33 research outputs found

    The impact of epilepsy surgery on the structural connectome and its relation to outcome

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    BACKGROUND: Temporal lobe surgical resection brings seizure remission in up to 80% of patients, with long-term complete seizure freedom in 41%. However, it is unclear how surgery impacts on the structural white matter network, and how the network changes relate to seizure outcome. METHODS: We used white matter fibre tractography on preoperative diffusion MRI to generate a structural white matter network, and postoperative T1-weighted MRI to retrospectively infer the impact of surgical resection on this network. We then applied graph theory and machine learning to investigate the properties of change between the preoperative and predicted postoperative networks. RESULTS: Temporal lobe surgery had a modest impact on global network efficiency, despite the disruption caused. This was due to alternative shortest paths in the network leading to widespread increases in betweenness centrality post-surgery. Measurements of network change could retrospectively predict seizure outcomes with 79% accuracy and 65% specificity, which is twice as high as the empirical distribution. Fifteen connections which changed due to surgery were identified as useful for prediction of outcome, eight of which connected to the ipsilateral temporal pole. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the use of network change metrics may have clinical value for predicting seizure outcome. This approach could be used to prospectively predict outcomes given a suggested resection mask using preoperative data only

    Structure and function of language networks in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Individuals with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) may have significant language deficits. Language capabilities may further decline following temporal lobe resections. The language network, comprised of dispersed grey matter regions interconnected with white matter fibres, may be atypical in those with TLE. This review explores the structural changes to the language network and the functional reorganisation of language abilities in TLE. We discuss the importance of detailed reporting of patient's characteristics, such as, left- and right-sided focal epilepsies as well as lesional and non-lesional pathological subtypes. These factors can affect the healthy functioning of grey and/or white matter. Dysfunction of white matter and displacement of grey matter function could impact each other's ability, in turn, producing an interactive effect on typical language organisation and function. Surgical intervention can result in impairment of function if the resection includes parts of this structure-function network that are critical to language. Further, impairment may occur if language function has been reorganized and is included in a resection. Conversely, resection of an epileptogenic zone may be associated with recovery of cortical function and thus improvement in language function. We explore the abnormality of functional regions in a clinically applicable framework and highlight the differences in the underlying language network. Avoidance of language decline following surgical intervention may depend on tailored resections to avoid critical areas of grey matter and their white matter connections. Further work is required to elucidate the plasticity of the language network in TLE and to identify sub-types of language representation, both of which will be useful in planning surgery to spare language function

    Effects of anterior temporal lobe resection on cortical morphology

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    Anterior temporal lobe resection (ATLR) is a surgical procedure to treat drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Resection may involve large amounts of cortical tissue. Here, we examine the effects of this surgery on cortical morphology measured in independent variables both near the resection and remotely. We studied 101 individuals with TLE (55 left, 46 right onset) who underwent ATLR. For each individual we considered one pre-surgical MRI and one follow-up MRI 2 to 13 months after surgery. We used our newly developed surface-based method to locally compute traditional morphological variables (average cortical thickness, exposed surface area, and total surface area), and the independent measures KK, II, and SS, where KK measures white matter tension, II captures isometric scaling, and SS contains the remaining information about cortical shape. Data from 924 healthy controls was included to account for healthy ageing effects occurring during scans. A SurfStat random field theory clustering approach assessed changes across the cortex caused by ATLR. Compared to preoperative data, surgery had marked effects on all morphological measures. Ipsilateral effects were located in the orbitofrontal and inferior frontal gyri, the pre- and postcentral gyri and supramarginal gyrus, and the lateral occipital gyrus and lingual cortex. Contralateral effects were in the lateral occipital gyrus, and inferior frontal gyrus and frontal pole. The restructuring following ATLR is reflected in widespread morphological changes, mainly in regions near the resection, but also remotely in regions that are structurally connected to the anterior temporal lobe. The causes could include mechanical effects, Wallerian degeneration, or compensatory plasticity. The study of independent measures revealed additional effects compared to traditional measures

    The structural plasticity of white matter networks following anterior temporal lobe resection

