472 research outputs found

    Vertex and edge covers with clustering properties: complexity and algorithms

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    We consider the concepts of a t-total vertex cover and a t-total edge cover (t≥1), which generalise the notions of a vertex cover and an edge cover, respectively. A t-total vertex (respectively edge) cover of a connected graph G is a vertex (edge) cover S of G such that each connected component of the subgraph of G induced by S has at least t vertices (edges). These definitions are motivated by combining the concepts of clustering and covering in graphs. Moreover they yield a spectrum of parameters that essentially range from a vertex cover to a connected vertex cover (in the vertex case) and from an edge cover to a spanning tree (in the edge case). For various values of t, we present NP-completeness and approximability results (both upper and lower bounds) and FTP algorithms for problems concerned with finding the minimum size of a t-total vertex cover, t-total edge cover and connected vertex cover, in particular improving on a previous FTP algorithm for the latter problem

    On the algorithmic complexity of twelve covering and independence parameters of graphs

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    The definitions of four previously studied parameters related to total coverings and total matchings of graphs can be restricted, thereby obtaining eight parameters related to covering and independence, each of which has been studied previously in some form. Here we survey briefly results concerning total coverings and total matchings of graphs, and consider the aforementioned 12 covering and independence parameters with regard to algorithmic complexity. We survey briefly known results for several graph classes, and obtain new NP-completeness results for the minimum total cover and maximum minimal total cover problems in planar graphs, the minimum maximal total matching problem in bipartite and chordal graphs, and the minimum independent dominating set problem in planar cubic graphs

    On the approximability of robust spanning tree problems

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    In this paper the minimum spanning tree problem with uncertain edge costs is discussed. In order to model the uncertainty a discrete scenario set is specified and a robust framework is adopted to choose a solution. The min-max, min-max regret and 2-stage min-max versions of the problem are discussed. The complexity and approximability of all these problems are explored. It is proved that the min-max and min-max regret versions with nonnegative edge costs are hard to approximate within O(log1ϵn)O(\log^{1-\epsilon} n) for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0 unless the problems in NP have quasi-polynomial time algorithms. Similarly, the 2-stage min-max problem cannot be approximated within O(logn)O(\log n) unless the problems in NP have quasi-polynomial time algorithms. In this paper randomized LP-based approximation algorithms with performance ratio of O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) for min-max and 2-stage min-max problems are also proposed

    FPTAS for Counting Monotone CNF

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    A monotone CNF formula is a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form where each variable appears positively. We design a deterministic fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for counting the number of satisfying assignments for a given monotone CNF formula when each variable appears in at most 55 clauses. Equivalently, this is also an FPTAS for counting set covers where each set contains at most 55 elements. If we allow variables to appear in a maximum of 66 clauses (or sets to contain 66 elements), it is NP-hard to approximate it. Thus, this gives a complete understanding of the approximability of counting for monotone CNF formulas. It is also an important step towards a complete characterization of the approximability for all bounded degree Boolean #CSP problems. In addition, we study the hypergraph matching problem, which arises naturally towards a complete classification of bounded degree Boolean #CSP problems, and show an FPTAS for counting 3D matchings of hypergraphs with maximum degree 44. Our main technique is correlation decay, a powerful tool to design deterministic FPTAS for counting problems defined by local constraints among a number of variables. All previous uses of this design technique fall into two categories: each constraint involves at most two variables, such as independent set, coloring, and spin systems in general; or each variable appears in at most two constraints, such as matching, edge cover, and holant problem in general. The CNF problems studied here have more complicated structures than these problems and require new design and proof techniques. As it turns out, the technique we developed for the CNF problem also works for the hypergraph matching problem. We believe that it may also find applications in other CSP or more general counting problems.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. version 1=>2: minor edits, highlighted the picture of set cover/packing, and an implication of our previous result in 3D matchin

    On the approximability of the maximum induced matching problem

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    In this paper we consider the approximability of the maximum induced matching problem (MIM). We give an approximation algorithm with asymptotic performance ratio <i>d</i>-1 for MIM in <i>d</i>-regular graphs, for each <i>d</i>≥3. We also prove that MIM is APX-complete in <i>d</i>-regular graphs, for each <i>d</i>≥3

    Parameterized and approximation complexity of the detection pair problem in graphs

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    We study the complexity of the problem DETECTION PAIR. A detection pair of a graph GG is a pair (W,L)(W,L) of sets of detectors with WV(G)W\subseteq V(G), the watchers, and LV(G)L\subseteq V(G), the listeners, such that for every pair u,vu,v of vertices that are not dominated by a watcher of WW, there is a listener of LL whose distances to uu and to vv are different. The goal is to minimize W+L|W|+|L|. This problem generalizes the two classic problems DOMINATING SET and METRIC DIMENSION, that correspond to the restrictions L=L=\emptyset and W=W=\emptyset, respectively. DETECTION PAIR was recently introduced by Finbow, Hartnell and Young [A. S. Finbow, B. L. Hartnell and J. R. Young. The complexity of monitoring a network with both watchers and listeners. Manuscript, 2015], who proved it to be NP-complete on trees, a surprising result given that both DOMINATING SET and METRIC DIMENSION are known to be linear-time solvable on trees. It follows from an existing reduction by Hartung and Nichterlein for METRIC DIMENSION that even on bipartite subcubic graphs of arbitrarily large girth, DETECTION PAIR is NP-hard to approximate within a sub-logarithmic factor and W[2]-hard (when parameterized by solution size). We show, using a reduction to SET COVER, that DETECTION PAIR is approximable within a factor logarithmic in the number of vertices of the input graph. Our two main results are a linear-time 22-approximation algorithm and an FPT algorithm for DETECTION PAIR on trees.Comment: 13 page