being tested for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), the data was run through analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). RESULTS: Using a dominant model, we found that females with one or more copies of the risk T allele of SNP rs3736228 had a significant negative association with total BMD (p = 0.0347). However, a similar association was not seen in males in this cohort. We did not find a significant association for this polymorphism and height, weight, or BMI. DISCUSSION: Polymorphisms in rs3736228 alter the codon in position 1330, downregulating the LRP5 cell surface receptor function. The LRP5 gene has now been shown in multiple studies to be associated with bone quality measures like calcaneal Qualitative Ultrasound (QUS) and BMD. Our study suggests that SNP rs3736228 also influences BMD in healthy young females. This supports the work of Correa-Rodriguez et al that found that when stratifying by sex, females only showed a trend towards significance (p = 0.092) in QUS measures. SIGNIFICANCE: This study expands our understanding of the importance of LRP5 rs3736228 polymorphisms in BMD by extending its relationship to a cohort of predominantly Caucasian college students. While the development of BMD is polygenic, this work broadened the role of SNP rs3736228 across the age span, and the sexual dimorphism seen in musculoskeletal traits

    Bioactive compounds and antibacterial activities in crystallized honey liquefied with ultrasound

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    The effect of ultrasound on the crystal size, phenols, flavonoids, Maillard products and antibacterial activity of crystallized honeys was studied. Three multifloral honeys (M), one monofloral (MO) and one honeydew (HD) honey were used. Ultrasound was performed at 42 kHz for different times (0, 5, 10 and 15 min). The antibacterial activities were tested against Salmonella typhimurium, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria mono cytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. In all honeys, the parameters analyzed had significant dif ferences ((P < 0.05)). After 15 min of ultrasound the HD had increments of 44 mg of gallic acid/100 g of honey in phenols, and some M showed increase in flavonoids (5.64 mg of quercitin /100 g of honey) and improvement in inhibition against Salmonella typhimurium was 13.1%. In some honeys the correlation between phenols or fla vonoids and antibacterial activity were significant ((P < 0.05)). No correlation was found between Maillard products and antibacterial activity. The ultrasound treatment effect on the crystal size, phenols, flavonoid, Maillard products, and antibacterial activity of crystallized honeys were different in each honey.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High-pressure processing of Manuka honey: brown pigment formation, improvement of antibacterial activity and hydroxymethylfurfural content

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    This work was undertaken to assess the effects of high-pressure processing on brown pigment formation, antibacterial activity and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content in Manuka honey. The honey was subjected to different pressures (200–600 MPa) at ambient temperatures (25–33 °C) and with moderate temperatures (53–74 °C) for holding times (10–30 min). The brown pigment formation in high-pressuretreated sample showed a significant increase (0.16–0.17, P 0.05). Thus, high-pressure processing has no adverse effect on the honey quality because it can control HMF concentration during process. Increasing brown pigment formation is associated with the enhancement of antibacterial activity

    The Star Formation History in The Far Outer Disc of M33

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    The outer regions of disc galaxies are becoming increasingly recognized as key testing sites for models of disc assembly and evolution. Important issues are the epoch at which the bulk of the stars in these regions formed and how discs grow radially over time. To address these issues, we use Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging to study the star formation history (SFH) of two fields at 9.1 and 11.6 kpc along M33's northern major axis. These fields lie at ~ 4 and 5 V-band disc scale-lengths and straddle the break in M33's surface brightness profile. The colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) reach the ancient main sequence turnoff with a signal-to-noise ratio of ~ 5. From detailed modelling of the CMDs, we find that the majority of stars in both fields combined formed at z < 1. The mean age in the inner field, S1, is ~ 3 +/- 1 Gyr and the mean metallicity is [M/H] ~ -0.5 +/- 0.2 dex. The star formation history of S1 unambiguously reveals how the inside-out growth previously measured for M33's inner disc out to ~ 6 kpc extends out to the disc edge at ~ 9 kpc. In comparison, the outer field, S2, is older (mean age ~ 7 +/- 2 Gyr), more metal-poor (mean [M/H] ~ -0.8 +/- 0.3 dex), and contains ~ 30 times less stellar mass. These results provide the most compelling evidence yet that M33's age gradient reverses at large radii near the disc break and that this reversal is accompanied by a break in stellar mass surface density. We discuss several possible interpretations of this behaviour including radial stellar mixing, warping of the gaseous disc, a change in star formation efficiency, and a transition to another structural component. These results offer one of the most detailed views yet of the peripheral regions of any disc galaxy and provide a much-needed observational constraint on the last major epoch of star formation in the outer disc.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted to MNRAS, hi-res version available at http://www.roe.ac.uk/~mkb/astroph/m33hires.pd
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