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    Anterior temporal lobe resection is an effective treatment for refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. The structural consequences of such surgery in the white matter, and how these relate to language function after surgery remain unknown. We carried out a longitudinal study with diffusion tensor imaging in 26 left and 20 right temporal lobe epilepsy patients before and a mean of 4.5 months after anterior temporal lobe resection. The whole-brain analysis technique tract-based spatial statistics was used to compare pre- and postoperative data in the left and right temporal lobe epilepsy groups separately. We observed widespread, significant, mean 7%, decreases in fractional anisotropy in white matter networks connected to the area of resection, following both left and right temporal lobe resections. However, we also observed a widespread, mean 8%, increase in fractional anisotropy after left anterior temporal lobe resection in the ipsilateral external capsule and posterior limb of the internal capsule, and corona radiata. These findings were confirmed on analysis of the native clusters and hand drawn regions of interest. Postoperative tractography seeded from this area suggests that this cluster is part of the ventro-medial language network. The mean pre- and postoperative fractional anisotropy and parallel diffusivity in this cluster were significantly correlated with postoperative verbal fluency and naming test scores. In addition, the percentage change in parallel diffusivity in this cluster was correlated with the percentage change in verbal fluency after anterior temporal lobe resection, such that the bigger the increase in parallel diffusivity, the smaller the fall in language proficiency after surgery. We suggest that the findings of increased fractional anisotropy in this ventro-medial language network represent structural reorganization in response to the anterior temporal lobe resection, which may damage the more susceptible dorso-lateral language pathway. These findings have important implications for our understanding of brain injury and rehabilitation, and may also prove useful in the prediction and minimization of postoperative language deficits

    Increased microstructural white matter correlations in left, but not right, temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    Microstructural white matter tract correlations have been shown to reflect known patterns of phylogenetic development and functional specialization in healthy subjects. The aim of this study was to establish intertract correlations in a group of controls and to examine potential deviations from normality in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We investigated intertract correlations in 28 healthy controls, 21 left TLE (LTLE) and 23 right TLE (RTLE). Nine tracts were investigated, comprising the parahippocampal fasciculi, the uncinate fasciculi, the arcuate fasciculi, the frontoparietal tracts, and the fornix. An abnormal increase in tract correlations was observed in LTLE, while RTLE showed intertract correlations similar to controls. In the control group, tract correlations increased with increasing fractional anisotropy (FA), while in the TLE groups tract correlations increased with decreasing FA. Cluster analyses revealed agglomeration of bilateral pairs of homologous tracts in healthy subjects, with such pairs separated in our LTLE and RTLE groups. Discriminant analyses aimed at distinguishing LTLE from RTLE, revealing that tract correlations produce higher rates of accurate group classification than FA values. Our results confirm and extend previous work by showing that LTLE compared to RTLE patients display not only more extensive losses in microstructural orientation but also more aberrant intertract correlations. Aberrant correlations may be related to pathologic processes (i.e., seizure spread) or to adaptive processes aimed at preserving key cognitive functions. Our data suggest that tract correlations may have predictive value in distinguishing LTLE from RTLE, potentially moving diffusion imaging to a place of greater prominence in clinical practice

    Apport de l’IRM structurelle multimodale dans la chirurgie d’épilepsie : le cas de l’épilepsie insulaire

