20 research outputs found

    Automatic segmentation of the lumen of the carotid artery in ultrasound B-mode images

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    A new algorithm is proposed for the segmentation of the lumen and bifurcation boundaries of the carotid artery in B-mode ultrasound images. It uses the hipoechogenic characteristics of the lumen for the identification of the carotid boundaries and the echogenic characteristics for the identification of the bifurcation boundaries. The image to be segmented is processed with the application of an anisotropic diffusion filter for speckle removal and morphologic operators are employed in the detection of the artery. The obtained information is then used in the definition of two initial contours, one corresponding to the lumen and the other to the bifurcation boundaries, for the posterior application of the Chan-vese level set segmentation model. A set of longitudinal B-mode images of the common carotid artery (CCA) was acquired with a GE Healthcare Vivid-e ultrasound system (GE Healthcare, United Kingdom). All the acquired images include a part of the CCA and of the bifurcation that separates the CCA into the internal and external carotid arteries. In order to achieve the uppermost robustness in the imaging acquisition process, i.e., images with high contrast and low speckle noise, the scanner was adjusted differently for each acquisition and according to the medical exam. The obtained results prove that we were able to successfully apply a carotid segmentation technique based on cervical ultrasonography. The main advantage of the new segmentation method relies on the automatic identification of the carotid lumen, overcoming the limitations of the traditional methods

    Intima-Media Thickness: Setting a Standard for a Completely Automated Method of Ultrasound Measurement

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    The intima - media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid artery is a widely used clinical marker of severe cardiovascular diseases. IMT is usually manually measured on longitudinal B-Mode ultrasound images. Many computer-based techniques for IMT measurement have been proposed to overcome the limits of manual segmentation. Most of these, however, require a certain degree of user interaction. In this paper we describe a new completely automated layers extraction (CALEXia) technique for the segmentation and IMT measurement of carotid wall in ultrasound images. CALEXia is based on an integrated approach consisting of feature extraction, line fitting, and classification that enables the automated tracing of the carotid adventitial walls. IMT is then measured by relying on a fuzzy K-means classifier. We tested CALEXia on a database of 200 images. We compared CALEXia performances to those of a previously developed methodology that was based on signal analysis (CULEXsa). Three trained operators manually segmented the images and the average profiles were considered as the ground truth. The average error from CALEXia for lumen - intima (LI) and media - adventitia (MA) interface tracings were 1.46 ± 1.51 pixel (0.091 ± 0.093 mm) and 0.40 ± 0.87 pixel (0.025 ± 0.055 mm), respectively. The corresponding errors for CULEXsa were 0.55 ± 0.51 pixels (0.035 ± 0.032 mm) and 0.59 ± 0.46 pixels (0.037 ± 0.029 mm). The IMT measurement error was equal to 0.87 ± 0.56 pixel (0.054 ± 0.035 mm) for CALEXia and 0.12 ± 0.14 pixel (0.01 ± 0.01 mm) for CULEXsa. Thus, CALEXia showed limited performance in segmenting the LI interface, but outperformed CULEXsa in the MA interface and in the number of images correctly processed (10 for CALEXia and 16 for CULEXsa). Based on two complementary strategies, we anticipate fusing them for further IMT improvement

    Automatic segmentation of the lumen of the carotid artery in ultrasound B-mode images

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    Hypothesis Validation of Far-Wall Brightness in Carotid-Artery Ultrasound for Feature-Based IMT Measurement Using a Combination of Level-Set Segmentation and Registration

