86 research outputs found

    A Sensor for Urban Driving Assistance Systems Based on Dense Stereovision

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    Advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) form a complex multidisciplinary research field, aimed at improving traffic efficiency and safety. A realistic analysis of the requirements and of the possibilities of the traffic environment leads to the establishment of several goals for traffic assistance, to be implemented in the near future (ADASE, INVENT

    A Sensor for Urban Driving Assistance Systems Based on Dense Stereovision

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    Sistemas de suporte à condução autónoma adequados a plataforma robótica 4-wheel skid-steer: percepção, movimento e simulação

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    As competições de robótica móvel desempenham papel preponderante na difusão da ciência e da engenharia ao público em geral. E também um espaço dedicado ao ensaio e comparação de diferentes estratégias e abordagens aos diversos desafios da robótica móvel. Uma das vertentes que tem reunido maior interesse nos promotores deste género de iniciativas e entre o público em geral são as competições de condução autónoma. Tipicamente as Competi¸c˜oes de Condução Autónoma (CCA) tentam reproduzir um ambiente semelhante a uma estrutura rodoviária tradicional, no qual sistemas autónomos deverão dar resposta a um conjunto variado de desafios que vão desde a deteção da faixa de rodagem `a interação com distintos elementos que compõem uma estrutura rodoviária típica, do planeamento trajetórias à localização. O objectivo desta dissertação de mestrado visa documentar o processo de desenho e concepção de uma plataforma robótica móvel do tipo 4-wheel skid-steer para realização de tarefas de condução autónoma em ambiente estruturado numa pista que pretende replicar uma via de circulação automóvel dotada de sinalética básica e alguns obstáculos. Paralelamente, a dissertação pretende também fazer uma análise qualitativa entre o processo de simulação e a sua transposição para uma plataforma robótica física. inferir sobre a diferenças de performance e de comportamento.Mobile robotics competitions play an important role in the diffusion of science and engineering to the general public. It is also a space dedicated to test and compare different strategies and approaches to several challenges of mobile robotics. One of the aspects that has attracted more the interest of promoters for this kind of initiatives and general public is the autonomous driving competitions. Typically, Autonomous Driving Competitions (CCAs) attempt to replicate an environment similar to a traditional road structure, in which autonomous systems should respond to a wide variety of challenges ranging from lane detection to interaction with distinct elements that exist in a typical road structure, from planning trajectories to location. The aim of this master’s thesis is to document the process of designing and endow a 4-wheel skid-steer mobile robotic platform to carry out autonomous driving tasks in a structured environment on a track that intends to replicate a motorized roadway including signs and obstacles. In parallel, the dissertation also intends to make a qualitative analysis between the simulation process and the transposition of the developed algorithm to a physical robotic platform, analysing the differences in performance and behavior

    Web Data Extraction, Applications and Techniques: A Survey

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    Web Data Extraction is an important problem that has been studied by means of different scientific tools and in a broad range of applications. Many approaches to extracting data from the Web have been designed to solve specific problems and operate in ad-hoc domains. Other approaches, instead, heavily reuse techniques and algorithms developed in the field of Information Extraction. This survey aims at providing a structured and comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of Web Data Extraction. We provided a simple classification framework in which existing Web Data Extraction applications are grouped into two main classes, namely applications at the Enterprise level and at the Social Web level. At the Enterprise level, Web Data Extraction techniques emerge as a key tool to perform data analysis in Business and Competitive Intelligence systems as well as for business process re-engineering. At the Social Web level, Web Data Extraction techniques allow to gather a large amount of structured data continuously generated and disseminated by Web 2.0, Social Media and Online Social Network users and this offers unprecedented opportunities to analyze human behavior at a very large scale. We discuss also the potential of cross-fertilization, i.e., on the possibility of re-using Web Data Extraction techniques originally designed to work in a given domain, in other domains.Comment: Knowledge-based System