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    L’épilepsie insulaire (ÉI) est une forme rare d’épilepsie focale qui, en raison des défis liés à son diagnostic, est difficilement cernable. De plus, la prise en charge des patients avec ÉI s’avère complexifiée par le fait que cette pathologie est fréquemment résistante aux médicaments anti-crises. Pour ces cas médico-réfractaires, la chirurgie insulaire est une option viable. Cela dit, les patients subissant une telle intervention développent fréquemment des déficits neurologiques postopératoires; heureusement, la grande majorité de ceux-ci récupèrent complètement et rapidement. Or, le mécanisme sous-tendant ce singulier rétablissement fonctionnel demeure à ce jour mal compris. Deux modalités modernes d’IRM structurelle, soit l’analyse d’épaisseur corticale et la tractographie, ont permis, dans les dernières années, de décrire les altérations architecturales caractéristiques et potentiellement diagnostiques de divers types d’épilepsie ainsi que de caractériser les remodelages plastiques qui suivent la chirurgie de l’épilepsie extra-insulaire. Cependant, à ce jour, aucune étude ne s’est encore penchée sur le cas de l’ÉI. De ce fait, les études qui constituent cette thèse exploitent l’IRM structurelle afin, d’une part, de dépeindre les altérations d’épaisseur du cortex et de connectivité de matière blanche associées à l’ÉI et, d’autre part, de définir les réarrangements de connectivité subséquents à la chirurgie insulaire pour contrôle épileptique. Les deux premières études de cette thèse ont révélé que l’ÉI était associée à un pattern majoritairement ipsilatéral d’atrophie corticale et d’hyperconnectivité impliquant principalement des sous-régions insulaires et des régions connectées à l’insula. De manière intéressante, la topologie de ces changements correspondait, au moins en partie, à celle du réseau épileptique de l’ÉI. Ensuite, la troisième étude visait à décrire, par le biais d’une méta-analyse, l’histoire naturelle postopératoire des patients subissant une chirurgie pour ÉI. Cette analyse a, entre autres, confirmé que cette chirurgie était efficace (66.7% de disparition des crises) et qu’elle était fréquemment accompagnée de complications neurologiques (42.5%) qui, dans la plupart des cas, étaient transitoires (78.7% des complications) et récupéraient entièrement dans les trois mois postopératoires (91.6% des complications transitoires). Finalement, la quatrième étude a révélé que la chirurgie pour ÉI était suivie d’altérations de connectivité diffuses et bilatérales. Notamment, les connexions présentant une augmentation de connectivité concernaient particulièrement des régions localisées soit près de la cavité chirurgicale ou dans l’hémisphère controlatéral à l’intervention. De plus, la majorité de ces renforcements structurels se sont produits dans les six premiers mois suivant la chirurgie, un délai comparable à celui durant lequel la majeure partie de la récupération fonctionnelle postopératoire a été observée dans notre méta-analyse. En somme, nos résultats suggèrent que les altérations morphologiques en lien avec l’ÉI peuvent correspondre à son réseau épileptique sous-jacent. La topologie de ces changements pourrait constituer un biomarqueur structurel diagnostique qui aiderait à la reconnaissance de l’ÉI et, concomitamment, favoriserait possiblement un traitement chirurgical plus adapté et plus efficace. De plus, les augmentations de connectivité postopératoires pourraient correspondre à des réponses neuroplastiques permettant de prendre en charge les fonctions altérées par la chirurgie. Nos constats ont ainsi contribué à la caractérisation des mécanismes étayant la singulière récupération fonctionnelle accompagnant la chirurgie pour ÉI. À plus grande échelle, nos travaux offrent un aperçu du potentiel de l’IRM structurelle à assister au diagnostic de l’épilepsie focale ainsi qu’à participer à la description des changements plastiques subséquents à une résection neurochirurgicale.Insular epilepsy (IE) is a rare type of focal epilepsy that is difficult to diagnose. In addition to the challenging nature of IE detection, management of patients with this condition is complicated by the tendency of insular seizures to be resistant to anti-seizure medications. For such medically refractory cases, insular surgery constitutes a viable and long-lasting therapeutic option. That said, patients who undergo an insular resection for seizure control frequently develop postoperative neurological deficits; fortunately, most of these impairments recover fully and rapidly. While this favorable postoperative course contributes to improving the outcome of IE surgery, the mechanism underlying the functional recovery remains unknown. Two contemporary structural MRI modalities, namely cortical thickness analysis and tractography, have recently been used to describe characteristic structural alterations of focal epilepsies and to elucidate the postoperative plastic remodeling associated with surgery for extra-insular epilepsy. While these analyses added to our understanding of several localization-related epilepsies, none specifically studied IE. In this thesis, we exploit structural MRI techniques to, first, depict the alterations of cortical thickness and white matter connectivity in IE and, second, define the progressive rearrangements that follow insular surgery for epilepsy. The first two studies of the current thesis showed that IE is associated with a primarily ipsilateral pattern of cortical thinning and hyperconnectivity that mainly involves insular subregions and insula-connected regions. Interestingly, the topology of these changes corresponded, at least in part, to the epileptic network of IE. Furthermore, the third study aimed to describe, via a meta-analysis, the postoperative outcome of patients undergoing surgery for IE. Among other findings, the analysis revealed that insular surgery was effective (66.7% seizure freedom rate) but was associated with a significant risk of neurological complications (42.5%) which, in most cases, were transient (78.7% of all complications) and recovered fully within three months (91.6% of transient complications). Finally, the fourth study showed that surgery for IE was followed by a diffuse pattern of bilateral structural connectivity changes. Notably, connections exhibiting an increase in connectivity were specifically located near the surgical cavity and in the contralateral healthy hemisphere. In addition, the majority of the structural strengthening occurred in the first six months following surgery, a time course that is consistent with the short delay during which most of the postoperative functional recovery was observed in our meta-analysis. Our results suggest that the morphological alterations in IE may reflect its underlying epileptic network. The topology of these changes may constitute a structural biomarker that could help diagnose IE more readily and, concomitantly, potentially enable a more targeted and more effective surgical treatment. Moreover, the postoperative increases in connectivity may be compatible with compensatory neuroplastic responses, a process that arose to recoup the functions of the injured insular cortex. Our findings have therefore contributed to the characterization of the driving process that supports the striking functional recovery seen following surgery for IE. On a larger scale, our work provides insights into the potential of structural MRI to assist in the diagnosis of focal epilepsy and to describe plastic changes following neurosurgical resections

