29 research outputs found

    The role of compliance in humans and humanoid robots locomotion

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    We build robots that are meant to look and work like humans, with humans, inspired by humans. But many are the human characteristics that we have not yet understood, as humans are highly complex systems. One fundamental characteristic is compliance, which characterizes human movements. If our body was completely rigid, we would not be able to climb up trees or walk on mountainous paths as easily as we do. But despite being inspired to be a copy of human beings, humanoid robots had rigid links connected with rigid joints since their first appearance. It is only recently that they started to be more “human-like”, with the development of compliant actuators. In this thesis the objective is to analyze of the role of compliance in human walking and in humanoid robots motions. We model both the human body and humanoid robots as rigid multi-body systems. Both systems are highly redundant, reason for which optimization represents an essential tool to achieve our goals. In particular, we adopt optimal control approaches. In many state of the art compliant walking mechanisms, compliance is introduced at joint level by means of elastic components with constant stiffness, due to the difficulty of varying stiffness and the considerable dimensions of currently available variable stiffness actuators. This is the reason for which many studies focused on finding constant joint stiffness during human walking. However, biomechanics studies have shown that stiffness changes in human joints during movements. The questions we want to address are therefore: how does stiffness modulate during human walking and what is the influence of such modulations on the gait? To answer these questions, we used walking motions from motion capture data and a 2D dynamic model of the human body, where the actuation of the leg joints are modeled with torsional springs and bi-articular coupling springs with variable stiffness. We computed the stiffness profiles of these springs, which showed how stiffness changes over the walking cycle and can also assume big values, contrasting with many state of the art walking mechanisms. We proceeded by analyzing how walking gaits are modified if the stiffness modulation is reduced. This further step showed that the original walking gait could be approximated in unconstrained walking scenarios such as level ground and slopes but not in constraint ones as stairs. This result demonstrated the importance of stiffness modulation during walking and can serve for future compliant actuators design. There are several existing humanoid robots with compliant actuators. Among these, the iCub is a widely spreaded advanced research humanoid that has recently acquired legs with Series Elastic Actuators (SEA). The reduced version of it, HeiCub, was delivered to Heidelberg University by the end of 2014 and is the robot used in this thesis. We first analyzed the motion of squatting. The problem is formulated as an optimal control problem where only the three pitch joints of the legs are considered active and the whole-body dynamics of the robot is used. Squat motions for different objective functions are generated for the robot with and without the use of SEA. A step further is taken in using all the actuated degrees of freedom of the robot to generate push recovery motions with the same approach, also considering the SEA. As there is a lack of literature and experiments of iCub walking, for this complex task we aimed at exploiting the capabilities of HeiCub by measuring its walking performances. We used the table cart model to generate walking trajectories on level ground, slope and stairs, which have never been achieved before by other iCub robots. In this way we could gain details of the platform that were unknown beforehand that are fundamental to be used in future optimal control formulations. Thanks to this study, future developments of walking control frameworks for the iCub family robots have now a point of reference

    Current sensing feedback for humanoid stability

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    For humanoid robots to function in changing environments, they must be able to maintain balance similar to human beings. At present, humanoids recover from pushes by the use of either the ankles or hips and a rigid body. This method has been proven to work, but causes excessive strain on the joints of the robot and does not maximize on the capabilities of a humanlike body. The focus of this paper is to enable advanced dynamic balancing through torque classification and balance improving positional changes. For the robot to be able to balance dynamically, external torques must be determined accurately. The proposed method of this paper uses current sensing feedback at the humanoids power source to classify external torques. Through understanding the current draw of each joint, an external torque can be modeled. After being modeled, the external torque can be nullified with balancing techniques. Current sensing has the advantage that it adds detailed feedback while requiring small adjustments to the robot. Also, current sensing minimizes additional sensors, cost, and weight to the robot. Current sensing technology lies between the power supply and drive motors, thus can be implement without altering the robot. After an external torque has been modeled, the robot will undertake balancing positions to reduce the instability. The specialized positions increase the robot\u27s balance while reducing the workload of each joint. The balancing positions incorporate the humanlike body of the robot and torque from each of the leg servos. The best balancing positions were generated with a genetic algorithm and simulated in Webots. The simulation environment provided an accurate physical model and physics engine. The genetic algorithm reduced the workload of searching the workspace of a robot with ten degrees of freedom below the waist. The current sensing theory was experimentally tested on the TigerBot, a humanoid produced by the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The TigerBot has twenty three degrees of freedom that fully simulate human motion. The robot stands at thirty-one inches tall and weighs close to nine pounds. The legs of the robot have six degrees of freedom per leg, which fully mimics the human leg. The robot was awarded first place in the 2012 IEEE design competition for innovation in New York

