1,105 research outputs found

    A Bootstrapping architecture for time expression recognition in unlabelled corpora via syntactic-semantic patterns

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    In this paper we describe a semi-supervised approach to the extraction of time expression mentions in large unlabelled corpora based on bootstrapping. Bootstrapping techniques rely on a relatively small amount of initial human-supplied examples (termed “seeds”) of the type of entity or concept to be learned, in order to capture an initial set of patterns or rules from the unlabelled text that extract the supplied data. In turn, the learned patterns are employed to find new potential examples, and the process is repeated to grow the set of patterns and (optionally) the set of examples. In order to prevent the learned pattern set from producing spurious results, it becomes essential to implement a ranking and selection procedure to filter out “bad” patterns and, depending on the case, new candidate examples. Therefore, the type of patterns employed (knowledge representation) as well as the ranking and selection procedure are paramount to the quality of the results. We present a complete bootstrapping algorithm for recognition of time expressions, with a special emphasis on the type of patterns used (a combination of semantic and morpho- syntantic elements) and the ranking and selection criteria. Bootstrap- ping techniques have been previously employed with limited success for several NLP problems, both of recognition and classification, but their application to time expression recognition is, to the best of our knowledge, novel. As of this writing, the described architecture is in the final stages of implementation, with experimention and evalution being already underway.Postprint (published version

    Procedural Law as an Exercise in Reconciling Public Interest and Individual Rights: The Example of Res Judicata

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    Res judicata is a quasi-universal principle, present in every modern European legal system. Although it is understood in very different ways in Civil Law and Common Law traditions, it plays a remarkably similar role in both. This is notably due to the fact that res judicata is based on overarching aims present in all procedural legal systems: the public interest in ensuring the finality of litigation and the authority of courts, and the protection of litigants’ rights. It is necessary to take into account both objectives in order to understand the doctrine of res judicata. These aims sometimes conflict and each legal system attempts to reconcile them within its specific rules concerning res judicata. A comparative analysis based on English, French, Italian, Spanish and European Union law shows how the choices made in each system express a balancing act between them

    Topic modeling for entity linking using keyphrase

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    This paper proposes an Entity Linking system that applies a topic modeling ranking. We apply a novel approach in order to provide new relevant elements to the model. These elements are keyphrases related to the queries and gathered from a huge Wikipedia-based knowledge resourcePeer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    CASERO RIPOLLÉS, Andreu. La construcción mediática de las crisis políticas

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    Los medios de comunicación de proximidad en Aragón. La conveniencia de impulsar políticas públicas

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    L’estructura del sistema de mitjans de comunicació a l’Aragó està en un moment de canvis tant a la premsa com a la ràdio i la televisió. La falta de mitjans de proximitat que articulin el territori és una evidència, però és cert que totes les novetats que s’estan produint en el sector podrien canviar aquesta dinàmica. El repte de la comunitat serà saber aprofitar-les i per això és necessari establir polítiques públiques des de les diferents administracions i essencialment des del Govern d’Aragó. PARAULES CLAU: Mitjans de comunicació, Aragó, polítiques públiques, estructura de la comunicacióMass media in Aragon are undergoing a period of structural change. The lack of nearby media in the area is obvious. Yet, the many novelties that are currently taking place could turn this dynamics over. It is the community’s challenge to make the most of these novelties, and thus establish public policies from the several councils and Aragon’s Government. KEY WORDS: Mass media, Aragon, public policies, communication scaffolding.La estructura del sistema de medios de comunicación en Aragón está en un momento de cambios tanto en la prensa como en la radio y la televisión. La falta de medios de proximidad que articulen el territorio es una evidencia, pero es cierto que todas las novedades que se están produciendo en el sector podrían cambiar esta dinámica. El reto de la comunidad será saber aprovecharlas y para ello es necesario establecer políticas públicas desde las diferentes administraciones y esencialmente desde el Gobierno de Aragón. PALABRAS CLAVE: Medios de comunicación, Aragón, políticas públicas, estructura de la comunicació


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Andreu CASERO RIPOLLÉS, La construcción mediática de las crisis política

    La incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías como soporte a la docencia de Producción Periodística

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    Aquest article exposa les noves estratègies implantades en la Facultat de Comunicació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona durant el procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de l'assignatura anomenada Producció Periodística, que cursen els alumnes de tercer en la titulació de Periodisme. L'exposició de la metodologia, sobretot a la part pràctica de la matèria, i la reacció/valoració dels alumnes seran ambdós principals aspectes que s'abordaran en aquest treballEste artículo expone las nuevas estrategias implantadas en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura denominada Producción Periodística, que cursan los alumnos de tercero en la titulación de Periodismo. La exposición de la metodología, sobre todo en la parte práctica de la materia, y la reacción/valoración de los alumnos serán los dos principales aspectos que se abordarán en este trabajoThis article sets out the new strategies introduced in the Communication Sciences Faculty inside the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, related to the teaching-learning processes in the compulsory module of the third year in the degree of Journalism, called Journalism Production. The main two aspects to be dealt with will be both the reaction/assessment of students on the methodology and the methodology itsel