14 research outputs found

    Authentication protocols on restricted devices

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    Tato práce se zabývá obecně autentizačními metodami, speciálně autentizací pomocí znalosti. Následně jsou stručně popsány MD hash funkce, SHA hash funkce, Keccak, Blake, Grostl, JH, Skein a uvedeno jejich srovnání na nízkovýkonových mikrokontrolérech. Do našeho mikrokontroléru MSP430F2274 jsou naimplementovány a změřeny Keccak, Blake, Grostl, JH, md5, SHA–1, SHA–224, SHA–256 a Skein hashovací algoritmy. Dále jsou navrženy dva jednoduché autentizační protokoly klient–server a provedena jejich implementace a měření. Protokoly jsou zaměřené na nízkou paměťovou náročnost a co nejmenší počet vyměněných zpráv při autentnizaci. První je určen pro zahájení komunikace klientem a druhý serverem.This thesis deals with authentication methods, especially about authentication based on knowledge. In the thesis, the hash functions such as MD hash function, SHA hash function, Keccak, Blake, Grostl, Jh, Skein are described and shown their compilation on low frequency microcontrollers. Into the microcontroller MSP430F2274 are Keccak, Blake, Grostl, JH, md5, SHA–1, SHA–224, SHA–256 a Skein hashing algorithms implemented and measured. Also simple authentication protocols client–server are designed and their implementation and measuring was done. Protocols are focused on low memory requirement and the smallest number of measured messages during authentication. The first solution is determined for the beginning of the communication from client and the second from server.

    Monitoring of test station downtime

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    Tato práce se zabývá monitorováním výpadků zkušebních stanic oddělení DS/ETC (Diesel Systems / Engineering Testing Center) společnosti Bosch Diesel s.r.o. v Jihlavě. Cílem monitorování je získání záznamu o každém prostoji, včasné upozornění na výpadek zkušební stanice stanice, umožnit zkušebním inženýrům editaci záznamu o prostoji a následně z nasbíraných dat vytvořit statistiky a Pareto analýzu. Na začátku práce bylo stručně popsáno oddělení ETC a dále pak obecně SCADA systémy. Následně byl navržen monitorovací systém na míru oddělení ETC a provedená implementace. Včasné upozorňování na výpadky bylo realizováno pomocí SMS zpráv z GSM modemu připojeném přímo k serveru. Zkušební inženýři mají k dispozici grafické rozhraní, kde mohou dané záznamy o prostoji editovat. Statistiky lze v grafickém rozhraní generovat individuálně na základě výběrového filtru. Implementovaný systém umožnil oddělení primárně se zaměřit pouze na řešení těch příčin výpadku, které povedou k největšímu snížení prostojů zkušebních stanic.This thesis is about the monitoring of testing station downtimes at the DS/ETC (Diesel Systems / Engineering Testing Center) Bosh Diesel s.r.o. department in Jihlava. The goal of the monitoring is to get a record and an immediate warning for each machine downtime. The testing engineers are able to edit downtime reports and to create statistics and the Pareto analysis based on the reports. In the beginning of the thesis there are generally described the ETC department and the SCADA system. The monitoring system is designed and implemented based on the requirements of the ETC department. SMS messages sent via a GSM module what is connected directly to the server are used for immediate downtime warning. The test engineers have the graphic user interface what they can use to edit downtime reports. Statistics are generated individually based on the adjustable data filter. The department can focus primary on the finding out the reasons of the downtimes what leads to the biggest reduction of the test machine downtimes.

    Systemic Measures and Legislative and Organizational Frameworks Aimed at Preventing or Mitigating Drug Shortages in 28 European and Western Asian Countries

