6 research outputs found

    Analysis of leukocyte markers CD15s and CD11b in the blood of rats, and glycosphingolipid CD77 and glycophosphoprotein CD34 in the kidneys, heart and lungs of rats under hyperbaric conditions

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    Uvod: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti učinak hiperbaričnog tretmana (HB) na leukocitne proupalne biljege CD15s i CD11b. Dodatno, istraživanje opisuje promjene u izražaju CD77 i CD34 biljega na stanicama bubrežnog, plućnog i srčanog tkiva nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana. Materijali i metode: Izražaj CD11b i CD15s na leukocitima, kao i CD77 i CD34 biljega na suspenziji stanica bubrežnog, plućnog i srčanog tkiva u životinja nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana i u kontrolnim životinjama, određen je protočnom citometrijom. Rezultati: Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno povećao postotak leukocitnih CD15s+CD11b- stanica (od 1.71 ± 1.11 do 23.42 ± 2.85, P < 0.05). Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno smanjio postotak CD77+CD34- i CD77+CD34+ stanica u bubrežnom tkivu (od 16.35 ± 5.5 do 4.48 ± 1.28, P < 0.05). Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno povećao postotak CD34+ stanica u plućnom tkivu (od 3.27 ± 2.01 do 11.92 ± 6.22, P < 0.05). Naše istraživanje je prvo koje je pokazalo utjecaj hiperbaričnog tretmana na CD34+ stanice u srčanom tkivu kod štakora. Zaključak: Naši rezultati povećanog postotka endotelnog liganda CD15s+ na leukocitima, nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana, upućuju na njegovu ulogu u procesima oštećenja endotela. Pronaši smo također značajni porast postotka CD34+ stanica u srčanom tkivu kao i postotka CD34+ stanica u plućnom tkivu nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana, što može biti posljedica mehanizama oporavka oštećenog endotela usljed hiperoksije.Objective(s): The aim of this study was to estimate effects of hyperbaric (HB) treatment by determination of CD15s and CD11b leukocyte proinflammatory markers expression. In addition, this study describes changes in CD77 and CD34 expression on rat endothelial cells in renal, pulmonary and cardiac tissue following exposure to hyperbaric pressure. Materials and Methods: Expression of CD11b and CD15s on leukocytes, as well as CD77 and CD34 expression on endothelial cells in cell suspensions of renal, pulmonary and cardiac tissue in rats after hyperbaric treatment and in control rats were determined by flow cytometry. Results: Hyperbaric treatment significantly increased percentage of leukocytes expressing CD15s+CD11b- (from 1.71 ± 1.11 to 23.42 ± 2.85, P < 0.05). Hyperbaric treatment significantly decreased sum percentage of CD77+CD34- and CD77+CD34+ renal cells (from 16.35 ± 5.5 to 4.48 ± 1.28, P < 0.05). Hyperbaric treatment significantly increased percentage of CD34+ pulmonary cells (from 3.27 ± 2.01 to 11.92 ± 6.22, P < 0.05). Our study is the first reporting the hyperbaric environment influence on CD34+ heart cells in rats. Conclusion: The current findings of increased percentage of leukocytes expressing endothelial selectin ligand CD15s after hyperbaric treatment, point its role in endothelial damage. We found out a significantly increase in percentage of CD34+ cardiac cells as well as CD34+ pulmonary cells in rats after HB treatment which could be a part of repair mechanism of injured endothelium caused by hyperoxia

    Analysis of leukocyte markers CD15s and CD11b in the blood of rats, and glycosphingolipid CD77 and glycophosphoprotein CD34 in the kidneys, heart and lungs of rats under hyperbaric conditions