    Strukturální podklady kognitivního deficitu v zobrazování magnetické rezonance.

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    Předkládaná dizertační práce se ve své hlavní části zabývá možnostmi detekce strukturálních a difuzních změn v MR zobrazení u pacientů s kognitivním deficitem. V širším kontextu je nejprve zmíněn podklad klinických změn a nálezů při neurozobrazení u pacientů s demencí, a to se zvláštním zaměřením na Alzheimerovu chorobu (ACh) a její diferenciální diagnostiku. Druhá část práce obsahuje čtyři experimentální studie v rámci našeho výzkumu. Hlavním cílem prvních dvou studií bylo získání strukturální a mikrostrukturální informace o neurodegenerativních procesech charakteristických pro ACh - na globální i regionální úrovni. Pro tento účel bylo použito několik komplementárních přístupů se zaměřením především na evaluaci šedé, a následně i bílé hmoty mozku. V následujících částech jsme se zaměřili na popis kontextu mikrostrukturálních změn bílé hmoty u normotenzního hydrocefalu (NPH) a charakteristických vzorců dezintegrace bílé hmoty u epilepsií temporálního laloku (TLE). Nejdůležitějším závěrem, který lze vyvodit z našich studií je, že strukturální a difuzní zobrazování se ukázalo jako užitečné při identifikaci regionálně specifické a disproporcionální ztráty objemu mozku a mikrostruktury u některých patologických procesů, které jsou základem kognitivního zhoršení. Použití několika různých morfometrických...Structural and diffusion imaging patterns that can be evaluated using MRI in patients with cognitive deficits are the central theme of the proposed work. First, the clinical and neuroimaging background of dementias has been reviewed in a broader context, with a special focus on Alzheimer's disease (AD) and differential diagnoses. The second part of this thesis contains four consecutive experimental studies. The primary objective of the first two studies was to obtain structural and microstructural information on the neurodegenerative processes characteristic for AD on global and regional levels. For this purpose, several complementary approaches were used and the focus was shifted from grey to white matter (GM/WM). The following two studies focused on the differential context of WM microstructural alterations in normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and distinctive patterns of WM disintegrity in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). The most important conclusion of our studies is that structural and diffusion imaging proved to be useful in identifying regionally specific and disproportionate loss of brain volume and microstructure in several pathological processes underlying cognitive deterioration. The use of distinctive morphometric methods yielded complementary information on AD-related atrophy patterns,...Department of Neurosurgery and Neurooncology First Faculty of Medicine and Central Military HospitalNeurochirurgická a neuroonkologická klinika 1. LF UK a ÚVN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Characterisation of the optic radiations in children in health and disease

