15 research outputs found

    The Simple Non-degenerate Relativistic Gas: Statistical Properties and Brownian Motion

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    This paper shows a novel calculation of the mean square displacement of a classical Brownian particle in a relativistic thermal bath. The result is compared with the expressions obtained by other authors. Also, the thermodynamic properties of a non-degenerate simple relativistic gas are reviewed in terms of a treatment performed in velocity space.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Determinants of the current and future distribution of the West Nile virus mosquito vector Culex pipiens in Spain

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    Changes in environmental conditions, whether related or not to human activities, are continuously modifying the geographic distribution of vectors, which in turn affects the dynamics and distribution of vector-borne infectious diseases. Determining the main ecological drivers of vector distribution and how predicted changes in these drivers may alter their future distributions is therefore of major importance. However, the drivers of vector populations are largely specific to each vector species and region. Here, we identify the most important human-activity-related and bioclimatic predictors affecting the current distribution and habitat suitability of the mosquito Culex pipiens and potential future changes in its distribution in Spain. We determined the niche of occurrence (NOO) of the species, which considers only those areas lying within the range of suitable environmental conditions using presence data. Although almost ubiquitous, the distribution of Cx. pipiens is mostly explained by elevation and the degree of urbanization but also, to a lesser extent, by mean temperatures during the wettest season and temperature seasonality. The combination of these predictors highlights the existence of a heterogeneous pattern of habitat suitability, with most suitable areas located in the southern and northeastern coastal areas of Spain, and unsuitable areas located at higher altitude and in colder regions. Future climatic predictions indicate a net decrease in distribution of up to 29.55%, probably due to warming and greater temperature oscillations. Despite these predicted changes in vector distribution, their effects on the incidence of infectious diseases are, however, difficult to forecast since different processes such as local adaptation to temperature, vector-pathogen interactions, and human-derived changes in landscape may play important roles in shaping the future dynamics of pathogen transmission.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Mielinolisis central pontina en trasplante hepático

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    La mielinolisis central pontina es un síndrome conocido desde hace más de 4 décadas y primariamente descrito en pacientes alcohólicos, que consiste en una desmielinización de la sustancia blanca cerebral. Su mecanismo fisiopatológico se basa en los cambios osmóticos producidos en esta estructura al corregirse de forma brusca una hiponatremia preexistente. El paciente que se somete a un trasplante hepático es, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, un cirrótico previo y en muchos casos de origen alcohólico. La hiponatremia en este grupo es la regla; es de origen multifactorial y está fundamentalmente en relación con la terapia que se les aplica para el control de la ascitis. Debemos extremar nuestros cuidados en la corrección de esta hiponatremia en el período perioperatorio del trasplante y detectar de forma temprana las alteraciones de conciencia en el postoperatorio inmediato, que deben alertarnos del desarrollo de este síndrome

