Study on the Influencing Factors of Consuming Willingness in High-End Black Tea Market


随着我国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平不断提升,在解决温饱问题后,对于健康生活方式日益重视。茶叶以其健康、无公害的优势,得到广大消费者的喜爱。红茶作为全发酵茶,保健功效更优,因此它在国际茶叶市场独占鳌头。而高端红茶是红茶中的精品,不仅仅是品质、色泽、味道优质,更包含了品牌、包装、附加价值等都处于高等级,其社会价值远远超过功能价值,成为身份、品位的一种代表。但是,从我国茶叶的消费结构看,红茶占比非常小,消费者对红茶的了解不深,红茶品牌意识薄弱。面对国际红茶品牌的纷纷入住我国,我国高端红茶企业面临更加激烈的竞争环境。 高端红茶选购体现的是消费者的消费倾向和消费行为方式,对高端红茶企业的发展有着深刻...With the rapid development of our country economy, people's living standards improved, after the problem of adequate food and clothing, for a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more attention. With its health, tea pollution-free advantages get of broad consumer love. As a fully fermented tea, black tea health care efficacy better, so it leads in the international tea market. And high-end is th...学位:旅游管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理硕士学号:1782012115114

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