730 research outputs found

    High Dynamic Range Imaging at the Quantum Limit with SPAD-based Image Sensors

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    This paper examines methods to best exploit the High Dynamic Range (HDR) of the single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) in a high fill-factor HDR photon counting pixel that is scalable to megapixel arrays. The proposed method combines multi-exposure HDR with temporal oversampling in-pixel. We present a silicon demonstration IC with 96 × 40 array of 8.25 µm pitch 66% fill-factor SPAD-based pixels achieving >100 dB dynamic range with 3 back-to-back exposures (short, mid, long). Each pixel sums 15 bit-planes or binary field images internally to constitute one frame providing 3.75× data compression, hence the 1k frames per second (FPS) output off-chip represents 45,000 individual field images per second on chip. Two future projections of this work are described: scaling SPAD-based image sensors to HDR 1 MPixel formats and shrinking the pixel pitch to 1–3 µm

    Development and Validation of a LC-MS/MS Assay for Quantification of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH 1-34) in human Plasma

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    Background: Teriparatide [recombinant human PTH (1-34)] is an osteoanabolic agent for treatment of osteoporosis. The effect on bone decreases the risk of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures and increases bone mineral density (BMD) in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis. Measurement of PTH (1-34) is valuable in assessing treatment response and concordance with therapy.Aim: To develop and validate a method for quantification of PTH (1-34) using Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and to perform comparison with a commercial immunoassay.  Method: Sample extraction was developed using a Waters (Milford, MA, USA) Oasis® HLB µElution solid phase extraction. Quantification m/z transition 589>656 was used on Waters/Micromass® Quattro Ultima™ Pt mass spectrometer to measure PTH (1-34) in human plasma using rat PTH (1-34) as internal standard. Validation criteria were carried out against industry standards. PTH (1-34) results obtained from human subjects given Teriparatide (Fortsteo, Eli Lilly, IN, USA) (n=390) were compared against results obtained from an immunoassay (IDS; Boldon Tyne and Wear. UK).  Results and Discussion: LC-MS/MS produced a linear calibration curve from 10 to 2000 pg/mL (r2 >0.990). The LLoQ and LLoD for PTH (1-34) were 10 pg/mL and 2.1 pg/mL respectively. The inter- /intra-assay precision (CV%) of the method were 98.3% for four QCs (20, 100, 200, and 800 pg/mL). The mean recovery of PTH (1-34) was 107.2%. Method comparison between the LC-MS/MS and immunoassay using human EDTA plasma samples showed a high correlation (r2 = 0.950). A concentration-dependent, negative bias of 35.5% was observed across the range of 0 – 800 pg/mL. The immunoassay showed a 7% cross reactivity to human PTH (1-84) and 44% to rat PTH (1-34), no interference was observed in the LC-MS/MS method. Matrix effect and cross reactivity to human PTH (1-84) in the immunoassay were the likely contributing factors to the bias between the methods. The oxidised form of PTH (1-34) does not interfere with our LC-MS/MS method.  Conclusion: Our LC-MS/MS method demonstrated linearity over the calibration range, good precision and accuracy, excellent analyte recovery, and negligible matrix effects. The method was successfully used for measurements of PTH (1-34) in rat and human plasma

    A business model perspective for ICTs in public engagement

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 ElsevierPublic institutions, in their efforts to promote meaningful citizen engagement, are increasingly looking at the democratic potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Previous studies suggest that such initiatives seem to be impeded by socio-technical integration barriers such as low sustainability, poor citizen acceptance, coordination difficulties, lack of understanding and failure to assess their impact. Motivated by these shortcomings, the paper develops and applies a business model perspective as an interceding framework for analysis and evaluation. The underlying principle behind this approach is that it is not technology per se which determines success, but rather the way in which the businessmodel of the technological artifact is configured and employed to achieve the strategic goals. The business model perspective is empirically demonstrated with the case of an online petitioning system implemented by a UK local authority. The case illustrates the importance of considering ICTs in public engagement from a holistic view to make them more manageable and assessable
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