108 research outputs found

    Study on the Influencing Factors of Consuming Willingness in High-End Black Tea Market

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    随着我国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平不断提升,在解决温饱问题后,对于健康生活方式日益重视。茶叶以其健康、无公害的优势,得到广大消费者的喜爱。红茶作为全发酵茶,保健功效更优,因此它在国际茶叶市场独占鳌头。而高端红茶是红茶中的精品,不仅仅是品质、色泽、味道优质,更包含了品牌、包装、附加价值等都处于高等级,其社会价值远远超过功能价值,成为身份、品位的一种代表。但是,从我国茶叶的消费结构看,红茶占比非常小,消费者对红茶的了解不深,红茶品牌意识薄弱。面对国际红茶品牌的纷纷入住我国,我国高端红茶企业面临更加激烈的竞争环境。 高端红茶选购体现的是消费者的消费倾向和消费行为方式,对高端红茶企业的发展有着深刻...With the rapid development of our country economy, people's living standards improved, after the problem of adequate food and clothing, for a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more attention. With its health, tea pollution-free advantages get of broad consumer love. As a fully fermented tea, black tea health care efficacy better, so it leads in the international tea market. And high-end is th...学位:旅游管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理硕士学号:1782012115114


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    熊果甙作为化妆品添加剂具有增白效果,主要是由于它对皮肤酪氨酸酶有抑制作用.以葡萄糖为原料合成了两种熊果甙同系物:1 对异丙基苯基葡萄糖甙和1 对甲氧基苯基葡萄糖甙.并对其结构进行红外光谱分析.以熊果甙及上述其两种同系物为效应物,研究对酪氨酸酶酶活力的影响,以探讨抑制剂分子结构与其对酪氨酸酶抑制效果的关系.结果表明,这3种效应物对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制效果为:熊果甙>1 对异丙基苯基葡萄糖甙>1 对甲氧基苯基葡萄糖甙

    The Subject Value of Professional Evaluation of Higher Education Should Return to Students

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    专业评估的通常做法是以专业教学目标的合理性判断为起点,在标准选择上更倾向于教育者和管理者的标准。本文认为,专业评估应该以结果指标,即毕业生质量为评估的逻辑起点,并在评估中突出学生的主体地位和成长价值,评估标准的选择应该从外在的显性数量化指标回归到内在的学生成就等隐性指标。Usually, the starting point of professional evaluation is the speciality teaching target.In detail, it starts with the rationality of arrangement of professional teaching.The selection of evaluation standards is more intended to educators and managers.The authors present that the correct way is to start with the results of speciality teaching, in other words, the quality of graduated students should be the main body, and the emphasis should be the values in students' development.The evaluation standards should return to internal indexes such as students' achievement and development from the external indexes such as teaching times, amount of books and areas of classrooms, the number of teachers, etc.云南省高职研究重点项目《基于学业标准的高职院校学习性评价研究》(项目编号:7ZD201310); 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目《中国现代职业教育质量保障体系研究》(项目编号:13JZD047)子课题《高职教育专业认证及评估的研究与实践》成果之


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    划定水系生态蓝线 强化河湖空间管控

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    Effects of Jiangu Granules on the proliferation of osteoblasts through G_1/S phase cell-cycle regulated proteins