    Dynamic state estimation for mobile robots

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    The scientific goal of this thesis is to tackle different approaches for effective state estimation and modelling of relevant problems in the context of mobile robots. The starting point of this dissertation is the concept of probabilistic robotics, an emerging paradigm that combines state-of-the-art methods with the classic probabilistic theory, developing stochastic frameworks for understanding the uncertain nature of the interaction between a robot and its environment. This allows introducing relevant concepts which are the foundation of the localisation system implemented on the main experimental platform used on this dissertation. An accurate estimation of the position of a robot with respect to a fixed frame is fundamental for building navigation systems that can work in dynamic unstructured environments. This development also allows introducing additional contributions related with global localisation, dynamic obstacle avoidance, path planning and position tracking problems. Kinematics on generalised manipulators are characterised for dealing with complex nonlinear systems. Nonlinear formulations are needed to properly model these systems, which are not always suitable for real-time realisation, lacking analytic formulations in most cases. In this context, this thesis tackles the serial-parallel dual kinematic problem with a novel approach, demonstrating state-of-the-art accuracy and real-time performance. With a spatial decomposition method, the forward kinematics problem on parallel robots and the inverse kinematics problem on serial manipulators is solved modelling the nonlinear behaviour of the pose space using Support Vector Machines. The results are validated on different topologies with the analytic solution for such manipulators, which demonstrates the applicability of the proposed method. Modelling and control of complex dynamical systems is another relevant field with applications on mobile robots. Nonlinear techniques are usually applied to tackle problems like feature or object tracking. However, some nonlinear integer techniques applied for tasks like position tracking in mobile robots with complex dynamics have limited success when modelling such systems. Fractional calculus has demonstrated to be suitable to model complex processes like viscoelasticity or super diffusion. These tools, that take advantage of the generalization of the derivative and integral operators to a fractional order, have been applied to model and control different topics related with robotics in recent years with remarkable success. With the proposal of a fractional-order PI controller, a suitable controller design method is presented to solve the position tracking problem. This is applied to control the distance of a self-driving car with respect to an objective, which can also be applied to other tracking applications like following a navigation path. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a novel fractional-order hyperchaotic system, stabilised with a full-pseudo-state-feedback controller and a located feedback method. This theoretical contribution of a chaotic system is introduced hoping to be useful in this context. Chaos theory has recently started to be applied to study manipulators, biped robots and autonomous navigation, achieving new and promising results, highlighting the uncertain and chaotic nature which also has been found on robots. All together, this thesis is devoted to different problems related with dynamic state estimation for mobile robots, proposing specific contributions related with modelling and control of complex nonlinear systems. These findings are presented in the context of a self-driving electric car, Verdino, jointly developed in collaboration with the Robotics Group of Universidad de La Laguna (GRULL)

    Learning from Teacher's Eye Movement: Expertise, Subject Matter and Video Modeling

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    How teachers' eye movements can be used to understand and improve education is the central focus of the present paper. Three empirical studies were carried out to understand the nature of teachers' eye movements in natural settings and how they might be used to promote learning. The studies explored 1) the relationship between teacher expertise and eye movement in the course of teaching, 2) how individual differences and the demands of different subjects affect teachers' eye movement during literacy and mathematics instruction, 3) whether including an expert's eye movement and hand information in instructional videos can promote learning. Each study looked at the nature and use of teacher eye movements from a different angle but collectively converge on contributions to answering the question: what can we learn from teachers' eye movements? The paper also contains an independent methodology chapter dedicated to reviewing and comparing methods of representing eye movements in order to determine a suitable statistical procedure for representing the richness of current and similar eye tracking data. Results show that there are considerable differences between expert and novice teachers' eye movement in a real teaching situation, replicating similar patterns revealed by past studies on expertise and gaze behavior in athletics and other fields. This paper also identified the mix of person-specific and subject-specific eye movement patterns that occur when the same teacher teaches different topics to the same children. The final study reports evidence that eye movement can be useful in teaching; by showing increased learning when learners saw an expert model's eye movement in a video modeling example. The implications of these studies regarding teacher education and instruction are discussed.PHDEducation & PsychologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145853/1/yizhenh_1.pd

