17 research outputs found

    Funny in animated films and literature: what the russian children laugh at

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    The humor is an important element of culture, reflects features of national consciousness and attitude, it is the means of reconciliation, settlement and preservation of social values, an indicator of intellectual and emotional development. An objective of this research was identification of representations of the Russian younger school students about comic on material of such cultural texts as animated films and works of fiction. 174 Russian school students of elementary school (92 boys and 82 girls) at the age of 9-11 years participated in a research. At the first investigation phase it was revealed what works and movies are selected by younger school students as Funny. At the second stage of school students asked to remember and tell Funny episodes from these works of fiction and television cartoon serials. The qualitative analysis of data allowed to reveal actions and situations which school students describe as Funny (frequency of their occurrence is specified): transformation (19%); violation of norms, also governed (15%); behavior of the hero (14%); speech games (14%); figurative discrepancy (10%); falling (9%); interaction (9%); logical discrepancies (8%); violations of physiological type (2%). The conducted research allows claiming that laughter in system of culture is a criterion of a ratio of acts of the individual with requirements of society: a large number of Funny situations with violation of social norms were allocated by school students. Relationship of children with adults is defined by culture; peers and laughter as its phenomenon participates in this process. Preferences in the choice of a comic plot are reflected by the level of informative, emotional, speech development, and an indicator of creativity of the school student. Results of a research can be used in the educational purposes, when forming cultural identity of the Russian school students, for development of informative and emotional spheres of children. Keywords: humor, culture, animated films, works of art, younger school students, contentanalysis

    Asu Mare (la trilogĂ­a): Aportes de la direcciĂłn de arte a su narrativa fĂ­lmica

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    El cine peruano está creciendo y con el crece el arte visual. La dirección de arte es una representación visual con mucho valor para la narrativa de una película. Es por eso que en este trabajo de investigación busco ver como los elementos de la dirección de arte, tal como; la paleta de color, el vestuario, la utilería, la escenografía y locaciones, ayudan al aporte narrativo de una película. Las películas ha analizar será la trilogía de Asu Mare, siendo de las películas más taquilleras en el Perú pero, al mismo tiempo, también siendo una película duramente criticada por falta de valor visual. Se podrá ver como los distintos elementos de la dirección de arte demuestran de manera sutil los sentimientos en lo que el personaje principal Cachin se encuentra en determinadas situaciones. Tambien ayudaran a demostrar el tiempo narrativo durante las películas. Ayudaran a notar las diferencias entre sectores socioeconómicos en la capital, Lima. Busco demostrar el valor narrativo de la dirección de arte a través de ejemplos exitosos en el cine peruano.The contribution of production design elements on the visual narrative of the trilogy of Asu Mare. Peruvian film industry is increasing and so is the visual arts in it. Production design is a visual representation with a lot of value on the narrative of a movie. That’s why on this investigation I’ll try to show how production design element such as, colour pallet, wardrobe, props, stage design and location, help on the narrative side of a movie. The movies that are going to be analyse are going to be the 3 movies form the trilogy of Asu Mare, being part of the most viewed movies in Peru but also being criticized hardly because of lack of visual value. You could see how the elements inside the production design shows in a subtle way how the principal character is feeling in certain situations. It will also help to demonstrate the narrative time during the movies. Also it will show the difference on the socioeconomic groups of the capital, Lima. I help to demonstrate de narrative value of production design through successful examples on Peruvian films.Trabajo de investigació

    The Role of Humor in Startup Success: The Mediating Role of Team Performance

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    Entrepreneurial ventures have high rates of failure in converting an idea to a business. We seek to understand the role of humor to sustain ventures. Research shows us that humor plays a critical role in team performance. A strong team can overcome the initial hiccups of a startup and increase the chances of success. This study benchmarks the level of humor, then does an intervention of a “humor training session,” and measures its effects. We theorize that there will be an increase in team performance due to stress reduction, which will lead to a likelihood of survival of the startup

    Dissecting the types and functions of religious humor in Nasreddin Hoja short-stories

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    Humor is a significant element in funny stories. This study aims to analyze the types and functions of humor in selected Nasreddin’s short stories from the book Nasreddin’s Funniest Stories (2011) by Yusup Priyasudiarja and Y. Sri Purwaningsih. By using the descriptive qualitative method, the study adopts textual analysis to examine the materials. Based on the analysis result, the types of humor applied in the stories are that joke, sarcasm, satire, replies to rhetorical question, clever replies, and double entendres. However, these writings lack some other typical types of spontaneous conversational humor used in short stories’ texts: puns and self-deprecation. Meanwhile, unintentional humor is also not found in the Nasreddin short stories because it is raised from the speaker’s misspellings, mispronunciations, errors in logic, and Freudian slips. Further reading shows that the underlying usage of humor in these stories is for social management: to control and mediate readers

    Humour processing in frontotemporal lobar degeneration: A behavioural and neuroanatomical analysis.

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    Humour is a complex cognitive and emotional construct that is vulnerable in neurodegenerative diseases, notably the frontotemporal lobar degenerations. However, humour processing in these diseases has been little studied. Here we assessed humour processing in patients with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (n = 22, mean age 67 years, four female) and semantic dementia (n = 11, mean age 67 years, five female) relative to healthy individuals (n = 21, mean age 66 years, 11 female), using a joint cognitive and neuroanatomical approach. We created a novel neuropsychological test requiring a decision about the humorous intent of nonverbal cartoons, in which we manipulated orthogonally humour content and familiarity of depicted scenarios. Structural neuroanatomical correlates of humour detection were assessed using voxel-based morphometry. Assessing performance in a signal detection framework and after adjusting for standard measures of cognitive function, both patient groups showed impaired accuracy of humour detection in familiar and novel scenarios relative to healthy older controls (p < .001). Patient groups showed similar overall performance profiles; however the behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia group alone showed a significant advantage for detection of humour in familiar relative to novel scenarios (p = .045), suggesting that the behavioural variant syndrome may lead to particular difficulty decoding novel situations for humour, while semantic dementia produces a more general deficit of humour detection that extends to stock comedic situations. Humour detection accuracy was associated with grey matter volume in a distributed network including temporo-parietal junctional and anterior superior temporal cortices, with predominantly left-sided correlates of processing humour in familiar scenarios and right-sided correlates of processing novel humour. The findings quantify deficits of core cognitive operations underpinning humour processing in frontotemporal lobar degenerations and suggest a candidate brain substrate in cortical hub regions processing incongruity and semantic associations. Humour is a promising candidate tool with which to assess complex social signal processing in neurodegenerative disease

    Laugh and Learn: Evaluating from Students’ Perspective of Humor Used in English Class

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    Laughter is an easily reachable way that can be used to erase barriers of communication for educational purposes. The purpose of this paper is to seek out students’ perception of humor added in teaching English and how that humor influenced students’ engagement in English classroom activity. This study employs research instrument of questionnaire and observation concepts through qualitative design. There are 78 students of multi-background: gender, level of intelligence and social background as research participants. These backgroundsareintended to obtain objective perception of the students. The findings revealed that the majority of students believed the teacher’s humor could prevent them from feeling stress of learning English, develop a better relationship between teacher and students, help them remember and understand the lesson, encourage them to be more active in the classroom and ease them in learning English. However there are some obstacles to overcome during humor application that apparently the English teachers need to build a good relationship and mutual trust with students and understand students’ interests, likes and dislikes prior to applying humor, so that the humor would be more likely to be welcomed and it would not cause emotional and psychological impact such as bullying and etc for the students

    Neural circuit of verbal humor comprehension in schizophrenia : an fMRI study

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    Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit problems with understanding the figurative meaning of language. This study evaluates neural correlates of diminished humor comprehension observed in schizophrenia. The study included chronic schizophrenia (SCH) outpatients (n = 20), and sex, age and education level matched healthy controls (n = 20). The fMRI punchline based humor comprehension task consisted of 60 stories of which 20 had funny, 20 nonsensical and 20 neutral (not funny) punchlines. After the punchlines were presented, the participants were asked to indicate whether the story was comprehensible and how funny it was. Three contrasts were analyzed in both groups reflecting stages of humor processing: abstract vs neutral stories - incongruity detection; funny vs abstract - incongruity resolution and elaboration; and funny vs neutral - complete humor processing. Additionally, parametric modulation analysis was performed using both subjective ratings separately. Between-group comparisons revealed that the SCH subjects had attenuated activation in the right posterior superior temporal gyrus (BA 41) in case of irresolvable incongruity processing of nonsensical puns; in the left dorsomedial middle and superior frontal gyri (BA 8/9) in case of incongruity resolution and elaboration processing of funny puns; and in the interhemispheric dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24) in case of complete processing of funny puns. Additionally, during comprehensibility ratings the SCH group showed a suppressed activity in the left dorsomedial middle and superior frontal gyri (BA 8/9) and revealed weaker activation during funniness ratings in the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24). Interestingly, these differences in the SCH group were accompanied behaviorally by a protraction of time in both types of rating responses and by indicating funny punchlines less comprehensible. Summarizing, our results indicate neural substrates of humor comprehension processing impairments in schizophrenia, which is accompanied by fronto-temporal hypoactivation

    Service amid crisis: the role of supervisor humor and discretionary organizational support

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    PurposeThis paper aims to study the effects of widespread stress and uncertainty that is characteristic of organizational crises on service employees and to explore the extent to which organizations may proactively use supervisors’ positive humor and discretionary organizational support that goes above and beyond service employee expectations to mitigate the pandemic’s negative impact on work engagement.Design/methodology/approachCross-sequential survey-based data was collected from 172 service employees during the height of the pandemic to assess service employees’ perceptions of both their supervisors’ use of positive humor and their employers’ discretionary organizational support in response to the emotion-laden stress and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. PROCESS analysis was used to test the hypotheses and to conduct supplementary analyses.FindingsResults suggest employee perceptions of supervisors’ use of positive humor positively impact dimensions of work engagement at Time 1. This engagement then positively impacts extra-role behavior, innovativeness and pride at Time 2. The impact from supervisor humor to the outcomes is fully mediated through work engagement. From a moderation perspective, discretionary organizational support was shown as a substitute for creating work engagement at low levels of supervisor humor suggesting that the two “resource builders” can act as substitutes in creating engagement.Originality/valueThis paper provides unique insights into both the valuable role of positive workplace humor for service workers’ work engagement during times of widespread crisis and the moderating role discretionary organizational support plays when perceptions of humor are relatively low. Moreover, the supplemental examination of the multidimensional work engagement construct as a mediator between humor and the service outcomes of extra-role behavior, innovativeness and organizational pride provides unique insights into how a crisis context may deferentially affect the experience and implications of engagement for other service worker outcomes. Understanding the proactive, ameliorative role in service effectiveness played by supervisor humor and discretionary organizational support during crises is an emerging question for service research

    Research results applied to the field of health: how experience impacts the classroom and society

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    The Health Sciences Faculty of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira has been advancing in the generation of new knowledge and has explored various fields of knowledge. This book presents four pieces of research that have a lot to do with new trends, both in the training of human talent in health, and in the way in which knowledge and technology are applied to solutions to context problems. In this case, it is important to mention the role that high-fidelity clinical simulation has been gaining in the training processes of our students, more specifically the use of theater and the “standardized patients” strategy, in the promotion of professional criteria. The positive impact of a focused training is evident, both in the conceptual development of the individual, and in the appropriation of his role as an agent of social change. The theater promotes an intentional interaction with which knowledge, skills and attitudes can be explored in a medical training process. Likewise, theater has been used as a useful tool in the introduction of therapeutic elements in hospital spaces, such as pediatric, oncology or mental health wards, promoting various ways of interacting with medical staff, or exploring personal aspects. that can improve the clinical evolution of patients. Clinical simulation also contemplates a series of technological elements that, when used for educational purposes, can also promote performance analysis of cognitive, technical, and dexterity skills. This is the case of the clinical simulation put to the service of a CPR skills analysis project, in which, through sensors and performance variables such as force, pressure or response time, they can account for advances in CPR training processes, both for university communities and for health professionals.PregradoCONTENT Introduction ....................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER ONE Project Jai Kazhirua: Actors for clinical simulation .......................................................9 Julio César Sánchez Naranjo, Heidy Yicel Mesa Arenas and Andrés Felipe Ramírez Herrera CHAPTER TWO Implementation of a flipped classroom methodology in the medical physiology course in the Faculty of Health Sciences ...................................................31 Julio César Sánchez Naranjo, Diego Fernando López Zapata, Óscar Alonso Pinzón Duque, Andrés Mauricio García Cuevas, Martha Doris Morales Medina and Samuel Eduardo Trujillo Henao CHAPTER THREE SANAR RIENDO (HEALING LAUGHTER): humor therapy for pediatric hospitalized patients.................................................................................53 Julio César Sánchez Naranjo, Heidy Yicel Mesa Arenas and Andrés Felipe Ramírez Herrera CHAPTER FOUR CPR performance characteristics of emergency teams in the city of Pereira, Colombia .....................................................................................................77 Giovanni García Castro, Yamileth Estrada Berrio, Johana Andrea Méndez Timaná, and Sandra Milena Bedoya Gaviri