    Contribution à la commande corps-complet des robots humanoïdes : du concept à l'implémentation temps-réel

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    Humanoid robots are a rising trend, and are about to be sold to the public on a large scale, but for this to be possible it is necessary to make them reliable, secure and functional. This implies many improvements over the prior state of the art. A domain of improvement is the full-body control of humanoid robots. The objective of this thesis is to propose a control architecture for generating a bio-inspired full-body control. The main idea is to learn from human walking to replicate these movements on a humanoid robot. The proposed control solution uses the principle of kinematics task for four objectives: (i) the relative pose of the feet, (ii) the position of the Centre de masse (CoM), (iii) the orientation of the upper-body, and (iv) the joints' limits avoidance. Stability is enhanced by modifiying the CoM position by using a stabilizer based on nonlinear regulation of the Zero Moment Point (ZMP). The resulting approach is called hybrid kinematic / dynamic control architecture. This approach has been validated experimentally on two prototypes of humanoid robots for tasks such as squat and walking.Les robots humanoïdes sont en passe d'être commercialisés pour le public à grande échelle, mais pour réussir cet objectif il est nécessaire de rendre ces robots fiables, fonctionnels et sécurisés. Ceci implique de nombreuses améliorations par rapport à de l'état de l'art, pour permettre un produit fini. Un des domaines à améliorer est la commande corps-complet des robots humanoïdes. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de proposer une architecture de commande permettant de générer des mouvements corps-complet bio-inspirés. L'idée principale étant de s'inspirer de la marche humaine afin de reproduire ces mouvements sur un robot humanoïde. La solution de commande proposée utilise le principe de tâches pour quatre objectifs cinématiques: (i) la pose relative des pieds, (ii) la position du CoM, (iii) l'orientation du buste, et (iv) l'évitement des butées articulaires. La stabilité est renforcée en modifiant la position du CoM désirée à l'aide d'un stabilisateur basé sur la régulation non linéaire du ZMP. L'approche résultante est appelée architecture de commande hybride cinématique/dynamique. Cette approche a été validée expérimentalement sur deux prototypes de robots humanoïdes pour différentes tâches telles que le squat et la marche