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    The normal and abnormal development of the optic radiations through childhood was examined in terms of their anatomical development, using MRI tractography, and their functional development, using visual evoked potentials (VEPs). Neurosurgical applications of these imaging techniques were assessed. Control cohorts of 74 children and 13 adults were recruited from Great Ormond Street Hospital. The anatomical development of the optic radiations in children from birth was described using tractography. A novel method to improve tractography analysis using VEP data was developed. VEP-enhanced tractography showed a more defined optic radiation in the gathering of the visual cortex, which caused a significant reduction in the mean FA in the adult cohort. Paediatric patients diagnosed with optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) were recruited and 23 were compared with a matched control cohort using tractography. ONH patients presented reduced mean FA in the left optic radiation. TBSS analysis of the DTI scans showed that white matter FA was also lower in other areas of the brain outside of the visual system. Two paediatric seizure patient cohorts were recruited: 21 patients with a single episode of prolonged febrile convulsions and 20 regular users of anti-epileptic medicines. Both cohorts were compared with matched control cohorts using DTI tractography. The anti-epileptic user cohort presented lower mean FA at the front of both optic radiations, but the prolonged febrile convulsions cohort had no statistically-significant differences in mean FA, compared to controls. Two brain tumour case studies demonstrated that tractography is a valuable surgical tool in complicated paediatric neurosurgical cases where detailed description of white matter tracts can improve the surgical outcome and assist with counselling patients. Two hydrocephalus case studies demonstrated that VEP-enhanced tractography offers a novel method to identify white matter tracts in cases where conventional imaging techniques provide very limited information due to highly-distorted anatomies

    Integration of multi-shell diffusion imaging derived metrics in tractography reconstructions of clinical data

