354 research outputs found

    Are local wind power resources well estimated?

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    Planning and financing of wind power installations require very importantly accurate resource estimation in addition to a number of other considerations relating to environment and economy. Furthermore, individual wind energy installations cannot in general be seen in isolation. It is well known that the spacing of turbines in wind farms is critical for maximum power production. It is also well established that the collective effect of wind turbines in large wind farms or of several wind farms can limit the wind power extraction downwind. This has been documented by many years of production statistics. For the very large, regional sized wind farms, a number of numerical studies have pointed to additional adverse changes to the regional wind climate, most recently by the detailed studies of Adams and Keith [1]. They show that the geophysical limit to wind power production is likely to be lower than previously estimated. Although this problem is of far future concern, it has to be considered seriously. In their paper they estimate that a wind farm larger than 100 km ^2 is limited to about 1 W m ^-2 . However, a 20 km ^2 off shore farm, Horns Rev 1, has in the last five years produced 3.98 W m ^-2  [5]. In that light it is highly unlikely that the effects pointed out by [1] will pose any immediate threat to wind energy in coming decades. Today a number of well-established mesoscale and microscale models exist for estimating wind resources and design parameters and in many cases they work well. This is especially true if good local data are available for calibrating the models or for their validation. The wind energy industry is still troubled by many projects showing considerable negative discrepancies between calculated and actually experienced production numbers and operating conditions. Therefore it has been decided on a European Union level to launch a project, ‘The New European Wind Atlas’, aiming at reducing overall uncertainties in determining wind conditions. The project is structured around three areas of work, to be implemented in parallel. One of the great challenges to the project is the application of mesoscale models for wind resource calculation, which is by no means a simple matter [3]. The project will use global reanalysis data as boundary conditions. These datasets, which are time series of the large-scale meteorological situation covering decades, have been created by assimilation of measurement data from around the globe in a dynamical consistent fashion using large-scale numerical models. For wind energy, the application of the reanalysis datasets is as a long record of the large-scale wind conditions. The large-scale reanalyses are performed in only a few global weather prediction centres using models that have been developed over many years, and which are still being developed and validated and are being used in operational services. Mesoscale models are more diverse, but nowadays quite a number have a proven track record in applications such as regional weather prediction and also wind resource assessment. There are still some issues, and use of model results without proper validation may lead to gross errors. For resource assessment it is necessary to include direct validation with in situ observed wind data over sufficiently long periods. In doing so, however, the mesoscale model output must be downscaled using some microscale physical or empirical/statistical model. That downscaling process is not straightforward, and the microscale models themselves tend to disagree in some terrain types as shown by recent blind tests [4]. All these ‘technical’ details and choices, not to mention the model formulation itself, the numerical schemes used, and the effective spatial and temporal resolution, can have a significant impact on the results. These problems, as well as the problem of how uncertainties are propagated through the model chain to the calculated wind resources, are central in the work with the New European Wind Atlas. The work of [1] shows that when wind energy has been implemented on a very massive scale, it will affect the power production from entire regions and that has to be taken into account. References [1] Adams A S and Keith D W 2013 Are global wind power resource estimates overstated? Environ. Res. Lett. 8 015021 [2] 2011 A New EU Wind Energy Atlas: Proposal for an ERANET+ Project (Produced by the TPWind Secretariat) Nov. [3] Petersen E L Troen I 2012 Wind conditions and resource assessment WIREs Energy Environ. 1 206–17 [4] Bechmann A, Sþrensen N N, Berg J, Mann J Rethore P-E 2011 The Bolund experiment, part II: blind comparison of microscale flow models Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 141 245–71 [5] http://www.lorc.dk/offshore-wind-farms-map/horns-rev-1 http://www.ens.d

    Comparison of Engineering Wake Models with CFD Simulations

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    The engineering wake models by Jensen [1] and Frandsen et al. [2] are assessed for different scenarios simulated using Large Eddy Simulation and the Actuator Line method implemented in the Navier-Stokes equations. The scenarios include the far wake behind a single wind turbine, a long row of turbines in an atmospheric boundary layer, idealised cases of an infinitely long row of wind turbines and infinite wind farms with three different spacings. Both models include a wake expansion factor, which is calibrated to fit the simulated wake velocities. The analysis highlights physical deficiencies in the ability of the models to universally predict the wake velocities, as the expansion factor can be fitted for a given case, but with not apparent transition between the cases. 1

    Translational models for vascular cognitive impairment: a review including larger species.