    Télé-opération Corps Complet de Robots Humanoïdes

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    This thesis aims to investigate systems and tools for teleoperating a humanoid robot. Robotteleoperation is crucial to send and control robots in environments that are dangerous or inaccessiblefor humans (e.g., disaster response scenarios, contaminated environments, or extraterrestrialsites). The term teleoperation most commonly refers to direct and continuous control of a robot.In this case, the human operator guides the motion of the robot with her/his own physical motionor through some physical input device. One of the main challenges is to control the robot in a waythat guarantees its dynamical balance while trying to follow the human references. In addition,the human operator needs some feedback about the state of the robot and its work site through remotesensors in order to comprehend the situation or feel physically present at the site, producingeffective robot behaviors. Complications arise when the communication network is non-ideal. Inthis case the commands from human to robot together with the feedback from robot to human canbe delayed. These delays can be very disturbing for the human operator, who cannot teleoperatetheir robot avatar in an effective way.Another crucial point to consider when setting up a teleoperation system is the large numberof parameters that have to be tuned to effectively control the teleoperated robots. Machinelearning approaches and stochastic optimizers can be used to automate the learning of some of theparameters.In this thesis, we proposed a teleoperation system that has been tested on the humanoid robotiCub. We used an inertial-technology-based motion capture suit as input device to control thehumanoid and a virtual reality headset connected to the robot cameras to get some visual feedback.We first translated the human movements into equivalent robot ones by developping a motionretargeting approach that achieves human-likeness while trying to ensure the feasibility of thetransferred motion. We then implemented a whole-body controller to enable the robot to trackthe retargeted human motion. The controller has been later optimized in simulation to achieve agood tracking of the whole-body reference movements, by recurring to a multi-objective stochasticoptimizer, which allowed us to find robust solutions working on the real robot in few trials.To teleoperate walking motions, we implemented a higher-level teleoperation mode in whichthe user can use a joystick to send reference commands to the robot. We integrated this setting inthe teleoperation system, which allows the user to switch between the two different modes.A major problem preventing the deployment of such systems in real applications is the presenceof communication delays between the human input and the feedback from the robot: evena few hundred milliseconds of delay can irremediably disturb the operator, let alone a few seconds.To overcome these delays, we introduced a system in which a humanoid robot executescommands before it actually receives them, so that the visual feedback appears to be synchronizedto the operator, whereas the robot executed the commands in the past. To do so, the robot continuouslypredicts future commands by querying a machine learning model that is trained on pasttrajectories and conditioned on the last received commands.Cette thèse vise à étudier des systèmes et des outils pour la télé-opération d’un robot humanoïde.La téléopération de robots est cruciale pour envoyer et contrôler les robots dans des environnementsdangereux ou inaccessibles pour les humains (par exemple, des scénarios d’interventionen cas de catastrophe, des environnements contaminés ou des sites extraterrestres). Le terme téléopérationdésigne le plus souvent le contrôle direct et continu d’un robot. Dans ce cas, l’opérateurhumain guide le mouvement du robot avec son propre mouvement physique ou via un dispositifde contrôle. L’un des principaux défis est de contrôler le robot de manière à garantir son équilibredynamique tout en essayant de suivre les références humaines. De plus, l’opérateur humain abesoin d’un retour d’information sur l’état du robot et de son site via des capteurs à distance afind’appréhender la situation ou de se sentir physiquement présent sur le site, produisant des comportementsde robot efficaces. Des complications surviennent lorsque le réseau de communicationn’est pas idéal. Dans ce cas, les commandes de l’homme au robot ainsi que la rétroaction du robotà l’homme peuvent être retardées. Ces délais peuvent être très gênants pour l’opérateur humain,qui ne peut pas télé-opérer efficacement son avatar robotique.Un autre point crucial à considérer lors de la mise en place d’un système de télé-opérationest le grand nombre de paramètres qui doivent être réglés pour contrôler efficacement les robotstélé-opérés. Des approches d’apprentissage automatique et des optimiseurs stochastiques peuventêtre utilisés pour automatiser l’apprentissage de certains paramètres.Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé un système de télé-opération qui a été testé sur le robothumanoïde iCub. Nous avons utilisé une combinaison de capture de mouvement basée sur latechnologie inertielle comme périphérique de contrôle pour l’humanoïde et un casque de réalitévirtuelle connecté aux caméras du robot pour obtenir un retour visuel. Nous avons d’abord traduitles mouvements humains en mouvements robotiques équivalents en développant une approchede retargeting de mouvement qui atteint la ressemblance humaine tout en essayant d’assurer lafaisabilité du mouvement transféré. Nous avons ensuite implémenté un contrôleur du corps entierpour permettre au robot de suivre le mouvement humain reciblé. Le contrôleur a ensuite étéoptimisé en simulation pour obtenir un bon suivi des mouvements de référence du corps entier,en recourant à un optimiseur stochastique multi-objectifs, ce qui nous a permis de trouver dessolutions robustes fonctionnant sur le robot réel en quelques essais.Pour télé-opérer les mouvements de marche, nous avons implémenté un mode de télé-opérationde niveau supérieur dans lequel l’utilisateur peut utiliser un joystick pour envoyer des commandesde référence au robot. Nous avons intégré ce paramètre dans le système de télé-opération, ce quipermet à l’utilisateur de basculer entre les deux modes différents.Un problème majeur empêchant le déploiement de tels systèmes dans des applications réellesest la présence de retards de communication entre l’entrée humaine et le retour du robot: mêmequelques centaines de millisecondes de retard peuvent irrémédiablement perturber l’opérateur,encore plus quelques secondes. Pour surmonter ces retards, nous avons introduit un système danslequel un robot humanoïde exécute des commandes avant de les recevoir, de sorte que le retourvisuel semble être synchronisé avec l’opérateur, alors que le robot exécutait les commandes dansle passé. Pour ce faire, le robot prédit en permanence les commandes futures en interrogeant unmodèle d’apprentissage automatique formé sur les trajectoires passées et conditionné aux dernièrescommandes reçues

    Real-time full body motion imitation on the COMAN humanoid robot

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    On-line full body imitation with a humanoid robot standing on its own two feet requires simultaneously maintaining the balance and imitating the motion of the demonstrator. In this paper we present a method that allows real-time motion imitation while maintaining stability, based on prioritized task control. We also describe a method of modified prioritized kinematic control that constrains the imitated motion to preserve stability only when the robot would tip over, but does not alter the motions otherwise. To cope with the passive compliance of the robot, we show how to model the estimation of the center of mass of the robot using support vector machines. In the paper we give detailed description of all steps of the algorithm, essentially providing a tutorial on the implementation of kinematic stability control. We present the results on a child-sized humanoid robot called Compliant Humanoid Platform or COMAN. Our implementation shows reactive and stable on-line motion imitation of the humanoid robot