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    Tese de mestrado integrado Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Engenharia Clínica e Instrumentação Médica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Nos últimos anos, com o rápido avanço das técnicas imagiológicas, a oportunidade de mapear o cérebro humano in vivo com uma resolução sem precedentes tornou-se realidade, permanecendo ainda hoje como uma das áreas de maior interesse da neurociência. Sabendo que o movimento natural das moléculas de água nos tecidos biológicos é altamente influenciado pelo ambiente microestrutural envolvente, e que a anisotropia que este processo aleatório assume na matéria branca pode ser explorada com o intuito de inferir características importantes associadas ao tecido neuronal, a ressonância magnética ponderada por difusão (dMRI, do inglês “Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging") afirmou-se como a técnica de imagem mais amplamente utilizada para a investigação in vivo e não invasiva da conectividade cerebral. A primeira técnica padrão de dMRI foi a imagiologia por tensor de difusão (DTI, do inglês "Diffusion Tensor Imaging"). Implementada com a capacidade de fornecer sensibilidade à microestrutura do tecido, esta técnica permite extrair informação acerca da tridimensionalidade da distribuição da difusão de moléculas de água através da aplicação de seis gradientes de difusão não colineares entre si. Além da difusividade média (MD, do inglês "Mean Diffusivity"), é também possível extrair outros índices microestruturais, como a anisotropia fraccional (FA, do inglês "Fractional Anisotropy"), que fornece informação acerca da percentagem de difusão anisotrópica num determinado voxel. Ambas as métricas são amplamente utilizadas como medidas de alterações microestruturais, todavia, apesar da sua sensibilidade, estes marcadores não são específicos quanto às características individuais da microestrutura tecidual. Regiões com reduzida FA podem camuflar regiões de conformação de cruzamento de fibras, ou fibras muito anguladas, que a DTI não consegue resolver. A razão para esta limitação reside no número reduzido de diferentes direções de difusão que são exploradas, assim como no pressuposto de que a distribuição das moléculas de água é gaussiana, o que não é necessariamente verdade. De forma alternativa e com o intuito de tais limitações serem ultrapassadas, é possível implementar uma representação matemática do sinal adquirido de forma a explorar o propagador de difusão, da qual a imagiologia por ressonância magnética do propagador aparente médio (MAP-MRI, do inglês “Mean Apparent Propagator Magnetic Resonance Imaging”) é exemplo. Esta técnica analítica caracteriza-se pelo cálculo da função de densidade de probabilidade associada ao deslocamento de spin, o que permite descrever o caráter não-gaussiano do processo de difusão tridimensional e quantificar índices escalares inerentes ao processo de difusão, os quais sublinham as características complexas intrínsecas à microestrutura do tecido. Estes parâmetros incluem o deslocamento médio quadrático (MSD, em inglês “mean square displacement”), a probabilidade de retorno à origem (RTOP, do inglês “return-to-the origin probability”) e suas variantes de difusão em uma e duas dimensões – a probabilidade de retorno ao plano (RTPP, do inglês “return-to-the plane probability”) e a probabilidade de retorno ao eixo (RTAP, do inglês “return-to-the axis probability”), respetivamente. Em resposta às limitações da DTI associadas à falta de especificidade para distinguir características microestruturais dos tecidos, surgiu ainda o modelo de Dispersão de Orientação de Neurite e Imagem de Densidade (NODDI, do inglês “Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging”), o qual utiliza o processo de difusão para estimar a morfologia das neurites. Tendo como premissa subjacente que o sinal de difusão pode ser definido pela soma da contribuição dos sinais de diferentes compartimentos, este modelo biofísico diferencia o espaço intra e extracelular o que, por sua vez, permite quantificar a dispersão e densidade das neurites. Deste modo, dois parâmetros intrínsecos à microestrutura envolvente podem ser calculados: a densidade neurítica e o índice de dispersão da orientação das neurites. No entanto, de forma a garantir a viabilidade clínica do modelo, este pode ser aplicado por meio do método AMICO (do inglês “Accelerated Microstructure Imaging via Convex Optimization”) através do seu ajuste linear, o que permite o cálculo do índice de dispersão da orientação das neurites (ODI, do inglês “Orientation Dispersion Index”), da fração de volume intracelular (ICVF do inglês, “Intracellular Volume Fraction”), e da fração de volume isotrópico (ISOVF, do inglês “Isotropic Volume Fraction”). O estudo da configuração arquitetural das estruturas cerebrais in vivo, por meio da dMRI associada aos métodos de tractografia, permitiu a reconstrução não invasiva das fibras neuronais e a exploração da informação direcional inerente às mesmas, sendo que o seu estudo tem revelado uma enorme expansão por meio do estabelecimento de marcadores biológicos perante a presença de diversas condições patológicas. O objetivo principal desta dissertação prende-se com existência de uma variação proeminentenas métricas de difusão ao longo dos tratos de matéria branca no cérebro humano. Atualmente, a maioriados estudos de tractografia tem por base uma abordagem que se resume à análise do valor escalar médio da métrica de difusão para a estrutura cerebral em estudo, pelo que se tem verificado um crescente interesse na utilização de métodos que considerem a extensão da variabilidade nas métricas de difusão ao longo dos tratos de modo a providenciarem um maior nível de detalhe ao nível do processo de difusão, evitando interpretações erróneas dos parâmetros microestruturais. Desta forma, em primeiro lugar, foi desenvolvido uma análise ao longo dos tratos de matéria branca, tendo por base a variação dos valores assumidos pelos parâmetros microestruturais acima mencionados. No presente estudo foi possível demonstrar a eficácia de tal abordagem ao longo de três tratos de matéria de branca (fascículo arqueado, trato corticoespinhal, e corpo caloso), para além de permitir, através da variância assumida pelos diversos parâmetros microestruturais, o estudo detalhado de regiões anatómicas que assumem uma distribuição complexa de múltiplos conjuntos populacionais de fibras, como é o caso do centro semioval, o qual constitui uma região de cruzamento de fibras provenientes dos três tratos de matéria branca em estudo. De seguida, esta técnica foi utilizada com sucesso na identificação de diferenças microestruturais por meio do estudo dos diversos parâmetros de difusão em pacientes com diagnóstico prévio de epilepsia no lobo temporal (TLE, do inglês “Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”), com foco epiléptico localizado no hemisfério esquerdo, e controlos. O estudo do ambiente microestrutural por meio dos múltiplos mapas escalares permitiu averiguar a alteração do processo de difusão e/ou anisotropia, associadas ao efeito fisiopatológico da TLE na organização da matéria branca. Os resultados revelaram diferenças