794 research outputs found

    Physiology-based regularization of the electrocardiographic inverse problem

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    The inverse problem of electrocardiography aims at noninvasively reconstructing electrical activity of the heart from recorded body-surface electrocardiograms. A crucial step is regularization, which deals with ill-posedness of the problem by imposing constraints on the possible solutions. We developed a regularization method that includes electrophysiological input. Body-surface potentials are recorded and a computed tomography scan is performed to obtain the torso-heart geometry. Propagating waveforms originating from several positions at the heart are simulated and used to generate a set of basis vectors representing spatial distributions of potentials on the heart surface. The real heart-surface potentials are then reconstructed from the recorded body-surface potentials by finding a sparse representation in terms of this basis. This method, which we named 'physiology-based regularization' (PBR), was compared to traditional Tikhonov regularization and validated using in vivo recordings in dogs. PBR recovered details of heart-surface electrograms that were lost with traditional regularization, attained higher correlation coefficients and led to improved estimation of recovery times. The best results were obtained by including approximate knowledge about the beat origin in the PBR basis

    Personalized noninvasive imaging of volumetric cardiac electrophysiology

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    Three-dimensionally distributed electrical functioning is the trigger of mechanical contraction of the heart. Disturbance of this electrical flow is known to predispose to mechanical catastrophe but, due to its amenability to certain intervention techniques, a detailed understanding of subject-specific cardiac electrophysiological conditions is of great medical interest. In current clinical practice, body surface potential recording is the standard tool for diagnosing cardiac electrical dysfunctions. However, successful treatments normally require invasive catheter mapping for a more detailed observation of these dysfunctions. In this dissertation, we take a system approach to pursue personalized noninvasive imaging of volumetric cardiac electrophysiology. Under the guidance of existing scientific knowledge of the cardiac electrophysiological system, we extract the subject specific cardiac electrical information from noninvasive body surface potential mapping and tomographic imaging data of individual subjects. In this way, a priori knowledge of system physiology leads the physiologically meaningful interpretation of personal data; at the same time, subject-specific information contained in the data identifies parameters in individual systems that differ from prior knowledge. Based on this perspective, we develop a physiological model-constrained statistical framework for the quantitative reconstruction of the electrical dynamics and inherent electrophysiological property of each individual cardiac system. To accomplish this, we first develop a coupled meshfree-BE (boundary element) modeling approach to represent existing physiological knowledge of the cardiac electrophysiological system on personalized heart-torso structures. Through a state space system approach and sequential data assimilation techniques, we then develop statistical model-data coupling algorithms for quantitative reconstruction of volumetric transmembrane potential dynamics and tissue property of 3D myocardium from body surface potential recoding of individual subjects. We also introduce a data integration component to build personalized cardiac electrophysiology by fusing tomographic image and BSP sequence of the same subject. In addition, we develop a computational reduction strategy that improves the efficiency and stability of the framework. Phantom experiments and real-data human studies are performed for validating each of the framework’s major components. These experiments demonstrate the potential of our framework in providing quantitative understanding of volumetric cardiac electrophysiology for individual subjects and in identifying latent threats in individual’s heart. This may aid in personalized diagnose, treatment planning, and fundamentally, prevention of fatal cardiac arrhythmia

    Validation and Opportunities of Electrocardiographic Imaging: From Technical chievements to Clinical Applications

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    [EN] Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) reconstructs the electrical activity of the heart from a dense array of body-surface electrocardiograms and a patient-specific heart-torso geometry. Depending on how it is formulated, ECGI allows the reconstruction of the activation and recovery sequence of the heart, the origin of premature beats or tachycardia, the anchors/hotspots of re-entrant arrhythmias and other electrophysiological quantities of interest. Importantly, these quantities are directly and non-invasively reconstructed in a digitized model of the patient's three-dimensional heart, which has led to clinical interest in ECGI's ability to personalize diagnosis and guide therapy. Despite considerable development over the last decades, validation of ECGI is challenging. Firstly, results depend considerably on implementation choices, which are necessary to deal with ECGI's ill-posed character. Secondly, it is challenging to obtain (invasive) ground truth data of high quality. In this review, we discuss the current status of ECGI validation as well as the major challenges remaining for complete adoption of ECGI in clinical practice. Specifically, showing clinical benefit is essential for the adoption of ECGI. Such benefit may lie in patient outcome improvement, workflow improvement, or cost reduction. Future studies should focus on these aspects to achieve broad adoption of ECGI, but only after the technical challenges have been solved for that specific application/pathology. We propose 'best' practices for technical validation and highlight collaborative efforts recently organized in this field. Continued interaction between engineers, basic scientists, and physicians remains essential to find a hybrid between technical achievements, pathological mechanisms insights, and clinical benefit, to evolve this powerful technique toward a useful role in clinical practice.This study received financial support from the Hein Wellens Fonds, the Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute (CVRTI), the Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (P41GM103545), the National Institutes of Health (NIH HL080093), the French government as part of the Investments of the Future program managed by the National Research Agency (ANR-10-IAHU-04), from the VEGA Grant Agency in Slovakia (2/0071/16), from the Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV-14-0875), the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/01106) and from Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2018/267) and NIH grant (HL125998) and National Science Foundation (ACI-1350374).Cluitmans, M.; Brooks, D.; Macleod, RS.; Dossel, O.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Van Dam, P.; Svehlikova, J.... (2018). Validation and Opportunities of Electrocardiographic Imaging: From Technical chievements to Clinical Applications. Frontiers in Physiology. 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2018.01305S9Andrews, C. M., Srinivasan, N. T., Rosmini, S., Bulluck, H., Orini, M., Jenkins, S., … Rudy, Y. (2017). Electrical and Structural Substrate of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Determined Using Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Imaging and Late Gadolinium Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 10(7). doi:10.1161/circep.116.005105Aras, K., Good, W., Tate, J., Burton, B., Brooks, D., Coll-Font, J., … MacLeod, R. (2015). Experimental Data and Geometric Analysis Repository—EDGAR. Journal of Electrocardiology, 48(6), 975-981. doi:10.1016/j.jelectrocard.2015.08.008Austen, W., Edwards, J., Frye, R., Gensini, G., Gott, V., Griffith, L., … Roe, B. (1975). A reporting system on patients evaluated for coronary artery disease. 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    Current Status and Future of Cardiac Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation

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    Bayesian Inference with Combined Dynamic and Sparsity Models: Application in 3D Electrophysiological Imaging

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    Data-driven inference is widely encountered in various scientific domains to convert the observed measurements into information that cannot be directly observed about a system. Despite the quickly-developing sensor and imaging technologies, in many domains, data collection remains an expensive endeavor due to financial and physical constraints. To overcome the limits in data and to reduce the demand on expensive data collection, it is important to incorporate prior information in order to place the data-driven inference in a domain-relevant context and to improve its accuracy. Two sources of assumptions have been used successfully in many inverse problem applications. One is the temporal dynamics of the system (dynamic structure). The other is the low-dimensional structure of a system (sparsity structure). In existing work, these two structures have often been explored separately, while in most high-dimensional dynamic system they are commonly co-existing and contain complementary information. In this work, our main focus is to build a robustness inference framework to combine dynamic and sparsity constraints. The driving application in this work is a biomedical inverse problem of electrophysiological (EP) imaging, which noninvasively and quantitatively reconstruct transmural action potentials from body-surface voltage data with the goal to improve cardiac disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The general framework can be extended to a variety of applications that deal with the inference of high-dimensional dynamic systems

    Electrocardiographic Imaging Using a Spatio-Temporal Basis of Body Surface Potentials - Application to Atrial Ectopic Activity

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    Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) strongly relies on a priori assumptions and additional information to overcome ill-posedness. The major challenge of obtaining good reconstructions consists in finding ways to add information that effectively restricts the solution space without violating properties of the sought solution. In this work, we attempt to address this problem by constructing a spatio-temporal basis of body surface potentials (BSP) from simulations of many focal excitations. Measured BSPs are projected onto this basis and reconstructions are expressed as linear combinations of corresponding transmembrane voltage (TMV) basis vectors. The novel method was applied to simulations of 100 atrial ectopic foci with three different conduction velocities. Three signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and bases of six different temporal lengths were considered. Reconstruction quality was evaluated using the spatial correlation coefficient of TMVs as well as estimated local activation times (LAT). The focus localization error was assessed by computing the geodesic distance between true and reconstructed foci. Compared with an optimally parameterized Tikhonov-Greensite method, the BSP basis reconstruction increased the mean TMV correlation by up to 22, 24, and 32% for an SNR of 40, 20, and 0 dB, respectively. Mean LAT correlation could be improved by up to 5, 7, and 19% for the three SNRs. For 0 dB, the average localization error could be halved from 15.8 to 7.9 mm. For the largest basis length, the localization error was always below 34 mm. In conclusion, the new method improved reconstructions of atrial ectopic activity especially for low SNRs. Localization of ectopic foci turned out to be more robust and more accurate. Preliminary experiments indicate that the basis generalizes to some extent from the training data and may even be applied for reconstruction of non-ectopic activity


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    This is a practical book on MEG that covers a wide range of topics. The book begins with a series of reviews on the use of MEG for clinical applications, the study of cognitive functions in various diseases, and one chapter focusing specifically on studies of memory with MEG. There are sections with chapters that describe source localization issues, the use of beamformers and dipole source methods, as well as phase-based analyses, and a step-by-step guide to using dipoles for epilepsy spike analyses. The book ends with a section describing new innovations in MEG systems, namely an on-line real-time MEG data acquisition system, novel applications for MEG research, and a proposal for a helium re-circulation system. With such breadth of topics, there will be a chapter that is of interest to every MEG researcher or clinician

    A systematic review on artifact removal and classification techniques for enhanced MEG-based BCI systems

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    Neurological disease victims may be completely paralyzed and unable to move, but they may still be able to think. Their brain activity is the only means by which they can interact with their environment. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research attempts to create tools that support subjects with disabilities. Furthermore, BCI research has expanded rapidly over the past few decades as a result of the interest in creating a new kind of human-to-machine communication. As magnetoencephalography (MEG) has superior spatial and temporal resolution than other approaches, it is being utilized to measure brain activity non-invasively. The recorded signal includes signals related to brain activity as well as noise and artifacts from numerous sources. MEG can have a low signal-to-noise ratio because the magnetic fields generated by cortical activity are small compared to other artifacts and noise. By using the right techniques for noise and artifact detection and removal, the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased. This article analyses various methods for removing artifacts as well as classification strategies. Additionally, this offers a study of the influence of Deep Learning models on the BCI system. Furthermore, the various challenges in collecting and analyzing MEG signals as well as possible study fields in MEG-based BCI are examined