816 research outputs found

    Spatial attention enhances cortical tracking of quasi-rhythmic visual stimuli

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    Successfully interpreting and navigating our natural visual environment requires us to track its dynamics constantly. Additionally, we focus our attention on behaviorally relevant stimuli to enhance their neural processing. Little is known, however, about how sustained attention affects the ongoing tracking of stimuli with rich natural temporal dynamics. Here, we used MRI-informed source reconstructions of magnetoencephalography (MEG) data to map to what extent various cortical areas track concurrent continuous quasi-rhythmic visual stimulation. Further, we tested how top-down visuo-spatial attention influences this tracking process. Our bilaterally presented quasi-rhythmic stimuli covered a dynamic range of 4–20 Hz, subdivided into three distinct bands. As an experimental control, we also included strictly rhythmic stimulation (10 vs 12 Hz). Using a spectral measure of brain-stimulus coupling, we were able to track the neural processing of left vs. right stimuli independently, even while fluctuating within the same frequency range. The fidelity of neural tracking depended on the stimulation frequencies, decreasing for higher frequency bands. Both attended and non-attended stimuli were tracked beyond early visual cortices, in ventral and dorsal streams depending on the stimulus frequency. In general, tracking improved with the deployment of visuo-spatial attention to the stimulus location. Our results provide new insights into how human visual cortices process concurrent dynamic stimuli and provide a potential mechanism – namely increasing the temporal precision of tracking – for boosting the neural representation of attended input

    Visual cortex responses reflect temporal structure of continuous quasi-rhythmic sensory stimulation

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    Neural processing of dynamic continuous visual input, and cognitive influences thereon, are frequently studied in paradigms employing strictly rhythmic stimulation. However, the temporal structure of natural stimuli is hardly ever fully rhythmic but possesses certain spectral bandwidths (e.g. lip movements in speech, gestures). Examining periodic brain responses elicited by strictly rhythmic stimulation might thus represent ideal, yet isolated cases. Here, we tested how the visual system reflects quasi-rhythmic stimulation with frequencies continuously varying within ranges of classical theta (4–7Hz), alpha (8–13Hz) and beta bands (14–20Hz) using EEG. Our findings substantiate a systematic and sustained neural phase-locking to stimulation in all three frequency ranges. Further, we found that allocation of spatial attention enhances EEG-stimulus locking to theta- and alpha-band stimulation. Our results bridge recent findings regarding phase locking (“entrainment”) to quasi-rhythmic visual input and “frequency-tagging” experiments employing strictly rhythmic stimulation. We propose that sustained EEG-stimulus locking can be considered as a continuous neural signature of processing dynamic sensory input in early visual cortices. Accordingly, EEG-stimulus locking serves to trace the temporal evolution of rhythmic as well as quasi-rhythmic visual input and is subject to attentional bias

    A new unifying account of the roles of neuronal entrainment

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    Rhythms are a fundamental and defining feature of neuronal activity in animals including humans. This rhythmic brain activity interacts in complex ways with rhythms in the internal and external environment through the phenomenon of ‘neuronal entrainment’, which is attracting increasing attention due to its suggested role in a multitude of sensory and cognitive processes. Some senses, such as touch and vision, sample the environment rhythmically, while others, like audition, are faced with mostly rhythmic inputs. Entrainment couples rhythmic brain activity to external and internal rhythmic events, serving fine-grained routing and modulation of external and internal signals across multiple spatial and temporal hierarchies. This interaction between a brain and its environment can be experimentally investigated and even modified by rhythmic sensory stimuli or invasive and non-invasive neuromodulation techniques. We provide a comprehensive overview of the topic and propose a theoretical framework of how neuronal entrainment dynamically structures information from incoming neuronal, bodily and environmental sources. We discuss the different types of neuronal entrainment, the conceptual advances in the field, and converging evidence for general principles

    Stimulus-Driven Brain Rhythms within the Alpha Band: The Attentional-Modulation Conundrum

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    Two largely independent research lines use rhythmic sensory stimulation to study visual processing. Despite the use of strikingly similar experimental paradigms, they differ crucially in their notion of the stimulus-driven periodic brain responses: one regards them mostly as synchronized (entrained) intrinsic brain rhythms; the other assumes they are predominantly evoked responses [classically termed steady-state responses (SSRs)] that add to the ongoing brain activity. This conceptual difference can produce contradictory predictions about, and interpretations of, experimental outcomes. The effect of spatial attention on brain rhythms in the alpha band (8–13 Hz) is one such instance: alpha-range SSRs have typically been found to increase in power when participants focus their spatial attention on laterally presented stimuli, in line with a gain control of the visual evoked response. In nearly identical experiments, retinotopic decreases in entrained alpha-band power have been reported, in line with the inhibitory function of intrinsic alpha. Here we reconcile these contradictory findings by showing that they result from a small but far-reaching difference between two common approaches to EEG spectral decomposition. In a new analysis of previously published human EEG data, recorded during bilateral rhythmic visual stimulation, we find the typical SSR gain effect when emphasizing stimulus-locked neural activity and the typical retinotopic alpha suppression when focusing on ongoing rhythms. These opposite but parallel effects suggest that spatial attention may bias the neural processing of dynamic visual stimulation via two complementary neural mechanisms

    Analytical methods and experimental approaches for electrophysiological studies of brain oscillations

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    Brain oscillations are increasingly the subject of electrophysiological studies probing their role in the functioning and dysfunction of the human brain. In recent years this research area has seen rapid and significant changes in the experimental approaches and analysis methods. This article reviews these developments and provides a structured overview of experimental approaches, spectral analysis techniques and methods to establish relationships between brain oscillations and behaviour

    On natural attunement:Shared rhythms between the brain and the environment

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    Rhythms exist both in the embodied brain and the built environment. Becoming attuned to the rhythms of the environment, such as repetitive columns, can greatly affect perception. Here, we explore how the built environment affects human cognition and behavior through the concept of natural attunement, often resulting from the coordination of a person's sensory and motor systems with the rhythmic elements of the environment. We argue that the built environment should not be reduced to mere states, representations, and single variables but instead be considered a bundle of highly related continuous signals with which we can resonate. Resonance and entrainment are dynamic processes observed when intrinsic frequencies of the oscillatory brain are influenced by the oscillations of an external signal. This allows visual rhythmic stimulations of the environment to affect the brain and body through neural entrainment, cross-frequency coupling, and phase resetting. We review how real-world architectural settings can affect neural dynamics, cognitive processes, and behavior in people, suggesting the crucial role of everyday rhythms in the brain-body-environment relationship

    Evoked responses to rhythmic visual stimulation vary across sources of intrinsic alpha activity in humans

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    Rhythmic flickering visual stimulation produces steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Based on electrode-level analyses, two dichotomous models of the underpinning mechanisms leading to SSVEP generation have been proposed: entrainment or superposition, i.e., phase-alignment or independence of endogenous brain oscillations from flicker-induced oscillations, respectively. Electrode-level analyses, however, represent an averaged view of underlying ‘source-level’ activity, at which variability in SSVEPs may lie, possibly suggesting the co-existence of multiple mechanisms. To probe this idea, we investigated the variability of SSVEPs derived from the sources underpinning scalp EEG responses during presentation of a flickering radial checkerboard. Flicker was presented between 6 and 12 Hz in 1 Hz steps, and at individual alpha frequency (IAF i.e., the dominant frequency of endogenous alpha oscillatory activity). We tested whether sources of endogenous alpha activity could be dissociated according to evoked responses to different flicker frequencies relative to IAF. Occipitoparietal sources were identified by temporal independent component analysis, maximal resting-state alpha power at IAF and source localisation. The pattern of SSVEPs to rhythmic flicker relative to IAF was estimated by correlation coefficients, describing the correlation between the peak-to-peak amplitude of the SSVEP and the absolute distance of the flicker frequency from IAF across flicker conditions. We observed extreme variability in correlation coefficients across sources, ranging from −0.84 to 0.93, with sources showing largely different coefficients co-existing within subjects. This result demonstrates variation in evoked responses to flicker across sources of endogenous alpha oscillatory activity. Data support the idea of multiple SSVEP mechanisms

    No changes in parieto-occipital alpha during neural phase locking to visual quasi-periodic theta-, alpha-, and beta-band stimulation

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    Recent studies have probed the role of the parieto‐occipital alpha rhythm (8 – 12 Hz) in human visual perception through attempts to drive its neural generators. To that end, paradigms have used high‐intensity strictly‐periodic visual stimulation that created strong predictions about future stimulus occurrences and repeatedly demonstrated perceptual consequences in line with an entrainment of parieto‐occipital alpha. Our study, in turn, examined the case of alpha entrainment by non‐predictive low‐intensity quasi‐periodic visual stimulation within theta‐ (4 – 7 Hz), alpha‐ (8 – 13 Hz) and beta (14 – 20 Hz) frequency bands, i.e. a class of stimuli that resemble the temporal characteristics of naturally occurring visual input more closely. We have previously reported substantial neural phase‐locking in EEG recording during all three stimulation conditions. Here, we studied to what extent this phase‐locking reflected an entrainment of intrinsic alpha rhythms in the same dataset. Specifically, we tested whether quasi‐periodic visual stimulation affected several properties of parieto‐occipital alpha generators. Speaking against an entrainment of intrinsic alpha rhythms by non‐predictive low‐intensity quasi‐periodic visual stimulation, we found none of these properties to show differences between stimulation frequency bands. In particular, alpha band generators did not show increased sensitivity to alpha band stimulation and Bayesian inference corroborated evidence against an influence of stimulation frequency. Our results set boundary conditions for when and how to expect effects of entrainment of alpha generators and suggest that the parieto‐occipital alpha rhythm may be more inert to external influences than previously thought

    The Evolution of Rhythm Processing

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    Behavioral and brain rhythms in the millisecond-to-second range are central in human music, speech, and movement. A comparative approach can further our understanding of the evolution of rhythm processing by identifying behavioral and neural similarities and differences across cognitive domains and across animal species. We provide an overview of research into rhythm cognition in music, speech, and animal communication. Rhythm has received considerable attention within each individual field, but to date, little integration. This review article on rhythm processing incorporates and extends existing ideas on temporal processing in speech and music and offers suggestions about the neural, biological, and evolutionary bases of human abilities in these domains