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    Drug shortages have been identified as a public health problem in an increasing number of countries. This can negatively impact on the quality and efficiency of patient care, as well as contribute to increases in the cost of treatment and the workload of health care providers. Shortages also raise ethical and political issues. The scientific evidence on drug shortages is still scarce, but many lessons can be drawn from cross-country analyses. The objective of this study was to characterize, compare, and evaluate the current systemic measures and legislative and organizational frameworks aimed at preventing or mitigating drug shortages within health care systems across a range of European and Western Asian countries. The study design was retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, and observational. Information was gathered through a survey distributed among senior personnel from ministries of health, state medicines agencies, local health authorities, other health or pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement authorities, health insurance companies and academic institutions, with knowledge of the pharmaceutical markets in the 28 countries studied. Our study found that formal definitions of drug shortages currently exist in only a few countries. The characteristics of drug shortages, including their assortment, duration, frequency, and dynamics, were found to be variable and sometimes difficult to assess. Numerous information hubs were identified. Providing public access to information on drug shortages to the maximum possible extent is a prerequisite for performing more advanced studies on the problem and identifying solutions. Imposing public service obligations, providing the formal possibility to prescribe unlicensed medicines, and temporary bans on parallel exports are widespread measures. A positive finding of our study was the identification of numerous bottom-up initiatives and organizational frameworks aimed at preventing or mitigating drug shortages. The experiences and lessons drawn from these initiatives should be carefully evaluated, monitored, and presented to a wider international audience for careful appraisal. To be able to find solutions to the problem of drug shortages, there is an urgent need to develop a set of agreed definitions for drug shortages, as well as methodologies for their evaluation and monitoring. This is being progressed

    <scp>ReSurveyEurope</scp>: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe

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    AbstractAimsWe introduce ReSurveyEurope — a new data source of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe, compiled by a collaborative network of vegetation scientists. We describe the scope of this initiative, provide an overview of currently available data, governance, data contribution rules, and accessibility. In addition, we outline further steps, including potential research questions.ResultsReSurveyEurope includes resurveyed vegetation plots from all habitats. Version 1.0 of ReSurveyEurope contains 283,135 observations (i.e., individual surveys of each plot) from 79,190 plots sampled in 449 independent resurvey projects. Of these, 62,139 (78%) are permanent plots, that is, marked in situ, or located with GPS, which allow for high spatial accuracy in resurvey. The remaining 17,051 (22%) plots are from studies in which plots from the initial survey could not be exactly relocated. Four data sets, which together account for 28,470 (36%) plots, provide only presence/absence information on plant species, while the remaining 50,720 (64%) plots contain abundance information (e.g., percentage cover or cover–abundance classes such as variants of the Braun‐Blanquet scale). The oldest plots were sampled in 1911 in the Swiss Alps, while most plots were sampled between 1950 and 2020.ConclusionsReSurveyEurope is a new resource to address a wide range of research questions on fine‐scale changes in European vegetation. The initiative is devoted to an inclusive and transparent governance and data usage approach, based on slightly adapted rules of the well‐established European Vegetation Archive (EVA). ReSurveyEurope data are ready for use, and proposals for analyses of the data set can be submitted at any time to the coordinators. Still, further data contributions are highly welcome.</jats:sec

    Radiodiagnostic methods used in imaging of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine injuries, the algorythms of these examinations and role of radiology assistant during these examinations.

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá traumatickými poraněními páteře a zobrazovacími metodami užívanými při jejich diagnostice. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část je zaměřena na anatomický popis páteře, poranění páteře, užívané zobrazovací metody, průběhy jednotlivých vyšetření a roli radiologického asistenta při těchto vyšetřeních. Praktická část je zaměřena na analýzu souboru pacientů s traumatickým poraněním páteře a statistické zpracování získaných dat dle předem daných kritérií jako jsou pohlaví, věk, použité zobrazovací metody atd.ObhájenoThis bachelor's thesis deals with traumatic spine injuries and diagnostic methods used in their imaging. The thesis consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part is focused on anatomical description of spine, traumatic injuries, diagnostic methods, algorithms of the examinations and the part of radiology assistant during these examinations. The practical part is focused on analysis of group of patients with traumatic spine injuries and statistical elaboration of acquired data according to given criteria such as sex, age, used diagnostic methods etc

    Rights and duties of a member of the association of owners of (residential) units

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    Rights and duties of the member of Flat owners association The purpose of my thesis is to focus on applicable law in the Czech Republic, particularly the Flat Ownership Act 72/1994 Coll. and analyze the rights and duties of the members of Unit owners association. The reason for my research is that the flat ownership and housing is one of the most important sector which affects the general public. The thesis is composed of three chapters, each of them dealing with aspects of flat ownership. Chapter one informs about historical context of housing and tries to introduce the flat ownership in general. Thesis provides information about contemporary regulation and also about relevant provisions of new coming civil code which will be applicable by 1 January 2014. Next chapter is introductory to Flat owners association and defines basic terminology. It explains a legal framework regulating the legal entity of the association and regulation of common property management. Including the internal structure and describes some relevant issues in respect with Flat owners association. Last chapter is most significant part of the thesis. The main aim is to analyze the rights and duties of flat owners and especially the members of flat owners association. The thesis concentrates on problems resulting from this..