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    Intima-media thickness (IMT) is now being considered as an indicator of atherosclerosis. Our group has developed several feature-based IMT measurement algorithms such as the Completely Automated Layer EXtraction (CALEX) (which is a class of patented AtheroEdge Systems from Global Biomedical Technologies, Inc., CA, USA). These methods are based on the hypothesis that the highest pixel intensities are in the far wall of the common carotid artery (CCA) or the internal carotid artery (ICA). In this paper, we verify that this hypothesis holds true for B-mode longitudinal ultrasound (US) images of the carotid wall. This patented methodology consists of generating the composite image (the arithmetic sum of images) from the database by first registering the carotid image frames with respect to a nearly straight carotid-artery frame from the same database using: 1) B-spline-based nonrigid registration and 2) affine registration. Prior to registration, we segment the carotid-artery lumen using a level-set-based algorithm followed by morphological image processing. The binary lumen images are registered, and the transformations are applied to the original grayscale CCA images. We evaluated our technique using a database of 200 common carotid images of normal and pathologic carotids. The composite image presented the highest intensity distribution in the far wall of the CCA/ICA, validating our hypothesis. We have also demonstrated the accuracy and improvement in the IMT segmentation result with our CALEX 3.0 system. The CALEX system, when run on newly acquired US images, shows the IMT error of about 30 mu m. Thus, we have shown that the CALEX algorithm is able to exploit the far-wall brightness for accurate IMT measurements

    Intima-Media Thickness: Setting a Standard for a Completely Automated Method of Ultrasound Measurement

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    The intima – media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid artery is a widely used clinical marker of severe cardiovascular diseases. IMT is usually manually measured on longitudinal B-Mode ultrasound images. Many computer-based techniques for IMT measurement have been proposed to overcome the limits of manual segmentation. Most of these, however, require a certain degree of user interaction. In this paper we describe a new completely automated layers extraction (CALEXia) technique for the segmentation and IMT measurement of carotid wall in ultrasound images. CALEXia is based on an integrated approach consisting of feature extraction, line fitting, and classification that enables the automated tracing of the carotid adventitial walls. IMT is then measured by relying on a fuzzy K-means classifier. We tested CALEXia on a database of 200 images. We compared CALEXia performances to those of a previously developed methodology that was based on signal analysis (CULEXsa). Three trained operators manually segmented the images and the average profiles were considered as the ground truth. The average error from CALEXia for lumen – intima (LI) and media – adventitia (MA) interface tracings were 1.46 ± 1.51 pixel (0.091 ± 0.093 mm) and 0.40 ± 0.87 pixel (0.025 ± 0.055 mm), respectively. The corresponding errors for CULEXsa were 0.55 ± 0.51 pixels (0.035 ± 0.032 mm) and 0.59 ± 0.46 pixels (0.037 ± 0.029 mm). The IMT measurement error was equal to 0.87 ± 0.56 pixel (0.054 ± 0.035 mm) for CALEXia and 0.12 ± 0.14 pixel (0.01 ± 0.01 mm) for CULEXsa. Thus, CALEXia showed limited performance in segmenting the LI interface, but outperformed CULEXsa in the MA interface and in the number of images correctly processed (10 for CALEXia and 16 for CULEXsa). Based on two complementary strategies, we anticipate fusing them for further IMT improvements

    Bimodal automated carotid ultrasound segmentation using geometrically constrained deep neural networks

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    For asymptomatic patients suffering from carotid stenosis, the assessment of plaque morphology is an important clinical task which allows monitoring of the risk of plaque rupture and future incidents of stroke. Ultrasound Imaging provides a safe and non-invasive modality for this, and the segmentation of media-adventitia boundaries and lumen-intima boundaries of the Carotid artery form an essential part in this monitoring process. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Neural Network as a fully automated segmentation tool, and its application in delineating both the media-adventitia boundary and the lumen-intima boundary. We develop a new geometrically constrained objective function as part of the Network's Stochastic Gradient Descent optimisation, thus tuning it to the problem at hand. Furthermore, we also apply a bimodal fusion of amplitude and phase congruency data proposed by us in previous work, as an input to the network, as the latter provides an intensity-invariant data source to the network. We finally report the segmentation performance of the network on transverse sections of the carotid. Tests are carried out on an augmented dataset of 81,000 images, and the results are compared to other studies by reporting the DICE coefficient of similarity, modified Hausdorff Distance, sensitivity and specificity. Our proposed modification is shown to yield improved results on the standard network over this larger dataset, with the advantage of it being fully automated. We conclude that Deep Neural Networks provide a reliable trained manner in which carotid ultrasound images may be automatically segmented, using amplitude data and intensity invariant phase congruency maps as a data source

    Constrained snake vs. conventional snake for carotid ultrasound automated IMT measurements on multi-center data sets

