691 research outputs found

    Der Regierungsbezirk Osnabrück : geographische Übersicht

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    Bei dieser Arbeit handelt es sich um eine kurze geographische Schilderung und historische Entwicklung des Regierungsbezirks Osnabrück

    Using the words/leafs ratio in the DOM tree for content extraction

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    The main content in a webpage is usually centered and visible without the need to scroll. It is often rounded by the navigation menus of the website and it can include advertisements, panels, banners, and other not necessarily related information. The process to automatically extract the main content of a webpage is called content extraction. Content extraction is an area of research of widely interest due to its many applications. Concretely, it is useful not only for the final human user, but it is also frequently used as a preprocessing stage of different systems (i.e., robots, indexers, crawlers, etc.) that need to extract the main content of a web document to avoid the treatment and processing of other useless information. In thisworkwe present a newtechnique for content extraction that is based on the information contained in theDOMtree. The technique analyzes the hierarchical relations of the elements in the webpage and the distribution of textual information in order to identify the main block of content. Thanks to the hierarchy imposed by the DOM tree the technique achieves a considerable recall and precision. Using theDOMstructure for content extraction gives us the benefits of other approaches based on the syntax of the webpage (such as characters, words and tags), but it also gives us a very precise information regarding the related components in a block (not necessarily textual such as images or videos), thus, producing very cohesive blocks. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion) under Grant TIN2008-06622-C03-02 and by the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant PROMETEO/2011/052. Salvador Tamarit was partially supported by the Spanish MICINN under FPI Grant BES-2009-015019. David Insa was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Eduacion under FPU Grant AP2010-4415.Insa Cabrera, D.; Silva Galiana, JF.; Tamarit, S. (2013). Using the words/leafs ratio in the DOM tree for content extraction. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 82(8):311-325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlap.2013.01.002S31132582

    NCL Disorders: Frequent Causes of Childhood Dementia

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      How to Cite This Article: Schulz A, Kohlschütter A. NCL Disorders: Frequent Causes of Childhood Dementia. Iran J Child Neurol. 2013 Winter;7(1):1-8.AbstractDementia in children or young adults is most frequently caused by neuronal ceroidlipofuscinoses (NCL), a group of incurable lysosomal storage disorders linked by the accumulation of a characteristic intracellular storage material and progressive clinical deterioration, usually in combination with visual loss, epilepsy, and motor decline. The clinical characteristics can vary and the age at disease onset ranges from birth to over 30 years. Diagnosis of an NCL is difficult because of genetic heterogeneity with14 NCL forms (CLN1- CLN14) identified and a high phenotype variability. A new classification of the disorders is based on the affected gene and the age at disease onset and allows a precise and practicable delineation of every NCL disease. We present a clear diagnostic algorithm to identify each NCL form. A precise diagnosis is essential for genetic counseling of affected families and for optimizing palliative care. As patient management profits from recognizing characteristic complications, care supported by a specialized team of NCL clinicians is recommended. The development of curative therapies remains difficult as the underlying pathophysiological mechanism remains unclear for all NCL forms.References Haltia M. The neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses: from past to present. Biochim Biophys Acta 2006;1762:850-6.Mole SE, Williams R, Goebel HH, eds. The Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (Batten Disease). 2 ed. Contemporary Neurology Series. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2011.P. 480.Lebrun AH,  Moll-Khosrawi  P,  Pohl  S,  Makrypidi  G, Storch S, Kilian D, et al. Analysis of potential biomarkers and modifier genes affecting the clinical course of CLN3 disease. Mol Med 2011;17:1253-61.Lebrun AH, Storch S, Ruschendorf F, Schmiedt ML, Kyttala A, Mole SE, et al. Retention of lysosomal protein CLN5 in the endoplasmic reticulum causes neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in Asian sibship. Hum Mutat2009;30:E651-61.Kousi M Lehesjoki AE, Mole SE. Update of the mutation spectrum and clinical correlations of over 360 mutations in eight genes that underlie the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. Hum Mutat 2011;33:42-63.Jalanko A, Braulke T. Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. Biochim Biophys Acta 2009;1793:697-709.Arsov T, Smith KR, Damiano J, Franceschetti S, Canafoglia L, Bromhead CJ, et al. Kufs disease, the major adult form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, caused by mutations in CLN6. Am J Hum Genet 2011;88:566-73.Smith KR, Damiano J, Franceschetti S, Carpenter S, Canafoglia L, Morbin M, et al. Strikingly different clinicopathological phenotypes determined by progranulin-mutation dosage. Am J Hum Genet 2012;90:1102-7.Bras J, Verloes A, Schneider SA, Mole SE, Guerreiro RJ. Mutation of the Parkinsonism Gene ATP13A2 Causes Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis. Hum Mol Genet 2012.Noskova L, Stranecky V, Hartmannova H, Pristoupilova A, Baresova V, Ivanek R, et al. Mutations in DNAJC5, encoding cysteine-string protein alpha, cause autosomal- dominant adult-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Am J Hum Genet 2011;89:241-52.Staropoli JF, Karaa A, Lim ET, Kirby A, Elbalalesy N, Romansky SG, et al. A homozygous mutation in KCTD7 links neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis to the ubiquitin- proteasome system. Am J Hum Genet 2012;91:202-8