localizadas, as quais se traduziram num aumento da difusividade e redução da anisotropia do processo de difusão ao longo dos tratos em estudo dos pacientes com TLE, sugerindo deste modo uma perda na organização das diversas estruturas anatómicas e a expansão do espaço extracelular face aos controlos. Verificou-se ainda que pacientes com esta condição neurológica sofrem de alterações microestruturais que afetam redes cerebrais em grande escala, envolvendo regiões temporais e extratemporais de ambos os hemisférios. Adicionalmente, aplicada como técnica capaz de investigar padrões de mudança na matéria branca, procedeu-se à realização de um estudo assente na estatística espacial baseada no trato (TBSS, do inglês “Tract-Based Spatial Statistics”). Após a exploração das diversas métricas de difusão, os pacientes com TLE (com lateralização à esquerda) demonstraram alterações no processo de difusão, ilustradas pelos diversos padrões de mudança microestrutural de cada métrica em estudo, concordantes com os resultados anteriormente aferidos pela análise ao longo do trato. Por fim, uma análise baseada em fixel (FBA, do inglês “Fixel-Based Analysis”) foi realizada, a qual permitiu uma análise estatística abrangente de medidas quantitativas da matéria branca, com o intuito de detetar alterações no volume intra-axonal por variação na densidade intra-voxel e/ou reorganização da morfologia macroscópica. Para identificar tais diferenças entre pacientes e controlos, três parâmetros foram considerados: densidade das fibras (FD, do inglês “Fibre Density”), seção transversal do feixe de fibras (FC, do inglês “Fibre-bundle Cross-section”), e densidade de fibras e seção transversal (FDC, do inglês “Fibre Density and Cross-section). Reduções na FD, FC e FDC foram identificadas em pacientes com TLE (com lateralização à esquerda) em comparação com os controlos, o que está de acordo com as mudanças microestruturais que resultam do processo de degeneração que afeta as estruturas de matéria branca com a perda de axónios na presença de uma condição neuropatológica como a TLE. Apesar do resultado final positivo, tendo em conta a meta previamente estabelecida, está aberto o caminho para o seu aperfeiçoamento, tendo em vista as direções futuras que emergem naturalmente desta dissertação. Como exemplo disso, poder-se-á recorrer ao estudo pormenorizado das metodologias técnicas associadas à abordagem apresentada que tem por base a análise das métricas de difusão ao longo dos tratos de matéria branca, uma vez que o desvio padrão associado a cada valor atribuído pelas diversas métricas foi significativo, o que de alguma forma poderá ter influenciado os resultados e, consequentemente, as conclusões deles extraídas, tendo em vista a sua viabilidade enquanto aplicação clínica. Como nota final, gostaria apenas de salientar que a imagiologia por difusão e, em particular, a tractografia têm ainda muito espaço para progredir. A veracidade desta afirmação traduz-se pela existência de uma grande variedade de modelos e algoritmos implementados, bem como de técnicas e metodologias de análise à informação microestrutural retida tendo por base o perfil de difusão que carateriza cada trato em estudo, sem que no entanto, exista consenso na comunidade científica acerca da melhor abordagem a seguir.Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is a non-invasive imaging method which has been successfully applied to study white matter (WM) in order to determine physiological information and infer tissue microstructure. The human body is filled with barriers affecting the mobility of molecules and preventing it from being constant in different directions (anisotropic diffusion). In the brain, the sources for this anisotropy arise from dense packing axons and from the myelin sheath that surrounds them. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is widely used to extract fibre directions from diffusion data, but it fails in regions containing multiple fibre orientations. The constrained spherical deconvolution technique had been proposed to address this limitation. It provides an estimate of the fibre orientation distribution that is robust to noise whilst preserving angular resolution. As a noninvasive technique that generates a three-dimensional reconstruction of neuronal fibres, tractography is able to map in vivo the human WM based on the reconstruct of the fibre orientations from the diffusion profile. Most of the tractography studies use a “tract-averaged” approach to analysis, however it is well known that there is a prominent variation in diffusion metrics within WM tracts. In this study we address the challenge of defining a microstructural signature taking into account the potentially rich anatomical variation in diffusion metrics along the tracts. Therefore, a workflow to conduct along-tract analysis of WM tracts (namely, arcuate fasciculus, corticospinal and corpus callosum) and integrate not only DTI derived measures, but also more advanced parameters from Mean Apparent Propagator-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MAP-MRI) and Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) model, was developed across healthy controls and patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE). Beyond the true biological variation in diffusion properties along tracts, this technique was applied to show that it allows a more detailed analysis of small regions-of-interest extracted from the tract in order to avoid fibres from WM pathways in the neighbourhood, which might lead to equivocal biological interpretations of the microstructural parameters. Consequently, the along-tract streamline distribution from the centrum semiovale, which is known to be a complex fibre geometry with multiple fibres populations from arcuate fasciculus, corticospinal and corpus callosum, was investigated. Finally, to validate our approach and highlight the strength of this extensible framework, two other methods were implemented in order to support the conclusions derived from the along-tract analysis computed between-groups. Firstly, a tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) analysis was performed to study the WM change patterns across the whole brain in patients with TLE, and explore the alteration of multiple diffusion metrics. This voxel-based technique provides a powerful and objective method to perform multi-subject comparison, based on voxel-wise statistics of diffusion metrics but simultaneous aiming to minimize the effects of misalignment using a conventional voxel-based analysis method. With this in mind, the results showed increased diffusivity and reduced diffusion anisotropy, suggesting a loss of structural organization and expansion of the extracellular space in the presence of neuropathological condition as TLE. Secondly, the fixel-based analysis (FBA) was performed allowing a comprehensive statistical analysis of WM quantitative measures in order to have access to changes that may result within WM tracts in the presence of TLE. The microstructural/macrostructural changes in WM tracts of TLE patients were observed in temporal and extratemporal regions of both hemispheres, which agrees with the concept that epilepsy is a network disorder