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    Uvod: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti učinak hiperbaričnog tretmana (HB) na leukocitne proupalne biljege CD15s i CD11b. Dodatno, istraživanje opisuje promjene u izražaju CD77 i CD34 biljega na stanicama bubrežnog, plućnog i srčanog tkiva nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana. Materijali i metode: Izražaj CD11b i CD15s na leukocitima, kao i CD77 i CD34 biljega na suspenziji stanica bubrežnog, plućnog i srčanog tkiva u životinja nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana i u kontrolnim životinjama, određen je protočnom citometrijom. Rezultati: Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno povećao postotak leukocitnih CD15s+CD11b- stanica (od 1.71 ± 1.11 do 23.42 ± 2.85, P < 0.05). Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno smanjio postotak CD77+CD34- i CD77+CD34+ stanica u bubrežnom tkivu (od 16.35 ± 5.5 do 4.48 ± 1.28, P < 0.05). Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno povećao postotak CD34+ stanica u plućnom tkivu (od 3.27 ± 2.01 do 11.92 ± 6.22, P < 0.05). Naše istraživanje je prvo koje je pokazalo utjecaj hiperbaričnog tretmana na CD34+ stanice u srčanom tkivu kod štakora. Zaključak: Naši rezultati povećanog postotka endotelnog liganda CD15s+ na leukocitima, nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana, upućuju na njegovu ulogu u procesima oštećenja endotela. Pronaši smo također značajni porast postotka CD34+ stanica u srčanom tkivu kao i postotka CD34+ stanica u plućnom tkivu nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana, što može biti posljedica mehanizama oporavka oštećenog endotela usljed hiperoksije.Objective(s): The aim of this study was to estimate effects of hyperbaric (HB) treatment by determination of CD15s and CD11b leukocyte proinflammatory markers expression. In addition, this study describes changes in CD77 and CD34 expression on rat endothelial cells in renal, pulmonary and cardiac tissue following exposure to hyperbaric pressure. Materials and Methods: Expression of CD11b and CD15s on leukocytes, as well as CD77 and CD34 expression on endothelial cells in cell suspensions of renal, pulmonary and cardiac tissue in rats after hyperbaric treatment and in control rats were determined by flow cytometry. Results: Hyperbaric treatment significantly increased percentage of leukocytes expressing CD15s+CD11b- (from 1.71 ± 1.11 to 23.42 ± 2.85, P < 0.05). Hyperbaric treatment significantly decreased sum percentage of CD77+CD34- and CD77+CD34+ renal cells (from 16.35 ± 5.5 to 4.48 ± 1.28, P < 0.05). Hyperbaric treatment significantly increased percentage of CD34+ pulmonary cells (from 3.27 ± 2.01 to 11.92 ± 6.22, P < 0.05). Our study is the first reporting the hyperbaric environment influence on CD34+ heart cells in rats. Conclusion: The current findings of increased percentage of leukocytes expressing endothelial selectin ligand CD15s after hyperbaric treatment, point its role in endothelial damage. We found out a significantly increase in percentage of CD34+ cardiac cells as well as CD34+ pulmonary cells in rats after HB treatment which could be a part of repair mechanism of injured endothelium caused by hyperoxia


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    SAŽETAK Ovim završnim radom nastoji se pobliže istražiti i objasniti važnost primjene marketinških strategija u poslovanju poduzeća. Rad je prikazan na konkretnom primjeru poduzeća Hrvatski Telekom d.d. U teorijskom dijelu rada analizirani su sami pojmovi marketinga, strategije, analize okoline uključujući eksternu i internu okolinu, kao i sami proces odabira i implementacije marketinških strategija. Na analiziranom primjeru poduzeća Hrvatski telekom d.d. istražena je njegova vanjska i unutarnja okolina te je provedena SWOT analiza kako bi se utvrdilo stanje i pozicija samog poduzeća na tržištu. Provedene analize ukazale su da Hrvatski Telekom d.d. kvalitetno implementira svoje marketinške strategije što omogućuje prepoznatljivost usluga Hrvatskog Telekoma na tržištu te osigurava lidersku poziciju.SUMMARY This thesis seeks to explore more closely and explain the importance of applying marketing strategies to the business of the company. The paper is presented on an example of the company Hrvatski Telekom d.d. The theoretical part of the paper analyzes the concepts of marketing, strategy, environmental analysis including the external and internal environment, as well as the process of selection and implementation of marketing strategies. In the analyzed example of Hrvatski Telekom d.d. its external and internal environment was investigated, SWOT analysis was carried out in order to determine the position of the company itself on the market. The conducted analyzes indicated that Hrvatski telekom d.d. has a quality implementation of its marketing strategies, which enables the recognition of services of Hrvatski Telekom on the market and ensures leadership position

    Analysis of leukocyte markers CD15s and CD11b in the blood of rats, and glycosphingolipid CD77 and glycophosphoprotein CD34 in the kidneys, heart and lungs of rats under hyperbaric conditions