    Self-supervised automated wrapper generation for weblog data extraction

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    Data extraction from the web is notoriously hard. Of the types of resources available on the web, weblogs are becoming increasingly important due to the continued growth of the blogosphere, but remain poorly explored. Past approaches to data extraction from weblogs have often involved manual intervention and suffer from low scalability. This paper proposes a fully automated information extraction methodology based on the use of web feeds and processing of HTML. The approach includes a model for generating a wrapper that exploits web feeds for deriving a set of extraction rules automatically. Instead of performing a pairwise comparison between posts, the model matches the values of the web feeds against their corresponding HTML elements retrieved from multiple weblog posts. It adopts a probabilistic approach for deriving a set of rules and automating the process of wrapper generation. An evaluation of the model is conducted on a dataset of 2,393 posts and the results (92% accuracy) show that the proposed technique enables robust extraction of weblog properties and can be applied across the blogosphere for applications such as improved information retrieval and more robust web preservation initiatives


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    SUMMARY In nine patients, undergoing repeat operations because of severe intra-abdominal infection developing after major abdominal surgery, serum potassium concentrations were monitored during induction of anaesthesia. Four patients showed an increase of serum potassium ranging from 2.5 to 3.1 mmol/ litre above baseline values within 3-6 min after suxamethonium 100 mg i.v. In five patients there was no change. The four patients demonstrating an increase had suffered from pyrexia and leucocyt-osis for at least 2 weeks. The other five had signs of infection for no more than 9 days. It is concluded that patients with signs of severe intra-abdominal infection lasting longer than 1 week represent an additional category susceptible to suxamethonium-induced hyperkalaemia. They should receive only non-depolarizing muscle relaxants. When the use of suxamethonium is unavoidable, the injection of a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant before the administration of suxamethonium is recommende

    Exploiting links and text structure on the Web : a quantitative approach to improving search quality

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    How much is the dish? – Was kosten uns Lebensmittel wirklich?

