301 research outputs found

    Gangotri glacier dynamics from multi-sensor SAR and optical data

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    The present study has analyzed dynamics of Gangotri glacier using multiple remote sensing (RS) datasets and ground based observations. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data pairs from European Remote Sensing satellite (ERS 1/2) tandem pair for spring of 1996, Sentinel-1 SAR pairs and Japanese's Advance Land Observation System (ALOS) PALSAR-2 SAR data for Spring of 2015 were used to derive glacier-surface velocity at seasonal time scale using Differential InSAR (DInSAR) techniques. Bi-static TanDEM-X (Experimental) data was used for the 1st time to estimate glacier surface elevation changes for a period of 22, 44, 88 days during summer of 2012 using InSAR techniques in this study. Annual glacier velocity was also estimated using temporal panchromatic data of LANDSAT-5 (30 m), LANDSAT-7/8 (15 m), Sentinel-2 (10 m) and Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS-1C/1D panchromatic (5 m) data during 1998–2019 with feature tracking approach. This study has estimated glacier surface velocity and surface elevation changes for the major parts of Gangotri glacier and its tributary glaciers using medium to high resolution optical and SAR datasets, at annual and seasonal time scale, which is an improvement over earlier studies, wherein snout based glacier recession or only main glacier velocities were reported. The velocity and slope were used to assess glacier-ice thickness distribution using Glabtop-2, slope dependent and laminar flow based methods over the Gangotri group of glaciers. The estimated ice thickness was estimated in the range of 58–550 m for the complete glacier while few small areas in middle &amp; upper regions carry higher thickness of about 607 m. The estimated glacier-ice thickness was found in the range of 58–67 m at the snout region. The estimation was validated using 2014 field measurements from Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) for the first time and correlation was found to be 0.799 at snout of the glacier.</p

    Monitoring Alpine Glaciers with ALOS SAR and Optical data

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    International audienceThe monitoring of temperate glacier activity is one of the applications which require the combined use of optical and SAR data. It should become feasible thanks to the ALOS PRISM and PALSAR sensors. In this paper, we present the interest of using L-band polarimetric interferometric SAR data and high resolution panchromatic stereoscopic data to monitor moving temperate glaciers made of ice, snow and rocks. The scientific issues are described and a test-site located in the Mont-Blanc region in the Alps is proposed for specific experiment and validation. The Mont-Blanc test-site includes two well-known glaciers (Mer-de-Glace and Argentière glaciers) where a large data set has been collected: ERS, RADARSAT and ENVISAT data, airborne E-SAR data (X, C, L and P bands), airborne photographs, GPS and GPR in-situ measurements..

    DEM error retrieval by analyzing time series of differential interferograms

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    International audience2-pass Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (D-InSAR) processing have been successfully used by the scientific community to derive velocity fields. Nevertheless, a precise Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is necessary to remove the topographic component from the interferograms. This letter presents a novel method to detect and retrieve DEM errors by analyzing time series of differential interferograms. The principle of the method is based on the comparison of fringe patterns with the perpendicular baseline. First, a mathematical description of the algorithm is exposed. Then, the algorithm is applied on a series of four one-day ERS-1/2 interferograms

    Seasonal and interannual ice velocity changes of Polar Record Glacier, East Antarctica

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    We present a study of seasonal and interannual ice velocity changes at Polar Record Glacier, East Antarctica, using ERS-1/2, Envisat and PALSAR data with D-InSAR and intensity tracking. Ice flow showed seasonal variations at the front of the glacier tongue. Velocities in winter were 19% less than velocities during summer. No significant interannual changes were detected. Ice velocities in the grounding zone and grounded glacier did not show clear seasonal or interannual changes. The distributio of the seasonal variations suggests that the cause for the changes should be localized. Possible causes are seasonal sea-ice changes and iceberg blocking. Satellite images show that the sea ice surrounding Polar Record Glacier undergoes seasonal changes. Frozen sea ice in winter slowed the huge iceberg, and provided increased resistance to the glacier flow. The interaction between the glacier tongue, ice berg and sea ice significantly influences their flow pattern

    An Interferometric SAR Satellite Mission

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    The paper provides a critical review of the achievements in SAR interferometry from the ERS mission as well as from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTM. It describes the development from the original idea of the Interferometric Cartwheel to the concept of a formation flight of identical and active SAR satellites. From the experience gained from ERS and SRTM interferometric data processing as well as from the analysis of the Cartwheel concept a list of mission requirements has been set up. The most demanding one is the autonomous configuration flight of a tight x-band constellation, where the satellites fly as close as up to 30 m with a dead-band of +/- 10 m. The guidance, navigation and control considerations come to the conclusion that such a mission is feasible

    Remote Sensing of Snow Cover Using Spaceborne SAR: A Review

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    The importance of snow cover extent (SCE) has been proven to strongly link with various natural phenomenon and human activities; consequently, monitoring snow cover is one the most critical topics in studying and understanding the cryosphere. As snow cover can vary significantly within short time spans and often extends over vast areas, spaceborne remote sensing constitutes an efficient observation technique to track it continuously. However, as optical imagery is limited by cloud cover and polar darkness, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) attracted more attention for its ability to sense day-and-night under any cloud and weather condition. In addition to widely applied backscattering-based method, thanks to the advancements of spaceborne SAR sensors and image processing techniques, many new approaches based on interferometric SAR (InSAR) and polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) have been developed since the launch of ERS-1 in 1991 to monitor snow cover under both dry and wet snow conditions. Critical auxiliary data including DEM, land cover information, and local meteorological data have also been explored to aid the snow cover analysis. This review presents an overview of existing studies and discusses the advantages, constraints, and trajectories of the current developments

