289 research outputs found

    Analysis and Approximation of Optimal Co-Scheduling on CMP

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    In recent years, the increasing design complexity and the problems of power and heat dissipation have caused a shift in processor technology to favor Chip Multiprocessors. In Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) architecture, it is common that multiple cores share some on-chip cache. The sharing may cause cache thrashing and contention among co-running jobs. Job co-scheduling is an approach to tackling the problem by assigning jobs to cores appropriately so that the contention and consequent performance degradations are minimized. This dissertation aims to tackle two of the most prominent challenges in job co-scheduling.;The first challenge is in the computational complexity for determining optimal job co-schedules. This dissertation presents one of the first systematic analyses on the complexity of job co-scheduling. Besides proving the NP completeness of job co-scheduling, it introduces a set of algorithms, based on graph theory and Integer/Linear Programming, for computing optimal co-schedules or their lower bounds in scenarios with or without job migrations. For complex cases, it empirically demonstrates the feasibility for approximating the optimal schedules effectively by proposing several heuristics-based algorithms. These discoveries facilitate the assessment of job co-schedulers by providing necessary baselines, and shed insights to the development of practical co-scheduling systems.;The second challenge resides in the prediction of the performance of processes co-running on a shared cache. This dissertation explores the influence on co-run performance prediction imposed by co-runners, program inputs, and cache configurations. Through a sequence of formal analysis, we derive an analytical co-run locality model, uncovering the inherent statistical connections between the data references of programs single-runs and their co-run locality. The model offers theoretical insights on co-run locality analysis and leads to a lightweight approach for fast prediction of shared cache performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in enabling proactive job co-scheduling.;Together, the two-dimensional findings open up many new opportunities for cache management on modern CMP by laying the foundation for job co-scheduling, and enhancing the understanding to data locality and cache sharing significantly

    Performance-Aware Speculative Resource Oversubscription for Large-Scale Clusters

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    It is a long-standing challenge to achieve a high degree of resource utilization in cluster scheduling. Resource oversubscription has become a common practice in improving resource utilization and cost reduction. However, current centralized approaches to oversubscription suffer from the issue with resource mismatch and fail to take into account other performance requirements, e.g., tail latency. In this article we present ROSE, a new resource management platform capable of conducting performance-aware resource oversubscription. ROSE allows latency-sensitive long-running applications (LRAs) to co-exist with computation-intensive batch jobs. Instead of waiting for resource allocation to be confirmed by the centralized scheduler, job managers in ROSE can independently request to launch speculative tasks within specific machines according to their suitability for oversubscription. Node agents of those machines can however, avoid any excessive resource oversubscription by means of a mechanism for admission control using multi-resource threshold control and performance-aware resource throttle. Experiments show that in case of mixed co-location of batch jobs and latency-sensitive LRAs, the CPU utilization and the disk utilization can reach 56.34 and 43.49 percent, respectively, but the 95th percentile of read latency in YCSB workloads only increases by 5.4 percent against the case of executing the LRAs alone

    SICStus MT - A Multithreaded Execution Environment for SICStus Prolog

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    The development of intelligent software agents and other complex applications which continuously interact with their environments has been one of the reasons why explicit concurrency has become a necessity in a modern Prolog system today. Such applications need to perform several tasks which may be very different with respect to how they are implemented in Prolog. Performing these tasks simultaneously is very tedious without language support. This paper describes the design, implementation and evaluation of a prototype multithreaded execution environment for SICStus Prolog. The threads are dynamically managed using a small and compact set of Prolog primitives implemented in a portable way, requiring almost no support from the underlying operating system

    Life of occam-Pi

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    This paper considers some questions prompted by a brief review of the history of computing. Why is programming so hard? Why is concurrency considered an “advanced” subject? What’s the matter with Objects? Where did all the Maths go? In searching for answers, the paper looks at some concerns over fundamental ideas within object orientation (as represented by modern programming languages), before focussing on the concurrency model of communicating processes and its particular expression in the occam family of languages. In that focus, it looks at the history of occam, its underlying philosophy (Ockham’s Razor), its semantic foundation on Hoare’s CSP, its principles of process oriented design and its development over almost three decades into occam-? (which blends in the concurrency dynamics of Milner’s ?-calculus). Also presented will be an urgent need for rationalisation – occam-? is an experiment that has demonstrated significant results, but now needs time to be spent on careful review and implementing the conclusions of that review. Finally, the future is considered. In particular, is there a future

