26 research outputs found

    The role of HCI in the construction of disability

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    As a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use, and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them, human computer interaction (HCI) is involved in the phenomenon of disability. For an interaction between humans and computers to take place, there should be an interface mediating between both parties. The design of such an interface may inadvertently impose access barriers to some people. HCI literature addresses the relationship between the theory and practice of HCI and disability from different angles, some of which are diametrically opposed. This thesis explores three modern conceptions, or models, of disability — the individualistic medical, the biopsychosocial and the social models —, investigates which model predominates in the HCI literature, and analyzes why choosing a particular model may determine and constrain the classes of problems that can be identified during a solution discovery process. Departing from HCI’s traditional discourse, which interprets the phenomenon of disability as a problem in the human body, the author, leading a team of engineers and psychologists, carried out a project in a school for children with cerebral palsy. The project was aimed to improve different areas of child development, using non conventional user interfaces — i.e. user interfaces that use other input/output devices than the keyboard, mouse or screen. After two years working directly within the field of operations”, the author had the opportunity to contrast the theory underpinning HCI’s methods with real practice and to expand his understandings about the relationships between HCI and disability. The research process involved an action research approach, which allowed the author and the team of experimenters to formulate new hypotheses as they learned more about the context, to review the process and, ultimately and most importantly,to readapt their actions to better serve the end beneficiaries. The experiences and learnings gathered throughout the process have been included in this thesis as a case study, for the purpose of helping HCI researchers embarking on projects relatable to the one described. Finally, the author urges the HCI community to update its discourse and to connect it with the vast literature related to modern conceptions of the phenomenon of disability

    Intelligent Interfaces to Empower People with Disabilities

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    Severe motion impairments can result from non-progressive disorders, such as cerebral palsy, or degenerative neurological diseases, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or muscular dystrophy (MD). They can be due to traumatic brain injuries, for example, due to a traffic accident, or to brainste

    IFIP TC 13 Seminar: trends in HCI proceedings, March 26, 2007, Salamanca (Spain)

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    Actas del 13o. Seminario de la International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), celebrado en Salamanca el 26 de marzo de 2007, sobre las nuevas líneas de investigación en la interacción hombre-máquina, gestión del conocimiento y enseñanza por la Web

    Integration of accessibility requirements in the design of multimedia user agents interfaces

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe continuous increase of multimedia content in the Web, especially video content, is not accompanied by a similar increase of accessibility; there is a lack of synchronized alternatives for the content such as captions, audio description, etc. that allow anyone with or without disability to access such content. This lack of accessibility in video content access is not only due to the lack of alternatives, but also because of the fact that user agents which deliver this content do not provide the necessary means to present them. This fact leads to the noncompliance of the current regulations and legislation in terms of accessibility. This noncompliance could be due to the lack of knowledge, or because of the fact that applying these regulations from an engineering point of view is not trivial. There is a lack of authoring tools and methodological approaches which assist in the development of an accessible product in the Engineering scope as it is the case of the development of a quality user agent which includes accessibility requirements. All these facts, multimedia content’s progressive increase on the Web, accessibility barriers both in the content and in the user agent together with current regulations and legislation regarding accessibility is what has motivated the accomplishment of this Doctoral Thesis. With this Doctoral Thesis, a set of accessibility requirements that a user agent which delivers multimedia content must fulfil is provided. Besides, a workspace is provided following a methodological approach which assists in the design and development of the interface of an accessible user agent which delivers accessible multimedia content. This workspace is composed of an architecture and models following a Model-Based User Interface Development (MBUID) approach and is oriented to be used by designers with knowledge in modeling. Finally, as a support to any professional regardless of their knowledge in modeling and in accessibility, an authoring tool based on models is offered in order to create user agents with accessibility requirements.El continuo incremento del contenido multimedia en la Web, especialmente del contenido vídeo, no va acompañado de un incremento similar de accesibilidad, hay una falta de alternativas sincronizadas al contenido como subtitulado, audiodescripción, etc., que permitan acceder a cualquier persona con y sin discapacidad a dicho contenido. Esta falta de accesibilidad en el acceso al contenido vídeo no solo se debe a la ausencia de alternativas, también es debido a que los agentes de usuario que entregan dicho contenido no proporcionan los medios necesarios para presentarlas. Este hecho da lugar a que no se cumpla la normativa y la legislación vigente en materia de accesibilidad. Dicho incumplimiento, puede ser debido al desconocimiento, o a que aplicar esa normativa desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería no es trivial. Hay una falta de herramientas de autor y de enfoques metodológicos que asistan en el desarrollo de un producto accesible en el ámbito de la Ingeniería, como es el caso del desarrollo de un agente de usuario con calidad que incluya requisitos de accesibilidad. Todos estos hechos, el incremento progresivo del contenido multimedia en la Web, las barreras de accesibilidad tanto en el contenido como en el agente de usuario junto con la normativa y legislación vigente en materia de accesibilidad es lo que ha motivado la realización de esta Tesis Doctoral. Con esta Tesis Doctoral se proporciona el conjunto de requisitos de accesibilidad que debe cumplir un agente de usuario que sirva contenido multimedia accesible. Además se proporciona un espacio de trabajo siguiendo un enfoque metodológico que asista en el diseño y desarrollo de la interfaz de un agente de usuario accesible que sirve contenido multimedia accesible. Este espacio de trabajo está compuesto de una arquitectura y modelos siguiendo el enfoque de Model-Based User Interface Development (MBUID) y está orientado a ser utilizado por diseñadores con conocimientos en modelado. Por último, como recurso de ayuda a cualquier profesional, independientemente de sus conocimientos en modelado y accesibilidad, se ofrece una herramienta de autor basada en modelos para crear agentes de usuario con requisitos de accesibilidad.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: José Antonio Macías Iglesias.- Vocal: Hugo Alexandre Paredes Guede

    Noise Challenges in Monomodal Gaze Interaction

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    Modern graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are designed with able-bodied users in mind. Operating these interfaces can be impossible for some users who are unable to control the conventional mouse and keyboard. An eye tracking system offers possibilities for independent use and improved quality of life via dedicated interface tools especially tailored to the users ’ needs (e.g., interaction, communication, e-mailing, web browsing and entertainment). Much effort has been put towards robustness, accuracy and precision of modern eyetracking systems and there are many available on the market. Even though gaze tracking technologies have undergone dramatic improvements over the past years, the systems are still very imprecise. This thesis deals with current challenges of mono-modal gaze interaction and aims at improving access to technology and interface control for users who are limited to the eyes only. Low-cost equipment in eye tracking contributes toward improved affordability but potentially at the cost of introducing more noise in the system due to the lower quality of hardware. This implies that methods of dealing with noise and creative approaches towards getting the best out of the data stream are most wanted. The work in this thesis presents three contributions that may advance the use of low-cost mono-modal gaze tracking and research in the field:- An assessment of a low-cost open-source gaze tracker and two eye tracking systems through an accuracy and precision test and a performance evaluation.- Development and evaluation of a novel innovative 3D typing system with high tolerance to noise that is based on continuous panning and zooming.- Development and evaluation of novel selection tools that compensate for noisy input during small-target selections in modern GUIs. This thesis may be of particular interest for those working on the use of eye trackers for gaze interaction and how to deal with reduced data quality. The work in this thesis is accompanied by several software applications developed for the research projects that can be freely downloaded from the eyeInteract appstore 1

    Transforming our World through Universal Design for Human Development

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    An environment, or any building product or service in it, should ideally be designed to meet the needs of all those who wish to use it. Universal Design is the design and composition of environments, products, and services so that they can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. It creates products, services and environments that meet people’s needs. In short, Universal Design is good design. This book presents the proceedings of UD2022, the 6th International Conference on Universal Design, held from 7 - 9 September 2022 in Brescia, Italy.The conference is targeted at professionals and academics interested in the theme of universal design as related to the built environment and the wellbeing of users, but also covers mobility and urban environments, knowledge, and information transfer, bringing together research knowledge and best practice from all over the world. The book contains 72 papers from 13 countries, grouped into 8 sections and covering topics including the design of inclusive natural environments and urban spaces, communities, neighborhoods and cities; housing; healthcare; mobility and transport systems; and universally- designed learning environments, work places, cultural and recreational spaces. One section is devoted to universal design and cultural heritage, which had a particular focus at this edition of the conference. The book reflects the professional and disciplinary diversity represented in the UD movement, and will be of interest to all those whose work involves inclusive design

    Girls as minorities: norms, social processes and practices and their impact on girls' sexual health in Tanzania

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    Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Estudos de MinoriasA vulnerabilidade dos raparigas às ameaças à sua saúde sexual é um assunto que não tem recebido a devida atenção até à data. O presente estudo foi estabelecido para investigar os processos sociais e práticas influenciando os comportamentos sexuais de risco, gravidezes indesejadas e transmissão de VIH junto das raparigas na Tanzânia. O estudo começou com extensa revisão da literatura científica para mapear a sexualidade adolescente e a saúde. O objetivo foi analisar os factores subjacentes aos comportamentos sexuais de risco, gravidezes indesejadas e transmissão de VIH junto das raparigas, e especificamente para identificar os significados sociais sobre género e sexualidade adolescente relevantes na sociedade mais ampla e avaliar as implicações na saúde das raparigas. A segunda parte é constituída por um estudo empírico, que foi realizado, principalmente em Dar-es-Salaam, com quatro organizações não governamentais. Clara tendências surgiram a partir do presente estudo para indicar que os comportamentos sexuais de risco, gravidezes indesejadas e transmissão de VIH junto das raparigas são intimamente relacionados com formas involuntárias ou parcialmente involuntárias de reprodução das relações de poder, significados sociais, códigos morais, com o estigma e o silêncio associados à sexualidade das raparigas e à sua saúde sexual no seio de instituições-chave, neste caso normas jurídicas (incluindo políticas) e as organizações não governamentais. Consequentemente, os comportamentos sexuais de meninas são ocultados, à medida em que se envolvem em relações sexuais discretas. Elas não podem usar os instrumentos disponíveis, as informações sobre a saúde sexual e os serviços oferecidos, por medo de deixar conhecer o facto de serem sexualmente activas. Embora possam ter já uma experiência da vida, ter na sua posse e/ou negociar o uso do preservativo é susceptível de prejudicar a sua respeitabilidade perante parceiros sexuais masculinos. Elas podem igualmente ser punidas pelos pais, tutores e professores, algo que não é necessariamente aplicável aos rapazes. O preservativo e uso do preservativo estão intimamente associados, para as raparigas, com a falta de confiança, com a infidelidade e com a promiscuidade. O estudo conclui que as normas jurídicas (incluindo políticas) e as organizações não governamentais não devem reforçar os significados sociais associados com a identidade de género e a sexualidade adolescente, ou outros elementos que colocam em risco a saúde das raparigas. Todos os esforços para proteger os direitos das raparigas relacionados com a saúde através de normas jurídicas e de políticas, incluindo a prevenção de comportamentos de risco sexual, gravidezes indesejadas e transmissão de VIH, tem que ter simultaneamente uma dimensão individual e uma dimensão coletiva.Adolescent girls’ vulnerability to sexual health threats is a subject that has not received adequate attention to date. The present study was set out to investigate the social processes and practices influencing sexual risk behaviors, unintended pregnancies, and HIV transmission among adolescent girls in Tanzania. The study began with an extensive revision of scientific literature in order to map adolescent sexuality and health. The aim was to examine the underlying factors of sexual risk behaviors, unintended pregnancies, and HIV transmission among adolescent girls, and specifically, to identify the social meanings about gender and adolescent sexuality relevant in the wider society, and assess implications on girls’ health. The second part constituted an empirical study which was conducted, mainly in Dar es Salaam, with four non-governmental organizations. Clear trends emerged from the present study to indicate that sexual risk behaviors, u nintended pregnancies, and HIV transmission among adolescent girls are closely related to unintended and partially intended reproduction of the power relations, social meanings, moral codes, stigma and silence attached to adolescent girls’ sexuality and sexual health within key institutions, in this case laws (including policies), and non-governmental organizations. Consequently, girls’ sexual behaviors go underground as they engage in discreet sexual relations. They may not use available tools and sexual health information and services offered, for fear of being known to be sexually active. Although they may have life skills, carrying and/or negotiating condom use is likely to damage their respectability before male sexual partners. They can also be punished by parents, guardians and teachers, and the same does not necessarily apply to adolescent boys. Condom and condom use are closely associated, for girls, with lack of trust, with infidelity and with promiscuity. The study concludes that, laws (including policies) and non-governmental organizations should not reinforce the identified social meanings about gender identity and adolescent sexuality, and any other elements which jeopardize girls’ health. All efforts for protecting girls’ rights related to health in laws and policies, including, prevention of sexual risk behaviors, unintended pregnancies, and HIV transmission, have to have both an individual dimension and a collective dimension.La vulnérabilité des filles aux menaces pour la santé sexuelle est un sujet qui n'a pas reçu une attention suffisante à ce jour. La présente étude a été conçue pour approfondir les processus sociaux et pratiques influençant les comportements sexuels de risque, les grossesses non désirées et la transmission du VIH chez les filles en Tanzanie. L'étude commence par un examen le plus ample possible de la littérature scientifique pour situer la sexualité des adolescents et la santé. L'objectif y est d'analyser les facteurs qui sous-tendent les comportements sexuels de risque, les grossesses non désirées et la transmission du VIH chez les filles, et plus précisément d’identifier les significations sociales quant au genre et à la sexualité des adolescents dans la société en général, et d'évaluer leurs répercussions sur la santé des filles. La deuxième partie se compose d'une étude empirique, effectuée principalement à Dar-es-Salaam, avec quatre organisations non gouvernementales. Des tendances claires se dégagent de cette étude, qui indiquent que les comportements sexuels à risque, les grossesses non désirées et la transmission du VIH chez les filles sont étroitement liés à des formes involontaires ou partiellement involontaires de reproduction des relations de pouvoir, à des significations sociales, à des codes moraux, à la stigmatisation et au silence associés à la sexualité et à la santé sexuelle des filles au sein des institutions-clé socialement, dans ce cas les normes juridiques (y compris les politiques) et les organisations non gouvernementales. En conséquence, le comportement sexuel des filles est occulté, tandis que ces dernières continuent à entretenir des relations sexuelles discrètes. Elles ne peuvent nullement utiliser les instruments disponibles, les informations sur la santé sexuelle et les services offerts, par crainte de faire connaitre qu’elles sont sexuellement actives. Bien qu’elles puissent avoir une certaine expérience de la vie, le fait de détenir et/ou de négocier l'utilisation du préservatif est susceptible de nuire à leur respectabilité face à des partenaires sexuels masculins. Elles peuvent également être punies par leurs parents, leurs tuteurs et leurs enseignants, chose qui n'est pas nécessairement applicable aux garçons. Le préservatif et l'utilisation du préservatif sont étroitement associés, pour les filles, avec le manque de confiance, l'infidélité et la promiscuité. L'étude conclut que les normes juridiques (y compris les politiques) et les organisations non gouvernementales ne devraient pas renforcer les significations sociales associées à l’identité de genre et à la sexualité des adolescentes, ou d'autres éléments qui mettent en danger la santé des filles. Tous les efforts pour protéger les droits des filles par le biais de normes juridiques relatives à la santé et de politiques, y compris la prévention des comportements sexuels de risque, les grossesses non désirées et la transmission du VIH, doivent avoir simultanément une dimension individuelle et une dimension collective

    Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing III

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    This open access book gathers contributions presented at the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2020), held as a web conference on June 2–4, 2020. It reports on cutting-edge topics in product design and manufacturing, such as industrial methods for integrated product and process design; innovative design; and computer-aided design. Further topics covered include virtual simulation and reverse engineering; additive manufacturing; product manufacturing; engineering methods in medicine and education; representation techniques; and nautical, aeronautics and aerospace design and modeling. The book is organized into four main parts, reflecting the focus and primary themes of the conference. The contributions presented here not only provide researchers, engineers and experts in a range of industrial engineering subfields with extensive information to support their daily work; they are also intended to stimulate new research directions, advanced applications of the methods discussed and future interdisciplinary collaborations