    The glaciers climate change initiative: Methods for creating glacier area, elevation change and velocity products

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    Glaciers and their changes through time are increasingly obtained from a wide range of satellite sensors. Due to the often remote location of glaciers in inaccessible and high-mountain terrain, satellite observations frequently provide the only available measurements. Furthermore, satellite data provide observations of glacier character- istics that are difficult to monitor using ground-based measurements, thus complementing the latter. In the Glaciers_cci project of the European Space Agency (ESA), three of these characteristics are investigated in detail: glacier area, elevation change and surface velocity. We use (a) data from optical sensors to derive glacier outlines, (b) digital elevation models from at least two points in time, (c) repeat altimetry for determining elevation changes, and (d) data from repeat optical and microwave sensors for calculating surface velocity. For the latter, the two sensor types provide complementary information in terms of spatio-temporal coverage. While (c) and (d) can be generated mostly automatically, (a) and (b) require the intervention of an analyst. Largely based on the results of various round robin experiments (multi-analyst benchmark studies) for each of the products, we suggest and describe the most suitable algorithms for product creation and provide recommendations concerning their practical implementation and the required post-processing. For some of the products (area, velocity) post-processing can influence product quality more than the main-processing algorithm

    Improvement of the Accuracy of InSAR Image Co-Registration Based On Tie Points – A Review

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    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a new measurement technology, making use of the phase information contained in the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. InSAR has been recognized as a potential tool for the generation of digital elevation models (DEMs) and the measurement of ground surface deformations. However, many critical factors affect the quality of InSAR data and limit its applications. One of the factors is InSAR data processing, which consists of image co-registration, interferogram generation, phase unwrapping and geocoding. The co-registration of InSAR images is the first step and dramatically influences the accuracy of InSAR products. In this paper, the principle and processing procedures of InSAR techniques are reviewed. One of important factors, tie points, to be considered in the improvement of the accuracy of InSAR image co-registration are emphatically reviewed, such as interval of tie points, extraction of feature points, window size for tie point matching and the measurement for the quality of an interferogram

    Displacement Estimation by Maximum Likelihood Texture Tracking

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    International audienceThis paper presents a novel method to estimate displacement by maximum-likelihood (ML) texture tracking. The observed polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data-set is composed by two terms: the scalar texture parameter and the speckle component. Based on the Spherically Invariant Random Vectors (SIRV) theory, the ML estimator of the texture is computed. A generalization of the ML texture tracking based on the Fisher probability density function (pdf) modeling is introduced. For random variables with Fisher distributions, the ratio distribution is established. The proposed method is tested with both simulated PolSAR data and spaceborne PolSAR images provided by the TerraSAR-X (TSX) and the RADARSAT-2 (RS-2) sensors

    One Decade of Glacier Mass Changes on the Tibetan Plateau Derived from Multisensoral Remote Sensing Data

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) with an average altitude of 4,500 meters above sea level is characterized by many glaciers and ice caps. Glaciers are a natural indicator for climate variability in this high mountain environment where meteorological stations are rare or non-existent. In addition, the melt water released from the Tibetan glaciers is feeding the headwaters of the major Asian river systems and contributes to the rising levels of endorheic lakes on the plateau. As many people directly rely on the glacier melt water a continuous glacier monitoring program is necessary in this region. In situ measurements of glaciers are important, but are spatial limited due to large logistical efforts, physical constrains and high costs. Remote sensing techniques can overcome this gap and are suitable to complement in situ measurements on a larger scale. In the last decade several remote sensing studies dealt with areal changes of glaciers on the TP. However, glacier area changes only provide a delayed signal to a changing climate and the amount of melt water released from the glaciers cannot be quantified. Therefore it is important to measure the glacier mass balance. In order to estimate glacier mass balances and their spatial differences on the TP, several remote sensing techniques and sensors were synthesized in this thesis. In a first study data from the Ice Cloud and Elevation Satellite (ICESat) mission were employed. ICESat was in orbit between 2003 and 2009 and carried a laser altimeter which recorded highly accurate surface elevation measurements. As in mid-latitudes these measurements are rather sparse glaciers on the TP were grouped into eight climatological homogeneous sub-regions in order to perform a statistical sound analysis of glacier elevation changes. To assess surface elevation changes of a single mountain glacier from ICESat data, an adequate spatial sampling of ICESat measurements need to be present. This is the case for the Grosser Aletschgletscher, located in the Swiss Alps which served as a test site in this thesis. In another study data from the current TanDEM-X satellite mission and from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) conducted in February 2000 were employed to calculate glacier elevation changes. In a co-authored study, these estimates could be compared with glacier elevation changes obtained from the current French Pléiades satellite mission. In order to calculate glacier mass balances, the derived elevation changes were combined with assumptions about glacier area and ice density in all studies. In this thesis contrasting patterns of glacier mass changes were found on the TP. With an ICESat derived estimate of -15.6±10.1 Gt/a between 2003 and 2009 the average glacier mass balance on the TP was clearly negative. However, some glaciers in the central and north-western part of the TP showed a neutral mass balance or a slightly positive anomaly which was also confirmed by data from the current TanDEM-X satellite mission. A possible explanation of this anomaly in mass balance could be a compensation of the temperature driven glacier melt due to an increase in precipitation