    Code Generation and Global Optimization Techniques for a Reconfigurable PRAM-NUMA Multicore Architecture

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    Economic-based Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing

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    Computational Grids, emerging as an infrastructure for next generation computing, enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of geographically distributed resources for solving large-scale problems in science, engineering, and commerce. As the resources in the Grid are heterogeneous and geographically distributed with varying availability and a variety of usage and cost policies for diverse users at different times and, priorities as well as goals that vary with time. The management of resources and application scheduling in such a large and distributed environment is a complex task. This thesis proposes a distributed computational economy as an effective metaphor for the management of resources and application scheduling. It proposes an architectural framework that supports resource trading and quality of services based scheduling. It enables the regulation of supply and demand for resources and provides an incentive for resource owners for participating in the Grid and motives the users to trade-off between the deadline, budget, and the required level of quality of service. The thesis demonstrates the capability of economic-based systems for peer-to-peer distributed computing by developing users' quality-of-service requirements driven scheduling strategies and algorithms. It demonstrates their effectiveness by performing scheduling experiments on the World-Wide Grid for solving parameter sweep applications

    Hardware thread scheduling algorithms for single-ISA asymmetric CMPs

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    Through the past several decades, based on the Moore's law, the semiconductor industry was doubling the number of transistors on the single chip roughly every eighteen months. For a long time this continuous increase in transistor budget drove the increase in performance as the processors continued to exploit the instruction level parallelism (ILP) of the sequential programs. This pattern hit the wall in the early years of the twentieth century when designing larger and more complex cores became difficult because of the power and complexity reasons. Computer architects responded by integrating many cores on the same die thereby creating Chip Multicore Processors (CMP). In the last decade, the computing technology experienced tremendous developments, Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) expanded from the symmetric and homogeneous to the asymmetric or heterogeneous Multiprocessors. Having cores of different types in a single processor enables optimizing performance, power and energy efficiency for a wider range of workloads. It enables chip designers to employ specialization (that is, we can use each type of core for the type of computation where it delivers the best performance/energy trade-off). The benefits of Asymmetric Chip Multiprocessors (ACMP) are intuitive as it is well known that different workloads have different resource requirements. The CMPs improve the performance of applications by exploiting the Thread Level Parallelism (TLP). Parallel applications relying on multiple threads must be efficiently managed and dispatched for execution if the parallelism is to be properly exploited. Since more and more applications become multi-threaded we expect to find a growing number of threads executing on a machine. Consequently, the operating system will require increasingly larger amounts of CPU time to schedule these threads efficiently. Thus, dynamic thread scheduling techniques are of paramount importance in ACMP designs since they can make or break performance benefits derived from the asymmetric hardware or parallel software. Several thread scheduling methods have been proposed and applied to ACMPs. In this thesis, we first study the state of the art thread scheduling techniques and identify the main reasons limiting the thread level parallelism in an ACMP systems. We propose three novel approaches to schedule and manage threads and exploit thread level parallelism implemented in hardware, instead of perpetuating the trend of performing more complex thread scheduling in the operating system. Our first goal is to improve the performance of an ACMP systems by improving thread scheduling at the hardware level. We also show that the hardware thread scheduling reduces the energy consumption of an ACMP systems by allowing better utilization of the underlying hardware.A través de las últimas décadas, con base en la ley de Moore, la industria de semiconductores duplica el número de transistores en el chip alrededor de una vez cada dieciocho meses. Durante mucho tiempo, este aumento continuo en el número de transistores impulsó el aumento en el rendimiento de los procesadores solo explotando el paralelismo a nivel de instrucción (ILP) y el aumento de la frecuencia de los procesadores, permitiendo un aumento del rendimiento de los programas secuenciales. Este patrón llego a su limite en los primeros años del siglo XX, cuando el diseño de procesadores más grandes y complejos se convirtió en una tareá difícil debido a las debido al consumo requerido. La respuesta a este problema por parte de los arquitectos fue la integración de muchos núcleos en el mismo chip creando así chip multinúcleo Procesadores (CMP). En la última década, la tecnología de la computación experimentado enormes avances, sobre todo el en chip multiprocesadores (CMP) donde se ha pasado de diseños simetricos y homogeneous a sistemas asimétricos y heterogeneous. Tener núcleos de diferentes tipos en un solo procesador permite optimizar el rendimiento, la potencia y la eficiencia energética para una amplia gama de cargas de trabajo. Permite a los diseñadores de chips emplear especialización (es decir, podemos utilizar un tipo de núcleo diferente para distintos tipos de cálculo dependiendo del trade-off respecto del consumo y rendimiento). Los beneficios de la asimétrica chip multiprocesadores (ACMP) son intuitivos, ya que es bien sabido que diferentes cargas de trabajo tienen diferentes necesidades de recursos. Los CMP mejoran el rendimiento de las aplicaciones mediante la explotación del paralelismo a nivel de hilo (TLP). En las aplicaciones paralelas que dependen de múltiples hilos, estos deben ser manejados y enviados para su ejecución, y el paralelismo se debe explotar de manera eficiente. Cada día hay mas aplicaciones multi-hilo, por lo tanto encotraremos un numero mayor de hilos que se estaran ejecutando en la máquina. En consecuencia, el sistema operativo requerirá cantidades cada vez mayores de tiempo de CPU para organizar y ejecutar estos hilos de manera eficiente. Por lo tanto, las técnicas de optimizacion dinámica para la organizacion de la ejecucion de hilos son de suma importancia en los diseños ACMP ya que pueden incrementar o dsiminuir el rendimiento del hardware asimétrico o del software paralelo. Se han propuesto y aplicado a ACMPs varios métodos de organizar y ejecutar los hilos. En esta tesis, primero estudiamos el estado del arte en las técnicas para la gestionar la ejecucion de los hilos y hemos identificado las principales razones que limitan el paralelismo en sistemas ACMP. Proponemos tres nuevos enfoques para programar y gestionar los hilos y explotar el paralelismo a nivel de hardware, en lugar de perpetuar la tendencia actual de dejar esta gestion cada vez maas compleja al sistema operativo. Nuestro primer objetivo es mejorar el rendimiento de un sistema ACMP mediante la mejora en la gestion de los hilos a nivel de hardware. También mostramos que la gestion del los hilos a nivel de hardware reduce el consumo de energía de un sistemas de ACMP al permitir una mejor utilización del hardware subyacente

    An input centric paradigm for program dynamic optimizations and lifetime evolvement

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    Accurately predicting program behaviors (e.g., memory locality, method calling frequency) is fundamental for program optimizations and runtime adaptations. Despite decades of remarkable progress, prior studies have not systematically exploited the use of program inputs, a deciding factor of program behaviors, to help in program dynamic optimizations. Triggered by the strong and predictive correlations between program inputs and program behaviors that recent studies have uncovered, the dissertation work aims to bring program inputs into the focus of program behavior analysis and program dynamic optimization, cultivating a new paradigm named input-centric program behavior analysis and dynamic optimization.;The new optimization paradigm consists of three components, forming a three-layer pyramid. at the base is program input characterization, a component for resolving the complexity in program raw inputs and extracting important features. In the middle is input-behavior modeling, a component for recognizing and modeling the correlations between characterized input features and program behaviors. These two components constitute input-centric program behavior analysis, which (ideally) is able to predict the large-scope behaviors of a program\u27s execution as soon as the execution starts. The top layer is input-centric adaptation, which capitalizes on the novel opportunities created by the first two components to facilitate proactive adaptation for program optimizations.;This dissertation aims to develop this paradigm in two stages. In the first stage, we concentrate on exploring the implications of program inputs for program behaviors and dynamic optimization. We construct the basic input-centric optimization framework based on of line training to realize the basic functionalities of the three major components of the paradigm. For the second stage, we focus on making the paradigm practical by addressing multi-facet issues in handling input complexities, transparent training data collection, predictive model evolvement across production runs. The techniques proposed in this stage together cultivate a lifelong continuous optimization scheme with cross-input adaptivity.;Fundamentally the new optimization paradigm provides a brand new solution for program dynamic optimization. The techniques proposed in the dissertation together resolve the adaptivity-proactivity dilemma that has been limiting the effectiveness of existing optimization techniques. its benefits are demonstrated through proactive dynamic optimizations in Jikes RVM and version selection using IBM XL C Compiler, yielding significant performance improvement on a set of Java and C/C++ programs. It may open new opportunities for a broad range of runtime optimizations and adaptations. The evaluation results on both Java and C/C++ applications demonstrate the new paradigm is promising in advancing the current state of program optimizations
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