    Vision-based ego-lane analysis system : dataset and algorithms

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    A detecção e análise da faixa de trânsito são tarefas importantes e desafiadoras em sistemas avançados de assistência ao motorista e direção autônoma. Essas tarefas são necessárias para auxiliar veículos autônomos e semi-autônomos a operarem com segurança. A queda no custo dos sensores de visão e os avanços em hardware embarcado impulsionaram as pesquisas relacionadas a faixa de trânsito –detecção, estimativa, rastreamento, etc. – nas últimas duas décadas. O interesse nesse tópico aumentou ainda mais com a demanda por sistemas avançados de assistência ao motorista (ADAS) e carros autônomos. Embora amplamente estudado de forma independente, ainda há necessidade de estudos que propõem uma solução combinada para os vários problemas relacionados a faixa do veículo, tal como aviso de saída de faixa (LDW), detecção de troca de faixa, classificação do tipo de linhas de divisão de fluxo (LMT), detecção e classificação de inscrições no pavimento, e detecção da presença de faixas ajdacentes. Esse trabalho propõe um sistema de análise da faixa do veículo (ELAS) em tempo real capaz de estimar a posição da faixa do veículo, classificar as linhas de divisão de fluxo e inscrições na faixa, realizar aviso de saída de faixa e detectar eventos de troca de faixa. O sistema proposto, baseado em visão, funciona em uma sequência temporal de imagens. Características das marcações de faixa são extraídas tanto na perspectiva original quanto em images mapeadas para a vista aérea, que então são combinadas para aumentar a robustez. A estimativa final da faixa é modelada como uma spline usando uma combinação de métodos (linhas de Hough, filtro de Kalman e filtro de partículas). Baseado na faixa estimada, todos os outros eventos são detectados. Além disso, o sistema proposto foi integrado para experimentação em um sistema para carros autônomos que está sendo desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Computação de Alto Desempenho (LCAD) da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Para validar os algorítmos propostos e cobrir a falta de base de dados para essas tarefas na literatura, uma nova base dados com mais de 20 cenas diferentes (com mais de 15.000 imagens) e considerando uma variedade de cenários (estrada urbana, rodovias, tráfego, sombras, etc.) foi criada. Essa base de dados foi manualmente anotada e disponilizada publicamente para possibilitar a avaliação de diversos eventos que são de interesse para a comunidade de pesquisa (i.e. estimativa, mudança e centralização da faixa; inscrições no pavimento; cruzamentos; tipos de linhas de divisão de fluxo; faixas de pedestre e faixas adjacentes). Além disso, o sistema também foi validado qualitativamente com base na integração com o veículo autônomo. O sistema alcançou altas taxas de detecção em todos os eventos do mundo real e provou estar pronto para aplicações em tempo real.Lane detection and analysis are important and challenging tasks in advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving. These tasks are required in order to help autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles to operate safely. Decreasing costs of vision sensors and advances in embedded hardware boosted lane related research – detection, estimation, tracking, etc. – in the past two decades. The interest in this topic has increased even more with the demand for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and self-driving cars. Although extensively studied independently, there is still need for studies that propose a combined solution for the multiple problems related to the ego-lane, such as lane departure warning (LDW), lane change detection, lane marking type (LMT) classification, road markings detection and classification, and detection of adjacent lanes presence. This work proposes a real-time Ego-Lane Analysis System (ELAS) capable of estimating ego-lane position, classifying LMTs and road markings, performing LDW and detecting lane change events. The proposed vision-based system works on a temporal sequence of images. Lane marking features are extracted in perspective and Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM) images that are combined to increase robustness. The final estimated lane is modeled as a spline using a combination of methods (Hough lines, Kalman filter and Particle filter). Based on the estimated lane, all other events are detected. Moreover, the proposed system was integrated for experimentation into an autonomous car that is being developed by the High Performance Computing Laboratory of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. To validate the proposed algorithms and cover the lack of lane datasets in the literature, a new dataset with more than 20 different scenes (in more than 15,000 frames) and considering a variety of scenarios (urban road, highways, traffic, shadows, etc.) was created. The dataset was manually annotated and made publicly available to enable evaluation of several events that are of interest for the research community (i.e. lane estimation, change, and centering; road markings; intersections; LMTs; crosswalks and adjacent lanes). Furthermore, the system was also validated qualitatively based on the integration with the autonomous vehicle. ELAS achieved high detection rates in all real-world events and proved to be ready for real-time applications.FAPE

    Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence

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    Traditional models struggle to cope with complexity, noise, and the existence of a changing environment, while Computational Intelligence (CI) offers solutions to complicated problems as well as reverse problems. The main feature of CI is adaptability, spanning the fields of machine learning and computational neuroscience. CI also comprises biologically-inspired technologies such as the intellect of swarm as part of evolutionary computation and encompassing wider areas such as image processing, data collection, and natural language processing. This book aims to discuss the usage of CI for optimal solving of various applications proving its wide reach and relevance. Bounding of optimization methods and data mining strategies make a strong and reliable prediction tool for handling real-life applications
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