218 research outputs found

    Service quality monitoring in confined spaces through mining Twitter data

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    Promoting public transport depends on adapting effective tools for concurrent monitoring of perceived service quality. Social media feeds, in general, provide an opportunity to ubiquitously look for service quality events, but when applied to confined geographic area such as a transport node, the sparsity of concurrent social media data leads to two major challenges. Both the limited number of social media messages--leading to biased machine-learning--and the capturing of bursty events in the study period considerably reduce the effectiveness of general event detection methods. In contrast to previous work and to face these challenges, this paper presents a hybrid solution based on a novel fine-tuned BERT language model and aspect-based sentiment analysis. BERT enables extracting aspects from a limited context, where traditional methods such as topic modeling and word embedding fail. Moreover, leveraging aspect-based sentiment analysis improves the sensitivity of event detection. Finally, the efficacy of event detection is further improved by proposing a statistical approach to combine frequency-based and sentiment-based solutions. Experiments on a real-world case study demonstrate that the proposed solution improves the effectiveness of event detection compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    On the use of multi-sensor digital traces to discover spatio-temporal human behavioral patterns

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    134 p.La tecnología ya es parte de nuestras vidas y cada vez que interactuamos con ella, ya sea en una llamada telefónica, al realizar un pago con tarjeta de crédito o nuestra actividad en redes sociales, se almacenan trazas digitales. En esta tesis nos interesan aquellas trazas digitales que también registran la geolocalización de las personas al momento de realizar sus actividades diarias. Esta información nos permite conocer cómo las personas interactúan con la ciudad, algo muy valioso en planificación urbana,gestión de tráfico, políticas publicas e incluso para tomar acciones preventivas frente a desastres naturales.Esta tesis tiene por objetivo estudiar patrones de comportamiento humano a partir de trazas digitales. Para ello se utilizan tres conjuntos de datos masivos que registran la actividad de usuarios anonimizados en cuanto a llamados telefónicos, compras en tarjetas de crédito y actividad en redes sociales (check-ins,imágenes, comentarios y tweets). Se propone una metodología que permite extraer patrones de comportamiento humano usando modelos de semántica latente, Latent Dirichlet Allocation y DynamicTopis Models. El primero para detectar patrones espaciales y el segundo para detectar patrones espaciotemporales. Adicionalmente, se propone un conjunto de métricas para contar con un métodoobjetivo de evaluación de patrones obtenidos

    Tracking physical events on social media

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    Social media platforms have emerged as the widely accessed form of communication channel on the world wide web in the modern day. The first ever social networking website came into existence in the year 2002 and currently there are about 2.08 billion social media users around the globe. The participation of users within a social network can be considered as an act of sensing where they are interacting with the physical world and recording the corresponding observations in the form of texts, pictures, videos, etc. This phenomenon is termed as Social Sensing and motivates us to develop robust techniques which can estimate the physical state from the human observations. This dissertation addresses a set of problems related to detection and tracking of real-world events. The term ‘event’ refers to an entity that can be characterized by spatial and temporal properties. With the help of these properties we design novel mathematical models that help us with our goals. We first focus on a simple event detection technique using ‘Twitter’ as the source of information. The method described in this work allow us to perform detection in a completely language independent and unsupervised fashion. We next extend the event detection problem to a different type of social media, ‘Instagram’, which allows users to share pictorial information of nearby observations. With the availability of geotagged data we solve two different subproblems - the first one is to detect and geolocalize the instance of an event and the second one is to estimate the path taken by an event during its course. The next problem we look at is related to improving the quality of event localization with the help of text and metadata information. Twitter, in general, has less volume of geotagged data available in comparison to Instagram, which demands us to design methods that explore the supplementary information available from the detected events. Finally, we take a look at both the social networks at the same time in order to utilize the complementary advantages and perform better than the methods designed for the individual networks

    A New Picture of the City: Volunteered Geographic Image Information and the Cities