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    Uvod: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti učinak hiperbaričnog tretmana (HB) na leukocitne proupalne biljege CD15s i CD11b. Dodatno, istraživanje opisuje promjene u izražaju CD77 i CD34 biljega na stanicama bubrežnog, plućnog i srčanog tkiva nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana. Materijali i metode: Izražaj CD11b i CD15s na leukocitima, kao i CD77 i CD34 biljega na suspenziji stanica bubrežnog, plućnog i srčanog tkiva u životinja nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana i u kontrolnim životinjama, određen je protočnom citometrijom. Rezultati: Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno povećao postotak leukocitnih CD15s+CD11b- stanica (od 1.71 ± 1.11 do 23.42 ± 2.85, P < 0.05). Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno smanjio postotak CD77+CD34- i CD77+CD34+ stanica u bubrežnom tkivu (od 16.35 ± 5.5 do 4.48 ± 1.28, P < 0.05). Hiperbarični tretman je statistički značajno povećao postotak CD34+ stanica u plućnom tkivu (od 3.27 ± 2.01 do 11.92 ± 6.22, P < 0.05). Naše istraživanje je prvo koje je pokazalo utjecaj hiperbaričnog tretmana na CD34+ stanice u srčanom tkivu kod štakora. Zaključak: Naši rezultati povećanog postotka endotelnog liganda CD15s+ na leukocitima, nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana, upućuju na njegovu ulogu u procesima oštećenja endotela. Pronaši smo također značajni porast postotka CD34+ stanica u srčanom tkivu kao i postotka CD34+ stanica u plućnom tkivu nakon hiperbaričnog tretmana, što može biti posljedica mehanizama oporavka oštećenog endotela usljed hiperoksije.Objective(s): The aim of this study was to estimate effects of hyperbaric (HB) treatment by determination of CD15s and CD11b leukocyte proinflammatory markers expression. In addition, this study describes changes in CD77 and CD34 expression on rat endothelial cells in renal, pulmonary and cardiac tissue following exposure to hyperbaric pressure. Materials and Methods: Expression of CD11b and CD15s on leukocytes, as well as CD77 and CD34 expression on endothelial cells in cell suspensions of renal, pulmonary and cardiac tissue in rats after hyperbaric treatment and in control rats were determined by flow cytometry. Results: Hyperbaric treatment significantly increased percentage of leukocytes expressing CD15s+CD11b- (from 1.71 ± 1.11 to 23.42 ± 2.85, P < 0.05). Hyperbaric treatment significantly decreased sum percentage of CD77+CD34- and CD77+CD34+ renal cells (from 16.35 ± 5.5 to 4.48 ± 1.28, P < 0.05). Hyperbaric treatment significantly increased percentage of CD34+ pulmonary cells (from 3.27 ± 2.01 to 11.92 ± 6.22, P < 0.05). Our study is the first reporting the hyperbaric environment influence on CD34+ heart cells in rats. Conclusion: The current findings of increased percentage of leukocytes expressing endothelial selectin ligand CD15s after hyperbaric treatment, point its role in endothelial damage. We found out a significantly increase in percentage of CD34+ cardiac cells as well as CD34+ pulmonary cells in rats after HB treatment which could be a part of repair mechanism of injured endothelium caused by hyperoxia


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    SAŽETAK Ovim završnim radom nastoji se pobliže istražiti i objasniti važnost primjene marketinških strategija u poslovanju poduzeća. Rad je prikazan na konkretnom primjeru poduzeća Hrvatski Telekom d.d. U teorijskom dijelu rada analizirani su sami pojmovi marketinga, strategije, analize okoline uključujući eksternu i internu okolinu, kao i sami proces odabira i implementacije marketinških strategija. Na analiziranom primjeru poduzeća Hrvatski telekom d.d. istražena je njegova vanjska i unutarnja okolina te je provedena SWOT analiza kako bi se utvrdilo stanje i pozicija samog poduzeća na tržištu. Provedene analize ukazale su da Hrvatski Telekom d.d. kvalitetno implementira svoje marketinške strategije što omogućuje prepoznatljivost usluga Hrvatskog Telekoma na tržištu te osigurava lidersku poziciju.SUMMARY This thesis seeks to explore more closely and explain the importance of applying marketing strategies to the business of the company. The paper is presented on an example of the company Hrvatski Telekom d.d. The theoretical part of the paper analyzes the concepts of marketing, strategy, environmental analysis including the external and internal environment, as well as the process of selection and implementation of marketing strategies. In the analyzed example of Hrvatski Telekom d.d. its external and internal environment was investigated, SWOT analysis was carried out in order to determine the position of the company itself on the market. The conducted analyzes indicated that Hrvatski telekom d.d. has a quality implementation of its marketing strategies, which enables the recognition of services of Hrvatski Telekom on the market and ensures leadership position

    P1PK, Globoside, and FORS Blood Group Systems, Plus Some Other Related Blood Groups

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