    Anales de Edafología y Fisiología Vegetal Tomo 16

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    Nuevo reactivo para la determinación calorimétrica del fósforo en suelos, l. Propiedades generales, por F. Lucena Conde y L. Prat.-- Nuevo reactivo para la determinación calorimétrica del fósforo en suelos, II Aplicación al análisis de suelos, por F. Lucena Conde y L. Prat.-- Aplicación del índice de los minerales básicos para deducir la fertilidad de los suelos, en los trópicos, por Josefina Pérez Mateos.-- Contribución al estudio de la fertilidad de los suelos de la Huerta de Murcia, por O. Carpena, C. Abrisqueta, M. G. Guillén y J. A. Sánchez.-- Composición químiCa de hojas de Citrus. I. Limonero, por O. Carpena, C. Abrisqueta, J. A. Sánchez y M. G. Guillén.-- Estudios edafológico-geográficos acerca de las formaciones edáficas sobre roca caliza de España meridional y sur-oriental, por H. Klinge.-- Síntesis del butadieno a partir del alcohol etílico influencia de catalizadores arcilla-MgO, por Vicente Aleixandre y Teófilo Fernández.-- Aplicaciones ánalíticas de la fotometría de llama. I. Estudio de las interferencias mutuas en las determinaciones de Na, K y Ca en extractos de suelo obtenidos con acetato amónico N, por F. Burriel-Martí, J. Ramírez-Muñoz y Adelaida Benito-Potous.-- Contribución al conocimiento de los suelos recientes, relictos y fósiles sobre roca caliza, del Norte de España, por H . Klínge.-- La clorosis férrica del limonero l, por O. Carpena, M. G. Guillén y J. A. Sánchez.-- La clorosis férrica del limonero II por O. Carpena, J. A. Sánchez y M. G. Guillén. Estudio de tierras pardas y ranker canarios en relación con la naturaleza de la roca madre, por Angel Hoyos de Castro y Vicente Soler.-- Acerca de la existencia de un sistema de defensa celular durante la fase de crecimiento: citoarjesis e hipótesis de Ios citoarjés, por Román Vicente Jordana.-- Los arenales costeros del Levante español I. Las playas de Valencia. Estudio mineralógico de suis materiales. por Josefina Pérez Mateas y Juan J. Alonso Pascual.-- La red fluvial de Valencia. II. Mitad norte de la provincia, por Juan J. Alonso Pascual.-- El agente etiológico de la tuberculosis del olivo en relación con el suelo, por R. Beltrá.-- Los españoles de la zona árida formados sobre sedimentos silúricos, por José María Albareda, Vicente Aleixandre y Mª del Carmen Sánchez Calvo.-- Aplicación de las medidas de viscosidad absoluta al estudio de la acción de los defloculantes sobre las suspensiones acuosas de· minerales arcillosos, por L. Rodrigo, F. Costell y J. l. Fenández Alonso.-- Construcción y funcionamiento de un sencillo modelo de Fotómetro de llama, por José Cardús Aguilar.-- Fertilización del Dianthus caryophyllus en cultivos industriales I por José Cardús, y Jorge F. Aguilá.-- Contribución a la ecología de los tardígrados de suelos húmedos. por F. Michelcic.-- La red fluvial de Valencia. III. Mitad sur de la provincia. Conclusiones, por Juan J. Alonso Pascual.-- Influencia de algunos factores sobre la aparición de cierto grado de fitotoxicidad en la naranja W Navel frente al uso del ortofenilfenato sódico-hexamina, por Benito Orihuel Gasqué y José Merí Puig.-- Génesis de la montmorillonita de Marruecos español, II, por E. Gutiérrez, Ríos, J. L. Martín Vivaldi y C. del Pino Vázquez.--Modificación de las propiedades adsorbentes de los minerales arcillosos mediante tratamiento térmico y catión de cambio, I, por Vicente Aleixandre y Mª Covadonga Rodríguez.-- Clasificación filogenética y ecológica de los suelos del mundo, por Manuel del Llano.-- Auxinas e inhibidores del crecimiento en las plantas, por Ramiro Díaz Eimil.-- Estudio citológico de la epidermis del bulbo de una variedad hexaploide de Scilla marítima L. por M. Losada y G. Giménez.-- Composición mineralógica y génesis de algunos tipos de suelos calizos. béticos. l. Mineralogía de las fracciones gruesas {arenas), por G. Paneque Guerrero y F. González García.-- Sobre la determinación de fósforo y potasio asimilables en los suelos de la Vega de Granada. l. Extracción del fósforo mediante la mezcla acético-acetato, amónico, por F. Capitán-García y R. García-Ruiz.-- Estudio acerca de la influencia de diferentes materiales orgánicos sobre el nivel de nitrógeno y pH de los suelos alcalinos, por S. P. Mitra y Hari Shanker.-- Los efectos del estilbestrol por vía ·orar sobre la retención de nitrógeno y la digestibilidad en corderos enteros y Castrados, por Eduardo Zorita y Gaspar González.-- El encalado de los suelos de zona húmeda, por F. Guitián Ojea y M. Muñoz Taboadela.--La lana del vidrio como soporte del cultivo en el estudio sobre las liciencias del boro en plantas, por F. Lucena Conde y R. Aragonés Apodaca.-- Composición mineralógica y génesis de algunos tipos de suelos calizos béticos. II. Estudio fisico-químico y mineralógico de las fracciones finas (arcillas), por F. González García y G. Paneque Guerrero.-- Estudio fisicoquimico de las arcillas del Levante espaiñol. V. Ensayos técnicos, por A. Grua Mestre, F. Costell Landete y J. I. Fernández Alonso.-- El problema de las bioformas de los tardígrados, por Franc Milhelcic. Información. Notas. Profs. J. Mitchell y P. Ehrenberg.-- Notas Congreso de la U. I. de Química Pura y Aplicada. Notas. Nueva sección. Sociedad Española de Ciencia del Suelo.-- Notas. Nuevos Colaboradores.-Trabajo premiado. Notas. LI Asamblea del Frío. -- Notas. Prof. A .. Boerger. 117 aniversario de la Facultad de Agricultura de Pisa. V Congreso Internacional de la IQUA. Notas. Conferencia del prof. Klotz. Congreso para la protección de las plantas.-Congreso de Bioquímica.—Notas. Coloquio. Pensionado. Doctorados.-- Notas. Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo.-- Bibliografía. D. W. Thorne y H. R. Peterson: I rigated soils. Their fertility and menagement. Handbuch der Pflanzenphysilogie. Vol. I. XV Congrès International de Chimíe puré et appliquée. Experientia .Supplementum V.-- H. Moritz: Spectrochemische Betriebanalyse. C. R. Strouts. J. H. Gilfillan and N. H. Wilson (Ed.): Analytical Chernistry. The Working Tools.-- Walter Wagner, Clarence J. Hull and Gerald E. Markle : Avanced Analytical Chemistry.-- Instituto Internacional de la potasa. Potassium Symposiumn 1956.-- S. H. Stallings: Soil Conservation.-- Samuel L. Tisdale and Werner L. Nelsotl : Soil fertility and fertilizersPeer reviewe