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    目的观察健骨颗粒对成骨细胞G_1/S期调控的影响,探讨健骨颗粒促进成骨细胞增殖的作用机制。方法制备健骨颗粒血清组、模型血清组和雌二醇血清组。采用酶消化法培养SD大鼠成骨细胞,健骨颗粒含药血清干预,以模型血清和雌二醇血清为对照。运用流式细胞术检测成骨细胞增殖周期,荧光定量PCR法检测成骨细胞G_1/S期调控蛋白Cyclin E、CDK2、p21和转录因子E2F-1 m RNA的表达。结果 15%的雌二醇血清与健骨颗粒血清干预48 h,成骨细胞增殖速度均明显快于模型血清组(P<0.01);G_0/G_1期成骨细胞比例明显降低(P<0.01),S期、G_2/M期细胞比例及增殖指数则明显高于模型血清组(P<0.01);与模型血清组比较,雌二醇血清组与健骨颗粒血清组能提高成骨细胞Cyclin E、CDK2及转录因子E2F-1 m RNA的表达(P<0.01),而降低p21的表达(P<0.01)。结论健骨颗粒通过调节成骨细胞G_1/S期调控机制,推进成骨细胞顺利通过G_1/S检测点,促进成骨细胞增殖。Objective To observe the effects of Jiangu Granules on the G_1/S phase cell-cycle regulated proteins of osteoblasts, so as to reveal the mechanism of Jiangu Granules in promoting osteoblasts proliferation. Methods The Jiangu Granules-serum group, model-serum group and estradiol-serum group were prepared. Osteoblasts of SD rats were cultivated by enzymatic digestion and intervened with Jiangu Granules-serum, model-serum and estradiol-serum(as control) respectively. The cell cycles were analyzed by flow cytometry, while the fluorescence quantitative PCR was applied to measure cyclin E, CDK2, p21 and E2F-1 m RNA. Results The cell proliferation rates of osteoblasts intervened with estradiol serum and Jiangu Granules-serum for 48 hours were faster than that with the same concentration model-serum(P < 0.01). Compared with the model-serum group, the proportion of osteoblasts in the G_0/G_1 phase were significantly reduced after intervention with 15% of estradiol serum and Jiangu Granules-serum for 48 hours(P < 0.01),while the proportion of cells in S phase, G_2/M phase and proliferation index was much higher(P < 0.01). The expression of cycling E, CDK 2 and transcription factor E2F-1 m RNA of osteoblasts in the Jiangu Granules-serum group and the estradiol-serum group was higher than that of model-serum group(P < 0.01), while the expression of p21 m RNA was lower than the model-serum group(P < 0.01). Conclusion Jiangu Granules-serum can adjust the G_1/S phase cellcycle regulated mechanism in osteoblast, so as to push the cells passing G_1/S checkpoint and accelerate the proliferation of osteoblast.国家自然科学基金资助项目(81473706

    RAPD Studies of Parents of Three-Line Hybrid Rice

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    选用9个随机引物对31份杂交水稻亲本材料进行了rAPd分析,共检测到60条多态性带。聚类分析结果表明,所有供试材料可以被明确地区分。在9个随机引物中,有8个具有较高的多态性检测能力。以这8个引物为基础,选用任两个引物即可在任一对材料中检测出多态性的频率在9613%以上,而选用任3个引物则该频率在9921%以上。这显示了运用rAPd鉴定稻种具有简便、灵敏、高效的优点,在鉴定杂交稻种的实践中有着良好的应用前景。Seven rice male sterile lines, 12 maintainer lines and 12 restorer lines were analyzed by RAPD with 9 primers Altogether, 118 fragments were generated, of which 60 detected polymorphisms among rice lines tested.Cluster analysis showed that all lines could be uniquely distinguished by at least one RAPD marker.Eight of nine primers can detect high polymorphism.The frequencies of polymorphism in any pairs of lines would be higher than 96.13% when any two of the 8 primers were used.If any three of the 8 primers were used, the frequencies would be higher than 99.21%.The eight primers were therefore recommended as candidates for the identification of hybrid rice seeds.国家水稻基因组计划;农业部重点项

