10,782 research outputs found


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    Film merupakan karya sastra audio-visual yang akhir-akhir ini menyita banyak minat masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan film bukan hanya berfungsi sebagai sarana hiburan namun juga merupakan refleksi dan inspirasi kehidupan masyarakat yang sarat akan nilai-nilai sosial dan moral sehingga dapat dikaji lebih dalam. Mona Lisa Smile merupakan salah satu film yang menyajikan cerita mengenai ideologi feminisme dimana pandangan tersebut sangat bertentangan dengan aturan-aturan sebuah lingkungan masyarakat akademis yang cenderung patriarki. Dalam hal ini penulis ingin mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai pandangan feminis Katherine Watson, tokoh utama dalam film tersebut dan usahanya mengubah pandangan patriarki masyarakat Wellesley yang terlalu memposisikan pria sebagai “yang berkehendak” dan memandang wanita sebagai umat yang sudah ditakdirkan untuk mengisi sebuah peran sebagai istri dan ibu dalam hidup mereka. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menganalisis film tersebut adalah metode penelitian pustaka dimana penulis menggunakan buku-buku referensi serta sumber dari koran, majalah, artikel maupun internet untuk mendukung kajian analisisnya. Metode eksponensial juga digunakan yakni untuk menganalisis aspek-aspek naratif seperti latar, karakter dan plot; aspek sinematik seperti penggunaan kamera dan mise-en-scenes; serta aspek ekstrinsik yang penulis fokuskan pada analisis patriarki dan feminisme. Akhirnya, kesimpulan akhir dari analisis fim Mona Lisa Smile ini adalah bahwa meski banyak cercaan dan kritik yang dialami Katherine Watson di Wellesley, namun hal itu tidak membuatnya berhenti. Pemikiran feminisnya yang pada dasarnya menuntut masa depan yang lebih baik dari mahasiswa lulusan Wellesley dari pada sekedar menjadi ibu rumah tangga, ternyata dianggap sebagai subuah pendurhakaan terhadap takdir perempuan. Walaupun pada akhir cerita Katherihe Watson memilih untuk meninggalkan Wellesley, namun usahanya tidak sepenuhnya gagal karena salah satu mahasiswanya yang sudah menikah memutuskan utuk mengajukan perceraian atas pengkhianatan suaminya yang—karena tradisi—harus dipendam,dan diapun akhirnya memutuskan untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya ke Universitas Y

    Postoperative pain management in children: Guidance from the pain committee of the European Society for Paediatric Anaesthesiology (ESPA Pain Management Ladder Initiative)

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    The main remit of the European Society for Paediatric Anaesthesiology (ESPA) Pain Committee is to improve the quality of pain management in children. The ESPA Pain Management Ladder is a clinical practice advisory based upon expert consensus to help to ensure a basic standard of perioperative pain management for all children. Further steps are suggested to improve pain management once a basic standard has been achieved. The guidance is grouped by the type of surgical procedure and layered to suggest basic, intermediate, and advanced pain management methods. The committee members are aware that there are marked differences in financial and personal resources in different institutions and countries and also considerable variations in the availability of analgesic drugs across Europe. We recommend that the guidance should be used as a framework to guide best practice

    'Everyday memory' impairments in autism spectrum disorders

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    ‘Everyday memory’ is conceptualised as memory within the context of day-to-day life and, despite its functional relevance, has been little studied in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). In the first study of its kind, 94 adolescents with an ASD and 55 without an ASD completed measures of everyday memory from the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) and a standard word recall task (Children’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test-2: CAVLT-2). The ASD group showed significant impairments on the RBMT, including in prospective memory, alongside impaired performance on the CAVLT-2. Social and communication ability was significantly associated with prospective remembering in an everyday memory context but not with the CAVLT-2. The complex nature of everyday memory and its relevance to ASD is discussed

    Poaceae Pollen Concentrations in the Atmosphere of Three Inland Croatian Sites (2003–2004)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the length of Poaceae pollen season, intradiurnal, daily and monthly pollen variation, and the effect of some meteorological parameters on atmospheric pollen concentration, at three monitoring sites in inland Croatia during the 2003–2004 period. Seven-day Hirst volumetric pollen and spore traps were used for pollen sampling. At all three monitoring sites considerably higher precipitation and lower average temperature in 2004 led to a marked decrease in the grass pollen concentration in the air at all three monitoring sites. The highest grass pollen concentrations were recorded in IvanićGrad (typical rural area), considerably lower in Samobor (effect of forest vegetation), and lowest in Zagreb (urban area). The highest atmospheric Poaceae pollen concentrations in inland Croatia were generally recorded in May and June. The highest intradiurnal concentrations were recorded between 8.00 and 12.00 a.m. Results of this aeropalynologic study are expected to help in preventing the symptoms of allergic reaction in individuals with Poaceae pollen hypersensitivity

    Review on Prostaglandin and Oxytocin Activity in Preterm Labor

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    The principal difference between term and preterm labor is how they are activated. It has been proposed that term labor results from physiological activation of the common terminal pathway, whereas preterm labor is a pathological condition caused by multiple etiologies that activate one or more of the components of this pathway. Increased uterine contractility at preterm labor results from activation and stimulation of the myometrium. Myometrium is stimulated by increased concentrations of prostaglandins and oxytocin. Increased production of stimulatory prostaglandins by intrauterine tissues is generally considered a central component of the cascade of events leading to preterm parturition. Prostaglandins act to mediate cervical ripening and to stimulate uterine contractions and indirectly to increase fundally dominant myometrial contractility by up regulation of gap junctions, oxytocin and arginine vasopressin receptors and synchronizations of contractions. The authors tried to explain the role and influence of oxytocin in human parturition, as well as the novel therapy in inhibiting the contractions in preterm labor. The selective oxytocin inhibitor was tested in vitro on human myometrium and decidua by the author of this article among the first in the world

    Fetal Macrosomia in Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes

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    The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of fetal macrosomia in newborns from mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and healthy mothers, as well as determining the influence of fetal growth on pregnancy termination, on complications in pregnancy, during delivery and puerperium and on neonatal complications. In the study were included 351 pregnant women with GDM, as well as control group of 1502 healthy pregnant women. Newborns of mothers with GDM had significantly higher birth weight and length, ponderal index >2.85 was more frequent, they were macrosomic and hypertrophic (disproportional and proportional), had smaller Apgar score and more frequent neonatal complications (p<0.05). Fetal macrosomia and fetal hypertrophy alone or, particularly, connected with disproportional fetal growth, but disproportional hypotrophy as well, had significantly influence on greater frequency of delivery and puerperal complications, delivery completion with Cesarean section and neonatal complications in pregnant women with GDM