13 research outputs found

    Learning Dynamic Robot-to-Human Object Handover from Human Feedback

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    Object handover is a basic, but essential capability for robots interacting with humans in many applications, e.g., caring for the elderly and assisting workers in manufacturing workshops. It appears deceptively simple, as humans perform object handover almost flawlessly. The success of humans, however, belies the complexity of object handover as collaborative physical interaction between two agents with limited communication. This paper presents a learning algorithm for dynamic object handover, for example, when a robot hands over water bottles to marathon runners passing by the water station. We formulate the problem as contextual policy search, in which the robot learns object handover by interacting with the human. A key challenge here is to learn the latent reward of the handover task under noisy human feedback. Preliminary experiments show that the robot learns to hand over a water bottle naturally and that it adapts to the dynamics of human motion. One challenge for the future is to combine the model-free learning algorithm with a model-based planning approach and enable the robot to adapt over human preferences and object characteristics, such as shape, weight, and surface texture.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR) 201

    Goal Set Inverse Optimal Control and Iterative Re-planning for Predicting Human Reaching Motions in Shared Workspaces

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    To enable safe and efficient human-robot collaboration in shared workspaces it is important for the robot to predict how a human will move when performing a task. While predicting human motion for tasks not known a priori is very challenging, we argue that single-arm reaching motions for known tasks in collaborative settings (which are especially relevant for manufacturing) are indeed predictable. Two hypotheses underlie our approach for predicting such motions: First, that the trajectory the human performs is optimal with respect to an unknown cost function, and second, that human adaptation to their partner's motion can be captured well through iterative re-planning with the above cost function. The key to our approach is thus to learn a cost function which "explains" the motion of the human. To do this, we gather example trajectories from pairs of participants performing a collaborative assembly task using motion capture. We then use Inverse Optimal Control to learn a cost function from these trajectories. Finally, we predict reaching motions from the human's current configuration to a task-space goal region by iteratively re-planning a trajectory using the learned cost function. Our planning algorithm is based on the trajectory optimizer STOMP, it plans for a 23 DoF human kinematic model and accounts for the presence of a moving collaborator and obstacles in the environment. Our results suggest that in most cases, our method outperforms baseline methods when predicting motions. We also show that our method outperforms baselines for predicting human motion when a human and a robot share the workspace.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted for publication IEEE Transaction on Robotics 201

    Interação humano-robô para a transferência de objetos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaRobots come into physical contact with humans under a variety of circumstances to perform useful work. This thesis has the ambitious aim of contriving a solution that leads to a simple case of physical human-robot interaction, an object transfer task. Firstly, this work presents a review of the current research within the field of Human-Robot Interaction, where two approaches are distinguished, but simultaneously required: a pre-contact approximation and an interaction by contact. Further, to achieve the proposed objectives, this dissertation addresses a possible answer to three major problems: (1) The robot control to perform the inherent movements of the transfer assignment, (2) the human-robot pre interaction and (3) the interaction by contact. The capabilities of a 3D sensor and force/tactile sensors are explored in order to prepare the robot to handover an object and to control the robot gripper actions, correspondingly. The complete software development is supported by the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework. Finally, some experimental tests are conducted to validate the proposed solutions and to evaluate the system's performance. A possible transfer task is achieved, even if some refinements, improvements and extensions are required to improve the solution performance and range.Os robôs entram em contacto físico com os humanos sob uma variedade de circunstâncias para realizar trabalho útil. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma solução que permita um caso simples de interação física humano-robô, uma tarefa de transferência de objetos. Inicialmente, este trabalho apresenta uma revisão da pesquisa corrente na área da interação humano-robô, onde duas abordagens são distinguíveis, mas simultaneamente necessárias: uma aproximação pré-contacto e uma interação pós-contacto. Seguindo esta linha de pensamento, para atingir os objetivos propostos, esta dissertação procura dar resposta a três grandes problemas: (1) O controlo do robô para que este desempenhe os movimentos inerentes á tarefa de transferência, (2) a pré-interação humano-robô e (3) a interação por contacto. As capacidades de um sensor 3D e de sensores de força são exploradas com o objetivo de preparar o robô para a transferência e de controlar as ações da garra robótica, correspondentemente. O desenvolvimento de arquitetura software é suportado pela estrutura Robot Operating System (ROS). Finalmente, alguns testes experimentais são realizados para validar as soluções propostas e para avaliar o desempenho do sistema. Uma possível transferência de objetos é alcançada, mesmo que sejam necessários alguns refinamentos, melhorias e extensões para melhorar o desempenho e abrangência da solução