    Tulokkaan onnistunut perehdyttäminen, case: GoWash

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena kehittämistyönä toimeksiantajalle. Näin ollen työ koostuu teoriaosuudesta ja toiminnallisesta osuudesta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää tulokkaiden mielipiteitä koskien läpikäytyä perehdyttämisprosessia. Toisena päätavoitteena opinnäytetyössä oli tuottaa perehdyttämisopas uudelle työntekijälle helpottamaan työssä aloittamista. Tarkoituksena opinnäytetyössä oli tuoda esille tulokkaiden kokemuksia perehdyttämisprosessista ja luoda kehitysideoita jatkoa varten. Lopputuotoksen perehdyttämisoppaan tarkoituksena oli helpottaa uusien tulokkaiden työssä aloittamista. Tarkoituksena oli, että tulokas pystyy tutustumaan oppaaseen itsenäisesti ja näin ollen säästyy myös aikaa alun perehdyttämisprosessista. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui perehdyttämisen kokonaisuudesta. Siinä syvennyttiin perehdyttämistä koskevaan lainsäädäntöön, perehdyttäjän rooliin ja perehdyttämisen suunnitteluun ja sisältöön. Toisena osuutena teoriaan tuotiin palvelun laatu, jota käytettiin osin apuna perehdyttämisoppaan sisällön tuottamisessa. Opinnäytetyössä käytettiin tutkimusmenetelminä teemahaastatteluja ja kyselyä. Näillä menetelmillä haluttiin saada käytännönläheisiä ja käyttäjäkohtaisia kokemuksia. Teemahaastatteluja käytettiin nykytilan kartoittamiseen ja perehdyttämisoppaan sisällön tiedonkeruuseen. Kyselyä käytettiin tulokkaiden kohdalla, jotta saatiin näkökulmaa kuinka perehdyttäminen heidän kohdallaan on käytännössä toteutettu. Kyselyn avulla löydettiin prosessin onnistumiset ja koetut heikkoudet. Sekä teemahaastattelujen että kyselomakkeiden pohjalta luotiin kehitysideoita jatkoa varten ja saatiin tietoa ja toiveita lopun perehdyttämisoppaaseen. Opinnäytetyössä saavutettiin alkuun asetetut tavoitteet. Opinnäytetyössä saatiin luotua perehdyttämisopas toimeksiantajan ja tulokkaiden toiveiden pohjalta helpottamaan tulokkaan työssä aloittamista. Samoin työssä saatiin hahmotettua hyvin tämän hetkistä perehdyttämisprosessia ja tulosten pohjalta löydettiin kehitysideoita jatkoa varten, jotta prosessi vastaa paremmin tulokkaiden asettamia vaatimuksia.This bachelor’s thesis was executed as a functional thesis to a commissioner. The study consists of a theoretical and practical section. The first objective of this thesis was to create an orientation guide to new employees. The second objective was to develop the orientation process of the em-ployer, which the new employee follows. The main purpose of this thesis was to map development areas for the orientation process and to create an orientation guide to support the new employee at the beginning of the job. The thesis establishes a guide, which the new employees can study by themselves, and in that way save time in the orientation process. The theoretical areas that are covered in this thesis are the law on orientation, how to plan and develop orientation and also the quality of services and customer service. The theoretical frame-work provided a smooth delivery of the orientation guide and a basis for conducting theme inter-views. In this thesis the used research methods were theme interviews and questionnaire. The theme interviews collected information about the organization and the current orientation process. With the questionnaire, the main purpose was to collect newcomers’ experiences about the orientation process and to further the development ideas with the information. There were two theme inter-views and a questionnaire for the new employees. The orientation guide and development ideas were developed based on the used methods. These research methods were chosen to collect per-sonal and practical data and experiences. The objectives of this study were met. In this process an orientation guide and development ideas were created to support newcomers at the beginning of their job careers and to develop the whole orientation process with the employer

    Study on extraction technology of volatile oil from cortex phellodendri by supercritical carbon dioxide

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    使用超临界二氧化碳技术对经过超声-微波处理过的黄柏中的挥发油进行萃取,并对萃取工艺进行响应面优化。在单因素预实验的基础上,以萃取压力、萃取温度、萃取时间为响应因素,黄柏挥发油的萃取量为响应值,根据中心组合(bOX-bEHnkEn)实验设计原理,采用三因素三水平的响应面分析法,确定各工艺条件对萃取量的影响,并用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对萃取前、未超声-微波处理超临界萃取后及超声-微波处理超临界萃取后的黄柏进行比较观察,对萃取效果进行了微观解释。结果表明,经过超声-微波处理过的黄柏中的挥发油超临界二氧化碳萃取最佳工艺条件为:萃取压力为34MPA,萃取温度为41℃,萃取时间为66MIn,萃取率达6.03%。The supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of volatile oil from processed cortex phellodendri was optimized by response surface methodology(RSM).According to the principle of Box-Behnken central composite design,extraction pressure,extraction temperature,extraction time were chosen as response factors,extraction mass was chosen as response value,and a three-factor and three level central composite design was adopted to determine the influence of various technological conditions.Using SEM observed the cortex phellodendri before and after extraction,and explained the extraction effects from microcosmic aspect.The results showed that the optimum extraction conditions were as follows:extraction pressure 34MPa,extraction temperature 41℃,extraction time 66min,extraction yield was 6.03%.湖南省科技厅重大专项(2008FJ1007);2010年吉首大学大学生研究性学习与创新性实验计划项目(JSU-CX-2010-49