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    The urbanisation process continuously influences human life, causing long-term challenges for the planning and management of urban areas. In recent years, with the emergence of new forms of data and advances in techniques, the ways of managing and governing this process have evolved and formed a new research field: urban analytics. A growing number of human behaviours can be traced through quantities of data, which enables attributes of the urban environment to be managed more efficiently, potentially beneficial to complex decision-making processes by stakeholders. As such, how to extract useful information from new data and provide more suitable methods requires careful consideration. The question of how human activity relates to the built environment has been an important topic in the sensing of cities. Existing ways to perceive the city either focus on environmental aspects that cover historical, social, or cultural dimensions of urban space through surveys, interviews, or mobility data (e.g., social media data), or extract visible features from georeferenced images to gain perceptions of the city. However, both approaches are often disconnected and lack dynamic consideration. The main aim of this thesis is to address these challenges and gaps within urban analytics. It develops a methodological framework to leverage user-generated geotagged images and modern analytical techniques to obtain insights. Such framework is designed to mine spatial, temporal and image attributes of the Flickr images, which combines multiple dimensions including spatiotemporal dynamic analysis, computer vision models, summary statistics, and varying machine learning algorithms that allow understanding of human interactions with the built environment. The overall analysis and results enrich our current understanding of how user-generated urban pictures represent but also shape the city. This is especially important given the growing popularity of volunteered geographic information and urban analytics over the last decade. Their rapid growth has facilitated debates worldwide, but there is still a large potential of volunteered geographic information such as geotagged image information which has been underestimated in most circumstances. The findings presented in this thesis offer richer evidence that aims to help the improvement of strategic planning systems, and empowering policymakers to make smarter decisions in terms of urban governance

    Exploring urban visitors' mobilities. A multi-method approach

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral sorgeix de la necessitat d’aprofundir en el coneixement de les mobilitats dels visitants, entendre les decisions que configuren el seu comportament espacio-temporal i identificar i explorar els efectes que les seves mobilitats tenen sobre les destinacions urbanes. La tesi es desenvolupa entorn a quatre objectius específics que s’emmarquen en l’àmbit de recerca relacionat amb el seguiment de l’activitat dels visitants en destinacions turístiques urbanes. Cadascun d’aquests objectius es desenvolupa en cadascun dels articles científics que conformen aquesta tesi doctoral, publicats tots ells en revistes de revisió per parells. El primer article es proposa com a objectiu identificar els factors, relacionats amb el perfil socioeconòmic dels turistes i amb les característiques de la seva estada, que determinen la selecció d’opcions de transport i mobilitat sostenible per moure’s per la destinació urbana. El segon article pretén analitzar i comprendre com afecta el comportament espacio-temporal dels turistes en els seus patrons de consum econòmic i, per tant, en la generació d’ingressos per a l’economia local. El tercer article es proposa analitzar la influència de l’espai urbà sobre la forma en què els visitants es desplacen per la destinació. I finalment, el quart article té per objectiu reconstruir trajectòries i/o fluxos espacio-temporals a partir de dades geolocalitzades de les xarxes socials per tal de detectar patrons de mobilitat dels visitants de destinacions urbanes. Les fonts de dades i els mètodes utilitzats per complir amb els objectius de partida són diverses. En aquest sentit, la tesi aporta també una àmplia radiografia dels pros i les contres de les diferents fonts de dades disponibles per a l’anàlisi de les mobilitats dels visitants en destinacions turístiques.Esta tesis doctoral surge de la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento de las movilidades de los visitantes,entender las decisiones que configuran su comportamiento espaciotemporal e identificar y explorar los efectos que sus movilidades tienen sobre los destinos urbanos. La tesis se desarrolla en torno a cuatro objetivos específicos que se enmarcan en el ámbito de investigación de seguimiento de visitantes, y que se desarrollan en cada uno de los artículos científicos, publicados todos ellos en revistas de revisión por pares, que conforman esta tesis. El primer artículo se propone como objetivo identificar los factores, relacionados con el perfil socioeconómicos de los turistas y con las características de su estancia, que determinan la selección de opciones de transporte y movilidad sostenible para moverse por el destino urbano. El segundo artículo pretende analizar y comprender cómo afecta el comportamiento espaciotemporal de los turistas en sus patrones de consumo económico y, por tanto, en la generación de ingresos para la economía local. El tercer artículo se propone analizar la influencia del espacio urbano sobre la forma en que los visitantes se desplazan por el destino. Y finalmente, el cuarto artículo tiene por objetivo reconstruir trayectorias y / o flujos espaciotemporales a partir de datos geolocalizados de las redes sociales para detectar patrones de movilidad de los visitantes de destinos urbanos. Las fuentes de datos y los métodos utilizados para cumplir con los objetivos de partida son diversos. En este sentido, la tesis aporta también una amplia radiografía de los pros y contras de las diferentes fuentes de datos disponibles para el análisis de las movilidades de los visitantes en destinos turísticos.This dissertation arises from the need to deepen the knowledge of the mobility of visitors, understand the decisions that shape their spatiotemporal behaviour and identify and explore the effects that their mobility has on urban destinations. The thesis is developed around four specific objectives that fall within the scope of visitor tracking research, and that are developed in each of the scientific articles, all of them published in peer-reviewed journals, that make up this thesis. The first article aims to identify the factors, related to the socioeconomic profile of tourists and the characteristics of their stay, that determine the selection of sustainable transport and mobility options to move within the urban destination. The second article aims to analyse and understand how the visitors’ spatiotemporal behaviour affects their patterns of economic consumption and, therefore, the generation of income for the local economy. The third article aims to analyse the influence of the built environment on the visitors’ mobilities at destination. And finally, the fourth article aims to reconstruct trajectories and / or spatiotemporal flows from geolocated data obtained from social networks in order to detect visitors’ mobility patterns at urban destinations. The data sources and methods used to meet the objectives are multiple. In this sense, the thesis also provides an extensive x-ray of the pros and cons of the different data sources available for the analysis of visitors’ mobilities in tourist destinations