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    Accurate intima-media thickness (IMT) measurement of the carotid artery from minimal plaque ultrasound images is a relevant clinical need, since IMT increase is related to the progression of atherosclerosis. In this paper, we describe a novel dual snake-based model for the high-performance carotid IMT measurement, called Carotid Measurement Using Dual Snakes (CMUDS). Snakes (which are deformable contours) adapt to the lumen-intima (LI) and media-adventitia (MA) interfaces, thus enabling the IMT computation as distance between the LI and MA snakes. However, traditional snakes might be unable to maintain a correct distance and in some spatial location along the artery, it might even collapse between them or diverge. The technical improvement of this work is the definition of a dual snake-based constrained system, which prevents the LI and MA snakes from collapsing or bleeding, thus optimizing the IMT estimation. The CMUDS system consists of two parametric models automatically initialized using the far adventitia border which we automatically traced by using a previously developed multi-resolution approach. The dual snakes evolve simultaneously and are constrained by the distances between them, ensuring the regularization of LI/MA topology. We benchmarked our automated CMUDS with the previous conventional semi-automated snake system called Carotid Measurement Using Single Snake (CMUSS). Two independent readers manually traced the LIMA boundaries of a multi-institutional, multi-ethnic, and multi-scanner database of 665 CCA longitudinal 2D images. We evaluated our system performance by comparing it with the gold standard as traced by clinical readers. CMUDS and CMUSS correctly processed 100% of the 665 images. Comparing the performance with respect to the two readers, our automatically measured IMT was on average very close to that of the two readers (IMT measurement biases for CMUSS was equal to −0.011 ± 0.329 mm and −0.045 ± 0.317 mm, respectively, while for CMUDS, it was 0.030 ± 0.284 mm and −0.004 ± 0.273 mm, respectively). The Figure-of-Merit of the system was 98.5% and 94.4% for CMUSS, while 96.0% and 99.6% for CMUDS, respectively. Results showed that the dual-snake system CMUDS reduced the IMT measurement error accuracy (Wilcoxon, p < 0.02) and the IMT error variability (Fisher, p < 3 × 10−2). We propose the CMUDS technique for use in large multi-centric studies, where the need for a standard, accurate, and automated IMT measurement technique is require

    Fully automated segmentation and tracking of the intima media thickness in ultrasound video sequences of the common carotid artery

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    Abstract—The robust identification and measurement of the intima media thickness (IMT) has a high clinical relevance because it represents one of the most precise predictors used in the assessment of potential future cardiovascular events. To facilitate the analysis of arterial wall thickening in serial clinical investigations, in this paper we have developed a novel fully automatic algorithm for the segmentation, measurement, and tracking of the intima media complex (IMC) in B-mode ultrasound video sequences. The proposed algorithm entails a two-stage image analysis process that initially addresses the segmentation of the IMC in the first frame of the ultrasound video sequence using a model-based approach; in the second step, a novel customized tracking procedure is applied to robustly detect the IMC in the subsequent frames. For the video tracking procedure, we introduce a spatially coherent algorithm called adaptive normalized correlation that prevents the tracking process from converging to wrong arterial interfaces. This represents the main contribution of this paper and was developed to deal with inconsistencies in the appearance of the IMC over the cardiac cycle. The quantitative evaluation has been carried out on 40 ultrasound video sequences of the common carotid artery (CCA) by comparing the results returned by the developed algorithm with respect to ground truth data that has been manually annotated by clinical experts. The measured IMTmean ± standard deviation recorded by the proposed algorithm is 0.60 mm ± 0.10, with a mean coefficient of variation (CV) of 2.05%, whereas the corresponding result obtained for the manually annotated ground truth data is 0.60 mm ± 0.11 with a mean CV equal to 5.60%. The numerical results reported in this paper indicate that the proposed algorithm is able to correctly segment and track the IMC in ultrasound CCA video sequences, and we were encouraged by the stability of our technique when applied to data captured under different imaging conditions. Future clinical studies will focus on the evaluation of patients that are affected by advanced cardiovascular conditions such as focal thickening and arterial plaques