    Imaging functional and structural networks in the human epileptic brain

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    Epileptic activity in the brain arises from dysfunctional neuronal networks involving cortical and subcortical grey matter as well as their connections via white matter fibres. Physiological brain networks can be affected by the structural abnormalities causing the epileptic activity, or by the epileptic activity itself. A better knowledge of physiological and pathological brain networks in patients with epilepsy is critical for a better understanding the patterns of seizure generation, propagation and termination as well as the alteration of physiological brain networks by a chronic neurological disorder. Moreover, the identification of pathological and physiological networks in an individual subject is critical for the planning of epilepsy surgery aiming at resection or at least interruption of the epileptic network while sparing physiological networks which have potentially been remodelled by the disease. This work describes the combination of neuroimaging methods to study the functional epileptic networks in the brain, structural connectivity changes of the motor networks in patients with localisation-related or generalised epilepsy and finally structural connectivity of the epileptic network. The combination between EEG source imaging and simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings allowed to distinguish between regions of onset and propagation of interictal epileptic activity and to better map the epileptic network using the continuous activity of the epileptic source. These results are complemented by the first recordings of simultaneous intracranial EEG and fMRI in human. This whole-brain imaging technique revealed regional as well as distant haemodynamic changes related to very focal epileptic activity. The combination of fMRI and DTI tractography showed subtle changes in the structural connectivity of patients with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy, a form of idiopathic generalised epilepsy. Finally, a combination of intracranial EEG and tractography was used to explore the structural connectivity of epileptic networks. Clinical relevance, methodological issues and future perspectives are discussed