    Erythroid SLC7A5/SLC3A2 amino acid carrier controls red blood cell size and maturation

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    Summary: Inhibition of the heterodimeric amino acid carrier SLC7A5/SLC3A2 (LAT1/CD98) has been widely studied in tumor biology but its role in physiological conditions remains largely unknown. Here we show that the SLC7A5/SLC3A2 heterodimer is constitutively present at different stages of erythroid differentiation but absent in mature erythrocytes. Administration of erythropoietin (EPO) further induces SLC7A5/SLC3A2 expression in circulating reticulocytes, as it also occurs in anemic conditions. Although Slc7a5 gene inactivation in the erythrocyte lineage does not compromise the total number of circulating red blood cells (RBCs), their size and hemoglobin content are significantly reduced accompanied by a diminished erythroblast mTORC1 activity. Furthermore circulating Slc7a5-deficient reticulocytes are characterized by lower transferrin receptor (CD71) expression as well as mitochondrial activity, suggesting a premature transition to mature RBCs. These data reveal that SLC7A5/SLC3A2 ensures adequate maturation of reticulocytes as well as the proper size and hemoglobin content of circulating RBCs

    Determinants of the current and future distribution of the West Nile virus mosquito vector Culex pipiens in Spain

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    Changes in environmental conditions, whether related or not to human activities, are continuously modifying the geographic distribution of vectors, which in turn affects the dynamics and distribution of vector-borne infectious diseases. Determining the main ecological drivers of vector distribution and how predicted changes in these drivers may alter their future distributions is therefore of major importance. However, the drivers of vector populations are largely specific to each vector species and region. Here, we identify the most important human-activity-related and bioclimatic predictors affecting the current distribution and habitat suitability of the mosquito Culex pipiens and potential future changes in its distribution in Spain. We determined the niche of occurrence (NOO) of the species, which considers only those areas lying within the range of suitable environmental conditions using presence data. Although almost ubiquitous, the distribution of Cx. pipiens is mostly explained by elevation and the degree of urbanization but also, to a lesser extent, by mean temperatures during the wettest season and temperature seasonality. The combination of these predictors highlights the existence of a heterogeneous pattern of habitat suitability, with most suitable areas located in the southern and northeastern coastal areas of Spain, and unsuitable areas located at higher altitude and in colder regions. Future climatic predictions indicate a net decrease in distribution of up to 29.55%, probably due to warming and greater temperature oscillations. Despite these predicted changes in vector distribution, their effects on the incidence of infectious diseases are, however, difficult to forecast since different processes such as local adaptation to temperature, vector-pathogen interactions, and human-derived changes in landscape may play important roles in shaping the future dynamics of pathogen transmission.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Determinants of the current and future distribution of the West Nile virus mosquito vector Culex pipiens in Spain [dataset]

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    Datos de presencia de Culex pipiens en España obtenidos mediante distintas técnicas de muestreo: Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), BG-Sentinel, Encephalitis Vector Survey (EVS), trampas de oviposición, aspiradores para muestreo de mosquitos adultos, y dippers para muestreo de larvas. Se indican las coordenadas (latitud y longitud, grados decimales) de cada punto de muestreo (N= 6,755), así como el Municipio, Provincia, Comunidad Autónoma, periodo/s y año correspondientes. Se indica también la persona responsable de los datos de cada muestreo.Changes in environmental conditions, whether related or not to human activities, are continuously modifying the geographic distribution of vectors, which in turn affects the dynamics and distribution of vector-borne infectious diseases. Determining the main ecological drivers of vector distribution and how predicted changes in these drivers may alter their future distributions is therefore of major importance. However, the drivers of vector populations are largely specific to each vector species and region. Here, we identify the most important human-activity-related and bioclimatic predictors affecting the current distribution and habitat suitability of the mosquito Culex pipiens and potential future changes in its distribution in Spain. We determined the niche of occurrence (NOO) of the species, which considers only those areas lying within the range of suitable environmental conditions using presence data. Although almost ubiquitous, the distribution of Cx. pipiens is mostly explained by elevation and the degree of urbanization but also, to a lesser extent, by mean temperatures during the wettest season and temperature seasonality. The combination of these predictors highlights the existence of a heterogeneous pattern of habitat suitability, with most suitable areas located in the southern and northeastern coastal areas of Spain, and unsuitable areas located at higher altitude and in colder regions. Future climatic predictions indicate a net decrease in distribution of up to 29.55%, probably due to warming and greater temperature oscillations. Despite these predicted changes in vector distribution, their effects on the incidence of infectious diseases are, however, difficult to forecast since different processes such as local adaptation to temperature, vector-pathogen interactions, and human-derived changes in landscape may play important roles in shaping the future dynamics of pathogen transmission.El estudio ha sido parcialmente financiado por los proyectos PGC2018-095704-B-100 y CGL2012-30759 del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, los proyectos IB16121 y IB16135 de la Junta de Extremadura y el proyecto PI18/00850 del Instituto de Salud Carlos III y la Unión Europea (ERDF/ESF, Investing in your future).Peer reviewe