    Web Data Extraction, Applications and Techniques: A Survey

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    Web Data Extraction is an important problem that has been studied by means of different scientific tools and in a broad range of applications. Many approaches to extracting data from the Web have been designed to solve specific problems and operate in ad-hoc domains. Other approaches, instead, heavily reuse techniques and algorithms developed in the field of Information Extraction. This survey aims at providing a structured and comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of Web Data Extraction. We provided a simple classification framework in which existing Web Data Extraction applications are grouped into two main classes, namely applications at the Enterprise level and at the Social Web level. At the Enterprise level, Web Data Extraction techniques emerge as a key tool to perform data analysis in Business and Competitive Intelligence systems as well as for business process re-engineering. At the Social Web level, Web Data Extraction techniques allow to gather a large amount of structured data continuously generated and disseminated by Web 2.0, Social Media and Online Social Network users and this offers unprecedented opportunities to analyze human behavior at a very large scale. We discuss also the potential of cross-fertilization, i.e., on the possibility of re-using Web Data Extraction techniques originally designed to work in a given domain, in other domains.Comment: Knowledge-based System

    Shinsō gakushū ni yoru afōdaburu āban konpyūtingu jitsugen ni muketa kenkyū

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    Fusing Multimedia Data Into Dynamic Virtual Environments

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    In spite of the dramatic growth of virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) technology, content creation for immersive and dynamic virtual environments remains a significant challenge. In this dissertation, we present our research in fusing multimedia data, including text, photos, panoramas, and multi-view videos, to create rich and compelling virtual environments. First, we present Social Street View, which renders geo-tagged social media in its natural geo-spatial context provided by 360° panoramas. Our system takes into account visual saliency and uses maximal Poisson-disc placement with spatiotemporal filters to render social multimedia in an immersive setting. We also present a novel GPU-driven pipeline for saliency computation in 360° panoramas using spherical harmonics (SH). Our spherical residual model can be applied to virtual cinematography in 360° videos. We further present Geollery, a mixed-reality platform to render an interactive mirrored world in real time with three-dimensional (3D) buildings, user-generated content, and geo-tagged social media. Our user study has identified several use cases for these systems, including immersive social storytelling, experiencing the culture, and crowd-sourced tourism. We next present Video Fields, a web-based interactive system to create, calibrate, and render dynamic videos overlaid on 3D scenes. Our system renders dynamic entities from multiple videos, using early and deferred texture sampling. Video Fields can be used for immersive surveillance in virtual environments. Furthermore, we present VRSurus and ARCrypt projects to explore the applications of gestures recognition, haptic feedback, and visual cryptography for virtual and augmented reality. Finally, we present our work on Montage4D, a real-time system for seamlessly fusing multi-view video textures with dynamic meshes. We use geodesics on meshes with view-dependent rendering to mitigate spatial occlusion seams while maintaining temporal consistency. Our experiments show significant enhancement in rendering quality, especially for salient regions such as faces. We believe that Social Street View, Geollery, Video Fields, and Montage4D will greatly facilitate several applications such as virtual tourism, immersive telepresence, and remote education