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    BACKGROUND: Disease models are useful for prospective studies of pathology, identification of molecular and cellular mechanisms, pre-clinical testing of interventions, and validation of clinical biomarkers. Here, we review animal models relevant to vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). A synopsis of each model was initially presented by expert practitioners. Synopses were refined by the authors, and subsequently by the scientific committee of a recent conference (International Conference on Vascular Dementia 2015). Only peer-reviewed sources were cited. METHODS: We included models that mimic VCI-related brain lesions (white matter hypoperfusion injury, focal ischaemia, cerebral amyloid angiopathy) or reproduce VCI risk factors (old age, hypertension, hyperhomocysteinemia, high-salt/high-fat diet) or reproduce genetic causes of VCI (CADASIL-causing Notch3 mutations). CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that (1) translational models may reflect a VCI-relevant pathological process, while not fully replicating a human disease spectrum; (2) rodent models of VCI are limited by paucity of white matter; and (3) further translational models, and improved cognitive testing instruments, are required

    Modelling Hot Spots of Soil Loss by Wind Erosion (SoLoWind) in Western Saxony, Germany

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    Land Degradation and Development published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. While it needs yet to be assessed whether or not wind erosion in Western Saxony is a major point of concern regarding land degradation and fertility, it has already been recognized that considerable off-site effects of wind erosion in the adjacent regions of Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg are connected to the spread of herbicides, pesticides and dust. So far, no wind erosion assessment for Western Saxony, Germany, exists. The wind erosion model previously applied for Germany (DIN standard 19706) is considering neither changes in wind direction over time nor influences of field size. This study aims to provide a first assessment of wind erosion for Western Saxony by extending the existing DIN model to a multidirectional model on soil loss by wind (SoLoWind) with new controlling factors (changing wind directions, soil cover, mean field length and mean protection zone) combined by fuzzy logic. SoLoWind is used for a local off-site effect evaluation in combination with high-resolution wind speed and wind direction data at a section of the highway A72. The model attributes 3·6% of the arable fields in Western Saxony to the very-high-wind erosion risk class. A relationship between larger fields (greater than 116 ha) and higher proportions (51·7%) of very-high-wind erosion risk can be observed. Sections of the highway A72 might be under high risk according to the modelled off-site effects of wind erosion. The presented applications showed the potential of SoLoWind to support and consult management for protection measures on a regional scale. © 2016 The Authors. Land Degradation and Development published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The authors would like to thank JĂŒrgen Heinrich and Gudrun Mayer for the technical revision of the model conception and the German Weather Service, the Saxon State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology, the Saxon State Office for Road Construction and Traffic, the Saxon State Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture, the Saxon State Spatial Data and Land Survey Corporation, the Saxon Road Maintenance Depots, OpenStreetMap and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for providing the datasets. We would also like to thank three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Increased homocysteine levels impair reference memory and reducecortical levels of acetylcholine in a mouse model of vascular cognitive impairment

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    Folates are B-vitamins that are vital for normal brain function. Deficiencies in folates either genetic(methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, MTHFR) or dietary intake of folic acid result in elevated levelsof homocysteine. Clinical studies have shown that elevated levels of homocysteine (Hcy) may be associ-ated with the development of dementia, however this link remains unclear. The purpose of this study wasto evaluate the impact of increased Hcy levels on a mouse model of vascular cognitive impairment (VCI)produced by chronic hypoperfusion. Male and female Mthfr+/+and Mthfr+/−mice were placed on eithercontrol (CD) or folic acid deficient (FADD) diets after which all animals underwent microcoil implantationaround each common carotid artery or a sham procedure. Post-operatively animals were tested on theMorris water maze (MWM), y-maze, and rotarod. Animals had no motor impairments on the rotarod,y-maze, and could learn the location of the platform on the MWM. However, on day 8 of testing of MWMtesting during the probe trial, Mthfr+/−FADD microcoil mice spent significantly less time in the targetquadrant when compared to Mthfr+/−CD sham mice, suggesting impaired reference memory. All FADDmice had elevated levels of plasma homocysteine. MRI analysis revealed arterial remodeling was present in Mthfr+/− microcoil mice not Mthfr+/+ mice. Acetylcholine and related metabolites were reduced in cortical tissue because of microcoil implantation and elevated levels of homocysteine. Deficiencies in folate metabolism resulting in increased Hcy levels yield a metabolic profile that increases susceptibility to neurodegeneration in a mouse model of VCI
