186 research outputs found

    Heuristic and Exact Algorithms for the Two-Machine Just in Time Job Shop Scheduling Problem

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    The problem addressed in this paper is the two-machine job shop scheduling problem when the objective is to minimize the total earliness and tardiness from a common due date (CDD) for a set of jobs when their weights equal 1 (unweighted problem). This objective became very significant after the introduction of the Just in Time manufacturing approach. A procedure to determine whether the CDD is restricted or unrestricted is developed and a semirestricted CDD is defined. Algorithms are introduced to find the optimal solution when the CDD is unrestricted and semirestricted. When the CDD is restricted, which is a much harder problem, a heuristic algorithms proposed to find approximate solutions. Through computational experiments, the heuristic algorithms\u27 performance is evaluated with problems up to 500 jobs

    Fast approximation schemes for Boolean programming and scheduling problems related to positive convex Half-Product

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    We address a version of the Half-Product Problem and its restricted variant with a linear knapsack constraint. For these minimization problems of Boolean programming, we focus on the development of fully polynomial-time approximation schemes with running times that depend quadratically on the number of variables. Applications to various single machine scheduling problems are reported: minimizing the total weighted flow time with controllable processing times, minimizing the makespan with controllable release dates, minimizing the total weighted flow time for two models of scheduling with rejection

    Predictive/reactive scheduling with controllable processing times and earliness-tardiness penalties

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    In this study, a machine scheduling problem with controllable processing times in a parallel-machine environment is considered. The objectives are the minimization of manufacturing cost, which is a convex function of processing time, and total weighted earliness and tardiness. It is assumed that parts have job-dependent earliness and tardiness penalties and distinct due dates, and idle time is allowed. The problem is formulated as a time-indexed integer programming model with discrete processing time alternatives for each part. A linear-relaxation-based algorithm is used to assign the parts to the machines and to find a sequence on each machine. A non-linear programming model is proposed to find the optimal starting and processing times of the parts for a given sequence. The proposed non-linear programming model is converted to a minimum-cost network flow model by piecewise linearization of the convex manufacturing cost in the objective function. The proposed method is used to find initial schedules in predictive scheduling. The proposed models are revised to incorporate a stability measure for reacting to unexpected disruptions such as machine breakdown, arrival of a new job, delay in the arrival or the shortage of materials in reactive scheduling

    Hybrid genetic algorithm to minimize scheduling cost with unequal and job dependent earliness tardiness cost

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    [EN] This article presents two combinatorial genetic algorithms (GA), unequal earliness tardiness-GA (UET-GA) and job-dependent earliness tardiness-GA (JDET-GA) for the single-machine scheduling problem to minimize earliness tardiness (ET) cost. The sequence of jobs produced in basic UET and JDET as a chromosome is added to the random population of GA. The best sequence from each epoch is also injected as a population member in the subsequent epoch. The proposed improvement seeks to achieve convergence in less time to search for an optimal solution. Although the GA has been implemented very successfully on many different types of optimization problems, it has been learnt that the algorithm has a search ability difficulty that makes computations NP-hard for types of optimization problems, such as permutation-based optimization problems. The use of a plain random population initialization results in this flaw. To reinforce the random population initialization, the proposed enhancement is utilized to obtain convergence and find a promising solution. The cost is further significantly lowered offering the due date as a decision variable with JDET-GA. Multiple tests were run on well-known single-machine benchmark examples to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methodology, and the results are displayed by comparing them with the fundamental UET and JDET approaches with a notable improvement in cost reduction.Bari, P.; Karande, P.; Bag, V. (2024). Hybrid genetic algorithm to minimize scheduling cost with unequal and job dependent earliness tardiness cost. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 12(1):19-30. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2024.19277193012

    A fast FPTAS for single machine scheduling problem of minimizing total weighted earliness and tardiness about a large common due date

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    We address the single machine scheduling problem to minimize the total weighted earliness and tardiness about a nonrestrictive common due date. This is a basic problem with applications to the just-in-time manufacturing. The problem is linked to a Boolean programming problem with a quadratic objective function, known as the half-product. An approach to developing a fast fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the problem is identified and implemented. The running time matches the best known running time for an FPTAS for minimizing a half-product with no additive constan

    Single CNC machine scheduling with controllable processing times and multiple due dates

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    In this study, we solve the single CNC machine scheduling problem with controllable processing times. Our objective is to maximize the total profit that is composed of the revenue generated by the set of scheduled jobs minus the sum of total weighted earliness and weighted tardiness, tooling and machining costs. Customers offer multiple due dates to the manufacturer, each coming with a distinct price for the order that is decreasing as the date gets later, and the manufacturer has the flexibility to accept or reject the orders. We propose a number of ranking rules and scheduling algorithms that we employ in a four-stage heuristic algorithm that determines the processing times for each job and a final schedule for the accepted jobs simultaneously, to maximize the overall profit

    Cyclic scheduling of perishable products in parallel machine with release dates, due dates and deadlines

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    This paper deals with a realistic cyclic scheduling problem in the food industry environment in which parallel machines are considered to process perishable jobs with given release dates, due dates and deadlines. Jobs are subject to post-production shelf life limitation and must be delivered to retailers during the corresponding time window bounded by due dates and deadlines. Both early and tardy jobs are penalized by partial weighted earliness/tardiness functions and the overall problem is to provide a cyclic schedule of minimum cost. A mixed integer programming model is proposed and a heuristic solution beside an iterated greedy algorithm is developed to generate good and feasible solutions for the problem. The proposed MIP, heuristic and iterated greedy produce a series of solutions covering a wide range of cases from slow optimal solutions to quick and approximated schedules.Ruben Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under the project "RESULT - Realistic Extended Scheduling Using Light Techniques" with reference DPI2012-36243-C02-01 co-financed by the European Union and FEDER funds and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, for the project MRPIV with reference PAID/2012/202.Shirvani, N.; Ruiz García, R.; Shadrokh, S. (2014). Cyclic scheduling of perishable products in parallel machine with release dates, due dates and deadlines. International Journal of Production Economics. 156:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.04.013S11215

    Group Scheduling in a Cellular Manufacturing Shop to Minimise Total Tardiness and nT: a Comparative Genetic Algorithm and Mathematical Modelling Approach

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    In this paper, family and job scheduling in a cellular manufacturing shop is addressed where jobs have individual due dates. The objectives are to minimise total tardiness and the number of tardy jobs. Family splitting among cells is allowed but job splitting is not. Two optimisation methods are employed in order to solve this problem, namely mathematical modelling (MM) and genetic algorithm (GA). The results showed that GA found the optimal solution for most of the problems with high frequency. Furthermore, the proposed GA is efficient compared to the MM especially for larger problems in terms of execution times. Other critical aspects of the problem such as family preemption only, impact of family splitting on common due date scenarios and dual objective scenarios are also solved. In short, the proposed comparative approach provides critical insights for the group scheduling problem in a cellular manufacturing shop with distinctive cases