2,268 research outputs found

    mHealth Technology: Towards a New Persuasive Mobile Application for Caregivers That Addresses Motivation and Usability

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    With the increasing use of mobile technologies and smartphones, new methods of promoting personal health have been developed. For example, there is now software for recording and tracking one\u27s exercise activity or blood pressure. Even though there are already many of these services, the mobile health field still presents many opportunities for new research. One apparent area of need would be software to support the efforts of caregivers for the elderly, especially those who suffer from multiple chronic conditions, such as cognitive impairment, chronic heart failure or diabetes. Very few mobile applications (apps) have been created that target caregivers of the elderly and most seem to be limited to a single condition or to creating generic to-do lists or tracking medications. None seem to address the complex tracking of multiple chronic conditions, nor one of the key difficulties found with written checklists for this population, namely that caregivers quit recording health information regularly as time passes. This dissertation will explore methods for improving the consistency of usage of health tracking software for the caregivers of the elderly with multiple chronic conditions by creating designs that explicitly address the context and motivations of caregivers. This work will assess a number of existing approaches and provide a design and a prototype for a new motivating application to help the caregivers of patients with multiple chronic conditions. It will assess how well the tool seems to address factors associated with intrinsic motivation (e.g. autonomy, competence, relatedness, and feedback). The overall usability of the software application will also be addressed, following guidelines from ISO standards and Nielsen’s theories

    mHealth: A Utilization Review by Feature Classification for Sustained Use

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    mHealth is a fast growing segment for healthcare. However, there has been little research into the specific elements of mHealth that can drive continued use for optimization of the potential benefits. The purpose of this case study was to use the Delone and McLean Information System Model as a framework for classification of mHealth functionality and then to review the utilization of those categories over a six month period of time. A sample of 137 pediatric diabetics was reviewed. The activation rate was high at 94.9% indicating an interest in using mHealth. There was higher utilization of system features in the group of users with 60.3% of total uses being related to a system feature. There also were specific use patterns between gender with male patients consisting of 66.2% of the overall uses. Future applications should focus on system features and customization by gender to support sustained use

    Assessing Latino Caregiver’s Knowledge and Understanding of Medication Management for Children and the Use of Health Technology to Gather Information

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    For people with low literacy who come from other cultures, accessing, understanding and using the United States healthcare system is challenging. Existing literature states that low parental health literacy among the Latino population is related to poor health outcomes for their children. This project explores Latino caregiver’s health practices and the possible uses of technology, specifically Smartphone applications (apps), to provide information about their child’s health care. The project included two focus group sessions (one in English, one in Spanish) with a total of 17 caregivers who attend a Head Start Program. The focus groups addressed two aims: (1) to understand caregivers\u27 current knowledge and issues concerning medication management for their children; (2) to assess the current use and effectiveness of existing technology by caregivers to obtain health information. The findings suggest that caregivers are interested and could benefit from a culturally appropriate and linguistically responsive Smartphone health app. While both focus groups discussed features they would like to see in a health app, the Spanish-speaking group emphasized their personal experiences with access, communication with providers, and challenges with navigating the health care system. Caregivers identified a lack of trust that they have with the medical system which suggests the need for education of health care providers to improve their communication skills and understanding of the needs of the Latino population

    Self-management in heart failure using mHealth: A content validation.

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    AIM: To describe the development of a mobile health application -mICardiApp- designed by a multidisciplinary professional team and patients with heart failure and to evaluate its content validity. METHODS: Critical reviews of the literature, semi-structured interviews with patients, and user stories guided the development of the content of the mobile application. These contents were refined and validated through a modified Delphi process. An expert panel of healthcare and social care professionals together with patients and academics evaluated the content through two content validity indicators, relevance, and adequacy, and provided narrative feedback. The content validity of the app and each screen was determined by calculating the Content Validity Index (CVI). Similarly, the Adequacy Index (AI) was analyzed. RESULTS: The developed app is composed by 8 topics: (1) available resources, (2) cardiac rehabilitation, (3) control of signs and symptoms, (4) emotional support, (5) learning and having fun, (6) medication, (7) nutrition, and (8) physical activity. The results demonstrated high CVI of the screens and the full app. 57 of the 59 screens in the app reached an excellent CVI≥0.70 for both relevance and adequacy, except for 2 screens. The CVI Average Method of the app was 0.851. CONCLUSIONS: mICardiApp is presented as an application to improve health literacy and self-management of patients with multimorbidity and heart failure, with proven validation

    eHealth in Chronic Diseases

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    This book provides a review of the management of chronic diseases (evaluation and treatment) through eHealth. Studies that examine how eHealth can help to prevent, evaluate, or treat chronic diseases and their outcomes are included

    The safe administration of medication within the electromagnetic scenarios of the Internet of Things (IoT): looking towards the future

