21 research outputs found

    Semi-empirical calibration of the Integral Equation Model for SAR data in C-band and cross polarization using radar images and field measurements

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    The estimation of surface soil parameters (moisture and roughness) from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images requires the use of well-calibrated backscattering models. The objective of this paper is to extend the semi-empirical calibration of the backscattering Integral Equation Model (IEM) initially proposed by Baghdadi et al. (2004 and 2006) for HH and VV polarizations to HV polarization. The approach consisted in replacing the measured correlation length by a fitting/calibration parameter so that model simulations would closely agree with radar measurements. This calibration in C-band covers radar configurations with incidence angles between 24° and 45.8°. Good agreement was found between the backscattering coefficient provided by the SAR and that simulated by the calibrated version of the IEM

    Tree trunk inspections using a polarimetric GPR system

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    In this work, a novel signal processing framework for polarimetric GPR measurements is presented for inspection of tree trunks decay. The framework combines a polarimetric noise filter and an arc-shaped diffraction imaging algorithm. The polarimetric noise filter can increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of B-scans caused by the bark and the high-loss propriety of the tree trunk based on a 3D Pauli feature vector of the Bragg scattering theory. The arc-shaped diffraction stacking and an imaging aperture are then designed to suppress the effects of the irregular shape of the tree trunk on the signal. The proposed detection scheme is successfully validated with real tree trunk measurements. The viability of the proposed processing framework is demonstrated by the high consistency between the results and the real-truth trunk cross-sections

    Comparison between backscattered TerraSAR signals and simulations from the radar backscattering models IEM, Oh, and Dubois

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate on bare soils the surface backscattering models IEM, Oh, and Dubois in X-band. This analysis uses a large database of TerraSAR-X images and in situ measurements (soil moisture and surface roughness). Oh's model correctly simulates the radar signal for HH and VV polarizations whereas the simulations performed with the Dubois model show a poor correlation between TerraSAR data and model. The backscattering Integral Equation Model (IEM) model simulates correctly the backscattering coefficient only for rms1.5 cm in using Gaussian function. However, the results are not satisfactory for a use of IEM in the inversion of TerraSAR data. A semi-empirical calibration of IEM was done in X-band. Good agreement was found between the TerraSAR data and the simulations using the calibrated version of the IEM

    Influence of Surface Roughness Spatial Variability and Temporal Dynamics on the Retrieval of Soil Moisture from SAR Observations

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    Radar-based surface soil moisture retrieval has been subject of intense research during the last decades. However, several difficulties hamper the operational estimation of soil moisture based on currently available spaceborne sensors. The main difficulty experienced so far results from the strong influence of other surface characteristics, mainly roughness, on the backscattering coefficient, which hinders the soil moisture inversion. This is especially true for single configuration observations where the solution to the surface backscattering problem is ill-posed. Over agricultural areas cultivated with winter cereal crops, roughness can be assumed to remain constant along the growing cycle allowing the use of simplified approaches that facilitate the estimation of the moisture content of soils. However, the field scale spatial variability and temporal variations of roughness can introduce errors in the estimation of soil moisture that are difficult to evaluate. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of roughness spatial variability and roughness temporal variations on the retrieval of soil moisture from radar observations. A series of laser profilometer measurements were performed over several fields in an experimental watershed from September 2004 to March 2005. The influence of the observed roughness variability and its temporal variations on the retrieval of soil moisture is studied using simulations performed with the Integral Equation Model, considering different sensor configurations. Results show that both field scale roughness spatial variability and its temporal variations are aspects that need to be taken into account, since they can introduce large errors on the retrieved soil moisture values

    Soil moisture retrieval over agricultural fields from L-band multi-incidence and multitemporal PolSAR observations using polarimetric decomposition techniques

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    Surface soil moisture (SM) retrieval over agricultural areas from polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) has long been restricted by vegetation attenuation, simplified polarimetric scattering modelling, and limited SAR measurements. This study proposes a modified polarimetric decomposition framework to retrieve SM from multi-incidence and multitemporal PolSAR observations. The framework is constructed by combining the X-Bragg model, the extended double Fresnel scattering model and the generalised volume scattering model (GVSM). Compared with traditional decomposition models, the proposed framework considers the depolarisation of dihedral scattering and the diverse vegetation contribution. Under the assumption that SM is invariant for the PolSAR observations at two different incidence angles and that vegetation scattering does not change between two consecutive measurements, analytical parameter solutions, including the dielectric constant of soil and crop stem, can be obtained by solving multivariable nonlinear equations. The proposed framework is applied to the time series of L-band uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar data acquired during the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment in 2012. In this study, we assess retrieval performance by comparing the inversion results with in-situ measurements over bean, canola, corn, soybean, wheat and winter wheat areas and comparing the different performance of SM retrieval between the GVSM and Yamaguchi volume scattering models. Given that SM estimation is inherently influenced by crop phenology and empirical parameters which are introduced in the scattering models, we also investigate the influence of surface depolarisation angle and co-pol phase difference on SM estimation. Results show that the proposed retrieval framework provides an inversion accuracy of RMSE<6.0% and a correlation of R≄0.6 with an inversion rate larger than 90%. Over wheat and winter wheat fields, a correlation of 0.8 between SM estimates and measurements is observed when the surface scattering is dominant. Specifically, stem permittivity, which is retrieved synchronously with SM also shows a linear relationship with crop biomass and plant water content over bean, corn, soybean and wheat fields. We also find that a priori knowledge of surface depolarisation angle, co-pol phase difference and adaptive volume scattering could help to improve the performance of the proposed SM retrieval framework. However, the GVSM model is still not fully adaptive because the co-pol power ratio of volume scattering is potentially influenced by ground scattering.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 61971318, 41771377, 41901286, 42071295, 41901284, U2033216]; the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation [grant number 2018M642914]. This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Agency of Research (AEI), and the European Funds for Regional Development (EFRD) under Project TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P

    Approaches for Road Surface Roughness Estimation Using Airborne Polarimetric SAR

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    The road surface roughness is an important parameter that determines the quality of a road network. It has a direct influence on the grip and skid resistance of the vehicles. For this reason, this parameter has to be periodically monitored to keep track of its changes. Nowadays, road surface roughness is measured by driving measurement vehicles equipped with laser scanners all over the country. But, this approach is very costly, labor-intensive, and time-consuming. This study is done to evaluate the potential of high-resolution airborne polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to remotely estimate the road surface roughness on a wide scale. Different SAR backscatter-based semi-empirical models and SAR polarimetry-based models for surface roughness estimation are implemented in this study. Also, a new semi-empirical model is proposed in this study which is trained specifically for the road surface roughness estimation. Additive noise subtraction, upper sigma nought threshold masking, and lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold masking techniques were implemented in this study to improve the reliability of road surface roughness estimation. The feasibility of this approach is tested using fully polarimetric X-band datasets acquired with DLRs airborne radar sensor F-SAR. The surface roughness results estimated using these airborne SAR datasets show good agreement with the ground truth surface roughness values and the results are discussed in this article

    Analyse des signaux radars polarimétriques en bandes C et L pour le suivi de l'humidité du sol de sites forestiers

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    RĂ©sumĂ© : Dans les couverts forestiers, le suivi de l’humiditĂ© du sol permet de prĂ©venir plusieurs dĂ©sastres tels que la paludification, les incendies et les inondations. Comme ce paramĂštre est trĂšs dynamique dans l’espace et dans le temps, son estimation Ă  grande Ă©chelle prĂ©sente un grand dĂ©fi, d’oĂč le recours Ă  la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection radar. Le capteur radar Ă  synthĂšse d’ouverture (RSO) est couramment utilisĂ© grĂące Ă  sa vaste couverture et sa rĂ©solution spatiale Ă©levĂ©e. Contrairement aux sols nus et aux zones agricoles, le suivi de l’humiditĂ© du sol en zone forestiĂšre est trĂšs peu Ă©tudiĂ© Ă  cause de la complexitĂ© des processus de diffusion dans ce type de milieu. En effet, la forte attĂ©nuation de la contribution du sol par la vĂ©gĂ©tation et la forte contribution de volume issue de la vĂ©gĂ©tation rĂ©duisent Ă©normĂ©ment la sensibilitĂ© du signal radar Ă  l’humiditĂ© du sol. Des Ă©tudes portĂ©es sur des couverts forestiers ont montrĂ© que le signal radar en bande C provient principalement de la couche supĂ©rieure et sature vite avec la densitĂ© de la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Cependant, trĂšs peu d’études ont explorĂ© le potentiel des paramĂštres polarimĂ©triques, dĂ©rivĂ©s d’un capteur polarimĂ©trique comme RADARSAT-2, pour suivre l’humiditĂ© du sol sur les couverts forestiers. L’effet du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal est moins important avec la bande L en raison de son importante profondeur de pĂ©nĂ©tration qui permet de mieux informer sur l’humiditĂ© du sol. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de suivre l’humiditĂ© du sol Ă  partir de donnĂ©es radar entiĂšrement polarimĂ©triques en bandes C et L sur des sites forestiers. Les donnĂ©es utilisĂ©es sont celles de la campagne terrain Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation EXperiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12) tenue du 6 juin au 17 juillet 2012 au Manitoba (Canada). Quatre sites forestiers de feuillus ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©chantillonnĂ©s. L’espĂšce majoritaire prĂ©sente est le peuplier faux-tremble. Les donnĂ©es utilisĂ©es incluent des mesures de l’humiditĂ© du sol, de la rugositĂ© de surface du sol, des caractĂ©ristiques des sites forestiers (arbres, sous-bois, litiĂšres
) et des donnĂ©es radar entiĂšrement polarimĂ©triques aĂ©roportĂ©es et satellitaires acquises respectivement, en bande L (UAVSAR) Ă  30˚ et 40˚ et en bande C (RADARSAT-2) entre 20˚ et 30˚. Plusieurs paramĂštres polarimĂ©triques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©rivĂ©s des donnĂ©es UAVSAR et RADARSAT-2 : les coefficients de corrĂ©lation (ρHHVV, φHHVV, etc); la hauteur du socle; l’entropie (H), l’anisotropie (A) et l’angle alpha extraits de la dĂ©composition de Cloude-Pottier; les puissances de diffusion de surface (Ps), de double bond (Pd) extraites de la dĂ©composition de Freeman-Durden, etc. Des relations entre les donnĂ©es radar (coefficients de rĂ©trodiffusion multifrĂ©quences et multipolarisations (linĂ©aires et circulaires) et les paramĂštres polarimĂ©triques) et l’humiditĂ© du sol ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es et analysĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que 1) En bande L, plusieurs paramĂštres optimaux permettent le suivi de l’humiditĂ© du sol en zone forestiĂšre avec un coefficient de corrĂ©lation significatif (p-value < 0,05): σ[indice supĂ©rieur 0] linĂ©aire et σ[indice supĂ©rieur 0] circulaire (le coefficient de corrĂ©lation, r, varie entre 0,60 et 0,96), Ps (r entre 0,59 et 0,84), Pd (r entre 0,6 et 0,82), ρHHHV_30˚, ρVVHV_30˚, φHHHV_30˚ and φHHVV_30˚ (r entre 0,56 et 0,81) alors qu’en bande C, ils sont rĂ©duits Ă  φHHHV, φVVHV et φHHVV (r est autour de 0,90). 2) En bande L, les paramĂštres polarimĂ©triques n’ont pas montrĂ© de valeur ajoutĂ©e par rapport aux signaux conventionnels multipolarisĂ©s d’amplitude, pour le suivi de l’humiditĂ© du sol sur les sites forestiers. En revanche, en bande C, certains paramĂštres polarimĂ©triques ont montrĂ© de meilleures relations significatives avec l’humiditĂ© du sol que les signaux conventionnels multipolarisĂ©s d’amplitude.Abstract : Over forest canopies, soil moisture monitoring allows to prevent many disasters such as paludification, fires and floods. As this parameter is very dynamic in space and time, its large-scale estimation is a great challenge, hence the use of radar remote sensing. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor is commonly used due to its wide spatial coverage and its high spatial resolution. Unlike bare soils and agricultural areas, only few investigations focused on the monitoring of soil moisture over forested areas due to the complexity of the scattering processes in this kind of medium. Indeed, the high attenuation of soil contribution by the vegetation and the high vegetation volume contribution significantly reduce the sensitivity of the radar signal to soil moisture. Studies conducted at C-band have shown that the radar signal mainly comes from the upper layer and it quickly saturates with the vegetation density. However, very few studies have explored the potential of polarimetric parameters derived from a fully polarimetric sensor such as RADARSAT-2, to monitor soil moisture over forest canopies. With its large penetration’s depth, vegetation cover effect is less important at L-band, allowing thus to better inform on soil moisture. The main objective of this project is to monitor soil moisture from fully polarime tric L and C bands radar data acquired over forested sites. The data used were collected during the field campaign of Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation EXperiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12) which took place from June 6 to July 17, 2012 in Manitoba (Canada). Four deciduous forested sites were sampled. The main species is the trembling aspen. The data used included measurements of soil moisture, soil surface roughness, characteristics of the forested sites (trees, undergrowth, litter, etc.) and fully polarimetric airborne and satellite radar data respectively acquired at L-band (UAVSAR) with 30 ̊ and at 40 ̊ incidence angles and at C-band (RADARSAT -2) between 20 ̊ and 30 ̊. Several polarimetric parameters were derived from UAVSAR and RADARSAT-2 data: the correlation c oefficients (ρHHVV, φHHVV, etc); the pedestal height; entropy (H), anisotropy (A) and alpha angle extracted from Cloude-Pottier decomposition; surface (Ps) and double bounce (Pd) scattering powers extracted from Freeman-Durden decomposition, etc. Relationships between radar backscattering data (multifrequency and multipolarisation (linear/circular) backscattering coefficients and polarimetric parameters) and soil moisture were developed and analyzed. The results showed that 1) at L-band, several optimal parameters allow soil moisture monitoring over forested sites with a significant correlation coefficient (p-value < 0.05): linear and circular σ[superscript 0] (the correlation coefficient, r, varies between 0.60 and 0.96), Ps (r varies between 0.59 and 0.84), Pd (r varies between 0.60 and 0.82), ρHHHV_30 ̊, ρVVHV_30 ̊, φHHHV_30 ̊ and φHHVV_30 ̊ (r varies between 0.56 and 0.81). However, at C-band, there are only few optimal parameters φHHHV, φVVHV and φHHVV (r is around 0.90) . 2) at L-band, polarimetric parameters did not show any added values for soil moisture monitoring over forested sites compared to multipolarised σ[superscript 0]. Nevertheless, at C-band some polarimetric parameters show better significant relationships with the soil moisture than the conventional multipolarised backscattering amplitudes

    Levee Slide Detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar Magnitude and Phase

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    The objectives of this research are to support the development of state-of-the-art methods using remotely sensed data to detect slides or anomalies in an efficient and cost-effective manner based on the use of SAR technology. Slough or slump slides are slope failures along a levee, which leave areas of the levee vulnerable to seepage and failure during high water events. This work investigates the facility of detecting the slough slides on an earthen levee with different types of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (polSAR) imagery. The source SAR imagery is fully quad-polarimetric L-band data from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL’s) Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR). The study area encompasses a portion of the levees of the lower Mississippi river, located in Mississippi, United States. The obtained classification results reveal that the polSAR data unsupervised classification with features extraction produces more appropriate results than the unsupervised classification with no features extraction. Obviously, supervised classification methods provide better classification results compared to the unsupervised methods. The anomaly identification is good with these results and was improved with the use of a majority filter. The classification accuracy is further improved with a morphology filter. The classification accuracy is significantly improved with the use of GLCM features. The classification results obtained for all three cases (magnitude, phase, and complex data), with classification accuracies for the complex data being higher, indicate that the use of synthetic aperture radar in combination with remote sensing imagery can effectively detect anomalies or slides on an earthen levee. For all the three samples it consistently shows that the accuracies for the complex data are higher when compared to those from the magnitude and phase data alone. The tests comparing complex data features to magnitude and phase data alone, and full complex data, and use of post-processing filter, all had very high accuracy. Hence we included more test samples to validate and distinguish results