    Locomoção de humanoides robusta e versátil baseada em controlo analítico e física residual

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    Humanoid robots are made to resemble humans but their locomotion abilities are far from ours in terms of agility and versatility. When humans walk on complex terrains or face external disturbances, they combine a set of strategies, unconsciously and efficiently, to regain stability. This thesis tackles the problem of developing a robust omnidirectional walking framework, which is able to generate versatile and agile locomotion on complex terrains. We designed and developed model-based and model-free walk engines and formulated the controllers using different approaches including classical and optimal control schemes and validated their performance through simulations and experiments. These frameworks have hierarchical structures that are composed of several layers. These layers are composed of several modules that are connected together to fade the complexity and increase the flexibility of the proposed frameworks. Additionally, they can be easily and quickly deployed on different platforms. Besides, we believe that using machine learning on top of analytical approaches is a key to open doors for humanoid robots to step out of laboratories. We proposed a tight coupling between analytical control and deep reinforcement learning. We augmented our analytical controller with reinforcement learning modules to learn how to regulate the walk engine parameters (planners and controllers) adaptively and generate residuals to adjust the robot’s target joint positions (residual physics). The effectiveness of the proposed frameworks was demonstrated and evaluated across a set of challenging simulation scenarios. The robot was able to generalize what it learned in one scenario, by displaying human-like locomotion skills in unforeseen circumstances, even in the presence of noise and external pushes.Os robôs humanoides são feitos para se parecerem com humanos, mas suas habilidades de locomoção estão longe das nossas em termos de agilidade e versatilidade. Quando os humanos caminham em terrenos complexos ou enfrentam distúrbios externos combinam diferentes estratégias, de forma inconsciente e eficiente, para recuperar a estabilidade. Esta tese aborda o problema de desenvolver um sistema robusto para andar de forma omnidirecional, capaz de gerar uma locomoção para robôs humanoides versátil e ágil em terrenos complexos. Projetámos e desenvolvemos motores de locomoção sem modelos e baseados em modelos. Formulámos os controladores usando diferentes abordagens, incluindo esquemas de controlo clássicos e ideais, e validámos o seu desempenho por meio de simulações e experiências reais. Estes frameworks têm estruturas hierárquicas compostas por várias camadas. Essas camadas são compostas por vários módulos que são conectados entre si para diminuir a complexidade e aumentar a flexibilidade dos frameworks propostos. Adicionalmente, o sistema pode ser implementado em diferentes plataformas de forma fácil. Acreditamos que o uso de aprendizagem automática sobre abordagens analíticas é a chave para abrir as portas para robôs humanoides saírem dos laboratórios. Propusemos um forte acoplamento entre controlo analítico e aprendizagem profunda por reforço. Expandimos o nosso controlador analítico com módulos de aprendizagem por reforço para aprender como regular os parâmetros do motor de caminhada (planeadores e controladores) de forma adaptativa e gerar resíduos para ajustar as posições das juntas alvo do robô (física residual). A eficácia das estruturas propostas foi demonstrada e avaliada em um conjunto de cenários de simulação desafiadores. O robô foi capaz de generalizar o que aprendeu em um cenário, exibindo habilidades de locomoção humanas em circunstâncias imprevistas, mesmo na presença de ruído e impulsos externos.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Motion Control of the Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Quadruped Robot Centauro

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    Emerging applications will demand robots to deal with a complex environment, which lacks the structure and predictability of the industrial workspace. Complex scenarios will require robot complexity to increase as well, as compared to classical topologies such as fixed-base manipulators, wheeled mobile platforms, tracked vehicles, and their combinations. Legged robots, such as humanoids and quadrupeds, promise to provide platforms which are flexible enough to handle real world scenarios; however, the improved flexibility comes at the cost of way higher control complexity. As a trade-off, hybrid wheeled-legged robots have been proposed, resulting in the mitigation of control complexity whenever the ground surface is suitable for driving. Following this idea, a new hybrid robot called Centauro has been developed inside the Humanoid and Human Centered Mechatronics lab at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT). Centauro is a wheeled-legged quadruped with a humanoid bi-manual upper-body. Differently from other platform of similar concept, Centauro employs customized actuation units, which provide high torque outputs, moderately fast motions, and the possibility to control the exerted torque. Moreover, with more than forty motors moving its limbs, Centauro is a very redundant platform, with the potential to execute many different tasks at the same time. This thesis deals with the design and development of a software architecture, and a control system, tailored to such a robot; both wheeled and legged locomotion strategies have been studied, as well as prioritized, whole-body and interaction controllers exploiting the robot torque control capabilities, and capable to handle the system redundancy. A novel software architecture, made of (i) a real-time robotic middleware, and (ii) a framework for online, prioritized Cartesian controller, forms the basis of the entire work

    Fall Prediction and Controlled Fall for Humanoid Robots

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    Humanoids which resemble humans in their body structure and degrees of freedom are anticipated to work like them within infrastructures and environments constructed for humans. In such scenarios, even humans who have exceptional manipulation, balancing, and locomotion skills are vulnerable to fall, humanoids being their approximate imitators are no exception to this. Furthermore, their high center of gravity position in relation to their small support polygon makes them more prone to fall, unlike other robots such as quadrupeds. The consequences of these falls are so devastating that it can instantly annihilate both the robot and its surroundings. This has become one of the major stumbling blocks which humanoids have to overcome to operate in real environments. As a result, in this thesis, we have strived to address the imminent fall over of humanoids by developing different control techniques. The fall over problem as such can be divided into three subissues: fall prediction, controlled fall, and its recovery. In the presented work, the first two issues have been addressed, and they are presented in three parts. First, we define what is fall over for humanoids, different sources for it to happen, the effect fall over has both on the robot and to its surroundings, and how to deal with them. Following which, we give a brief introduction to the overall system which includes both the hardware and software components which have been used throughout the work for varied purposes. Second, the first sub-issue is addressed by proposing a generic method to predict the falling over of humanoid robots in a reliable, robust, and agile manner across various terrains, and also amidst arbitrary disturbances. The aforementioned characteristics are strived to attain by proposing a prediction principle inspired by the human balance sensory systems. Accordingly, the fusion of multiple sensors such as inertial measurement unit and gyroscope (IMU), foot pressure sensor (FPS), joint encoders, and stereo vision sensor, which are equivalent to the human\u2019s vestibular, proprioception, and vision systems are considered. We first define a set of feature-based fall indicator variables (FIVs) from the different sensors, and the thresholds for those FIVs are extracted analytically for four major disturbance scenarios. Further, an online threshold interpolation technique and an impulse adaptive counter limit are proposed to manage more generic disturbances. For the generalized prediction process, both the instantaneous and cumulative sum of each FIVs are normalized, and a suitable value is set as the critical limit to predict the fall over. To determine the best combination and the usefulness of multiple sensors, the prediction performance is evaluated on four different types of terrains, in three unique combinations: first, each feature individually with their respective FIVs; second, an intuitive performance based (PF); and finally, Kalman filter based (KF) techniques, which involve the usage of multiple features. For PF and KF techniques, prediction performance evaluations are carried out with and without adding noise. Overall, it is reported that KF performs better than PF and individual sensor features under different conditions. Also, the method\u2019s ability to predict fall overs during the robot\u2019s simple dynamic motion is also tested and verified through simulations. Experimental verification of the proposed prediction method on flat and uneven terrains was carried out with the WALK-MAN humanoid robot. Finally, in reference to the second sub-issue, i.e., the controlled fall, we propose two novel fall control techniques based on energy concepts, which can be applied online to mitigate the impact forces incurred during the falling over of humanoids. Both the techniques are inspired by the break-fall motions, in particular, Ukemi motion practiced by martial arts people. The first technique reduces the total energy using a nonlinear control tool, called energy shaping (ES) and further distributes the reduced energy over multiple contacts by means of energy distribution polygons (EDP). We also include an effective orientation control to safeguard the end-effectors in the event of ground impacts. The performance of the proposed method is numerically evaluated by dynamic simulations under the sudden falling over scenario of the humanoid robot for both lateral and sagittal falls. The effectiveness of the proposed ES and EDP concepts are verified by diverse comparative simulations regarding total energy, distribution, and impact forces. Following the first technique, we proposed another controller to generate an online rolling over motion based on the hypothesis that multi-contact motions can reduce the impact forces even further. To generate efficient rolling motion, critical parameters are defined by the insights drawn from a study on rolling, which are contact positions and attack angles. In addition, energy-injection velocity is proposed as an auxiliary rolling parameter to ensure sequential multiple contacts in rolling. An online rolling controller is synthesized to compute the optimal values of the rolling parameters. The first two parameters are to construct a polyhedron, by selecting suitable contacts around the humanoid\u2019s body. This polyhedron distributes the energy gradually across multiple contacts, thus called energy distribution polyhedron. The last parameter is to inject some additional energy into the system during the fall, to overcome energy drought and tip over successive contacts. The proposed controller, incorporated with energy injection, minimization, and distribution techniques result in a rolling like motion and significantly reduces the impact forces, and it is verified in numerical experiments with a segmented planar robot and a full humanoid model

    An Overview on Principles for Energy Efficient Robot Locomotion

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    Despite enhancements in the development of robotic systems, the energy economy of today's robots lags far behind that of biological systems. This is in particular critical for untethered legged robot locomotion. To elucidate the current stage of energy efficiency in legged robotic systems, this paper provides an overview on recent advancements in development of such platforms. The covered different perspectives include actuation, leg structure, control and locomotion principles. We review various robotic actuators exploiting compliance in series and in parallel with the drive-train to permit energy recycling during locomotion. We discuss the importance of limb segmentation under efficiency aspects and with respect to design, dynamics analysis and control of legged robots. This paper also reviews a number of control approaches allowing for energy efficient locomotion of robots by exploiting the natural dynamics of the system, and by utilizing optimal control approaches targeting locomotion expenditure. To this end, a set of locomotion principles elaborating on models for energetics, dynamics, and of the systems is studied

    Generation of whole-body motion for humanoid robots with the complete dynamics

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    Cette thèse propose une solution au problème de la génération de mouvements pour les robots humanoïdes. Le cadre qui est proposé dans cette thèse génère des mouvements corps-complet en utilisant la dynamique inverse avec l'espace des tâches et en satisfaisant toutes les contraintes de contact. La spécification des mouvements se fait à travers objectifs dans l'espace des tâches et la grande redondance du système est gérée avec une pile de tâches où les tâches moins prioritaires sont atteintes seulement si elles n'interfèrent pas avec celles de plus haute priorité. À cette fin, un QP hiérarchique est utilisé, avec l'avantage d'être en mesure de préciser tâches d'égalité ou d'inégalité à tous les niveaux de la hiérarchie. La capacité de traiter plusieurs contacts non-coplanaires est montrée par des mouvements où le robot s'assoit sur une chaise et monte une échelle. Le cadre générique de génération de mouvements est ensuite appliqué à des études de cas à l'aide de HRP-2 et Romeo. Les mouvements complexes et similaires à l'humain sont obtenus en utilisant l'imitation du mouvement humain où le mouvement acquis passe par un processus cinématique et dynamique. Pour faire face à la nature instantanée de la dynamique inverse, un générateur de cycle de marche est utilisé comme entrée pour la pile de tâches qui effectue une correction locale de la position des pieds sur la base des points de contact permettant de marcher sur un terrain accidenté. La vision stéréo est également introduite pour aider dans le processus de marche. Pour une récupération rapide d'équilibre, le capture point est utilisé comme une tâche contrôlée dans une région désirée de l'espace. En outre, la génération de mouvements est présentée pour CHIMP, qui a besoin d'un traitement particulier.This thesis aims at providing a solution to the problem of motion generation for humanoid robots. The proposed framework generates whole-body motion using the complete robot dynamics in the task space satisfying contact constraints. This approach is known as operational-space inverse-dynamics control. The specification of the movements is done through objectives in the task space, and the high redundancy of the system is handled with a prioritized stack of tasks where lower priority tasks are only achieved if they do not interfere with higher priority ones. To this end, a hierarchical quadratic program is used, with the advantage of being able to specify tasks as equalities or inequalities at any level of the hierarchy. Motions where the robot sits down in an armchair and climbs a ladder show the capability to handle multiple non-coplanar contacts. The generic motion generation framework is then applied to some case studies using HRP-2 and Romeo. Complex and human-like movements are achieved using human motion imitation where the acquired motion passes through a kinematic and then dynamic retargeting processes. To deal with the instantaneous nature of inverse dynamics, a walking pattern generator is used as an input for the stack of tasks which makes a local correction of the feet position based on the contact points allowing to walk on non-planar surfaces. Visual feedback is also introduced to aid in the walking process. Alternatively, for a fast balance recovery, the capture point is introduced in the framework as a task and it is controlled within a desired region of space. Also, motion generation is presented for CHIMP which is a robot that needs a particular treatment