    Radiodiagnostic methods used in imaging of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine injuries, the algorythms of these examinations and role of radiology assistant during these examinations.

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá traumatickými poraněními páteře a zobrazovacími metodami užívanými při jejich diagnostice. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část je zaměřena na anatomický popis páteře, poranění páteře, užívané zobrazovací metody, průběhy jednotlivých vyšetření a roli radiologického asistenta při těchto vyšetřeních. Praktická část je zaměřena na analýzu souboru pacientů s traumatickým poraněním páteře a statistické zpracování získaných dat dle předem daných kritérií jako jsou pohlaví, věk, použité zobrazovací metody atd.ObhájenoThis bachelor's thesis deals with traumatic spine injuries and diagnostic methods used in their imaging. The thesis consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part is focused on anatomical description of spine, traumatic injuries, diagnostic methods, algorithms of the examinations and the part of radiology assistant during these examinations. The practical part is focused on analysis of group of patients with traumatic spine injuries and statistical elaboration of acquired data according to given criteria such as sex, age, used diagnostic methods etc

    Clinical Biochemistry

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    Učebnice Clinical Biochemistry ve svých 39 kapitolách pokrývá všechna důležitá témata moderní klinické biochemie. Od preanalytických vlivů na laboratorní vyšetření přes analytické a klinické vlastnosti metod, kontrolu kvality v klinické laboratoři, automatizaci po jednotlivé indikace a interpretace laboratorních testů v diagnostice a sledování různých onemocnění. Cílem je dovést čtenáře k propojení všech aspektů ovlivňujících laboratorní výsledek a jejich kritickému zhodnocení při péči o pacienta. Text je určen především pro pregraduální studenty všeobecného lékařství, avšak jako referenční příručku ji využijí i začínající lékaři všech oborů. Clinical Biochemistry textbook covers in its 39 chapters all important topics of modern clinical biochemistry. From preanalytical influences to laboratory results through analytical and clinical properties of laboratory methods, quality control in Clinical laboratory, automation to indication and interpretation of laboratory tests in diagnosis and follow up of a plenty of diseases. The goal of this publication is to lead a reader to intersection of all aspects that influence laboratory results and to its critical evaluation in taking care about a patient. The text is designed to pregradual students of general medicine. However, also young medical doctors of all medical specializations can use the textbook as a reference guide

    Clinical Biochemistry

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    Učebnice Clinical Biochemistry ve svých 39 kapitolách pokrývá všechna důležitá témata moderní klinické biochemie. Od preanalytických vlivů na laboratorní vyšetření přes analytické a klinické vlastnosti metod, kontrolu kvality v klinické laboratoři, automatizaci po jednotlivé indikace a interpretace laboratorních testů v diagnostice a sledování různých onemocnění. Cílem je dovést čtenáře k propojení všech aspektů ovlivňujících laboratorní výsledek a jejich kritickému zhodnocení při péči o pacienta. Text je určen především pro pregraduální studenty všeobecného lékařství, avšak jako referenční příručku ji využijí i začínající lékaři všech oborů. Clinical Biochemistry textbook covers in its 39 chapters all important topics of modern clinical biochemistry. From preanalytical influences to laboratory results through analytical and clinical properties of laboratory methods, quality control in Clinical laboratory, automation to indication and interpretation of laboratory tests in diagnosis and follow up of a plenty of diseases. The goal of this publication is to lead a reader to intersection of all aspects that influence laboratory results and to its critical evaluation in taking care about a patient. The text is designed to pregradual students of general medicine. However, also young medical doctors of all medical specializations can use the textbook as a reference guide