152 research outputs found

    From hysteria to somatic symptom disorders: Searching for a common psychopathological ground

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    After decades of manifold contributions aimed at defining hysteria, somatisation and conversion, such syndromes are still neglected and their nosographical definition is debated. The DSM and the ICD have undergone major changes, but their clinical utility with regards to these syndromes is still questionable. On the contrary, the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research represents a useful clinical instrument since it translates psychosocial variables derived from psychosomatic research into operational tools. The present paper offers an overview on the psychopathological description of syndromes such as alexithymia, hypochondriasis, health anxiety, thanatophobia, conversion symptoms, anniversary and reaction which are frequent in clinical practice, but often misdiagnosed due to their absence in the DSM and the ICD. In addition, the influence of culture and cultural changes on the modifications of psychopathological manifestations is described as a further possible source of misdiagnosing and underreporting. New psychopathologies (e.g., multiple chemical sensitivity, orthorexia/vigorexia) that resemble conversion and/or somatisation have been developed, but neither is included in nosography nor taught to clinicians. The aim of the present paper is thus to describe psychopathological manifestations of somatic symptoms and related disorders to help clinicians formulate their diagnosis on the presence of signs and symptoms that can be elicited during a clinical visit, rather than by way of exclusion of other organic or psychiatric disease only

    S100B is increased in mood disorders and may be reduced by antidepressive treatment

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    Previous studies have reported alterations of glial cells and particularly astrocytes in mood disorders. Therefore, serum concentration of the astrocytic marker S100B was ascertained with an immunoluminometric assay in 20 patients with mood disorder and 12 healthy age-matched controls. Serum S100B was elevated in major depression (median after admission 410 ng/l, at discharge < 100 ng/l) and mania (130, 160 ng/l), when compared with controls (< 100 ng/l; rho< 0.01). Antidepressive treatment reduced S100B in conjunction with severity of depressive symptoms ( rho< 0.01). The severity of depression (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) was positively correlated with S100B (r(s) = 0.51, rho< 0.005). Elevated serum S100B during depressive and manic episodes of mood disorders may indicate alterations of astrocytes, which are reversed by antidepressive treatment

    Serum S100B is increased during early treatment with antipsychotics and in deficit schizophrenia

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    Previous studies reported controversial results concerning alterations of astrocytes in schizophrenia. Because S100B may be regarded as a marker for astrocytes, the objective of this study was to examine S100B serum concentrations in 30 patients with schizophrenia with a monoclonal two-site immunoluminometric assay that specifically detects S100B. An ANOVA revealed medication (p0.05). Patients with deficit (250.6±154.9 ng/l) had higher S100B levels than patients with nondeficit schizophrenia (146.7±107.2 ng/l, p<0.05) or controls (p<0.005). S100B was positively correlated with the subscore ‘thought disturbance’ of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (p<0.05). In summary, increased serum levels of S100B may indicate alterations of astrocytes during early treatment with antipsychotics and in deficit schizophrenia. Whether S100B is elevated due to injured astrocytes and a disrupted blood–brain barrier, or by active secretion of S100B by astrocytes, has to be clarified by further studies

    Calomplification — the power of generative calorimeter models

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    Motivated by the high computational costs of classical simulations, machine-learned generative models can be extremely useful in particle physics and elsewhere. They become especially attractive when surrogate models can efficiently learn the underlying distribution, such that a generated sample outperforms a training sample of limited size. This kind of GANplification has been observed for simple Gaussian models. We show the same effect for a physics simulation, specifically photon showers in an electromagnetic calorimeter

    Somatization among ethnic minorities and immigrants: Why does it matter to Consultation Liaison Psychiatry?

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    The article describes the reasons why psychiatrists working in the field of consultation-liaison should be trained and aware of the relevance of culture in their everyday work. Moreover, the article aims at advertising the special-interest group on cultural CLP, a network of clinicians and researchers within the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine that share their interest and activities in this subject

    JunD, not c-Jun, is the AP-1 transcription factor required for Ras-induced lung cancer.

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    The AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun is required for Ras-driven tumorigenesis in many tissues and is considered as a classical proto-oncogene. To determine the requirement for c-Jun in a mouse model of K-RasG12D-induced lung adenocarcinoma, we inducibly deleted c-Jun in the adult lung. Surprisingly, we found that inactivation of c-Jun, or mutation of its JNK phosphorylation sites, actually increased lung tumor burden. Mechanistically, we found that protein levels of the Jun family member JunD were increased in the absence of c-Jun. In c-Jun-deficient cells, JunD phosphorylation was increased, and expression of a dominant-active JNKK2-JNK1 transgene further increased lung tumor formation. Strikingly, deletion of JunD completely abolished Ras-driven lung tumorigenesis. This work identifies JunD, not c-Jun, as the crucial substrate of JNK signaling and oncogene required for Ras-induced lung cancer

    Developing a collaborative agenda for humanities and social scientific research on laboratory animal science and welfare.

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    Improving laboratory animal science and welfare requires both new scientific research and insights from enquiry in the humanities and social sciences. Whilst scientific research provides evidence to replace, reduce and refine procedures involving laboratory animals (the ‘3Rs’), work in the humanities and social sciences can help understand the social, economic and cultural processes that enhance or impede humane ways of knowing and working with laboratory animals. However, communication across these disciplinary perspectives is currently limited, and they frame questions, generate results, engage users, and seek to influence policy in different ways. To facilitate dialogue and future research at this interface, we convened an interdisciplinary group of 45 life scientists, social scientists, humanities scholars, non-governmental organisations and policy-makers to generate a collaborative research agenda. This drew on other agenda-setting exercises in science policy, using a collaborative and deliberative approach for the identification of research priorities. Participants were recruited from across the community, invited to submit research questions and vote on their priorities. They then met at an interactive workshop in the UK, discussed all 136 questions submitted, and collectively defined the 30 most important issues for the group. The output is a collaborative future agenda for research in the humanities and social sciences on laboratory animal science and welfare. The questions indicate a demand for new research in the humanities and social sciences to inform emerging discussions and priorities on the governance and practice of laboratory animal research, including around: international harmonisation, openness and public engagement, ‘cultures of care’, harm-benefit analysis and the future of the 3Rs. The process underlines the value of interdisciplinary exchange for improving mutual understanding of different research cultures and identifies ways of enhancing the effectiveness of future research at the interface between the humanities, social sciences, science and science policy

    A programme theory for liaison mental health services in England

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    Background: Mechanisms by which liaison mental health services (LMHS) may bring about improved patient and organisational outcomes are poorly understood. A small number of logic models have been developed, but they fail to capture the complexity of clinical practice. Method: We synthesised data from a variety of sources including a large national survey, 73 in-depth interviews with acute and liaison staff working in hospitals with different types of liaison mental health services, and relevant local, national and international literature. We generated logic models for two common performance indicators used to assess organisational outcomes for LMHS: response times in the emergency department and hospital length of stay for people with mental health problems. Results: We identified 8 areas of complexity that influence performance, and 6 trade-offs which drove the models in different directions depending upon the balance of the trade-off. The logic models we developed could only be captured by consideration of more than one pass through the system, the complexity in which they operated, and the trade-offs that occurred. Conclusions: Our findings are important for commissioners of liaison services. Reliance on simple target setting may result in services that are unbalanced and not patient-centred. Targets need to be reviewed on a regular basis, together with other data that reflect the wider impact of the service, and any external changes in the system that affect the performance of LMHS, which are beyond their control