    Ingested Nitrate and Breast Cancer in the Spanish Multicase-Control Study on Cancer (MCC-Spain).

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    BACKGROUND: Ingested nitrate leads to endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds that are breast carcinogens in animals, but human evidence is limited. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated ingested nitrate as a risk factor for breast cancer (BC) in a multicase-control study. METHODS: Hospital-based incident BC cases and population-based controls were recruited in eight Spanish regions in 2008-2013; participants provided residential and water consumption from 18 years of age and information on known BC risk factors. Long-term nitrate levels (1940-2010) were estimated and linked with residential histories and water consumption to calculate waterborne ingested nitrate (milligrams/day). Dietary ingested nitrate (milligrams/day) was calculated using food frequency questionnaires and published dietary nitrate contents. Interactions with endogenous nitrosation factors and other variables were evaluated. A total of 1,245 cases and 1,520 controls were included in the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Among the study regions, average ± SD waterborne ingested nitrate ranged from 2.9 ± 1.9 to 13.5 ± 7.5 mg/day, and dietary ingested nitrate ranged from 88.5 ± 48.7 to 154 ± 87.8 mg/day. Waterborne ingested nitrate was not associated with BC overall, but among postmenopausal women, those with both high nitrate (> 6 vs. < 2.6 mg/day) and high red meat intake (≥ 20 vs. < 20 g/day) were more likely to be cases than women with low nitrate and low red meat intake (adjusted odds ratio = 1.64; 95% confidence interval: 1.08, 2.49; overall interaction p-value = 0.17). No association was found with dietary nitrate. CONCLUSIONS: Waterborne ingested nitrate was associated with BC only among postmenopausal women with high red meat consumption. Dietary nitrate was not associated with BC regardless of the animal or vegetable source or of menopausal status.This study was funded by the “Acción Transversal del Cáncer del Consejo de Ministros del 11/10/2007” from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER” (PI08/1770, PI08/0533, PI11/00226), ISCIII FIS grants. N.E.H. received financial support for the Ph.D. program from the “Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR FI-DGR 2013) Generalitat de Cataluña.

    Tobacco smoking and gastric cancer: Meta-Analyses of published data versus pooled analyses of individual participant data (StoP Project)

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    Tobacco smoking is one of the main risk factors for gastric cancer, but the magnitude of the association estimated by conventional systematic reviews and meta-Analyses might be inaccurate, due to heterogeneous reporting of data and publication bias. We aimed to quantify the combined impact of publication-related biases, and heterogeneity in data analysis or presentation, in the summary estimates obtained from conventional meta-Analyses. We compared results from individual participant data pooled-Analyses, including the studies in the Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) Project, with conventional meta-Analyses carried out using only data available in previously published reports from the same studies. Fromthe 23 studies in the StoP Project, 20 had published reports with information on smoking and gastric cancer, but only six had specific data for gastric cardia cancer and seven had data on the daily number of cigarettes smoked. Compared to the results obtained with the StoP database, conventional meta-Analyses overvalued the relation between ever smoking (summary odds ratios ranging from 7% higher for all studies to 22% higher for the risk of gastric cardia cancer) and yielded less precise summary estimates (SE ≤2.4 times higher). Additionally, funnel plot asymmetry and corresponding hypotheses tests were suggestive of publication bias. Conventional meta-Analyses and individual participant data pooled-Analyses reached similar conclusions on the direction of the association between smoking and gastric cancer. However, published data tended to overestimate the magnitude of the effects, possibly due to publication biases and limited the analyses by different levels of exposure or cancer subtypes. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 27:197-204 Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved