6 research outputs found

    Rapport Thermphos.

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    © 2014 American Chemical Society. Catalytic hydrogenation of dibenzyl 5-dipyrroketone-2,9-dicarboxylates followed by decarboxylative iodination affords a 2,9-diiododipyrroketone which gives a 2,5,9-trichlorodipyrromethene hydrochloride after nucleophilic addition/elimination, with adventitious chloride to replace the two iodide groups. Treatment with BF3·Et2O gives a 3,5,8-trichloro-BODIPY that readily undergoes regioselective Stille coupling at the 8-position, or homo/mixed couplings at the 3,8- or 3,5- and 8-positions. Stepwise and controlled replacement of the 3,5- and 8-chlorine atoms using Stille reagents results in formation of a completely unsymmetrical trisubstituted BODIPY. Several examples of unsymmetrical BODIPYs were synthesized and characterized using this methodology. Structure features of new BODIPYs are discussed within the context of 14 new X-ray structures, and photophysical parameters of all new BODIPY compounds are reported and discussed

    On the impedance of galvanic cells—XVII. The mechanism of the Zn2+/Zn(Hg) electrode reaction

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    A theory is presented of the complex behaviour of the streaming zinc amalgam electrode in a Zn2+ solution. It is assumed that the Zn2+/Zn+ and the Zn+/Zn(Hg) electrode reactions occur at potentials where at the dropping amalgam electrode the Zn2+-resp. Zn-concentration at the electrode surface is virtually zero as a consequence of the Zn2+/Zn(Hg) electrode reaction. At the streaming amalgam electrode the Zn2+/Zn(Hg) reaction behaves more irreversibly owing to the increased mass transfer. Consequently the surface concentration of Zn2+ resp. Zn is finite in the neighbourhood of the standard potential of the redox couple Zn2+/Zn+ resp. Zn+/Zn(Hg), this giving rise to additional peaks in the ac polarogram. With a view to the fact that the one-electron-transfer reactions appear to be more reversible than the two-electron-transfer reaction, it can be expected that similar ac polarograms will be obtained for the dropping electrode, if the electrode processes are forced to behave more irreversibly eg by the addition of a surface-active substance. Experiments confirming this idea are described

    Table 5.1. Exchange current densities and rate constants in aqueous systems

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    ALICE upgrades during the LHC Long Shutdown 2

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    International audienceA Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) has been conceived and constructed as a heavy-ion experiment at the LHC. During LHC Runs 1 and 2, it has produced a wide range of physics results using all collision systems available at the LHC. In order to best exploit new physics opportunities opening up with the upgraded LHC and new detector technologies, the experiment has undergone a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2019–2022). This comprises the move to continuous readout, the complete overhaul of core detectors, as well as a new online event processing farm with a redesigned online-offline software framework. These improvements will allow to record Pb-Pb collisions at rates up to 50 kHz, while ensuring sensitivity for signals without a triggerable signature

    Technical design report for the upgrade of the ALICE inner tracking system

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    ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is studying the physics of strongly interacting matter, and in particular the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), using proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The ALICE Collaboration is preparing a major upgrade of the experimental apparatus, planned for installation in the second long LHC shutdown in the years 2018-2019. A key element of the ALICE upgrade is the construction of a new, ultra-light, high-resolution Inner Tracking System (ITS) based on monolithic CMOS pixel detectors. The primary focus of the ITS upgrade is on improving the performance for detection of heavy-flavour hadrons, and of thermal photons and low-mass di-electrons emitted by the QGP. With respect to the current detector, the new Inner Tracking System will significantly enhance the determination of the distance of closest approach to the primary vertex, the tracking efficiency at low transverse momenta, and the read-out rate capabilities. This will be obtained by seven concentric detector layers based on a 50 \uce\ubcm thick CMOS pixel sensor with a pixel pitch of about 30\uc3\u9730 \uce\ubcm2. This document, submitted to the LHCC (LHC experiments Committee) in September 2013, presents the design goals, a summary of the R&D activities, with focus on the technical implementation of the main detector components, and the projected detector and physics performance. \uc2\ua9 2014 CERN on behalf of The ALICE Collaboration