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    This paper has focused on analyzing the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to prevent or reduce errors during therapeutic drug administration. The methodology used has included scientific literature and marketed appliances reviews and laboratory tests on radiant devices. The role of the patient has been analyzed, both in terms of compliance with the prescribed treatments and user of technical solutions designed for administering medication. In addition, it has taken into account, how a future characterized by multiple technologies designed to support our daily routines, including health care, might affect the current model of relationship between health professionals and patients. Particular attention has been given to safety risks of ICTs in environments characterized by concurrent electromagnetic emissions operating at different frequencies. Implications and new scenarios from Internet of Things or IoT, have been considered, in light of the approach taken jointly by the European Commission and the European Technology Platform on Intelligent Systems Integration – EPoSS, in their 2008 report Internet of Things in 2020: a roadmap for the future, and how the concept has evolved since then.Chapter 1. Adverse drug events. Chapter 2. ICTs in everyday life and healthcare. Chapter 3. the challenge of electromagnetic safety. Chapter 4. ICTs in health care and in the prevention of medication errors: IoT. Chapter 5. A more effective and safer alternative approach. Chapter 6. Technological proposal 7. Conclusions.N

    The Role of Mobile Health Technologies in Allergy Care:an EAACI Position Paper

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    Mobile health (mHealth) uses mobile communication devices such as smartphones and tablet computers to support and improve health-related services, data and information flow, patient self-management, surveillance, and disease management from the moment of first diagnosis to an optimized treatment. The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology created a task force to assess the state of the art and future potential of mHealth in allergology. The task force endorsed the "Be He@lthy, Be Mobile" WHO initiative and debated the quality, usability, efficiency, advantages, limitations, and risks of mobile solutions for allergic diseases. The results are summarized in this position paper, analyzing also the regulatory background with regard to the "General Data Protection Regulation" and Medical Directives of the European Community. The task force assessed the design, user engagement, content, potential of inducing behavioral change, credibility/accountability, and privacy policies of mHealth products. The perspectives of healthcare professionals and allergic patients are discussed, underlining the need of thorough investigation for an effective design of mHealth technologies as auxiliary tools to improve quality of care. Within the context of precision medicine, these could facilitate the change in perspective from clinician- to patient-centered care. The current and future potential of mHealth is then examined for specific areas of allergology, including allergic rhinitis, aerobiology, allergen immunotherapy, asthma, dermatological diseases, food allergies, anaphylaxis, insect venom, and drug allergy. The impact of mobile technologies and associated big data sets are outlined. Facts and recommendations for future mHealth initiatives within EAACI are listed


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    Abstract In recent years, the availability and usage of medical and drug-related mobile applications (apps) have rapidly increased, promising to revolutionize patient healthcare management. This research paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of medical/drug-related apps in enhancing patient outcomes and healthcare management. The study will employ a mixed-methods approach, starting with a comprehensive review of existing literature on medical/drug-related apps, their functionalities, and their impact on patient care. A systematic analysis of various app categories, including medication management, symptom trackers, appointment reminders, and health education, will be conducted. Quantitative data will be collected through surveys and usage analytics to assess the adoption rates, user satisfaction, and perceived effectiveness of medical/drug-related apps among patients. Additionally, qualitative data will be gathered through interviews or focus groups to explore users' experiences, challenges, and perceptions related to these apps. Key performance indicators such as medication adherence, self-care behaviors, patient empowerment, and health outcomes will be assessed to determine the impact of medical/drug-related apps on patient healthcare management. Statistical analysis and thematic coding techniques will be applied to analyze the data and identify patterns and themes. The research will also investigate the factors influencing app adoption and the barriers or challenges faced by patients in utilizing these apps effectively. Privacy and security concerns, user interface design, and healthcare professional recommendations will be considered in the evaluation process

    Tecnologias pervasivas da saúde : como está o futuro a ser preparado pelas empresas de software em Portugal?

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    The present work addresses the software industry aiming to evaluate its preparation for the opportunity that the healthcare area offers in terms of pervasive healthcare technologies, as a perspective for the growth of the market. Phenomena such as chronic disease growth and survival, increasing longevity, active ageing, remote patient monitoring, the big data of healthcare and the globalization of the smartphone, provide growth opportunities for the software industry and indicate a path by which where societies are orienting themselves and giving special importance. Following a literature review, after a general introduction to the major themes of economic development and globalization, and a survey of current technologies and the evolution of successful industries in Portugal, it was developed an analysis to the software industry and the results of a survey of associates of an Industry Association. The study concludes that while there are positive aspects that may help the software industry to be prepared for the opportunities that the health sector offers, there are key elements that will have to be improved not only in clusters activities as in knowledge of health and focus on exports that will have to be improved so that industry can be successful in this field.O presente trabalho aborda a indústria do software pretendendo avaliar a sua preparação para a oportunidade que a área da saúde oferece em termos de tecnologias pervasivas de saúde numa perspetiva de crescimento do mercado. Fenómenos como o aumento das doenças crónicas, a crescente longevidade, bem como o aparecimento de soluções tecnológicas extraordinariamente sofisticadas, oferece oportunidades de crescimento à indústria do software e indicam um caminho por onde as sociedades estão a orientar-se e a dar especial importância. Após uma pesquisa bibliográfica, que permitiu um levantamento das tecnologias atuais e da evolução das indústrias bem-sucedidas em Portugal, desenvolveu-se uma análise à indústria do software a partir dos resultados de um inquérito dirigido aos associados de uma Associação representativa da indústria. Do estudo conclui-se que embora haja aspetos positivos que poderão ajudar a indústria do software a preparar-se para as oportunidades que o sector da saúde oferece, há elementos essenciais que terão que ser melhorados não só na orgânica produtiva com base em clusters, mas também no conhecimento da área da saúde e enfoque nas exportações que terão que ser melhoradas para que a indústria possa ser bem-sucedida neste ramo.Programa Doutoral em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúd