1,190 research outputs found

    The glosses of the Symbola Heroica by Salomon Neugebauer: I. Biographical and literary profile

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo ofrece, en esta primera parte, un perfil biográfico y literario del escritor prusiano Salomon Neugebauer (¿ca. 1574 - † 1625?); proponemos la actual ciudad checa de Kadaň (lat. Cadānum; alem. Kaaden) como su localidad natal, y esbozamos la estructura de las glosas (subscriptio) de sus Symbola heroica.[Abstract] This work offers, in this first part, a biographical and literary profile of the Prussian writer Salomon Neugebauer (ca. 1574 - † 1625?); we propose the current Czech city of Kadaň (lat. Cadānum; germ. Kaaden) as his native town, and we outline the structure of the glosses (subscriptio) of his Symbola heroica.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; FFI2015-65779-

    Adsorption and desorption of hydrogen at nonpolar GaN(1-100) surfaces: Kinetics and impact on surface vibrational and electronic properties

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    The adsorption of hydrogen at nonpolar GaN(1-100) surfaces and its impact on the electronic and vibrational properties is investigated using surface electron spectroscopy in combination with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. For the surface mediated dissociation of H2 and the subsequent adsorption of H, an energy barrier of 0.55 eV has to be overcome. The calculated kinetic surface phase diagram indicates that the reaction is kinetically hindered at low pressures and low temperatures. At higher temperatures ab-initio thermodynamics show, that the H-free surface is energetically favored. To validate these theoretical predictions experiments at room temperature and under ultrahigh vacuum conditions were performed. They reveal that molecular hydrogen does not dissociatively adsorb at the GaN(1-100) surface. Only activated atomic hydrogen atoms attach to the surface. At temperatures above 820 K, the attached hydrogen gets desorbed. The adsorbed hydrogen atoms saturate the dangling bonds of the gallium and nitrogen surface atoms and result in an inversion of the Ga-N surface dimer buckling. The signatures of the Ga-H and N-H vibrational modes on the H-covered surface have experimentally been identified and are in good agreement with the DFT calculations of the surface phonon modes. Both theory and experiment show that H adsorption results in a removal of occupied and unoccupied intragap electron states of the clean GaN(1-100) surface and a reduction of the surface upward band bending by 0.4 eV. The latter mechanism largely reduces surface electron depletion

    First principles characterization of reversible martensitic transformations

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    Reversible martensitic transformations (MTs) are the origin of many fascinating phenomena, including the famous shape memory effect. In this work, we present a fully ab initio procedure to characterize MTs in alloys and to assess their reversibility. Specifically, we employ ab initio molecular dynamics data to parametrize a Landau expansion for the free energy of the MT. This analytical expansion makes it possible to determine the stability of the high- and low-temperature phases, to obtain the Ehrenfest order of the MT, and to quantify its free energy barrier and latent heat. We apply our model to the high-temperature shape memory alloy Ti-Ta, for which we observe remarkably small values for the metastability region (the interval of temperatures in which the high-and low-temperature phases are metastable) and for the barrier: these small values are necessary conditions for the reversibility of MTs and distinguish shape memory alloys from other materials

    Prediction of the diffuse far infrared flux from the galactic plane

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    A basic model and simple numerical relations useful for future far infrared studies of the galaxy are presented. Making use of recent CO and other galactic surveys, the diffuse far infrared flux distribution from the galactic plane as a function of galactic longitude alternate theta for 4 deg or = alternate theta or = 90 and the far infrared emissivity as a function of galactocentric distance is predicted. Future measurements of the galactic far infrared flux would yield valuable information on the physical properties and distribution of dust and molecular clouds in the galaxy, particularly the inner region

    Electron Transfer Reaction Through an Adsorbed Layer

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    We consider electron transfer from a redox to an electrode through and adsorbed intermediate. The formalism is developed to cover all regimes of coverage factor, from lone adsorbate to monolayer regime. The randomness in the distribution of adsorbates is handled using coherent potential approximation. We give current-overpotential profile for all coverage regimes. We explictly analyse the low and high coverage regimes by supplementing with DOS profile for adsorbate in both weakly coupled and strongly coupled sector. The prominence of bonding and anti-bonding states in the strongly coupled adsorbates at low coverage gives rise to saddle point behaviour in current-overpotential profile. We were able to recover the marcus inverted region at low coverage and the traditional direct electron transfer behaviour at high coverage

    O ‘przymiotach towarzyszy albo kierowników’ wyjazdów edukacyjnych młodzieży w epoce nowożytnej – w świetle literatury apodemicznej i wskazówek rodzicielskich

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    From the beginning of the 16th to the end of the 18th century, the custom of sending young people for broadly understood educational purposes was practiced throughout Europe. In travels, which sometimes lasted several years, young peregrins were accompanied by a smaller or larger, depending on the financial capabilities and rank of the family, retinue. The most important role among the people who made up this procession was the maiordomus or preceptor. In a sense, he took over parental functions during the journey. The article discusses the features and permissions of such a guardian, using for this purpose sources related to traveling.The article is based on two types of sources. The first is apodemic treatises, the second: parental instructions written for young people and their carers setting out to study from home. Apodemics are general guidelines, while instructions are specific to particular individuals and peregrinations. In the first case, treatises written by Teodor Zwinger, Samuel Neugebauer, Richard Lassels and Piotr Mieszkowski were used to show what the theoretical views on the role of supervisor were, the features that he should be characterized. The second uses the recommendations found in the instructions written by Krzysztof Radziwiłł, Jakub Sobieski, Piotr Myszkowski, Stanisław Jabłonowski, Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski, Anna Radziwiłłowa née Sanguszków, and Wacław Rzewuski..Both types of sources emphasized the importance of the role of a supervisor a young person was entrusted to. The parents' task was primarily to choose the right man and instruct their son to obey him.Od początku XVI do końca XVIII stulecia zwyczaj wysyłania młodych ludzi w szeroko rozumianych celach edukacyjnych występował na terenie całej prawie Europy. W trwających nieraz kilka lat podróżach młodym peregrynantom towarzyszył mniejszy lub większy, w zależności od możliwości finansowych i rangi rodziny, orszak. Najważniejszą rolę wśród osób wchodzących w skład tego orszaku stanowił ochmistrz lub preceptor. To on na czas podróży w pewnym sensie przejmował funkcje rodzicielskie.Podstawą artykułu są dwa rodzaje źródeł. Pierwszy to traktaty apodemiczne, drugi rodzicielskie wskazówki pisane dla wyruszających na nauki z domu młodych ludzi i ich opiekunów. Apodemiki mają charakter ogólnych wskazówek, instrukcje zaś indywidualnych zaleceń dotyczących konkretnych osób i peregrynacji. W pierwszym przypadku sięgnięto do traktatów napisanych przez Teodora Zwingera, Samuela Neugebauera, Richarda Lasselsa oraz Piotra Mieszkowskiego by pokazać jakie były teoretyczne zapatrywania na rolę opiekuna, cechy jakimi powinien się charakteryzować. W drugim wykorzystano zalecenia zawarte w instrukcjach napisanych przez Krzysztofa Radziwiłł, Jakuba Sobieskiego, Piotra Myszkowskiego, Stanisława Jabłonowskiego, Stanisława Herakliusza Lubomirskiego, Anny z Sanguszków Radziwiłłowej, Wacława Rzewuskiego.Zarówno jeden, jak i drugi rodzaj źródeł podkreślał jak istotna jest rola opiekuna, któremu powierzano młodego człowieka. Zadaniem rodziców był przede wszystkim wybór odpowiedniego człowieka i nakazanie synowi posłuszeństwa względem niego

    A Theoretical Challenge: Transition-Metal Compounds

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    Quantum chemistry meets one of its greatest challenges in the field of transition-metal compounds capable of fascinating chemical transformations. Complicated electronic structure and interesting chemistry are intimately connected, and the theoretical elucidation of such molecular processes requires computational procedures that are both feasible and accurate. In this review we elaborate on our recent work in the field

    Valuing a healthy start to life

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    How should governments make effective use of research that examines the costs of a ‘less than healthy’ start to life? Are there any ‘free efficiency lunches’ to be had by improving intervention processes in early childhood health and education? On the surface at least, health and education are prime areas for improved efficiency gains because of the large amounts of public money spent and the potential to create substantial public value. . Chris Nixon is a Senior Research Economist at the New Zealand Institute for Economic Research