    Artificial Cognition for Social Human-Robot Interaction: An Implementation

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    © 2017 The Authors Human–Robot Interaction challenges Artificial Intelligence in many regards: dynamic, partially unknown environments that were not originally designed for robots; a broad variety of situations with rich semantics to understand and interpret; physical interactions with humans that requires fine, low-latency yet socially acceptable control strategies; natural and multi-modal communication which mandates common-sense knowledge and the representation of possibly divergent mental models. This article is an attempt to characterise these challenges and to exhibit a set of key decisional issues that need to be addressed for a cognitive robot to successfully share space and tasks with a human. We identify first the needed individual and collaborative cognitive skills: geometric reasoning and situation assessment based on perspective-taking and affordance analysis; acquisition and representation of knowledge models for multiple agents (humans and robots, with their specificities); situated, natural and multi-modal dialogue; human-aware task planning; human–robot joint task achievement. The article discusses each of these abilities, presents working implementations, and shows how they combine in a coherent and original deliberative architecture for human–robot interaction. Supported by experimental results, we eventually show how explicit knowledge management, both symbolic and geometric, proves to be instrumental to richer and more natural human–robot interactions by pushing for pervasive, human-level semantics within the robot's deliberative system

    Object Handovers: a Review for Robotics

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    This article surveys the literature on human-robot object handovers. A handover is a collaborative joint action where an agent, the giver, gives an object to another agent, the receiver. The physical exchange starts when the receiver first contacts the object held by the giver and ends when the giver fully releases the object to the receiver. However, important cognitive and physical processes begin before the physical exchange, including initiating implicit agreement with respect to the location and timing of the exchange. From this perspective, we structure our review into the two main phases delimited by the aforementioned events: 1) a pre-handover phase, and 2) the physical exchange. We focus our analysis on the two actors (giver and receiver) and report the state of the art of robotic givers (robot-to-human handovers) and the robotic receivers (human-to-robot handovers). We report a comprehensive list of qualitative and quantitative metrics commonly used to assess the interaction. While focusing our review on the cognitive level (e.g., prediction, perception, motion planning, learning) and the physical level (e.g., motion, grasping, grip release) of the handover, we briefly discuss also the concepts of safety, social context, and ergonomics. We compare the behaviours displayed during human-to-human handovers to the state of the art of robotic assistants, and identify the major areas of improvement for robotic assistants to reach performance comparable to human interactions. Finally, we propose a minimal set of metrics that should be used in order to enable a fair comparison among the approaches.Comment: Review paper, 19 page

    Development of a methodology for the human-robot interaction based on vision systems for collaborative robotics

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    Human-aware space sharing and navigation for an interactive robot

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    Les méthodes de planification de mouvements robotiques se sont développées à un rythme accéléré ces dernières années. L'accent a principalement été mis sur le fait de rendre les robots plus efficaces, plus sécurisés et plus rapides à réagir à des situations imprévisibles. En conséquence, nous assistons de plus en plus à l'introduction des robots de service dans notre vie quotidienne, en particulier dans les lieux publics tels que les musées, les centres commerciaux et les aéroports. Tandis qu'un robot de service mobile se déplace dans l'environnement humain, il est important de prendre en compte l'effet de son comportement sur les personnes qu'il croise ou avec lesquelles il interagit. Nous ne les voyons pas comme de simples machines, mais comme des agents sociaux et nous nous attendons à ce qu'ils se comportent de manière similaire à l'homme en suivant les normes sociétales comme des règles. Ceci a créé de nouveaux défis et a ouvert de nouvelles directions de recherche pour concevoir des algorithmes de commande de robot, qui fournissent des comportements de robot acceptables, lisibles et proactifs. Cette thèse propose une méthode coopérative basée sur l'optimisation pour la planification de trajectoire et la navigation du robot avec des contraintes sociales intégrées pour assurer des mouvements de robots prudents, conscients de la présence de l'être humain et prévisibles. La trajectoire du robot est ajustée dynamiquement et continuellement pour satisfaire ces contraintes sociales. Pour ce faire, nous traitons la trajectoire du robot comme une bande élastique (une construction mathématique représentant la trajectoire du robot comme une série de positions et une différence de temps entre ces positions) qui peut être déformée (dans l'espace et dans le temps) par le processus d'optimisation pour respecter les contraintes données. De plus, le robot prédit aussi les trajectoires humaines plausibles dans la même zone d'exploitation en traitant les chemins humains aussi comme des bandes élastiques. Ce système nous permet d'optimiser les trajectoires des robots non seulement pour le moment présent, mais aussi pour l'interaction entière qui se produit lorsque les humains et les robots se croisent les uns les autres. Nous avons réalisé un ensemble d'expériences avec des situations interactives humains-robots qui se produisent dans la vie de tous les jours telles que traverser un couloir, passer par une porte et se croiser sur de grands espaces ouverts. La méthode de planification coopérative proposée se compare favorablement à d'autres schémas de planification de la navigation à la pointe de la technique. Nous avons augmenté le comportement de navigation du robot avec un mouvement synchronisé et réactif de sa tête. Cela permet au robot de regarder où il va et occasionnellement de détourner son regard vers les personnes voisines pour montrer que le robot va éviter toute collision possible avec eux comme prévu par le planificateur. À tout moment, le robot pondère les multiples critères selon le contexte social et décide de ce vers quoi il devrait porter le regard. Grâce à une étude utilisateur en ligne, nous avons montré que ce mécanisme de regard complète efficacement le comportement de navigation ce qui améliore la lisibilité des actions du robot. Enfin, nous avons intégré notre schéma de navigation avec un système de supervision plus large qui peut générer conjointement des comportements du robot standard tel que l'approche d'une personne et l'adaptation de la vitesse du robot selon le groupe de personnes que le robot guide dans des scénarios d'aéroport ou de musée.The methods of robotic movement planning have grown at an accelerated pace in recent years. The emphasis has mainly been on making robots more efficient, safer and react faster to unpredictable situations. As a result we are witnessing more and more service robots introduced in our everyday lives, especially in public places such as museums, shopping malls and airports. While a mobile service robot moves in a human environment, it leaves an innate effect on people about its demeanor. We do not see them as mere machines but as social agents and expect them to behave humanly by following societal norms and rules. This has created new challenges and opened new research avenues for designing robot control algorithms that deliver human-acceptable, legible and proactive robot behaviors. This thesis proposes a optimization-based cooperative method for trajectoryplanning and navigation with in-built social constraints for keeping robot motions safe, human-aware and predictable. The robot trajectory is dynamically and continuously adjusted to satisfy these social constraints. To do so, we treat the robot trajectory as an elastic band (a mathematical construct representing the robot path as a series of poses and time-difference between those poses) which can be deformed (both in space and time) by the optimization process to respect given constraints. Moreover, we also predict plausible human trajectories in the same operating area by treating human paths also as elastic bands. This scheme allows us to optimize the robot trajectories not only for the current moment but for the entire interaction that happens when humans and robot cross each other's paths. We carried out a set of experiments with canonical human-robot interactive situations that happen in our everyday lives such as crossing a hallway, passing through a door and intersecting paths on wide open spaces. The proposed cooperative planning method compares favorably against other stat-of-the-art human-aware navigation planning schemes. We have augmented robot navigation behavior with synchronized and responsive movements of the robot head, making the robot look where it is going and occasionally diverting its gaze towards nearby people to acknowledge that robot will avoid any possible collision with them. At any given moment the robot weighs multiple criteria according to the social context and decides where it should turn its gaze. Through an online user study we have shown that such gazing mechanism effectively complements the navigation behavior and it improves legibility of the robot actions. Finally, we have integrated our navigation scheme with a broader supervision system which can jointly generate normative robot behaviors such as approaching a person and adapting the robot speed according to a group of people who the robot guides in airports or museums

    Sharing effort in planning human-robot handover tasks

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    International audienceFor a versatile human-assisting mobile-manipulating robot such as the PR2, handing over objects to humans in possibly cluttered workspaces is a key capability. In this paper we investigate the motion planning of handovers while accounting for the human mobility. We treat the human motion as part of the planning problem thus enabling to find broader type of handing strategies. We formalize the problem and propose an algorithmic solution taking into account the HRI constraints induced by the human receiver presence. Simulation results with the PR2 robot illustrate the efficacy of the approach