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    Die Landwirtschaft, die in Deutschland den bei weitem höchsten Flächenbedarf aufweist, ist für eine Vielzahl von Umweltbelastungen verantwortlich, die sich auf alle drei Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit beziehen (Ökonomie, Gesellschaft, Umwelt). Die resultierenden, versteckten Kosten dieser zumeist unzureichend quantifizierten Folgen sind aktuell nicht in die Marktpreise für Lebensmittel einbezogen. Vor diesem Hintergrund identifiziert die Studie drei dieser Umweltfolgen (Stickstoff, Klimagase, Energieerzeugung) quantitativ und aggregiert sie bezogen auf unterschiedliche Kategorien von Nahrungsmitteln. Hierauf aufbauend werden kategoriespezifische externe Effekte berechnet. Eine Internalisierung von kategoriespezifischen Folgekosten, die dem Verursacherprinzip (polluter-pays principle, UN 1992) entspricht, ebnet den Weg in Richtung einer nachhaltigeren Preissetzung für landwirtschaftliche Produkte. Unter Verwendung von Lebenszyklus-Analysen (life cycle analysis) und Metaanalysen zeigen wir, dass die höchsten externen Effekte bzw. Folgekosten mit der Produktion konventionell hergestellter Produkte tierischen Ursprungs einhergehen (192% Aufschlag auf die Erzeugerpreise), die zweithöchsten Aufschläge sich für konventionell hergestellte Milchprodukte (94%) und die niedrigsten für Bio-Lebensmittel pflanzlichen Ursprungs (6%) ergeben. In allen untersuchten Kategorien verursachen biologisch hergestellte Lebensmittel geringere Folgekosten als ihre konventionellen Counterparts. Unser Ansatz leistet einen Beitrag, das Delta zwischen aktuellen Marktpreisen und den tatsächlichen Preisen aufzuzeigen. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass der wahre Wert auszudifferenzieren ist für unterschiedliche Lebensmittelgruppen und Produktionssysteme

    Biomonitoring der weiträumigen Verdriftung von Pestiziden mittels Baumrinde, Vegetation und Passivsammler

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    Anlass für ein Biomonitoring zur weiträumigen Verfrachtung von Pestiziden über die Luft war die wiederholte und erhebliche Kontamination von Bio-Körnerfenchel mit zugelassenen, häufig applizierten Pflanzenschutzmitteln, die kilometerweit von den Fenchelflächen angewendet wurden. Zudem wurde für Glyphosat eine breite Belastung der Bevölkerung gemessen: 99,6% von über 2000 Probanden der bundesweiten Studie „Urinale 2015“. Das Luftgüte-Rindenmonitoring mit Analysen von über 500 Pestiziden wurde von 2014 bis 2017 an 24 Standorten in Brandenburg und Bayern durchgeführt. Weitere Vegetationsproben wie Körnerfenchel und Grünkohl wurden an 11 Standorten und technische Passivsammler (PUF-SIP) an 2 Standorten zur Kalibrierung analysiert. Insgesamt wurden 55 Pestiziden gefunden, im Durchschnitt 27 (4 - 36) pro Standort. Insbesondere zeigten 15 Pestizide eine über einzelne Standorte hinausgehende, weiträumige Verbreitung auf. Diese Drift verursacht eine ubiquitäre Kontamination bishin zu weit entfernt liegenden Naturschutzgebieten. So wurde Pendimethalin an 22 von 24 Standorten (93%), Prosulfocarb bei 75% und sogar Glyphosat bei 33% aller Standorte gemessen. Für derartige hochproblematischen Pestizide sind angemessene Änderungen im Zulassungsverfahren erforderlich, um  Umweltbelastungen wirksam zu reduzieren und die Koexistenz alternativer Anbaumethoden, wie zum Beispiel des ökologischen Landbaus, zu gewährleisten

    Reprint of "Ethical issues with artificial nutrition of children with degenerative brain diseases"

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    AbstractThis report highlights viewpoints of the authors and comments from the auditory at a workshop, held during the 14th international Congress on neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL) in Córdoba, Argentina, on ethical aspects of artificial nutrition in children with degenerative brain diseases. The discussion centers on what constitutes the best interest of a patient whose personality was immature before the onset of the disease, who has become demented during its course and is unable to communicate his/her own positions and desires. There is wide consensus that in a child with advanced disease who cannot be fed naturally, decisions to withhold nutrition or to institute or stop artificial nutrition, should only be made by parents (or their representatives) who are adequately prepared on an intellectual and emotional level. We try to show that such decisions are highly individual but can be made in a rationally and emotionally acceptable way after a careful and prolonged dialogue between families and professionals. A checklist summarizes important considerations. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: “Current Research on the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (Batten Disease)”