128 research outputs found

    Visual servo control on a humanoid robot

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    Includes bibliographical referencesThis thesis deals with the control of a humanoid robot based on visual servoing. It seeks to confer a degree of autonomy to the robot in the achievement of tasks such as reaching a desired position, tracking or/and grasping an object. The autonomy of humanoid robots is considered as crucial for the success of the numerous services that this kind of robots can render with their ability to associate dexterity and mobility in structured, unstructured or even hazardous environments. To achieve this objective, a humanoid robot is fully modeled and the control of its locomotion, conditioned by postural balance and gait stability, is studied. The presented approach is formulated to account for all the joints of the biped robot. As a way to conform the reference commands from visual servoing to the discrete locomotion mode of the robot, this study exploits a reactive omnidirectional walking pattern generator and a visual task Jacobian redefined with respect to a floating base on the humanoid robot, instead of the stance foot. The redundancy problem stemming from the high number of degrees of freedom coupled with the omnidirectional mobility of the robot is handled within the task priority framework, allowing thus to achieve con- figuration dependent sub-objectives such as improving the reachability, the manipulability and avoiding joint limits. Beyond a kinematic formulation of visual servoing, this thesis explores a dynamic visual approach and proposes two new visual servoing laws. Lyapunov theory is used first to prove the stability and convergence of the visual closed loop, then to derive a robust adaptive controller for the combined robot-vision dynamics, yielding thus an ultimate uniform bounded solution. Finally, all proposed schemes are validated in simulation and experimentally on the humanoid robot NAO


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    [EN] This thesis deals with two characteristic problems in visual feedback robot control: 1) sensor latency; 2) providing suitable trajectories for the robot and for the measurement in the image. All the approaches presented in this work are analyzed and implemented on a 6 DOF industrial robot manipulator or/and a wheeled robot. Focusing on the sensor latency problem, this thesis proposes the use of dual-rate high order holds within the control loop of robots. In this sense, the main contributions are: - Dual-rate high order holds based on primitive functions for robot control (Chapter 3): analysis of the system performance with and without the use of this multi-rate technique from non-conventional control. In addition, as consequence of the use of dual-rate holds, this work obtains and validates multi-rate controllers, especially dual-rate PIDs. - Asynchronous dual-rate high order holds based on primitive functions with time delay compensation (Chapter 3): generalization of asynchronous dual-rate high order holds incorporating an input signal time delay compensation component, improving thus the inter-sampling estimations computed by the hold. It is provided an analysis of the properties of such dual-rate holds with time delay compensation, comparing them with estimations obtained by the equivalent dual-rate holds without this compensation, as well as their implementation and validation within the control loop of a 6 DOF industrial robot manipulator. - Multi-rate nonlinear high order holds (Chapter 4): generalization of the concept of dual-rate high order holds with nonlinear estimation models, which include information about the plant to be controlled, the controller(s) and sensor(s) used, obtained from machine learning techniques. Thus, in order to obtain such a nonlinear hold, it is described a methodology non dependent of the machine technique used, although validated using artificial neural networks. Finally, an analysis of the properties of these new holds is carried out, comparing them with their equivalents based on primitive functions, as well as their implementation and validation within the control loop of an industrial robot manipulator and a wheeled robot. With respect to the problem of providing suitable trajectories for the robot and for the measurement in the image, this thesis presents the novel reference features filtering control strategy and its generalization from a multi-rate point of view. The main contributions in this regard are: - Reference features filtering control strategy (Chapter 5): a new control strategy is proposed to enlarge significantly the solution task reachability of robot visual feedback control. The main idea is to use optimal trajectories proposed by a non-linear EKF predictor-smoother (ERTS), based on Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) algorithm, as new feature references for an underlying visual feedback controller. In this work it is provided both the description of the implementation algorithm and its implementation and validation utilizing an industrial robot manipulator. - Dual-rate Reference features filtering control strategy (Chapter 5): a generalization of the reference features filtering approach from a multi-rate point of view, and a dual Kalman-smoother step based on the relation of the sensor and controller frequencies of the reference filtering control strategy is provided, reducing the computational cost of the former algorithm, as well as addressing the problem of the sensor latency. The implementation algorithms, as well as its analysis, are described.[ES] La presente tesis propone soluciones para dos problemas característicos de los sistemas robóticos cuyo bucle de control se cierra únicamente empleando sensores de visión artificial: 1) la latencia del sensor; 2) la obtención de trayectorias factibles tanto para el robot así como para las medidas obtenidas en la imagen. Todos los métodos propuestos en este trabajo son analizados, validados e implementados utilizando brazo robot industrial de 6 grados de libertad y/o en un robot con ruedas. Atendiendo al problema de la latencia del sensor, esta tesis propone el uso de retenedores bi-frequencia de orden alto dentro de los lazos de control de robots. En este aspecto las principales contribuciones son: -Retenedores bi-frecuencia de orden alto basados en funciones primitivas dentro de lazos de control de robots (Capítulo 3): análisis del comportamiento del sistema con y sin el uso de esta técnica de control no convencional. Además, como consecuencia del empleo de los retenedores, obtención y validación de controladores multi-frequencia, concretamente de PIDs bi-frecuencia. -Retenedores bi-frecuencia asíncronos de orden alto basados en funciones primitivas con compensación de retardos (Capítulo 3): generalización de los retenedores bi-frecuencia asíncronos de orden alto incluyendo una componente de compensación del retardo en la señal de entrada, mejorando así las estimaciones inter-muestreo calculadas por el retenedor. Se proporciona un análisis de las propiedades de los retenedores con compensación del retardo, comparándolas con las obtenidas por sus predecesores sin compensación, así como su implementación y validación en un brazo robot de 6 grados de libertad. -Retenedores multi-frecuencia no lineales de orden alto (Capítulo 4): generalización del concepto de retenedor bi-frecuencia de orden alto con modelos de estimación no lineales, los cuales incluyen información tanto de la planta a controlar, como del controlador(es) y sensor(es) empleado(s), obtenida a partir de técnicas de aprendizaje. Así pues, para obtener dicho retenedor no lineal, se describe una metodología independiente de la herramienta de aprendizaje utilizada, aunque validada con el uso de redes neuronales artificiales. Finalmente se realiza un análisis de las propiedades de estos nuevos retenedores, comparándolos con sus predecesores basados en funciones primitivas, así como su implementación y validación en un brazo robot de 6 grados de libertad y en un robot móvil con ruedas. Por lo que respecta al problema de generación de trayectorias factibles para el robot y para la medida en la imagen, esta tesis propone la nueva estrategia de control basada en el filtrado de la referencia y su generalización desde el punto de vista multi-frecuencial. -Estrategia de control basada en el filtrado de la referencia (Capítulo 5): una nueva estrategia de control se propone para ampliar significativamente el espacio de soluciones de los sistemas robóticos realimentados con sensores de visión artificial. La principal idea es utilizar las trayectorias óptimas obtenidas por una trayectoria predicha por un filtro de Kalman seguido de un suavizado basado en el algoritmo Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) como nuevas referencias para un controlador dado. En este trabajo se proporciona tanto la descripción del algoritmo como su implementación y validación empleando un brazo robótico industrial. -Estrategia de control bi-frecuencia basada en el filtrado de la referencia (Capítulo 5): generalización de la estrategia de control basada en filtrado de la referencia desde un punto de vista multi-frecuencial, con un filtro de Kalman multi-frecuencia y un Kalman-smoother dual basado en la relación existente entre las frecuencias del sensor y del controlador, reduciendo así el coste computacional del algoritmo y, al mismo tiempo, dando solución al problema de la latencia del sensor. La validación se realiza utilizando un barzo robot industria asi[CA] La present tesis proposa solucions per a dos problemes característics dels sistemes robòtics el els que el bucle de control es tanca únicament utilitzant sensors de visió artificial: 1) la latència del sensor; 2) l'obtenció de trajectòries factibles tant per al robot com per les mesures en la imatge. Tots els mètodes proposats en aquest treball son analitzats, validats e implementats utilitzant un braç robot industrial de 6 graus de llibertat i/o un robot amb rodes. Atenent al problema de la latència del sensor, esta tesis proposa l'ús de retenidors bi-freqüència d'ordre alt a dins del llaços de control de robots. Al respecte, les principals contribucions son: - Retenidors bi-freqüència d'ordre alt basats en funcions primitives a dintre dels llaços de control de robots (Capítol 3): anàlisis del comportament del sistema amb i sense l'ús d'aquesta tècnica de control no convencional. A més a més, com a conseqüència de l'ús dels retenidors, obtenció i validació de controladors multi-freqüència, concretament de PIDs bi-freqüència. - Retenidors bi-freqüència asíncrons d'ordre alt basats en funcions primitives amb compensació de retards (Capítol 3): generalització dels retenidors bi-freqüència asíncrons d'ordre alt inclouen una component de compensació del retràs en la senyal d'entrada al retenidor, millorant així les estimacions inter-mostreig calculades per el retenidor. Es proporciona un anàlisis de les propietats dels retenidors amb compensació del retràs, comparant-les amb les obtingudes per el seus predecessors sense la compensació, així com la seua implementació i validació en un braç robot industrial de 6 graus de llibertat. - Retenidors multi-freqüència no-lineals d'ordre alt (Capítol 4): generalització del concepte de retenidor bi-freqüència d'ordre alt amb models d'estimació no lineals, incloent informació tant de la planta a controlar, com del controlador(s) i sensor(s) utilitzat(s), obtenint-la a partir de tècniques d'aprenentatge. Així doncs, per obtindre el retenidor no lineal, es descriu una metodologia independent de la ferramenta d'aprenentatge utilitzada, però validada amb l'ús de rets neuronals artificials. Finalment es realitza un anàlisis de les propietats d'aquestos nous retenidors, comparant-los amb els seus predecessors basats amb funcions primitives, així com la seua implementació i validació amb un braç robot de 6 graus de llibertat i amb un robot mòbil de rodes. Per el que respecta al problema de generació de trajectòries factibles per al robot i per la mesura en la imatge, aquesta tesis proposa la nova estratègia de control basada amb el filtrat de la referència i la seua generalització des de el punt de vista multi-freqüència. - Estratègia de control basada amb el filtrat de la referència (Capítol 5): una nova estratègia de control es proposada per ampliar significativament l'espai de solucions dels sistemes robòtics realimentats amb sensors de visió artificial. La principal idea es la d'utilitzar les trajectòries optimes obtingudes per una trajectòria predita per un filtre de Kalman seguit d'un suavitzat basat en l'algoritme Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) com noves referències per a un control donat. En aquest treball es proporciona tant la descripció del algoritme així com la seua implementació i validació utilitzant un braç robòtic industrial de 6 graus de llibertat. - Estratègia de control bi-freqüència basada en el filtrat (Capítol 5): generalització de l'estratègia de control basada am filtrat de la referència des de un punt de vista multi freqüència, amb un filtre de Kalman multi freqüència i un Kalman-Smoother dual basat amb la relació existent entre les freqüències del sensor i del controlador, reduint així el cost computacional de l'algoritme i, al mateix temps, donant solució al problema de la latència del sensor. L'algoritme d'implementació d'aquesta tècnica, així com la seua validaciSolanes Galbis, JE. (2015). MULTI-RATE VISUAL FEEDBACK ROBOT CONTROL [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57951TESI

    Generalization of reference filtering control strategy for 2D/3D visual feedback control of industrial robot manipulators

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Solanes, J. E., Munoz-Benavent, P., Armesto, L., Gracia, L., & Tornero, J. (2022). Generalization of reference filtering control strategy for 2D/3D visual feedback control of industrial robot manipulators. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 35(3), 229-246, 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/0951192X.2021.1973108.[EN] This paper develops the application of the Dual Rate Dual Sampling Reference Filtering Control Strategy to 2D and 3D visual feedback control. This strategy allows to overcome the problem of sensor latency and to address the problem of control task failure due to visual features leaving the camera field of view. In particular, a Dual Rate Kalman Filter is used to generate inter-sample estimations of the visual features to deal with the problem of vision sensor latency, whereas a Dual Rate Extended Kalman Filter Smoother is used to generate more convenient visual features trajectories in the image plane. Both 2D and 3D visual feedback control approaches are widely analyzed throughout the paper, as well as the overall system performance using different visual feedback controllers, providing a set of results that highlight the improvements in terms of solution reachability, robustness, and time domain response. The proposed control strategy has been validated on an industrial system with hard real-time limitations, consisting of a 6 DOF industrial manipulator, a 5 MP camera, and a PLC as controller.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government under the projects PID2020-117421RB-C21 and PID2020116585GB-I00, and in part by the Generalitat Valenciana under the project GV/2021/181.Solanes, JE.; Muñoz-Benavent, P.; Armesto, L.; Gracia Calandin, LI.; Tornero Montserrat, J. (2022). Generalization of reference filtering control strategy for 2D/3D visual feedback control of industrial robot manipulators. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 35(3):229-246. https://doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2021.197310822924635

    Survey of Visual and Force/Tactile Control of Robots for Physical Interaction in Spain

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    Sensors provide robotic systems with the information required to perceive the changes that happen in unstructured environments and modify their actions accordingly. The robotic controllers which process and analyze this sensory information are usually based on three types of sensors (visual, force/torque and tactile) which identify the most widespread robotic control strategies: visual servoing control, force control and tactile control. This paper presents a detailed review on the sensor architectures, algorithmic techniques and applications which have been developed by Spanish researchers in order to implement these mono-sensor and multi-sensor controllers which combine several sensors

    Visual Servoing in Robotics

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    Visual servoing is a well-known approach to guide robots using visual information. Image processing, robotics, and control theory are combined in order to control the motion of a robot depending on the visual information extracted from the images captured by one or several cameras. With respect to vision issues, a number of issues are currently being addressed by ongoing research, such as the use of different types of image features (or different types of cameras such as RGBD cameras), image processing at high velocity, and convergence properties. As shown in this book, the use of new control schemes allows the system to behave more robustly, efficiently, or compliantly, with fewer delays. Related issues such as optimal and robust approaches, direct control, path tracking, or sensor fusion are also addressed. Additionally, we can currently find visual servoing systems being applied in a number of different domains. This book considers various aspects of visual servoing systems, such as the design of new strategies for their application to parallel robots, mobile manipulators, teleoperation, and the application of this type of control system in new areas

    High-precision grasping and placing for mobile robots

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    This work presents a manipulation system for multiple labware in life science laboratories using the H20 mobile robots. The H20 robot is equipped with the Kinect V2 sensor to identify and estimate the position of the required labware on the workbench. The local features recognition based on SURF algorithm is used. The recognition process is performed for the labware to be grasped and for the workbench holder. Different grippers and labware containers are designed to manipulate different weights of labware and to realize a safe transportation

    Vision-based trajectory control of unsensored robots to increase functionality, without robot hardware modication

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    In nuclear decommissioning operations, very rugged remote manipulators are used, which lack proprioceptive joint angle sensors. Hence these machines are simply tele-operated, where a human operator controls each joint of the robot individually using a teach pendant or a set of switches. Moreover, decommissioning tasks often involve forceful interactions between the environment and powerful tools at the robot's end-effector. Such interactions can result in complex dynamics, large torques at the robot's joints, and can also lead to erratic movements of a mobile manipulator's base frame with respect to the task space. This Thesis seeks to address these problems by, firstly, showing how the configuration of such robots can be tracked in real-time by a vision system and fed back into a trajectory control scheme. Secondly, the Thesis investigates the dynamics of robot-environment contacts, and proposes several control schemes for detecting, coping with, and also exploiting such contacts. Several contributions are advanced in this Thesis. Specifically a control framework is presented which exploits the constraints arising at contact points to effectively reduce commanded torques to perform tasks; methods are advanced to estimate the constraints arising from contacts in a number of situations, using only kinematic quantities; a framework is proposed to estimate the configuration of a manipulator using a single monocular camera; and finally, a general control framework is described which uses all of the above contributions to servo a manipulator. The results of a number of experiments are presented which demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods

    User Experience Enchanced Interface ad Controller Design for Human-Robot Interaction

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    The robotic technologies have been well developed recently in various fields, such as medical services, industrial manufacture and aerospace. Despite their rapid development, how to deal with the uncertain envi-ronment during human-robot interactions effectively still remains un-resolved. The current artificial intelligence (AI) technology does not support robots to fulfil complex tasks without human’s guidance. Thus, teleoperation, which means remotely controlling a robot by a human op-erator, is indispensable in many scenarios. It is an important and useful tool in research fields. This thesis focuses on the study of designing a user experience (UX) enhanced robot controller, and human-robot in-teraction interfaces that try providing human operators an immersion perception of teleoperation. Several works have been done to achieve the goal.First, to control a telerobot smoothly, a customised variable gain con-trol method is proposed where the stiffness of the telerobot varies with the muscle activation level extracted from signals collected by the surface electromyograph(sEMG) devices. Second, two main works are conducted to improve the user-friendliness of the interaction interfaces. One is that force feedback is incorporated into the framework providing operators with haptic feedback to remotely manipulate target objects. Given the high cost of force sensor, in this part of work, a haptic force estimation algorithm is proposed where force sensor is no longer needed. The other main work is developing a visual servo control system, where a stereo camera is mounted on the head of a dual arm robots offering operators real-time working situations. In order to compensate the internal and ex-ternal uncertainties and accurately track the stereo camera’s view angles along planned trajectories, a deterministic learning techniques is utilised, which enables reusing the learnt knowledge before current dynamics changes and thus features increasing the learning efficiency. Third, in-stead of sending commands to the telerobts by joy-sticks, keyboards or demonstrations, the telerobts are controlled directly by the upper limb motion of the human operator in this thesis. Algorithm that utilised the motion signals from inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor to captures humans’ upper limb motion is designed. The skeleton of the operator is detected by Kinect V2 and then transformed and mapped into the joint positions of the controlled robot arm. In this way, the upper limb mo-tion signals from the operator is able to act as reference trajectories to the telerobts. A more superior neural networks (NN) based trajectory controller is also designed to track the generated reference trajectory. Fourth, to further enhance the human immersion perception of teleop-eration, the virtual reality (VR) technique is incorporated such that the operator can make interaction and adjustment of robots easier and more accurate from a robot’s perspective.Comparative experiments have been performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design scheme. Tests with human subjects were also carried out for evaluating the interface design